Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Series One


The Beginning of the Doctor

The night was alive, busy with the energy of 1960's London. A light drizzle rained down on the streets while members of the Human race walked briskly home under the protection of umbrellas and coats. This was the planet Earth, a small and largely unimportant world in a solar system commonly referred to as the 'Milky Way'; and it's dominant race are Humans - a rapidly advancing life form slowly mastering use of the land and tools about them. Many other creatures live on the planet, predator and prey, with legs and wings, large and small.

On the 23rd of November, 1963, an unidentified space-time machine - highly advanced, far ahead of technology Humans couldn't even dream of - hurtled towards the Earth at unimaginable speeds, the machine flailing about and sparking with disaster inside. It was down to chance that, just a few days before, in terms of Earth's time relevance, that a spaceship had landed in the same city in the same country as the one the space-time machine was heading for. Each spacecraft carried but one passenger, which races had met each other in the past, but not these two personally. From the spaceship came a Allornian, an advanced reptilian race - huge and bulky, but very peaceful and tough to anger in their way. This Allornian, Al'Klin Havenachi, was an ambassador of sorts - visiting different inhabited planets and studying among them while teaching them of his own people and customs. He had a wide range of technology to communicate with each race and for them to do so back, and more amazing things besides. Al'Klin was at the prime of his life, travelling the Universe, after studying and learning for years before, whether alone or not. He had travelled with his wife, Flora, and they bore a child to the world that took off on the same path that Al'Klin did over a century ago. After that, fate drove Al'Klin and Flora apart, though she did not perish, and the sturdy Allornian took off from his homeworld to travel. This was how the being in the space-time machine, a Time Lord - and commonly known as the Doctor, found him.

The Doctor himself, had not been called by this name yet, and while he had expertise in a wide array of Doctor's tasks, he was not specified to just one. Surprisingly, and perhaps most importantly - this man called the Doctor was a renegade from his own people, and probably the most unique one you can find, as after his own academical studies and just before the Doctor was to take up a repetitious life common to the people of Gallifrey and its masters the Time Lords, this man stole a space-time machine that was the pinnacle of the Time Lords technological advancement and fled the planet and it's people - leaving behind such friends and family that he had (if indeed he had any).
The reasons for this are unknown to all but the Doctor himself, and it would be extremely rare that the Doctor would even speak of his past before his escape, and would intend to take it to his final resting place.
The space-time machine he possessed, which later would be named the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimensions in Space), was at that point unreachable in building by any other race in the Universe, and the Time Lords themselves held precious little of them. This made the Doctor a very powerful man, and he made many enemies and friends along the way - captivating and tempting all those who beheld the wonder of the machine.
However, during the Doctor's escape from Gallifrey, this machine was the one that was currently unfinished, and the Time Lord did not have the chance to pick between the few that were available to him. Therefore, this TARDIS's first flight was manic and dangerous, with machinery exploding and sparks shaking the interior. Several key properties of the TARDIS were broken in that flight, as they were when the Doctor crash-landed on Earth.

Fortunately, there was a property of the TARDIS, that was not broken, that allowed the machine to land safely on earth, calmly and subtly, as even thought the TARDIS was near indestructible, it could still be hurtled into a bottomless sea and never recovered. In this way, the machine materialised in a back alley in the outer suburbs of London, surrounded on three sides by wet brick walls and leading onto the dankly lit street.
The chameleon circuit of the TARDIS worked, just this once, so that the machine materialised in disguise, as a common public police box - blue and distinct, that became an infamous sign of hope for many in the future. Inside, the sparks lessened and things stopped exploding for a time, apart from the chameleon circuit output, which shortly after the landing fizzled and cracked until it could not be recovered.
"Well, isn't that just perfect." Exclaimed the Doctor in annoyance, in the language that most Gallifreyans used and was slightly similar to the language of English, of Earth. It did not matter, however, as the vocal translator machine that Al'Klin had was also possessed by the Time Lord, as that piece of technology was almost considered primate by the Doctor's people. The man himself, was emboldened in appearance, with a distinct and adventurous look, of the same body as Humans had.

The Doctor was of an average size, and not overly broad. His legs were very slightly longer that the length of his waist to his neck. His hands were normal size, although his feet were a tad oversized. His skin colour was a common peach, hardly tanned but not pale, and this was the colour of his lips also. His hair was a dusky black, swept back over the back of his head to reach the top of his neck, and swept across along his forehead. His eyes were the most captivating part of him, as they almost seemed to capture the very essence of the time vortex, being a blinding blue that seemed to twist and swirl deep and forever. His nose was curved downwards, and ran the length from the middle of his ears to just below them. The Doctor had a fantastic set of facial hair, with thin sideburns curving down and ending, then a trimmed and neat moustache above his lip, matched by a triangular strip of a beard below his lip. He wore a pale red garb, worn usually by the Time Lords, that stood out greatly among the jeans and shirts of most Humans for a time.

This being now stepped out of the blue police box in the alley in London of the United Kingdom of Earth, and acquainted himself with the surroundings. The rain was still hammering down on the cold night, where not far away the aforementioned Allornian was at his spaceship, preparing to meet with the inhabitants of Earth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Al'Klin got up from the chair. his landing was much smoother than the doctor's, but he still suffered some damage landing. The landing gear malfunctioned, and the ship hit down harder than he would have liked. A few blips sound out as glyphs that no human would recognize show across a monitor, and a voice said what translates to this "Main hull has taken light damage, and the thrusters are offline for self-maintenance." The reptilian alien sighs in annoyance at this. He just got done repairing that landing gear for the fifth time this week. He puts a decorative robe over his skinsuit, and presses a button on the wall. A door slides open and hissing sounds are heard as the cabin depressurizes and the oxygen-heavier air leaks in. He takes in a deep breathe when he walks out. He squints into the sky, brighter than his darker ship. Drops of water fell onto his robe, sliding off of it. He takes out a small device from the ship, and attaches it to his wrist. He starts attaching more things to his body. Various little devices to help him on his travels, and a small energy blaster, just in case he needs to protect himself. He taps his wrist, and a watch-looking device shows up. He brings it up to his mouth, his thin scaly arms going to his belt to put the blaster there. "IRIS, specify location." A holographic image of the planet shows up before his eyes, and a voice chirps up. "This is planet Earth, home of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens, or Humans, as they call themselves. Mostly at a primitive level of technology, they recently created nuclear weaponry." Al'Klin nods slightly, and the device renders itself invisible again. The door to his ship closes, and it also cloaks itself. He seemed to have landed in a rural area of some sort, as rows of plants and a fence were close by. He walks over to the plants, and says "Identify." The voice chirps up again. "This is a plant known as Tobacco. It is used mainly as a sort of relief. The humans will dry it out and roll it in pieces of paper so it is a cylinder, and light it, inhaling the smoke by putting the unlit end into their mouth." He nods sharply again, and walks toward where his navigation unit says is a large population zone.
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