Ancients of Elan


The Dragon War, one of the many famous wars that has occurred on the conflicted world known as Gaea. Two nations born from the civil war battle amongst each other. One that desires independence from the evil Rudorian Queen Izmeralda and the second in attempt to dominate the entire world. The two nations are the Guardia Kingdom that has arose from the ashes and the Kingdom of Rudoria who caused the split in the two houses ever since the assassination of King Dermiund.

Both nations looked to be evenly matched until Izmeralda finally accepted aid from both the Pangea Order controlled by the Mortal Slayer known as Drausius and the Romantha Empire under the influence of the Mahzok tribe leader Alhazard. The queen had strategized to take out the only supporting beam of the Guardia Kingdom which was the Anzier Empire. She planned a three pronged attack on the Anzier Empire knowing full well that neither the neutral Lumina Kingdom nor the mysterious yet nostalgic Kingdom of Windgrace would get involved. The attack was successful and the Anzier forces lead by Erysliana were overwhelmed forcing her to surrender her nation and retreat to the Kingdom of Windgrace.

Now that the Rudoria Kingdom had seized control of the Anzier Empire, it decided to focus all the extra resources it gained from the siege on the Kingdom of Guardia. The Kingdom of Guardia was completely overwhelmed by the military might of the Rudoria Kingdom and was forced far into the north toward the capital Ereis Eisan. With Ereis Eisan being the last of its legs, the queen decided that the people of the capital were traitors toward the Rudorian cause. She took the advice of Drausius, using the Ragnanite Demons supplied by the Pangaea Order to annihilate the entire population of Ereis Eisan staining it with the blood of its last king. Razhard with no option left, petitioned for aid one last time toward the Kingdom of Windgrace where they finally had decided Rudoria had gone too far.

The three together managed to successfully repel the evil queen’s plan to slaughter the good people of the Guardia nation. This demon influence and the use of such monstrosities has also stirred awake The Ancients that once were sleeping. The Ancients from far and wide have started to assemble to help bring an end to what is now called the Two Dragons War. A war that would forever change the way people see the world of Gaea. In the end, only one of the dragons can remain standing. Will it be the Blue Dragon of the North or the Yellow Dragon of the South?

Will you be one of the ancients that has awaken to salvage Gaea or will you be one of the many heroes/heroines that has been forever etched into the history of the Gaea?

For more refer to the OOC.