Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I want to give a few days for anyone who might want to join. Also hopefully kick this little bout of writers block I have had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kickinitoldschool


Member Offline since relaunch

Vilos Anderien

.:. Male || 313 Years old || 4’10’’ || 125 lb. .:.

Name: Vilos Anderien. Has a tendency to use common human names when dealing with others he doesn’t know or fully trust, such as Tom, Jimmy, and Mike.
Gender: Male.
Age: 313 Years old, roughly equitable to an early twenties human.
Race: Dark Elf, otherwise known as a Drow.
Orientation: Heterosexual.
Personality: A passionate individual who deeply feels whatever emotions he experiences, he usually regards other races—particularly humans—with a thinly veiled arrogance. He is contemptuous of stupidity and those who can’t handle themselves in the dangerous wilds. As a Dark Elf male, he has been conditioned from birth to consider females superior to males, although he recognizes that this same convention doesn’t necessarily hold true for other more gender-equal races. His respect is difficult to earn, but when given it is given earnestly and without reserve. Vilos hates owing others anything, and does his best to be as self-sufficient as possible. When he does owe another something, he will do his best to quickly compensate them for the expense, not so much out of generosity but more so to get out from under the yolk of debt.
History: Vilos Anderien came of age as an unwanted male child from a poor family under the rule of a noble house of Drow called Paoshti. Seeing as how House Paoshti was not even of high rank or authority within the hierarchy of Dark Elf nobility existing beneath the surface of the mountainous stretch of Iakur, Vilos was at the bottom of a social structure wherein station was everything. He spent the first fifty years of his life doing manual labor and learning of the flora and fauna of the subterranean world, what was good to eat, where and how to find fresh water, where to find predators that needed to be avoided and how to kill others that made for better quarry. At that point he began his instruction along with the rest of those of his rank and age as a soldier for his House. He displayed a remarkable aptitude in spite of his low birth for melee combat and stealth, and was placed in a reconnaissance unit patrolling outside the Drow city. They trained in the fashion of their people, learning much in the classroom and much more through direct experience in combat. Not everyone survives the rigors of Dark Elf tutelage, as much due to infighting and competitiveness as the already dangerous nature of their instruction. Those who do not master the skills they are being taught are either killed by Drow enemies or enemy Drow wishing to elevate their station by eliminating those who outrank them. Vilos learned to maintain a state of constant vigilance which in a more congenial society would be considered paranoid, and that along with his low rank helped him to survive. If he wanted to eat, he had to forage or steal. If he wanted to live, he had to kill. To obtain anything not given to him by his instructors, he had to manipulate or con his peers. He had no problem doing any of these things, viewing it as necessary even if it made more sense to cooperate with others then try to get over on them. If everyone around him was going to behave in such a fashion, not doing so himself would mark him as weak, easy prey. When he could, he abandoned the chaos of the lands claimed by the Drow and made his way to the surface. A short while after he left his House was destroyed by another noble House, and though he of course is unaware of it, he wouldn’t go back even if there was something to go back to. It took some years to make adjustments to the surface, to learn more of the wilderness he has come to feel quite comfortable in. Nearly a century in fact. During that time he spent several as an outlaw and put his skills to work for different bandit and mercenary crews, all the while absorbing what information of the surface world and its human inhabitants he could. Presently he has chosen a simpler existence, living off the land and bartering trophies from his kills for what he cannot obtain on his own.
Directly over his heart. || A wavy black spiral, with its beginning and end connected by a vertical pinkish line resembling scar tissue. || The rune makes Vilos Anderien’s blood a potent neurotoxin to which he is immune, a few drops of which is enough to cause paralysis and shortly after death. He draws blood on a semi-regular and coats his arrows with the stuff.
Sole of his left foot. || A typical arrow seemingly pointing upward from the center of a circle of a collection of straight lines radiating outward from the bottom of said arrow. || Enables him to leap incredible distances, even without a running head start. This ability does not, as he has painfully found out, render him impervious to harm from falling, and the greater the distance travelled, the more fatigued he feels after the jump.
On the underside of his tongue. || A crescent silvery moon at the center of whose points lies a small dot. || When active, which is only possible at night, Vilos becomes preternaturally charming, not in terms of behavior, but simply in how that behavior is received. Whereas normally someone might be hostile, they regard Vilos with respect and courtesy. If someone is indifferent toward him, they view him as their best of friends. If someone already likes him, they become infatuated with him. Of course, such devotion can be problematic if it is not returned.
Items: Non-descript, loose clothing that maximizes mobility without drawing too much attention, dark although not actually black. He keeps his face, head, eyes, and hands covered at all times during the day, and usually doesn’t dress down much at night. He carries a pair of long knives about the length of his forearms in sheathes in the folds of his clothing, which he keeps in good shape and very sharp. Vilos slings his bow over one shoulder and a keeps a quiver of a dozen arrows at his hip. He travels as light as possible, keeping means of producing a fire, a small amount of food, a canteen of water, and a rolled up blanket in a medium-sized pack, along with a few coins when he has any at all. He carries a small glass via containing several doses of his poisonous blood.
Skills: Vilos Anderien is a talented tracker and most capable of surviving in the wild. While he has no experience with riding domesticated animals, he understands enough of animal behavior to know how to avoid confrontation with most commonly encountered beasts, and how to achieve a level of friendliness with tamed creatures. This doesn’t pertain to all creatures, semi-intelligent creatures, or necessarily to supernatural beasts, although he can tell when they are preparing to attack if he spots them in time. He has some skill with hand-to-hand fighting, but is much more skillful in the use of blades and bows. His accuracy with a bow is quite good, although he lacks the speed of a master, while with short blades he is absolutely deadly. Vilos is also very stealthy; he knows how to move without making noise, where to hide to avoid notice, and has the patience to maximize the usefulness of these skills. Like veritably all Dark Elves, he isn’t as strong on or tough as the average human, but he makes up for it by being faster, more agile. His grace is akin to that of a practiced acrobat or gymnast. Also, Vilos speak Dark Elf, the most common language of the human race, and knows the Drow sign language, which is primarily used to signal to other Dark Elves in combat situations to give simple to complicated orders and tactical information, and which involves a multitude of intricate and subtlely varied hand signals, sometimes coupled with certain facial expressions for specific meanings.
+ Inherent Dark Elf racial abilities: infrared vision, effective up to 60 feet, ability to summon a globe of magical darkness three times a day with a 10 foot diameter which requires some form of light magic or magical sight to dispel (meaning even Vilos’ heat vision is null when looking through or at the globe, ability to summon faerie fire (multi-colored flames that do not burn and dissipate at will, used to mark targets and distract or frighten stupid enemies). Since he is not noble born, he lacks the ability to levitate.
+ Swift, agile, perceptive, handsome, even charming if the occasion calls for it. He has an electric personality that is as conducive to carousing with his peers over cheap hooch as it is to going to war beside them.
+ Very determined: once he sets his mind on a goal, he is ruthless in his pursuit of meeting it. This helps him to face even things that terrify him, if there is a clear reward for doing so.
-Dark Elf racial traits: Dark Elves developed black skin and white hair after millennia below ground, and they cannot abide the touch of the sun. While Vilos’ has spent roughly three-quarters of a century above ground, he is far from used to the terrible sting the sun’s light produces in his body. He is able to travel on the surface only with heavy protective clothing and dark-glass goggles to protect his eyes, and even then finds it rather uncomfortable. Also, the wide-open spaces of the surface world are at times daunting to him, and he is given to anxiety when away from more confined areas for to long.
-Selfish and self-centered, has a tendency to be anything from rude to outright hostile with those he lacks respect for, particularly when in the untamed lands beyond the settlements. Out there, any slip could result in a fall that nobody could get up from, and he doesn’t intend to allow someone to make him lose his balance.
-Not overly strong or tough. While in good physical shape and very graceful, he can’t take much punishment physically without getting knocked out.
-Because he thinks so little of humans, he is given to underestimating them up until the point when it may be to late to counteract his previous error in judgement.
+Adventure, the more profitable the better.
+Proving himself stronger than the hostile environment surrounding him.
+Fast living: carousing, womanizing, spending money freely.
+Those who he has seen demonstrate the qualities admired most by the Drow: skill in battle, skillful manipulation of one’s inferiors, cunning, and guile. Of course, while he admires these traits in others, he is also supremely wary of those who display such characteristics.
+Loves the relative freedom of surface society, and the fact that people are judged more on merit than on class distinctions based upon birth.
-Certain reminders of home. Dark Elves are not common on the surface, but he won’t have anything to do with them if encountered, especially females.
-People who are overly friendly towards him. Makes him paranoid, as such behavior is unheard of amongst his society, except when one intends to con, cheat, or kill the recipient of the apparent kindness.
-Spiders. They are a symbol of the Dark Goddess worshipped by the Drow, and sometimes act as her spies and messengers. Will kill them on sight, sometimes with seemingly manic exuberance.
-Strong dislike for people who lack common sense and who aren’t very aware of their surroundings. Vilos is given to expressing his disdain for such people in an antisocial, nearly homicidal nature (throwing a knife at their foot so they won’t trigger a trip wire, for instance).
-Other Dark Elves. Distrusts them in the extreme, especially since he knows what they are capable of doing even to a friend or close relative. Avoids them if at all possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kickinitoldschool


Member Offline since relaunch

Sorry the character image is so big, it was the only one I liked and didn't know how to resize it AND put it in the post. Anyways, please let me know when you get a chance if Vilos is approved or if not what needs changing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Looks good! Just I would like to know a bit more in detail about the foot rune that allows him to jump far distances. Exactly how far can it help him jump?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NewSun
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NewSun ᛏᚨᚲᛖ ᛗᛖ ᛏᛟ ᚦᛖ ᛋᚢᚾ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚠᚨᚱ ᛒᛖᛃᛟᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᚲᛚᛟᚢᛞᛋ

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

El_Tigre said
I want to give a few days for anyone who might want to join. Also hopefully kick this little bout of writers block I have had.

Best cure for writer's block is writing!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

NewSun said
Best cure for writer's block is writing!!

Not really. At least not for me. Whenever I try to force a post while I have bad writers block it comes out like shit. I get pissed off because I can't write a single paragraph that doesn't look like word vomit and I implode because I can't execute a simple task. lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NewSun
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NewSun ᛏᚨᚲᛖ ᛗᛖ ᛏᛟ ᚦᛖ ᛋᚢᚾ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚠᚨᚱ ᛒᛖᛃᛟᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᚲᛚᛟᚢᛞᛋ

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

El_Tigre said
Not really. At least not for me. Whenever I try to force a post while I have bad writers block it comes out like shit. I get pissed off because I can't write a single paragraph that doesn't look like word vomit and I implode because I can't execute a simple task. lol

*Best cure for writer's block is reading!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago



Character Name

Victoria Rose Killjoy Nickname:(Cog)







Victoria is quite a firecracker of a human being.She tends to be quite friendly and happy when meeting new people,She's highly inventive and cares for others especially children.Don't mistake her as a damsel however she rejects the title of the helpless female and is fiercely independent.While she is independent she works well with others so long as they don't try to treat her as helpless,She will put her friends and innocent peoples lives before her own being quite selfless.

Victoria was born into a family with her mother father and 5 other sisters.Her mother and sisters where really girly tended to be very prissy and helpless.Victoria didn't find that interesting at all she didn't like dressing up and painting her nails.She instead found mechanics and the workings of machines more interesting she from a young age worked with her father who repaired androids and other mechanics.She learned from him about tools and fixing things he also taught her how to use swords and guns as well as harness her inventive mind and bring her ideas to life.The first creation she made was a small mechanical bird,like all things she builds it was powered by a series of gears and cogs all intricately placed.Her family was killed when a group of raiders came to her fathers shop/house knowing he had many expensive items in their home.She survived by fleeing out her window with a small amount of tools and her guns at this point she was 14.She migrated to another city/colony and opened her own shop at the tender age of 15.She remains highly successful and has her shop open and has employees to keep it open while she travels.

-Cog rune on her left bicep this rune allows her to control mechanical mechanisms.Locks,robots,androids,guns. ect ect She can disable and or cause inner workings to fail and on locks she can move the tumblers into place to unlock.Though the larger the mechanism in question the longer it takes for her to change it.


*Bipod attachment
*13 round clip
*100x400 scope
*Detachable scope
*Adjustable stock

*Six shot revolver
*Attachable 20x40 scope
*High caliber man stopping .45 rounds
*Can also hold AP (armor piercing) .45 rounds

-Hidden Derringer
*Hidden in her sleeve
*Attached to her wrist on a mechanical swing arm
*Musket balls
*Two shots

*Four and a half feet and three and a half feet
*3inch wide blades
*Hand guard
*Well balanced
*Wavelike ripples on the blades sides

-Thermal Detonator charges (only on her shop)
*Highly volitle
*Self destruct
*Remote detonated
*Projects a field that atomizes and destroys all particles inside the field while not harming anything outside the felid
*Highly rare and custom expensive to build

-Top hat
*Can flatten down
*When flattened sharp spikes come out of the rim to be used as a throwing weapon

-Pocket watch
*Gear powered
*Victorian style like all her items

-Repair kit
*Has repair and building tools
*Simple tools
*Can repair from the basic kitchen sink to androids quite easily

*Victorian style
*Multiple lenses
*Adds zoom to her sight on her right eye like a telescope with the many lenses up to 30x50

Victoria has quite a unique build for her transportation.It is part beast part machine,Victoria found a large wounded four legged creature resembling a large lizard.This creature was missing one of its legs chomped off by a much larger animal.When Victoria found the animal she had built it a mechanic leg using simple cogs and gears, making it highly tough and reliable.The cogs and interior workings are covered by a tough layer of leather as they are susceptible to gunk and dust.The creature sense Victoria helped it has remained quite loyal to her, becoming her steed you could say.The creature is 15ft long and resembles a lizard with two rows of highly sharp teeth and a tough durable skin.While the creature looks predatory and it in fact is,It won't attack unless it feels that Victoria is in danger or Victoria tells it to.

Victorias biggest attribute is her ability to invent and build things from nearly nothing.She is highly adept in mechanics and the workings of mechanical items.Victoria is also a very adept shooter and a swordsman all of her skills she had learned from her father before he passed away.Victoria has become highly skilled at making explosives as well,she has developed a keen mind as to ambushes hidden positions and planning.




+Sword play



-hand to hand combat (not from a lack of physical strength but from a lack of real training)

-Her trust for people

-Lack of hearing in her left ear


+Friendly people


-Rude people


-Being interuppted

-People preying on the weak
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Image in character templet correct
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well that's a lot bigger then expected e.e
Anyways tell me if anything needs changing~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kickinitoldschool


Member Offline since relaunch

Cool, glad that Vilos makes the cut. I was thinking the jump would be for all intents and purposes unlimited, but anything over say 50 to 75 feet would render him unconscious and likely result in his death when he falls and cracks his head open. At a certain point, the magic of the run could simply reduce him to cinders Icarus style. I am willing to accept any and all limitations you may want to put on the super-jump.

BTW, any idea as to where we might start out on the map? Also, I don't know how adverse you are to the "met in a tavern" cliche, but it could be a jumping off point if nothing else, and give the players a chance to introduce their characters. Don't want to tell ya' how to run your game or anything, I just really want to play it :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Same here I really like your character btw Vilos but I can see him and Victoria rubbing the wrong way some times xD makes for more dynamic rp that's if I get accepted e.e lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vale Kaiser
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Vale Kaiser Long thought dead

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So far, it looks like Vale won't be getting along with anyone immediately. Excellent :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lol so like Victoria is the only nice one right away xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kagethekiller
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kagethekiller NotADragon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

lol idt Noah and Victoria are gonna get along, especially if she can just take his hands apart, and isnt a charan android? to control androids thats some serious shit, Noah is a Mechromancer himself only he has to do everything by hand lol, so who knows maybe theyll hot off when they meet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NewSun
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rock Killjoy said
Lol so like Victoria is the only nice one right away xD


Nope. :)

kagethekiller said
lol idt Noah and Victoria are gonna get along, especially if she can just take his hands apart, and isnt a charan android? to control androids thats some serious shit, Noah is a Mechromancer himself only he has to do everything by hand lol, so who knows maybe theyll hot off when they meet.

Control Androids? Control Aaron? I really doubt that, dude. Plus it doesn't say anywhere on his CS that he is a mechanomancer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

That's the limit on my power, I can't use it on any of you except for to help ya.Cause that would be bullshit xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EnsoNoctis
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EnsoNoctis Lost

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Elizabeth Daedalus


.:. Female || 24 || 5'6" || 110lbs .:.

Name: Elizabeth 'Ella' Daedalus
Gender: Female
Age: Physically, 24, but if you include her cryogenic period probably 1024.
Race: Nephilim but often mistaken as simply being human
Orientation: Bisexual
Ella is a free spirit - willing to do everything but too afraid to commit to anything. She has a natural charm and an air of regality about her that allures all creatures, which she despises. She wishes to be respected for her skill rather than her beauty and often feels coddled due to her beauty. Despite this, Ella still uses her charm and façade to get what she wants, and takes on a different persona depending on the situation. She can be a maiden in distress, or a strong independent woman ready to face any challenge.

She doesn't know much about who she really is, other than the fact that she was locked in a sculpture for a whole millennia. She does not remember anything from before she awoke, and only knows that she must be something more than human and she spends her travels looking for clues as to what she is. Most, if not all creatures mistake her for simply being a human with powerful runes.
When the first wormhole opened up, a four year old Ella was transported as a crystal sculpture cradling a sword. For nearly a millennia, her sculpture had been bought and sold by the wealthy until one day her crystal form melted away and she had awakened. The only thing Ella knew upon waking was her name, and the family that had owned her sculpture was so smitten with her beauty that they took her for their own. The Daedalus family was one of the first investors of the eco generators and are now one of the premier oxygen providers as oxygen tanks and masks, thus providing her with with the highest education money could buy - from art and science to self defense - in one of the most sheltered cities in the region. But Ella had a knack for adventure. At the age of sixteen, she ran away from home, taking a large sum of money and some treasures, including the sword she held when she was born to see the world. Shortly after leaving her home town, Ella was nearly kidnapped, raped, and tortured by a seemingly elegant man of questionable character. When the man was about to take advantage of Ella, a mercenary had shown up and killed her attacker.

For some time, she followed her savior, begging and pleading with him to teach her how to fight. After following him on a four day journey with very little food, water, and rest, the mercenary took her in as her pupil and taught her everything he knew. Their relationship grew to be more of a father-daughter relationship and at some point, and Ella began to help the old mercenary on his missions. During their travels Ella had rescued a dire wolf and nurtured it to health. The stag grew affectionate to her, and began to follow Ella. She affectionally named the stag Fenrir. Ella and the mercenary continued to travel far south to Zahr so that Ella could receive her first rune by the same inscriptionist who had given the mercenary his runes.

Upon reaching the radiation zone in Zahr at the inscriptionist's shop, the two spotted a band of thieves attempting to steal the inscriptionist's eco-generator of oxygen. Ella and the mercenary took on the thieves, but during the fight, the mercenary took a fatal wound to the chest. Ella took her pupil inside the inscriptionist's shop, who had witnessed the entire incident, and begged and pleaded the inscriptionist to help the man. In spite of Ella's efforts, the mercenary refused help and reminded the inscriptionist of their first encounter. Early in his life, the mercenary had requested a specific rune but the inscriptionist was so particular, he blatantly refused the mercenary and told him that the rune was not fit for him. The Inscriptionist added that the only way he would make the rune for the mercenary was if he offered his life to him. The inscriptionist thought for a moment, and had it not been for Ella's natural charm, the inscriptionist would have declined the offer.

Ella received three (one is a set) Runes that day - one to commemorate her tutor, one as her tutor's final gift. and the other as a peculiar present from the inscriptionist as a hint to her identity. Four years have passed since then and Ella still continues as a mercenary, constantly searching for clues about her identity.
Right and left Hand - one on Each Finger || Memento Mori || Received to commemorate her tutor. Creates knives or bullets out of pure energy. The power of each knife and bullet is contingent upon the number of runes being used on each finger. If one is used, a bullet can knock an armored human down or create knife as thin as a long needle. Using five runes creates a lethal bullet and armor piercing knives, while using all ten runes creates lethal bullets and knives capable of piercing even the strongest armor. The energy bullets/knives will lose its corporeal form after five minutes or outside of a 75 yard range, but any bullet or knife created with five or more runes can only maintain its corporeal form for 10 seconds.
Each rune takes roughly five seconds to cool down and can only be cooled down one at a time, but the cool down starts as soon as the bullet or knife has been made. If Ella does not allow the rune to cool down, stigmata sets in.

Center of Chest || Enso || Final Gift from tutor. At its simplest usage, allows her to create basic visual and auditory illusions. When used to its full potential, she can actualize an illusion, but can only be used during extreme emotional, spiritual, or intellectual moments. The intricacy of the illusion is contingent on how many senses she tries to manipulate (beyond visual and auditory). Depending on its intricacy, the illusion can last anywhere from an hour to seconds before stigmata sets in.

Back on each shoulder blade || Icarus || Gift from the inscriptionist. Allows Ella the ability of high speed flight in brief bursts lasting up to a minute. Her flight acceleration decreases over time, and she mainly uses this for close range combat.
~ A simple suit with two holsters on each side of the waist to house both her revolvers.
~ The same dress (see link above) she wore when she first woke. The dress alters itself according to her physique. Despite its fragile appearance, the dress is made of holy material that acts as armor, increases her physical strength by 100%, but she rarely uses it due to it being too resplendent for missions. The sudden boost in power is often mistaken as a rune boost.
~ A tight body suit with a hood used to hide her identity during covert operations.
~ A ring that stores all of her clothing and allows her to change at a moment's notice.
~ A Daedalus brand travel pack with a detachable micro oxygen tank that can carry up to a week's worth of oxygen. Other contents include food rations, a tiny collapsable camouflage tent, and a photograph of her adoptive parents, Marcus and Amelia Daedalus.
~ Prometheus (See Dress Image) A 36 inch sword in shades of white, silver, and blue. The sword was the one her sculpture came with. Is imbued with holy power, unbeknownst to her, giving her a 30% boost in physical strength. When sheathed, the whole sword transforms into a simple cross-shaped necklace. The sword itself is indestructible and the blade is, by default, invisible so that the enemy cannot figure out its full length. However, the sword loses some power when it is incognito, and when dueling against a strong opponent, parts of the blade will show itself when clashing against the opponent's weapon. Can turn visible when she chooses. Both the invisibility and the strength increase are often mistaken as rune boosts.
~Oathkeeper & Elucidator: Two five-round cylinder colt revolvers inherited from her tutor. The Oathkeeper is the above image, and the Elucidator is the same model with inverted colors, and more of a gunmetal black than the silver. She mostly uses her runes for bullets.
Ella has tamed Fenrir to ride him, but often chooses to walk along side him when she can as she sees him more as a companion. The two understand each other quite well despite Fenrir's inability to speak in human tongue.
Ella can also fly short distances (one minute before stigmata sets in), but she more or less uses this in combat and on missions.
+ Can survive long periods of time without food or water due to rigorous training and also part of her angel blood (unbeknownst to her).
+ Mastered a martial arts style focused on efficiency and brevity at the expense of endurance. This martial arts style also incorporates the use of both guns in close range combat, as well as throwing knives.
+ A fusion of her tutor's own swordsmanship along with Ella's innate angelic style. While her tutor's style requires her to fully optimize her movement, Ella's natural styles adds a bit of prowess and elegance that some describe her style as more of a dance than actual combat, despite how dangerous and quick it is.
+ Supernatural charm that affects all beings in varying degrees. She can be seen as more trustworthy, pure, or to those geared toward her gender, more sexually appealing. Conversely, her charm ability also gives her some resistance to others who possess supernatural charm.
+ Clairvoyance using a "sixth sense" allowing her to sense any target in a 2 mile radius, thereby increasing her natural instincts.
+ Superhuman Agility, Reflexes and Stamina capable of withstanding harsh environments without much equipment. These traits are due to her being half angel
+ Experienced tracking and hunting abilities and heightened capacity for observation through years of experience as a mercenary.
+ Mid to close range combat with single enemies, and splitting up large groups to single out each target.
+ Expert tactician in combat - specializes in dispersing large groups to tackle opponents individually. Especially useful in more closed areas such as buildings or cities/ciity ruins
- Her physical strength is quite weak in comparison to most supernatural creatures while not wearing her holy garment or wielding Prometheus. rivals that of a human at peak physical condition.
- Due to her physical limitations without her holy items, she can only handle one large creature at a time, as her fighting style and runes are mainly used for close quarters combat against humans and humanoid races. Will often try to avoid fights against large creatures unless it is absolutely necessary.
- Trusts very few people, but when she does, she tends to extend her trust too much. She is also easily prone to falling in love.
- Ella experiences stigmata when she overuses her runes due to her lack of access to her holy powers. The stigmata can last anywhere from an hour to a full day, and it sets in on the rune that she overuses.
+(Secretly)Lavish Parties
- Misogyny
- Sleeping out in the wilderness. Ella often uses her charm to find places to stay
- Being Alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I like your character Enso e.e god I feel like mine sucks compared to you guys e.e
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

How do you post images btw I can't seem to get it to work.
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