Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A private RP, sincerest apologies if you'd looked to join. ^^"
Aurum town, built some centuries ago, now grows and thrives as a trading town with its location being prime to its purpose: situated just on the edge of a water body that brings in ships with goods and eager traders. Also connected to the mainland, and located near other to-note destinations makes the town no small place. A city in its size, though perhaps not recognised yet, the town brings together many races in its cultural center, and they have learnt to come to accepting terms of each other for the most part, despite the occasional disagreement. With resources like forests and caves littered across in the vicinity that tempt the residents to come and take, bountiful and benevolent as the gods they serve, it's no wonder it's so popular and 'hip' in its time.
But our story isn't set in this town. Just a little bit away, really.
Not too far away from this happy, bustling little trade-town lies a mighty guild, welcoming to all those who set eyes on the intricate iron gates, ever open, ever warm. The mosaic path beyond leading to the building is to be admired: creams and blues and burnt siennas lighting up the area and glinting when they catch the sun's light. Forests nearby keep the guild under the coverage it needs to be safe, and to provide its members with some challenge. Some adventure, as it were. Caves can be a particular favourite.
Though there comes an occasion where a team is sent far off, outside their comfort zone, to explore what we call a 'dungeon', or a 'labyrinth'. Obviously open to any fool who wishes to try, newbies are sent to the guildmaster's particular favourite to show off their skills, and complete her request. With her eyes and ears ever present in the walls, she learns of the ability of the team, as to set them challenges in the future that they'll rise to.
Our story is set here, in this guild, with three very unlikely people. With three very unexpected fates. Destined to meet in a very unexpected place, and continue to venture in places forth that their greatest dreams and desires couldn't have imagined.
Aerenthis awaits.
Character Sheets:

Hair colour:
Eye colour:
General Appearance:
Abilities (No OP, please!):
Special Mentions(if any):

Have fun, guys! And please don't make me the game-mistress always. ;;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nick Emerald Grant

Nick Emerald Grant

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Nick Emerald Grant

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Race: Human

Height: 6"2

Hair color: Jet black

Eye color: Rare, rich emerald eyes. Dotted with random flecks of turquoise and teal.

General Appearance: Nick tends to maintain his appearance only when needed. He tends to be seen clothed in attire that looks a size or two too large for him, the sleeves and ends of his clothing hiding his hands and feet at times.

When in a formal setting, Nick will adone what could be described at dress-robes, something that is usually worn by more older characters, yet Nick seems to pull it off well.

When in a work environment - that being at a smithy - Nick is hassled by clothing, and sheds the top half, leaving him bare chested but still wearing toughened pants.

Personality: Nick has been weathered and pounded into a cold, introverted and comes off as a rather rude and unkind character. He has little to no people he can call his friends, having not much else to do other than work.
Having insomnia doesn't do his attitude justice either.

History/Backstory: When Nick was a child, that moment was his last memory of pure innocence before he was forced out of alignment with the world.

He was no older than seven when his father came home, stinking of ale and drunk on such alcohol. Him and Nick's mother had been growing more estranged by the day, and this night, his father decided to act out on this.

Nick was dragged out of his slumber and brought to the living room, where his weeping mother lay on the ground, her clothes appeared to have been attacked. Nick was tied to the hearth, and was made to watch what happened next. His father stripped the mother of her clothing, and continuously defiled her over and over again, Nick being ever watchful in horror and fear, his mind growing more scarred by the second.

The father was finally finished with her after two hours of suffering, and moved to Nick. His hands grasped Nick's throat, forcefully strangling the strength and life out of the little boy.

Nick's hands were tied yes, but his father did it half-heartedly, the rope loosening as he struggled. His hands were grasping a fire-poker, and with the will of a master soldier, Nick managed to find the strength in him to lash out with the fire-poker in hand, goring the side of his father's face, him instantly dropping Nick to cup his head wound with a ghastly shriek. Nick didn't stop there. He attacked again, this time the back of the head; his father stopped screaming. He attacked again; his father started twitching. He attacked again; his father stopped twitching.

His mother had not survived the brutal defiling his father gave her, the neck twisted far more than it should have.
It was three days until the local guard found Nick leaning against the hearth, clothes and face half-smeared with his father's blood.

Fast-forward seven years onwards, a local smithy visits the town's orphanage; the reason being he wishes to take on an apprentice. Nick was chosen to learn the smithy business, as well as the trade of being a merchantman.

Now reaching the age of seventeen, he as took over as master smithy of what he named Hearthfire; the name taken from his past experiences.

Abilities (No OP, please!): Nick has no supernatural abilities. He only has the practiced skills learnt throughout his years, such as smithing, bartering, and lock-picking.

Special Mentions(if any): Nick has chronic Insomnia, meaning it is rare that Nick has a night in which he doesn't wake up having recurring nightmares from his past. He usually evades sleeping by staying up days at a time, using herbal remedies and concoctions to keep his fatigue at bay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
Avatar of MyCatGinger

MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Freija Fey Kiraiian (Of the Kiraiian bloodline)

Gender: Female

Age: 17 (human years)

Race: Elven

Height: 5’6”

Hair colour: Strawberry blonde

Eye colour: Light blue

General Appearance: The first thing you’d notice about Freija would be her hair, if you weren’t looking her right in the face. A light strawberry blonde, her hair falls (more bounces, really, with the health and life it contains, almost a feature of most men and women of the Kiraiian blood) to her mid back and is poker-straight for the most part, though the ends of odd strands tend to fall in curls. Razor-slashed bangs fall over her left eye and she usually has to pin them back when she works. Her eyes, for that matter, are clear and the slightest blue, not to the point of being icy however. They contrast with her hair, but not with her skin, which remains pale. If you’d notice, she actually has an intricate floral design running down her temple, all the way down the right side of her body, to her ankles, like a birthmark in a tan peach/rose colour that looks natural against the colour of her skin. She stands at 5’6 and is built delicate like most elves, to the point of being almost light and weightless when she moves, and aids her in getting away should the situation call.
Her attire mainly consists of flowing gowns on special occasions, though she’s found in breeches and riding boots and not-as-dressy tunics for everyday use with her hair tied back in a ponytail with a roll of lavender ribbon she always seems to carry.

Personality: Lively doesn’t even begin to describe Freija. She’s bouncy, flirty, and her pride can get the better of her more often than not. A definite people person, she goes at every opportunity to make contact with anyone and everyone, verbally or otherwise. She could be considered friendly, but that’s just how she likes it to be. For herself to be easily approachable.
Not as superficially, she runs pretty deep with emotions and has the ability to empathise should need require, though her patience can tend to be short if someone doesn’t take heed of what she’s saying. Essential qualities in a healer: To be able to understand the pain, need and want of the patients she’s presented. A love for animals, especially the horse she owns.
Her downfalls would happen to be the worldly flaws of everyone else. She’s incredibly envious though she’d never admit it, and smile and laugh though backbiting’s another sin befalling her. Her pride comes into play as well and she can end up being the slightest bit narcissistic when not careful. She’s greedy if presented something, and if she favours it, will thirst for more and do whatever to get it in her power.
(More to come when I’m less tired ahahaha)

History/Backstory: Freija had nothing to complain about growing up. Nothing of note, anyway. Her family came to the town and through business there, grew closer to the humans, dwarves and other races that inhabited it and drew out of their shells soon enough. The only time she’d ever remembered being scarred was when a relative was killed off by a more animalistic race over some dispute she thought was utterly petty when the news had reached her. Though she wasn’t the closest to them, she still grew frightened, and wary of said race. More than her parents, she spent her life learning from her aunt, a herbalist, who taught her everything she knows to date, but also leaving her quite a sheltered child because of the time she devoted to studies. Her over-eagerness for life outside her childhood comes from being cooped up for so long and craving and thirsting for the outside world, and hence fuels her charming disposition and ability to befriend most anyone willing to give her a try.
Unfortunately, this leaves her very, very naïve, even as a young adult she’s coming to be, and quite the ‘damsel in distress’ in most situations.
The reason for her coming to the guild was simple, though perhaps not one her parents particularly agreed with. She wanted, as always, to taste more of the outside world. To explore the different areas of the region and live out 'the dream' of every teenager with a wandering heart and spirit at that age.

Abilities (No OP, please!): Skilled at equestrian sport and an archer best fit on horseback, though her main powers lie with her healing abilities and so knowledge of what herbs do what, and archery was taken up more in self defense. Magic is included in her healing though barely ever used by her if a herb can’t do the trick. Can perform basic damaging spells though she plans to work on those at the guild because they only wound, never enough. She’s absolutely useless with anything other than a bow and arrow, and would sooner end up hurting herself than anyone else if given a weapon to use.

Special Mentions(if any): Owns a drafting horse she calls Spirit. A black stallion of 6 who’s been with her for quite a long time now, and in the prime of his ‘career’. Parents got him for her as a present and they’ve been inseparable since.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aurain


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Aurain (often called Rain for short)
Gender: Female
Age: 17, on the verge of 18
Race: Half-elvish, half-human.
Height: 5’8.
Hair colour: A shade darker than mahogany.
Eye colour: Crystalline blue.
General Appearance: Aurain is a young girl, in the midst of her teenage years, coming close to adulthood. With a slim, somewhat hourglass figure, she manages to carry herself gracefully to her destination. While her skin is pale and facial features are all small due to her body shape and inheritance, her lips are colored a rosy pink, with slight signs of dimples for the rare times she smiles, her eyes a shining crystalline blue with long eyelashes and thin eyebrows. Her hair is short and straight, barely sitting atop her shoulders alongside the slight hint of a fringe that often sits on the right side of her face, her hair shaded a color slightly darker than mahogany. To go with her pale complexion, she often wears black clothing and accessories, albeit it may change depending on the occasion. She strolls the woods with a black blouse that is tightly buttoned up to just slightly above her breasts, where a slight part of her cleavage is shown, alongside a somewhat loose frilled collar. A pair of shorts hangs on her hips, as though it may fall at anytime but is reinforced with many strands of stray belts to keep the shorts from falling, where the shorts do not reveal her long legs, the shorts run down, covering all until just below her kneecap. Above all, sits a large yet fitting trench coat upon her body, embezzled with an assortment of random strands of stray belts across the back in a very similar fashion to her shorts. The trench coat is made from light materials as a high amount of weight could harm her physique, which in turn covers the majority of her body with her feet being the only body part not covered by the coat, instead they are covered with a light padding of black dyed cotton to ease the burden of having to run through the forest, even if it is not a lot as opposed to actual hardened material to save her feet from being punctured by thorns or glass pieces.
Personality: At a first glance, she comes off as a very quiet, antisocial and cold, to a certain degree, young lady due to her clothing choice, something she herself did despite her parents attempting to get her to change before she had left the town. Due to certain events that had taken with the other children and her teacher, she often tends to stay away from people, mainly men as she is easily frightened by them. When needed, she may put this fear aside for the sake of trading with a merchant man but will often act more cold than usual to men, to a point where she may even taunt them. When getting to know people, it is as though she’s a completely different person, with smiles and a warm atmosphere circling around her.
History/Backstory: Hailing from an old town in the far north, Aurain was born to parents of different races, her mother an elf and her father a human. Her whole life she had been taunted by the other villagers and their children, as she was an outsider, so to say, due to her parents being of two different races. Because of her having come from a traditional town, such an act was once prohibited but due to these acts occurring more than usual, the prohibition was dismissed. Albeit there were youngsters much like her, she didn’t feel right with them, she didn’t feel anything towards them and then had a set goal in mind, causing her to turn her back on everyone, those of which that taunted her and those of which she had loved greatly. When turning 7, she had learnt of an odd ability, being able to conjure elements of all kinds with simple hand gestures. When the chief had learnt of her new ability, she was sent to a teacher that had specialized in such teachings and spent what seemed like countless years mastering the arts, but it wasn’t enough. What she had learnt through all those years were just the basics, she had to embark on a mission to find the power to continue, to be able to protect herself and the people she was to meet on her journey, and has been wandering astray in the woods for two years now. But during this journey, she has managed to find a small creature to assist her, a white ferret that is often seen around her neck napping the day away.
Abilities (No OP, please !): As an elementalist, she has the ability to conjure the elements with the magic that courses through her body, being able to cast the brightest of flames down to the coldest of chills. Her abilities range from fire, ice, water, thunder, earth and air, with more to learn as these are simply basics. Her abilities do not last for a long time, nor do they inflict the greatest of damage. Using these elements and the magic within her could cause various side effects and must be able to restrict the amount of magic used unless she were to suffer a lack of magic needed for her body to continue respiring. Alongside the magic, she has been trained with a blade and a bow, being able to fend off for herself if needed, and if her magic should fail against whatever opponent she is to go for but does poorly in both, as well as her magic skill not coming close to what is required of any and every mage.
Special Mentions(if any): Could be a victim to violent outbreaks. After suffering a lack of magic, it is essential for her to rest as she needs to calm her body temperature and regain whatever magic she had spent over a certain duration of time. The ferret that naps on her neck is wild and will hiss whoever approaches Aurain, but will often nibble on her neck when it feels as though something is coming her way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nick Emerald Grant

Nick Emerald Grant

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

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