Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icicle
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icicle The Cold-Hearted

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Having no inclination to stop, Flake continued to motionlessly lie on his bedding, pretending to sleep. He peeked over to see Raine take half of the food back to her bed, then resumed his act. One would say that it was a waste of time, but the bounty hunter had a child-like curiosity to see what Raine would do provided he was still sleeping. He couldn’t hear her doing anything beside crunching on stale bread and quietly drinking soup, so he decided to keep his eyes closed and practice visualizing the room some more.

After a few minutes, he noticed that her eating sounds had stopped and that she was silent. Instead of peeking over at her immediately, he waited a few seconds, then slowly opened his left eye just a crack to see the lady crawling over to the food tray. He closed his eye once more, fighting the urge to grin as he thought of something witty to say, but halted himself as he heard the door which slammed earlier open up once again, fairly noisily as well.

From the door came a guard who looked quite heavily hung-over, with dark rings around his eyes, a slumped figure, and a steady groan emitted from his person. The guard looked over as he passed to see the traitor girl reaching for food, then looked over to see an empty bowl on her own bedding. His expression turned angry, his voice loud and ferocious as he shouted, “you conniving gundygut! I’ll teach ye’ a lesson ‘r two about stealin!” as he energetically fumbled through his keys.

“Stealing?” Flake questioned, keeping his eyes closed as he spoke, “she was just bringing me my food.” The guard, unable to think clearly, stopped for a moment to look over at the other guy in the cell. His anger turned to confusion over a few seconds, then he rattled out curses and continued on his way towards the stairs, mentioning “thieves” and “mudlark bitches” as he dizzily stumbled up the steps.

The bounty hunter remained silent and motionless until the guard was long gone, then looked over at Raine with a wry expression and probingly asked, “so? Are you going to eat that or not?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The bread was merely inches from her lips when the guard suddenly came down stairs, looking like hell. Hm, I guess they got wine while we had water. She thought with a slight smirk then turned her attention back to the bread, though she flinched slightly as the man began to yell at her, saying that he would teach her a lesson for stealing. They were in an enclosed space and his loud voice echoed painfully off the stone walls. "Technically, I was permanently borrowing it." The assassin commented slyly and made no effort to moved from her spot by the tray but the man's attention seemed to turn towards Flake as the supposedly sleeping male spoke. Raine didn't mind as he seemed to get the guy to go away somehow and it was only then that Flake finally addressed her directly.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Raine replied with a smirk before tossing the bread to him, watching as it landed on the bed beside Flake. "You know, that guy saved your breakfast. Any longer and the bread would've been mine." Slowly, she stood up from the floor so she could retrieve her own bowl and spoon and place it back on the tray. The assassin then settled back down on her bed, sighing softly as she did so. "I was kinda hoping he would come in here so I could teach him a lesson myself but I don't think he would've have been able to find the key..." She hadn't had a good fight in over 24 hours and Raine was getting bored, to say the least, sitting in the cell, thinking about things she didn't want to think about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icicle
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icicle The Cold-Hearted

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That sounds much more familiar Flake thought regarding Raine’s response to his question. He lazily caught the bread after she threw it at him, but set it back down on the floor. As she continued talking, Flake got up, walked over to the tray of food and carried the soup and water back to his bedding, setting it down next to the bread before sitting down once again. Unlike the previous night, he was no longer dizzy, although he was still unable to breath out of his nose due to dried blood. As Raine continued to speak, he quickly downed his soup and looked over at her. As he watched her speak, he was certain that she was disappointed with the result of the previous interaction.

“You sound like you wanted to get beat up,” he commented, tossing the empty bowl back at the tray before reaching for the water, “want some help with that?” He downed his water much faster than the soup, almost in one gulp, then grabbed his bread and stood up, kicking the cup towards the door. He doubted she would have lost any of her capacity to fight, but it was another opportunity to ask her questions. In his plain tunic and trousers, having been beaten up the previous day, he had lost a significant advantage, but he had also gained a huge advantage by dropping off all of that weight. After taking a bite of bread, he picked up the tray of dishes and carried it over to the door, lazily dropping it there as he continued to eat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"As much as I would love to have you pummel me until my face swells up, I'll have to pass....my food needs to settle first." Another smirk formed on her face and Raine turned her head so that she could watch Flake. He seemed to be just fine, despite coming into the cell bloody and sore the night before. Either he was a fast healer or he was great at hiding his pain...though Raine believed the later to be true. However, as she continued to watch him, Raine found herself wanting more and more to find out if he was truly okay though, instead of asking him directly, the assassin decided that she would take up on his previous offer.

Slowly, she used her foot to gently slide her cup of water closer to her so that she could reach down and pick it up. Raine then made quick work of draining the liquid from inside then pretended as though she was examining the cup itself before quickly chucking in Flake's direction. She purposely aimed at the area beside his head than directly at him and, when it came into contact with the wall with a loud smack, she smirked. "My food is done settling."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icicle
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icicle The Cold-Hearted

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The bruised bounty hunter acknowledged Raine’s response with a nod of his head as he walked back to his bedding. I wouldn’t mind a few seconds to finish eating either, he thought, eating through the bread. He was used to stale, moldy, and rotton food by that point, however he heard a rumor that burning it after it spoiled ensured that you wouldn’t get sick. He could not care less about getting sick in prison, seeing as he would not remain within the bars for an extended stay. Still, even though the stale bread was not warm or partly burned, he was familiar with the taste, and was able to consume it in its entirety before the assassin managed to throw a cup at him.

The cup came as a surprise to Flake, seeing as he had only just swallowed his last bite and looked up at Raine. As it whizzed by, he felt a few droplets of water hit his cheek and neck. He wiped these droplets off, along with a small bit of dirt, and threw the innocent cup over to the pile of other dishes. Upon hearing Raine’s comment, Flake stood up and tilted his head to both shoulders, resulting in popping sounds in his neck. His bruises steadily became more apparent, both visually for others and painfully for Flake, as faint sunlight from the staircase gradually got stronger. He had nine bruises, mostly on his torso and arms, and could localize them all quite accurately in his mind.

He was not nearly as worried about his nose as an amateur would be. He never fought with head protection, so he was not worried about getting hit in the face. His issue, which he demonstrated by grimacing as he flexed a few muscles in his arms statically as a check, was that he would have to expend more energy in order to nullify the effects of pain completely. That might be a bit much for a friendly skirmish, he thought, his grimace fading as he retorted, “in that case, I guess I’ll help you out.”

Before advancing to initiate combat, the bounty hunter clenched his fists tightly, resulting in more popping noises, and then adopted a stance next to his bedding. The room was larger than Flake’s shack, but that was barely saying anything. He doubted he would be able to get to kicking range after the fight started, so he decided to start off with a kick. Just to be flashy, he thought, leaping towards Raine in two steps, I’ll do this.

Around five feet in front of Raine, Flake dropped to the floor and kicked high, aiming for Raine’s head as he slid. When he stopped moving, he placed both hands right above his shoulders and kicked straight up with his other leg, pressing down with the leg which was already out for momentum. This momentum allowed him to press off of his hands and launch himself backwards in a flip with a slight spinning motion, allowing him to land facing his target on his feet, albeit a bit disoriented. He quickly adopted his lazy forward stance after regaining his composure and brought his left arm in front of his chest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Raine stood to her feet as Flake prepared himself to fight with her, her eyes watching him carefully as he began to approach her. She wasn't sure what he was going to do, but she knew it wouldn't be too extensive since they didn't have much room in the cell and he seemed to still be in a bit of pain from the injuries he received the day before. However, that did not mean Raine would underestimate him, as she knew that he was more than capable of still fighting as he did when she first met him.

Soon enough, Flake made his move and, in an attempt to avoid getting kicked in the face, Raine leaned back and raised an eyebrow as she felt the tip of his shoe graze her nose. She stood back straight once his foot was out of range, though she quickly brought her arms up to defend herself as his leg came up again. Once they were both on their feet again, Raine took up her usual stance: her hands into fists and her feet moving lightly against the floor as she bounced lightly in place. For a moment, she stayed like that, silently weighing her options. The cell wasn't that big, so she couldn't do more than one or two flips of any kind before hitting a bed or the wall. Kicking also required so extra space and the assassin was sure that Flake probably wouldn't allow her to have enough time to move back and prepare for a kick. So her only option seemed to be fighting up close, not like it was much of a problem for Raine.

Without warning, she dashed forward and, once she was close enough, Raine used her right arm to quickly push Flake's left arm out of the way so that she could punch with her left. Whether she made contact or not, the assassin quickly moved back and raised her arms to defend herself, figuring that he would counter in some way before trying her method of attacking once again, figuring that she would hit her mark at least once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icicle
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icicle The Cold-Hearted

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Where the bounty hunter landed was where he stood. He barely moved at all after his maneuver, despite wanting to move quickly to avoid pain. The bruises on his chest seemed to flare up every other second as he waited, each imaginary needle in his side distracting him ever so slightly. He only barely noticed Raine begin moving as she took the offensive, but quickly focused as adrenaline kicked in. He stood his ground as she approached, however he was unnerved by her approach. As she pushed his readied arm to the side, he feigned off to the outside, retreated a step, and snapped his right arm upwards into an overhead block, easily deflecting her attack.

To his surprise, Raine then jumped back. He wanted to take the opportunity to counter attack, but he deemed such an action as “unsafe” because she barely seemed to be trying. When she jumped forward once more, Flake anticipated that she would push his arm out of the way, so he preemptively brought his left arm up to his head with his elbow out and watched her right arm. She pushed his facing hand out of the way, as he expected, then immediately tried another punch. Instead of blocking, Flake side-stepped as Raine punched at him and brought his clenched fist down towards her back, in the same motion as a person who would stab with a knife.

The instant after his attack, he shifted his weight to his right side and snapped his right elbow at Raine’s right shoulder, side-stepping to her right once again. “Don’t treat me like an amateur,” Flake commented, shifting to a left fore-stance with his left arm out and ready. A barely-readable frown showed briefly over his face as he spoke, evidencing his disapproval at her previous attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Flake avoided her attack with ease and made a counter attack of his own, one of which Raine was not able to avoid herself. However, she ignored the stinging on her back and got back into her usual defensive stance--both arms up, hands in fists and her body bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet--saying, "I would do no such thing." She stated, her voice holding no malice nor teasing tones in it. Raine hadn't wanted to do anything that would possibly further his injuries but, as expected, he wouldn't want her to bring light-hearted and simple attacks to the table. Well, if that's what he wants, then fine... The assassin thought with a slight, unnoticeable shrug before suddenly closing the space between her and Flake, leaving a few feet between them. She then spun, using the momentum to also kick towards his face at the same time. The process only took a few seconds and, whether or not she hit him or not, Raine moved back about three feet once both feet were on the ground once more, her arms moving up to defend herself from whatever Flake may throw at her in return. However, she did not wait long in this spot and proceeded forward again, attempting to throw a punch at his face once more while using the other arm to shield herself from his attacks once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icicle
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icicle The Cold-Hearted

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The bounty hunter realized that his arms were very tense after his previous attack as Raine responded to his previous command, but ignored his realization. I’d rather lose form than agility, he thought, his frown gradually melting away as his opponent started to move. At first, Flake lifted his foot up to counter a low-sweep, anticipating that the assassin wouldn’t risk a head-level attack against him. To his brief dismay, his prediction ended up misleading him, however he managed to shift his weight back just in time to avoid her foot.

He spent the next few seconds jumping back up to his feet as Raine mercifully retreated, giving him time to ready himself once more before advancing with another simple punch. This time, Flake anticipated a high attack. At the opportune time, right before she hit him, Flake dropped to a crouch to Raine’s right and kicked low, targeting Raine’s right knee with his left shin to catch her advanced leg.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Flake managed to avoid her attack and counter with his own but as Raine tensed slightly in anticipation of the attack, she was surprised to see Flake suddenly fall to the ground. With wide eyes, the assassin jumped back slightly, thinking that she had done something that had seriously injured him or something when she had wanted to avoid doing something like that. However, the moment was soon over and Flake seemed to be okay again, though he did seem to be a bit embarrassed after his fall. "Hey, can you stand?" Raine asked him with a hint of concern in her voice. If he needed help, then she would try her best but Raine's arms were probably not strong enough to lift a man who couldn't use both of his legs to help her. Those thoughts momentarily went from her mind as a familiar voice echoed throughout the cell.

"While that was quite an impressive fight, it wasn't a wise one." Oruin called from his spot across from the cell. He had been leaning casually against the far wall with a concerned frown on his face. He knew that Flake wasn't in the proper condition to be fighting like that but he was sure the man had his reasons for doing it. His green eyes then glanced over to Raine as she spoke to him. "When did you get in here?" Raine hadn't heard him come in through the door, which made her a bit disappointed in herself. she had been so engrossed in the fight that she had become completely unaware of her surroundings, despite the fact that they were in a locked cell. While she was sure this wouldn't happen if she wasn't in the jail, the assassin made a mental reminder to be more observant, even when fighting. "I came down here only a minute or two ago to check on both of you but it seems that you both are fine...to a certain extent at least." Oruin stated, his eyes glancing over at Flake for a moment before returning to Raine. "Do either or you need any assistance?" His question was mainly for Flake, though Oruin offered it to Raine as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icicle
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icicle The Cold-Hearted

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

”Hey, can you stand?”

The voice sounded very strange to the bounty hunter, as was noted by his expression. His confused expression, however, were not focused on the assassin, but the medic who was watching them from the other side of the cell. That food! God damnit! he thought, his surprise instantly gone, replaced with suspicion, I doubt the medic would…would he? The odd, stiffness in his leg gradually returned as the medic started speaking again, but Flake ignored it as he shuffled over to his bedding. He had felt the ungodly sensation already, so he anticipated the feeling and suppressed it as a drop of sweat rolled down his face.

He was certain that his soup was poisoned. Bounty hunters, assassins, and medics all had at least one thing in common – they were trained in the use of poisons. Sometimes, a poison’s effect can be extremely subtle. The first stages of the plague are usually the same. Nonetheless, these three groups deal with poisons quite often, whether in combat, in an infirmary, or in day to day life. As a result, these three groups are easily able to distinguish between common occurrences such as headaches, and potentially life-threatening symptoms such as head pains and dizziness, despite their similarities.

Some poisons, on the other hand, are exceedingly rare. Only the most wealthy of persons – only the strongest of alchemists – only the best of the best can get their hands on these poisons because of their special, almost universally lethal attributes, and because of how illegal they are. Most of these poisons act so quickly that the only way to survive would be to take the antidote prior to taking the poison. On the other hand, some have a long delay, but progress quite rapidly afterwards.

As the other two spoke, Flake mentally shut off his ears and closed his eyes, thinking as fast as he could. No matter how many possibilities he posed, he could not think fast enough to narrow down the possible range of causes for his symptoms. He could barely focus over the medic as he proposed to offer assistance, so he muted his voice by thinking aloud. “Lower body paralysis, dizziness, loss of balance, hot feeling, scentless, tasteless – Green! The soup was greenish!” It was a very faint green, but as he looked over to the soup bowl he threw by the door, it was an undeniable greenish hue. He had gulped down the soup too quickly to realize his mistake.

Immediately after realizing this, he quickly shot his gaze over to Raine, eyeing her wrists. “You…” he spat, interrupted by violent coughing. I wasn’t watching her! She could have dropped powder... he thought, suddenly stopping himself as his coughing worsened, no, neither of us would be able to sneak poison in here. His eyes then widened as he looked back over to Oruin, controlling his coughing. “N-no! It couldn’t b-be…” He pulled his legs in towards himself, then looked over to the bowl of soup Raine had. From what remained, it was a whitish brown. “He - he c-couldn’t have…” he stammered, starting to shiver where he sat. By this point in time, the bounty hunter could only barely move his legs, and he was totally deaf. A numbness spread through his whole body, dulling the pain from his bruises. By the time it reached his head, his eyes were already closed, and he was unconscious, still seated upright on his bedding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When Flake did not respond to Oruin's question, Raine turned back to look at him, only to realize that he wasn't looking so good...that and he was whispering some things to himself. "Flake...?" She asked with concern. He seemed just fine a few moments ago, what was wrong now? He began coughing so hard that Raine was sure that he would end up upchucking his breakfast. With her concern rising, Raine moved from her current spot and walked over to Flake, who now had his legs pulled up towards himself. By that time, Oruin had also become worried about the man's condition and was unlocking the cell so that he could come in as well. Knowing that he probably knew what was going on, the assassin moved back out of his way, though she ended up kicking Flake's breakfast bowl slightly. Wait a second... Now that she thought about it, Flake had been repeatedly looking over at the bowls as if something was wrong with them. Crouching down, Raine took a closer look at the bowl, only to soon realize what Flake had been mumbling about.

Silently, she stood up, her blue eyes glaring dangerously at Ourin as he got to work with laying Flake down on his back but, before he could touch him anymore, Raine went to his side and shoved him roughly up against the cell door. "Did you poison him?" She demanded coldly, her hands curling tightly into fists. Raine was already calculating where and how hard to hit Oruin if he gave her a stupid answer. While Oruin was tense, he showed no outward fear of Rain as he responded to her rather calmly. "I'll first say that, if it was me who poisoned him, I would have not made a rookie move of giving the wrong dose to the wrong person." That was all he said before slowly moving from in front of Raine and walking back over to Flake. "Since that poison was actually for you, he receive just enough poison to almost kill him, but not quite completely kill him, if that makes since." Oruin explained as he felt for a pulse and found one, but it was very weak, just almost non existent. "While I'm not completely sure of the type of poison that was used, I know that it will be a slow process for his body to get rid of the poison." Raine frowned deeply at this newfound information. "How long do you think he'll be out like this?" "Approximately three days, at least." That seemed like a long time in the assassin's eyes, especially since they've only been in the jail for two days but it has felt like a hundred days.

"But don't worry. We could actually use this to both of your advantages. It could help you escape. The only thing is: you'll have to take some poison too."

At first, Raine was hesitant to go through with the idea, even if it was to help her and Flake escape. Just who in their right mind takes poison willingly? What if the same person that poisoned Flake actually managed to slip it into her breakfast? "Don't worry Raine. I'll be the one giving you the poison and it won't be enough to kill you either." "Then I'll just be like Flake and I won't be able to protect either of us." Oruin sighed as he turned to look at her. "I will be personally escorting your bodies out of here, I won't let anything happen." It took a bit more convincing, but the assassin eventually went along with the idea. And thus, the two began to put their plan into motion.

A few hours later, a male came down holding a tray with two bowls and two cups. "Lunchtime." The assassin muttered as she watched him open the cell for a brief moment so he could slide the tray of food inside. As he stood up to leave, his eyes turned to look over at Flake. "What's wrong with him?" Even though Oruin had managed to make it look like Flake was simply sleeping away, he was still quite pale and deathly still. "Nothing. He felt a bit light headed earlier and decided to take a nap." The assassin lied and watched as the man glanced her way. "I should probably get the medic." Raine shook her head in response. "No, it's fine. He already came to check on him earlier." That part wasn't exactly a lie but it would also ruin the plan if they called Oruin too early. The man looked a bit conflicted at first before finally turning to leave. "Okay, well if he gets worst, let one of us know by dinnertime."

Once he was gone, Raine crouched down and examined the bowls before finding the little "O" that had been carved onto one of the sides. This one has poison that I'm supposed to take in it. She thought to herself as she gently lifted the bowl in her hands. The poison that will set us free... With that thought in mind, she tipped the bowl up and downed the pasty substance as quickly as she could without choking. Afterwards, she drunk both hers and Flake's cup of water before wiping her mouth clean. "Let's do this."

At first, the assassin did not know what to expect. Intense pain? Bleeding? Vomiting? Stomach aches? It was just as torturous having to sit there and wait for the symptoms to come as it was actually having the symptoms themselves. Raine was so busy worrying about it that she almost missed the first signs of the poison's affect: she couldn't feel her legs anymore. Originally, she thought it was because she had been sitting down for so long but as she tried to stand up, her legs gave out from beneath her and Raine fell to the ground hard. "Ow..." The woman mumbled as pain shot up her nose; she'd managed to face plant the ground when she fell and, boy, did it hurt. Raine tried to reach up and check to make sure that her nose wasn't broken but soon found that she couldn't move her arms either. Panic began to set in after that moment. Is this what Flake had to go through? It's a horrible feeling...She thought to herself as a sharp pain pierced her stomach, though she could not even clutch her stomach in pain due to her now useless limbs. Eventually, the pain began to be too much and the assassin ended up passing out on the floor. The last thing that she could remember was the faint sound of footsteps coming down the stairs....


Oruin had a slight smile on his face as he finally entered the area in which the two of them were being held. From the looks of things, everything had gone exactly according to plan. Raine was sprawled out on the ground and Flake was still lying in the same position that he had put the bounty hunter in before. Both looked very dead at the moment. "Now, for the last part of the plan..." the medic mumbled to himself as he went and opened the jail door. The medic strolled over to Raine and slipped a small, folded piece of paper into her shoe, figuring that it was a place that no one would happen to discover the note. It held a brief message from Ourin, a map of the land, and directions on how to get out of the forest and where to find their stuff that he managed to steal from the guards. He then proceeded to exit the area to go and fetch a pair of guards, yelling, "Help! Help! They've been poisoned!" The next hour went by in a blur for Oruin. He had to lead the guards back to the cell and explain to them what had happened. He then spent who knows how long trying to "revive" the two before announcing that there was nothing else that he could do. They were gone. By then, the news of the assassin's and bounty hunter's death had reached the ears of other inmates and, of course, the man in charge of the prison as well. He would no doubt relay the information to Raine's uncle who would only be relieved, but not satisfied. She still had the inheritance papers. He didn't.

Oruin then assisted the guards with transporting the bodies to the site in which they dumped all inmates that died inside in the prison. It was only a thirty minute walk from the prison into the dense forest behind it. It was there in which the guards tossed the two bodies into a pit that was about twelve feet deep and a third filled with actual dead bodies. "May they rest in peace..." Oruin muttered softly after saying a quick prayer. It was only then that he and the guards left, leaving the two to rot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icicle
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icicle The Cold-Hearted

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(Current Date)-2, 0530 hours

As the last grain of sand fell from an hourglass in the corner of his desk, the Captain of the City guard shot to his feet, grabbing his sheathed, over-sized falchion sword from rest against the wall with one hand and fitting his helmet onto his head with his other hand. The man’s armor had been maintained and repaired well since his last encounter with ruffians in the city, a rather bloody riot which resulted from a group of nobles with hidden agendas for terrorism. Drake groaned at the pain in his right shoulder and stretched his arm quickly as he reminisced the dastardly rebels’ faces as a pillar of gunsmoke flew towards him.

Today is the day, Drake thought, briefly unsheathing his giant blade to witness its edge. The warrior received his blade as a gift from his father before he himself became a guard. Upon its hilt, under the extra wraps Drake needed to apply to fit his hands, was an inscription in a foreign language, roughly translating to, “a heavy enough sword for judgment requires a strong enough wielder to stay it.” The edge of the weapon was sharper than an axe, but dull enough so as to maintain its edge under the stresses of prolonged combat. The edge was irrelevant anyways, as Drake’s body size clearly showed.

The giant of a man clambered over to the door of his office, extinguishing a candle next to the door as he went. He was greeted by two semi-awake guards posted at the door to his office, but he hastened to the end of the garrison without a word. As he reached the exit to the garrison, he saluted the guards posted at the entrance and quickly commanded, “open the doors.”

The guards quickly obeyed his orders, reaching for the door handle before the captain even managed to open his mouth, and opened the door for him with a quick, “yes, sir!” They closed the door behind Drake as he left the garrison, then re-fitted the deadbolt so that they could relax for awhile. Drake attempted to soften his footsteps as he rushed through town, but the metal clamored against the cobbled road all the same, attracting the attention of night-time wanderers. Drake fitted the sheath of his falchion over one of his shoulders so that he did not need to carry it with his hands, then sped up his pace, the dark, starless skies above quickening his heart.

The guard Captain rushed to the jail and totally ignored the guards posted at the entrance, immediately rushing into the building without a second thought. He greeted the medic casually as the man passed him by, offering a mere, “mornin’,” as he opened the door to the inquisitor’s station. The Captain then floated over to the inquisitor, who slept at his desk quite lazily, and cleared his throat with a booming cough.

The inquisitor’s eyes flew open and instantly fell on the gargantuan knightly figure towering before him. The inquisitor managed to get to his feet after a struggle, then saluted and asked, “how may I help you at this time of night, sir?” Drake’s hand shot out before the man managed to finish his sentence, but he only spoke after the man had finished, “I would like to see the transfer and aid status of your prisoners.”

The inquisitor saluted and affirmed the captain’s request, then rummaged through the drawer of scrolls which he kept in his desk and pulled out an unsealed scroll. “Here you are sir, last written in an hour ago.” Drake cast a doubting glance at the inquisitor from under his helmet, then opened the scroll and gritted his teeth. To his extreme dismay, the words “deceased from arson,” were inscribed under the status of the two prisoners whom Drake was concerned with. Drake returned the scroll to the inquisitor and declared, “dismissed,” as he speedily walked out of the room.

Immediately after leaving the dungeon, finally dismissing the soldiers stationed at the front, who had been saluting since he entered the dungeon, having not been dismissed or re-saluted, and raced over to the mercenary hall. Drake flung open the large doors with a soft grunt, doing so unusually quickly, and raced over to the bounty boards. After checking the boards, he left the hall, leaving the doors open behind him, and raced over to the High Church of the Nobleman district.

At the church, he was cheerfully greeted by a great multitude of clergymen, enough that he had to carefully weave his way through them in order to get to the priest at the back, who was praying fervently. Drake approached the priest and silently knelt in the middle of the aisle leading up to the altar, bowing his head in prayer as well.

The priest soon recognized the man’s presence and, signing as he ended his prayer, the elderly priest rose from the altar and walked over to the guard. “Rise, ye defender of the faith,” the priest declared, gently tapping Drake’s shoulder to get his attention. Drake rose quickly upon being beckoned, and responded, “Father Simon, I have urgent matters to ask of you regarding the death of two notorious figures in our society,” the man began, looking the priest in the eye as he spoke, his gaze unperceptible behind his helmet.

The priest nodded at his request, once again beckoning for the man to move, this time to follow him. The man of God then sat on one of the pews and gestured for Drake to do the same, which the armored man did, careful not to scratch the wooden pew with his heavy armor. “I understand that these are the same two whom you have referred to when last we met?” the Priest commented, his tone more sharp than curious, with a serious undertone.

Drake nodded and responded with an affirmative statement, to which the Priest sighed and rose, walking over to the altar. He knelt, bowed his head, and prayed briefly, then rose and walked back over to Drake, his face grim. “I was told by the medic of the Gawain cells that two of similar description were buried in a mass grave south of the city. They were poisoned, from what he said, as a result of the acrimony they stirred for themselves. The king, no doubt, will hold a feast day in celebration of their deaths.

The captain stood up, bowed to the priest, and retorted, “the man and lady of whom I spoke are not so easily killed. They may appear dead and buried, but do not be tricked: their strength lay in deception and falsity. Such are the enemies of the state.” The pastor agreed and blessed Drake before setting him off and returning to his prayer.

The captain shot out of the chapel at an alarming speed, heading for the thieves’ guild. The alleyways to the guild were wrought with foul-smelling torches and piles of waste as he made his way deeper into the impoverished section of the city. The guard stopped at the hidden entrance of the guild to look around, ensuring that none of the dastardly bandits pointed weapons at him as he entered, then he pulled a switch hidden in a wooden barrel against a seemingly purposeless cobbled wall, and a loud click sounded within the wall.

Drake then pushed the wall back, and walked into a large room filled with odds and ends. The entrance to the thieves’ guild always held vast quantities of stolen goods, but Drake’s interest in the area was not in the seizure of the goods, but in the cleverness of the guild hall’s location. The Captain of the guard shot through the building’s hallway, moving towards the wall of the city which happened to be set up against the building, and casually hopped down into the tunnel out of the city.

The stone tunnel was covered in dirt and blood, from past failures to successfully leave or enter the city. The tunnel was usually guarded by armed bandits or thieves, those of which wanted to outsmart other bandits or thieves in a futile attempt to become rich and leave the cycle of crime they were stuck within. Drake took a moment to pity the previous owner of the blood on the walls, then ascended the ladder, fought his way through a few bushes, and quickly ran across the open plain, over to the nearby forest.

Once he had reached the cover of the trees, Drake hastily made his way around the castle, going from the South-West side to the South side, searching for large holes full of dead bodies all the while. Drake desired to wipe the sweat off of his brow from underneath his helmet, as he always did, but such an option was not available to him. Drake carried on, out of the sight of the archers posted in the turrets of the castle wall.

When at last he reached the burial site, he began to visually search the different holes, searching for the two familiar faces. After analyzing hundreds of people, Drake finally noticed a familiar patch of hair and jumped down into a pit to find the two slumbering figures lying together with expressions of peace covering their faces. They can’t stay here, or they’ll rot, Drake said, frowning. It took him a few efforts, but he eventually managed to climb out of the pit with both of his comrades on his shoulders.

He then retreated deeper into the forest and searched around, looking for a building. It’s around here somewhere, the Captain of the guard thought, re-adjusting Flake over his right shoulder so as to not catch the man’s gut on the edge of the pauldron on his suit of armor. He finally noticed the log cabin after an hour of searching, and noticed the glint of the first rays of sunlight barely weaving through the vast collection of trees. The officer walked closer to the cabin, and was pleasantly surprised to see it in the same condition as he had left it.

Drake unlocked the padlock on the door and made his way into the cabin, then re-locked the door behind himself. He took the two to a downstairs section, so that the possibility of being burned alive was not optional, and set them down on straw mats in the corner. Drake then washed both of them off by disrobing them as much as his shame permitted him and using a pale of warm water and a clean rag to anoint their skin. He then clothed the two with fresh linens from a wardrobe which was located upstairs, but noticed a slip of paper as it fell out of the assassin’s shoe.

The guard noticed that it was a map which had directions from the mass graves to the dungeon holding area, where the prisoner’s gear was kept. Drake frowned at the map, then searched the cabin for a writing utensil and, luckily, found a plume and ink well. He edited the map to present the current location of the two by drawing a correctly-oriented cabin, and wrote on the map the words, “honor fulfilled.”

Drake then left the cabin by locking the padlock from the inside, leaving the key next to Flake, and climbing out of the building through the chimney. It was tough, but the chimney hadn’t been used yet, so Drake was able to carry his massive bulk up the chimney without worrying about being blinded by dust. Upon leaving the cottage, Drake scanned the foliage for any signs of foul-minded men and, finding nothing, continued on his way back to the city, where he would remain, care-free, for the next two days.
Present Day, 0900 hours

With a loud yawn, Flake rose from his bedding, feeling as if he had not eaten in days. He had an odd sensation across his body, as if he had gotten beaten up, but had not sustained any wounds. After opening his eyes, shock covered his complexion, and he realized that the room was rather cold. He looked around to see a fanciful, stone enclosure without windows. He shot to his feet and looked around to see Raine sleeping peacefully in a surprisingly expensive red sleeping gown, and looked down to see himself in a similar red robe.

He also noticed a rack of weapons against a wall near a ladder in the corner of the room far away from him, and an array of snacks presented beside his bedding. He was able to remain standing for only a few more seconds before his vision faded out, so he lay down on his hay bedding once more, waiting for his vision to return. The bounty hunter pieced together a group of possibilities as to his whereabouts, but chose to leave his guesses in the back of his mind to avoid careless mistakes.

After a minute, his light-headedness was gone, and he sat up, looking around once more. He noticed the wall texture this time, a dusty cobbled stone, and he also managed to make out a clean area around his bedding, as if the dust had been washed away. The food was cold, but still good enough to eat, and the light in the room came from a dull source of light from above the ladder in the corner of the room. There were no torches or pieces of furniture in the room beside the arms rack, the two trays of food, and the two beds, the other of which housed the assassin.

Flake could tell by his light-headedness that he needed to eat food, even though he could not feel the hunger which secretly ailed him. Using his better judgment, he silently began to eat his food, keeping himself quiet more as a precaution against intruders than as a courtesy for his companion, whom of which breathed softly enough that an ant would remain unperturbed by it. Flake finished the vast quantity of food over the course of a few minutes, each experience steadily sharpening his consciousness and awakening his senses.

Upon swallowing his last bite of food, he examined his clothing. The red robe he wore was of a noble origin, one of the types an officer or a wealthy merchant would wear to bed. It was a thick material, but remained quite comfortable to touch, unlike the scratchy, woolen undergarments he was used to. Nonetheless, it was warm, and covered his entire body, albeit loosely. Flake despised the garb, picturing himself as a target as opposed to a hunter, so he steadily rose from his bedding to take a look around.

Upon rising, he realized precisely how loose his garment was. He adjusted the annoyingly unusual garment as best he could, so as to prevent it from slipping off, and tightened the luxurious waistband, made of the same material, so that he would not need to worry about looking modest as considerably whilst walking around. As he started walking to the weapon rack, his foot softly landed on an odd surface, causing him to hesitate. He looked down and, after moving back, noticed that a key and a map lay on the ground.

After reading the words on the map, Flake understood precisely where he was and how he got there. He stored the key and the map in one of the pockets of the robe, and thought briefly. It was not long before he deduced why his garment was so loose, and why the assassin was with him. Did that idiot really give us his own garments? Flake wondered, looking over to Raine briefly. After a moment, his train of thought led to, I wonder how he did it, but he turned back to the weapons rack with a slight blush, leaving the topic at that.

He quickly turned his attention to the selection of guardsman weapons at his disposal, analyzing the array of weapons. His selection was limited to heavy or light swords, none of the medium weaponry he was proficient with. Among the weapons were axes, throwing knives, short swords, polearms, spears of two lengths, rapiers, bastard swords, axes, hammers, maces, crossbows, a single shortbow, a bunch of oddly-shaped shields, and a quiver with both bolts and arrows. The weapons rack itself extended up to the ceiling and across the entire wall, but some of the weapons, especially the shields, rested against the wall instead of being hung in order to save space.

Raine would enjoy the short swords, but my best bet would be the pole, Flake determined, grabbing a rather short polearm with a cross-shaped head, bladed towards the front, with metal bands and a long, double-pronged tang reinforcing the end of the weapon. It was quite bulky in comparison to Flake’s favorite sword. Nonetheless, it was much more wieldy than he had imagined. The pole itself was thin, but well balanced towards the back as the result of a metal core below the well-sanded wood. It was a quality weapon as Flake had never before touched, and he was eager to test it out.

As he held the weapon with one arm and attempted a thrust, he frowned at the exertion. He managed to thrust quickly, but it required much more energy than he expected. I will not be able to prolong fights with this, especially not without armor, he thought, resting the weapon against the ground as he looked to the stairs.

After a few seconds of patient waiting, Flake ascended the stairs and looked around the ground floor. He noticed a few pieces of furniture, including a mattress, a table with four chairs, a water basin filled with clean water, an overhead drying rack for spices and meats, a few cabinets holding medical and edible supplies, and a fireplace with dry wood, ready to be lit. The room had a musky smell to it, which Flake only now noticed, despite its possible presence in the basement. As he attempted to locate the source of the smell, he noticed the padlocked door on the other side of the room.

The bounty hunter walked around and explored the room for a minute, opened the wardrobe which hid in plain sight next to the mattress, and frowned in misery. The only armor in the drawer was sized for Drake, and would only restrict his movement by a thousandfold. On the other hand, Flake did manage to find three pairs of trousers and a few belts, one of which fit him to a moderate degree, and dressed himself with them under his robe for an extra degree of modesty. He then took the smallest of the other two pairs of pants and a belt, and carried them with him as he climbed back down the ladder.

He greeted Raine with a lengthy explanation as he walked over to her, a half-smile across his face, “it’s a pleasant morning to not be dead. We were taken to a cottage in the woods by a friend of mine a few days ago, probably because the guards thought we died. In any case, you might want to wear these under your gown.” As he paused momentarily in his monologue, he tossed the trousers and belt beside her, then pointed to the weapon rack with his polearm and continued, “I suppose we should stay here until we get our energy back, or until we need to leave. In case we are ambushed, on the other hand, I suggest you arm yourself.”

He then dropped his weapon and, after allowing her to speak for a brief moment, commented, “there is more food upstairs, from what I saw. You can meet me up there. I will be starting a fire.” With this said, Flake hastily left the basement by climbing up the ladder and made his way over to the fireplace. He was annoyed to see that the coals had all chilled, and no tinder was in sight. With a groan, he reached into his pocket and called out, “on second thought, I’ll be looking for tinder outside.”

He then walked over to the door and unlocked it with the key, throwing the lock towards the fireplace soon afterwards. The door opened quietly, and Flake closed it firmly behind himself. He looked around and was happy to note that the cabin was located under the canopy of the forest instead of in a clearing, thus the smoke from a fire would not rise high enough to signal bandits or guards. Flake was also happy to note that the cabin had no windows, so he would not need to worry about broken glass or quiet invasions in the night.

The bounty hunter wandered around in the forest for a few minutes, collecting dry twigs and tinder as he went, and was surprised to note that not even a single animal was within sight nor hearing distance. Flake returned with a satisfied expression and an armload of tinder, opening the door and quickly shutting it behind himself with a single arm. He then dropped the tinder next to the pile of chopped firewood next to the fireplace and sat in front of the burning area with a handful of tinder. He placed his polearm down and formed a small grouping of twigs and leaves below the logs.

Then, Flake began the painstaking process of forming an ember by taking a straight twig and spinning it around in a notch of a flat piece of wood. He continued to do so, silently, and watched his progress as he went along, focusing on it as a hunter would a deer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After having a peaceful rest without any dreams at all, Raine figured that Oruin had actually given her too much poison and that she had died. She would've have minded too much. Dying was a lot more peaceful than her crazy, dangerous life. However, the assassin soon realized that she could feel and heart her heartbeat in her chest, letting her mind know that she was, in fact, still alive. Slowly, the woman opened her eyes, silently wondering why she was looking at the ceiling of some sort of building instead of the forest canopy. With that thought in mind, Raine sat up with a soft groan, trying to determine why there was a dull ache in her belly and why she was dressed in such ridiculous clothes that were actually slightly too big for her thin frame. One sleeve continued to slide down her shoulder, much to her annoyance. Wait a second... Raine thought as she jerked the surprisingly soft fabric back onto her shoulder. Who put this dress on me....? She may have been asleep for a while but the assassin was quite sure that she had not been wearing these clothes before she blacked out back at the prison. That thought alone was enough to bring a blush to the woman's cheeks, though her embarrassment didn't last long as another change showed itself: hunger.

It wasn't just any type of hunger, it was the painful kind that you get after going a few days without food. With narrowed eyes, Raine searched around the little area for any thing that could be considered edible and, low and behold, she found a tray full of something other than stale bread and clumpy porridge. Reaching over, she grabbed a few items from the tray and began to nibble the food, knowing that she would only make herself sick if she decided to down it all at once. It was only after she had gotten a little food in her stomach that Raine was truly able to access her situation: someone had obviously brought her here, changed her clothes, and left some food out for her. To be honest, she did not feel like she was in any danger, since the person didn't die her up and leave her for dead like any other sane person would do if they knew who she was. There was also a large collection of weapons on the far wall but, as the assassin got up to examine them, she realized that whomever these things belong to did not carry daggers. At all.

Rolling her eyes in frustration, the woman ended up picking out a short sword, since it was the closest thing she could get to a dagger. As she took a few practice swings, Raine realized that her movements were a tad bit sluggish, probably due to the fact that the food in her stomach hadn't broken down just yet into much needed energy. That or some of the poison was still left in her body. It was then that someone began to descend the stairs and, much to her surprise, it was Flake. "Flake? You're here too?" Now that she thought about it. there had been another bed and tray on the side of her own. The assassin listened silently to his explanation and soon realized that this was not a part of her and Oruin's plan, but it still worked. It worked perfectly, actually. "Hm, I guess I owe your friend a favor. He or she gave me food." Raine stated simply then watched as Flake made his way back up the stairs moments later. Her blue eyes then wandered over to the items that he tossed on her bed. The pants looked a bit too big but it shouldn't be much of a problem since he also gave her a belt. It didn't take Raine any time at all to slip the pants on beneath the dress and secure it with the belt before she headed up stairs with her sword in hand, just before Flake returned from his hunt for fire making materials.

For a moment, she simply observed him quietly as he concentrated solely on getting a fire going. Flake looked very different in the red robes that he currently had on and, if she didn't know any better, she would've sworn he was a different person entirely. Once he finally got the fire going, Raine walked over to it and sat down a foot or so away from it, holding out her small, chilled hands so that they could get warm. She stayed like this, silently, for a moment before finally speaking up. "I bet you're wondering what happened after you lost consciousness a few days ago." The assassin did not wait long for him to answer, since she planned on telling Flake the details anyway. "Oruin realized that you weren't completely dead but almost, and realized that it would be a perfect way for us to escape. So, I was poisoned to and we were supposed to be dumped into a pit of dead bodies but apparently, there was a bit of change with that last part." Raine stated, referring to the fact that they were now staying in his friend's home for a bit. "He also told me that he would put a map somewhere on me but I can't seem to find it...It has the whereabouts of our stuff on it..." The assassin began patting herself down, hoping to find the map on her but to no avail.

"You haven't happened to see it, have you Flake?"
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icicle The Cold-Hearted

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

After a bit of tending, Flake got a tinder fire going and added larger pieces of wood, hoping the logs would catch fire soon enough. Once he figured that the fire was large enough, Flake grabbed his spear and the padlock for the door. He rose from his place in front of the fire and walked over to the door with the two items in hand. He calmly locked and bolted the door, then returned to the fire, sitting on a chair a few feet from the fire. As Raine started to speak, Flake rested the spear against the back of the chair and adjusted his robe to a more comfortable arrangement. His only response to the assassin’s initial statement was a slight nod, even though she was not looking.

As the assassin continued, the bounty hunter closed his eyes and attempted to reenact the scenes which she described. After she was finished talking, ending her brief monologue by searching her figure for unusual objects, Flake opened his eyes once again and looked over to her, reaching into a pocket in his robe. “I found this map and this key on the ground between our beds when I woke up,” he answered, holding out the map and key for his ally’s inspection, “the map was edited by my ‘friend,’ but it seems to be from the prison medic, originally.”

After the two items left his hands, Flake continued, “there are enough supplies inside the house to last us a week, but there is a river West of here and plenty of deer.” After waiting for a brief comment by the assassin, Flake proposed, “I’d wager that two days are enough for us to sneak through the prison and recollect our belongings, but we should scout out the castle and prepare ourselves before assaulting your uncle. The poison will only take a day or two to wear off, but we will not be primed for extended combat until next week.”

The bounty hunter paused, then rose from his seat and placed another log into the fire. He determined that the wood in the fireplace would last well into the evening, so he organized the tinder on top of the extra lumber, then returned to his seat once more, listening to the assassin all the while. Once he was seated again, he closed his eyes and relaxed, a hint of impatience on his expression. I said that we should rest, but I am going to need to keep myself occupied if I am going to put up with staying in this building for more than a day, he thought, balancing the prospect of scout detection and the benefits of training.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Raine reached over and accepted the items from Flake, her eyes scanning the words on the page as her ears listened to what her companion. "We should probably utilize that deer supply at one point to make dried meat for our future travels." Was all she said before falling silent once more, nodding slightly at Flake's next statement. "That sounds like a plan. Until we're ready to move on to the next stage, I guess we'll have to find ways to occupy ourselves here." Silence engulfed the pair once more, both too deep in their own thoughts to really care. Eventually, the assassin got tired of sitting still and gave her hands one last brisk rub in front of the fire before getting to her feet. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." And with that statement, she receded down the stairs without another word.
Present Day: 1200 Hours

Inhale. Exhale slowly. Arms up, right leg up...and go. Raine put her foot down and used the forward motion as momentum to send her body forward and up onto her hands, completing her hand stand. Okay, I'm doing good. My arms aren't trembling and my breathing is controlled... Maybe this would finally work after her sixth time trying...or maybe not. The assassin's vision swam and for a moment, she blacked out as she crumpled to the floor with a loud thud. "It seems as if I've really over worked myself now..." Raine mumbled breathlessly as she came to only a few seconds later. Deciding that it wouldn't be wise to move around, the woman waited for the little black dots in her vision to go away, assessing the situation as she did so. She had done everything that she usually did to get the stiffness out of legs and arms: toe touches, leg and arm stretches but, as soon as she tried to do a hand stand, she had gotten dizzy and fallen over. Maybe it's because I went down too quickly...or maybe it's because of this stupid dress thing. Sure, the dress that was way too big kept falling slightly into her face when she went to do a handstand and made the woman want to take it off and toss it into the fire upstairs but...her excuses were weak and she knew that the actual cause of her failure was because of the little bits poison that lingered in her body. Despite that, Raine was determined to do one handstand without falling but, in the end, she only ended up making herself feel worst. "Yup, that was a stupid thing to do." She scolded herself; oddly enough, she could picture Oruin saying the same thing to her if he had been in the room with her. Knowing that the next best thing that she could do at this moment was rest, the assassin moved over to her temporary bed before lying down, falling asleep almost instantly.
1700 hours

The next time that Raine woke up, it was because of the hunger that once again gnawed at her insides, causing her to frown slightly. She figured she must've been sleep for quite a while if her food that she had eaten hours before had now settled. At least I don't feel dizzy anymore... The assassin thought to herself as she jerked the cloth of the dress back onto her exposed shoulder. The dress was about as annoying as the grumbling in her stomach and Raine knew exactly how to fix the problem...though after scanning the surrounding area, the woman wasn't so sure that she would find the materials she needed to do so. Figuring that her only other option would be to search around upstairs, Raine slowly got to her feet and ascended the stairs. As she neared the top, the assassin noted that dealing with her hunger would be easier to do than to find sewing materials so, instead of searching around, she turned to Flake.

"Would you like some deer for dinner?" The woman asked with a slight smirk as she took out the short sword she found downstairs and impaled it into the table beside her. Sure, she did not have all of her energy back up but she should be able to snag a deer that runs slower than the rest or a few small animals at least in her current condition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icicle
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icicle The Cold-Hearted

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Raine left, Flake felt a chill shoot across his skin. The chill was a contradiction, because he knew that his skin was too warm, and that the chill was a sign that he was starting to go numb. Flake responded to Raine with a curt, “Very well,” and rose from his seat. He picked up his spear on the way over to the door, then took the robe off, leaving his somewhat adequate pants the only apparel on his figure, and left the building.

He shuddered at the sudden change in temperature, but quickly tuned out his inner voice as it told him to return to the comforting warmth. I should be more careful, or I might melt, he thought, grinning at the image as he rummaged through the forest, in search of a small, open area.
Present Day: 1700 hours

As Flake sat in his chair once more, surrounded by luxurious fabric and hypnotic warmth, he could almost mistake the sounds of movement behind him for the sounds of people at the town market. Fortunately, as Raine’s voice entered his ears, Flake escaped from the grasp of the fire’s hypnotic gaze and shot out of his seat to look her in the eye. As she finished speaking, Flake nodded, maintaining his composure, and responded, “Certainly, but you should probably take a bow. Professional hunters tend to prefer wounding animals before chasing them.”

He then collapsed back into his chair and sighed with a frown of annoyance. I’ll need a good meal after today, he thought, remembering the feeling of needles at each overstressed muscle, otherwise this might become a trend…
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

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The assassin blinked slightly as Flake suddenly stood up, stopping just a little ways in front of her. In response, she raised an eyebrow, but nothing more, and then nodded at his statement.Taking Flake's advice, Raine headed down stairs to select a bow that she could easily handle. After searching the rack of weapons for a bit, she noticed one that seemed to made for a smaller male or a woman. As she reached out to grab the bow, the sleeves of her robe slide down and, out of frustration, she took it off, tossing it to the other side of the room. That damned robe! The woman was a moment away from tossing the thing in the fire but refrained from doing so, knowing that she could fix it later. Of course she couldn't stay like that, though, as Raine didn't enjoy being this exposed to the elements. She needed to find a solution to her clothing mishap.

A few minutes later, the woman could be seen walking up the stairs with a bow in one hand and a bag of arrows slung over her shoulder. No longer was she wearing that annoying robe but rather a tight binding of cloth that wrapped around her chest and over her shoulders. Raine even wrapped her wrists with the cloth, knowing that the bow string could be quite painful after pulling it. Her stomach and upper arms were still slightly exposed but Raine knew that she wouldn't be able to catch anything with that robe on so she would have to deal with until she got back. "Can you look for some needle and thread while I'm gone? I can fix these robes so that they fit us." She called to Flake, who was sitting by the fire, and left without waiting for a reply.
1830 hours

At first, all Raine could find were deer tracks but not the animal that the tracks belong to. Damn, I can't go back without something for us to eat, though. She thought to herself with a slightly frustrated sigh, but if she continued the way she was going, she would end up burning herself out before she caught anything. Figuring that she should take a small break, Raine made her way over to the small stream but, just as she was about to kneel and take a sip, she noticed a small family of deer grazing in the fresh grass across from her. A doe and two babies...but where is the buck? Raine knew he was somewhere nearby, watching out for danger; she just needed to find him first. Taking a deep breath, the assassin calmed her inner thoughts, focusing solely on her target.

"You must silence your mind as you stalk your prey, think of nothing but your prey. Study it, match your movements with it until you practically become one with it, until you know what its next movement will be. Once you get to that point, you're ready to go in for the kill, but don't rush. You may fail to complete the job by getting caught. Proceed slowly, let your steps be silent, your body and mind calm. Focus on nothing but the prey and, when you're in the perfect position to strike, do so quickly and cleanly. It'll be less of a mess to clean up afterwards. Make sure you leave no traces of your presence.

That would defeat the purpose of calling yourself an assassin."

2000 hours

Raine entered the door to the cabin, her arms full of clean, neatly sliced strips of raw deer meat and a few pieces of deer hide. "I figured that we might need the hide for something at some point during our stay here." She said as she laid all the items on the table, letting out a heavy sigh as she did so. The woman was exhausted after running through the forest trying to catch the buck and then having to skin and clean the meat as well...but she was more hungry than tired and that thought alone was what was keeping her standing at the moment. Raine then turned to Flake, asking: "Do you want to cook this, or should I do the honors?", a small smirk managing to peak through the tired look on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icicle
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icicle The Cold-Hearted

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

1900 hours

With a sudden burst of energy, Flake shot out of the seductively comfortable chair, breaking free from the hypnotism of the fire, and grabbed his spear. After recovering from the light-headedness, he made his way over to the opening to the basement, then jumped down without a thought. Once he reached the basement floor, he walked over to the weapons rack and examined the weapons once again.

The bounty hunter practiced a few techniques with each individual weapon, being careful to avoid hitting or stepping on any of the furniture. After practicing with each melee weapon, he mentally separated out the unworkable weapons from those which he might appreciate using as secondary weapons. After staring at the weapons for a full ten-minute interval, he concluded that his first observation was inadequate. All of the light weapons were exact copies of the ones which the guards used, standard issue with a few modifications which were likely the result of an over-excited blacksmith. The heavy weapons, on the other hand were original, possibly the favorites used by Drake in the past.

The ranged weapons were the same, although to a lesser degree. The heavy ranged weapons were all castle guard varieties, such as a heavy crossbow with metal support. Even the throwing knives were standard issue, except Flake only felt that the castle guard varieties would be sufficient for use. After thinking carefully about the different opportunities he would get to use the weapons, Flake grabbed one of the sacks of throwing knives and tied it to the belt of his pants, under his robe. I’ll try them out later on, he thought, taking the spear back off of the weapon rack.

Upon rising back up the stairs, he noticed that the fire was starting to die down. In the hopes that he would not have to start a fire again if he fed it some logs and watched it return to life. The bounty hunter looked around the room once more, his hunger reminding him of Raine and the complete lack of sewing materials in the house. With a dissatisfied frown, he sat back in the chair in front of the fire and waited a few minutes, his impatience slowly mounting within him.
2000 hours

A few minutes later, Flake shot out of his chair at the sound of the door and, upon recognizing the trespasser, walked over to her and lifted a few deer pieces from her back. He was about to comment about how she should have brought the entire carcass back, but determined that she was likely too weak to drag it all the way back to the cabin.

Flake managed to listen to Raine, despite the sound of his hunger pains, but only managed to respond by saying, “go ahead,” and heading back over to the chair by the fire. He watched Raine out of the corner of his eye, so that he could comment if she did anything interesting, but otherwise watched the fire to pass the time. I wonder how an assassin learned to cook, he thought, quickly looking over to watch her search for cooking items in the drawers before returning to his biding occupation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Well, I guess I'll get to cooking then..."' Raine mumbled more to herself than to Flake with a soft sigh; she was beyond tired but she needed food even more than sleep. After moving the hide of the deer off to the side, she laid out the strips of meat she'd brought in and began to cut them into smaller pieces using her short sword so they could easily pop the pieces into their mouths. Afterwards, the assassin searched around for something that she could prop of the fire and succeed in finding a metal rack hidden behind a box nearby...but, she needed something else, too. Raine continued her search around the room, hoping to find a skillet of some kind but only succeeded in finding a sheet of metal that could serve as a makeshift skillet for now. "This will have to do, then." After threading the ends of the sheet through the slits on either side of the metal rack, Raine made her way over to the fire were she carefully assembled the metal object over the fire, but not too close to where it would cook the outside of the meat too quickly. She then grabbed a few pieces of meat from the table and placed them on top of the metal sheet, hissing a bit as her fingers were nipped by the fire. Once done, the assassin pulled out a pinch of herbs that she knew would give the meat a bit more flavor and sprinkled them on top. "And now we wait." She stated to no one in particular as she settled on the floor in front of the fire, her half lidded eyes watching the meat sizzle above the fire.
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