Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Genevieve glanced over at the leader. The one that had spoken to them in a booming voice, "I don't know, Damien. They are tough and I think they cracked one of my ribs and also my skull." She gulped. She found her inner strength and pulled it out, "Lets get this over with." She gripped her sword in her hand and charged forward with Damien at her side. They both went for the eyes at the same time. Then they were both pushed backwards by it's large staff. A huge beam of magic shot out at them and Genevieve only had a second to push Damien and herself out of the way. If they had been standing there for three more seconds they'd likely be dead.

Genevieve landed on top of him, gave him a weak smile, and then got up quickly. She turned towards the beast and allowed her wings to unfurl. She rose into the air and dove at the creature. This thing may have amazing reflexes, but so does she. She avoided a few attacks before piercing her sword through it's eye right eye. She was then hit and knocked back against the wall; her sword left behind embedded in the monster's skull. This time she could feel her once strong bones crumbling. She gasped for air and a little blood trickled from the side of her lip. God help me, she silently prayed to herself.

She glanced up in time to see Damien deliver the final blow. Alissa and Josh had done away with the others. Genevieve struggled to get up. Once she was on her feet she walked shakily over to the symbol on the wall. She touched it with her hand and allowed her wings to unfurl. They felt broken as they stretched out on her back. She knew she wouldn't be able to fly for a week or two while they healed. The stone glowed slightly and she glanced at Damien, "I hate to ask this question for the thousandth time, but...what now?" She was dimly unaware of the taste of blood in her mouth. She also didn't know some of it had escaped and was now sliding down her chin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sethrine


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It took a moment for the Angel to get her bearings together, but once she, did her and Damien took action. The eyes were the weakest point, so it was only natural for both of them to charge at the gargoyle leader's head. It was a trial-and-error shot, and it ended with both Genevieve and Damien being struck by the large gargoyle's staff. Damian was then pushed to the ground by the Angel leader, with her landing on top of him.

He gave a somewhat startled, displeased sort of look at the action as Genevieve shot back up and used her wings to her advantage. Her next attack was successful, though it didn't come without consequence. This was Damien's opportunity to take the stone beast out once and for all. As it bellowed out a painful roar and flailed about trying to remove the sword lodged in its eye, Damien took his procured staff and gave it a twirl as he launched himself at the gargoyle. He was able to block the uncoordinated attack being sent his way and drove the staff deep into its other eye. A deafening roar made the room tremble before the gargoyle leader exploded into sparkling dust and bits of stone.

Damien looked to Genevieve, noticing both the faint glow of the symbol as well as the poor state the Angel was in. He walked forward, flanked by her worried flockmates, and made to stand beside her, placing his hand against the cool rock. The symbol gave a burst of bright light before cracking along the middle, the split dividing the rock into two separate doors that revealed a pedestal holding what looked to be a chunk of stone with prongs at the end if it, a swirl of symbols swirling down its smooth, marblelike surface .

In an act of what could have been mistaken for kindness, Damien took hold of Genevieve by her shoulders and guided her forward. She was stronger than he had previously made her out to be.

"Your prize awaits you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Genevieve's eyebrows furrowed together. Had the stone split in the middle just because they both touched it? She glanced at the demon and remembered what one of the gargoyles had said. Neither side could achieve the stones. What if it meant that they couldn't do so without each other's help? Had that been the divine plan? To ensure that they would never be found because a Demon and an Angel would never work together? As she fathomed this she was being guided forward. Literally everything in her hurt, but she managed to step forward into the cavern where a pedestal stood two feet away.

As soon as she reached it she placed her fingers on the cool surface of the stone. It seemed to be made of marble, but at the same time of metal. The oddest combination of elements she had seen by far in her travels. Both her hands found their way to the prongs at the side and she pushed on them. A few of her body parts screamed in pain, but the movement succeed in opening yet another compartment, "These damn Relics and their hiding places." She grumbled as she picked up the object laying inside. She breathing a sigh of awe. It certainly was a beautiful little thing. She studied it closely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sethrine


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Damien watched closely as Genevieve steadied herself and made for the object, pressing in the prongs to reveal yet another hidden compartment where the true relic resided. It was surely a magnificent piece, the structure small and almost resembling a key of some sort. It looked to be made of both gems and several metals, and at the end of the piece was the carved symbol of the Relics of Asra.

As Genevieve gazed at the relic, Damien was aware of the slight sway in her movements. Though they had all sustained injuries during the fight, it seemed the redheaded Angel had been dealt the brunt of the wounds and was beginning to suffer from bloodloss. He had dealt with many demonic forces, being a demon himself, and had not been injured nearly as badly as the small flock. This would hinder their progress out of the catacombs.

With a forced sigh, Damien took hold of Genevieve and hoisted her up into his arms, his piercing eyes, having turned back to their normal red color, narrowed just slightly. The other two Angels made to protest, the male reaching for his sword, when Damien gave a frustrated growl.

"Your leader is injured," he began in frustration, "as are the both of you. If we want to make it out of here quickly so that we can tend to her wounds, I suggest you let me take her."

Though very hesitant to allow such an action, his point was spot-on. The other two Angels would struggle to support Genevieve with their own wounds, and though Damien himself was suffering from a possibly broken shoulder, he was more easily able to adjust her weight without much pain.

The two Angels agreed to the notion, though one led the way out of the catacombs as one followed him out. As they made their way back to the graveyard, Damien pondered momentarily the reason behind Genevieve's rather extreme injuries. She would heal just fine, he had no doubts of that. She was stronger than that of her flock, however, nearly as strong as he was at full-

Wait, was it because of the cuff? He knew some of the symbols on them were to restric his power, but was it somehow effecting her own? How interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Genevieve was about to protest being picked up, but she couldn't quite muster up the strength. The movement did, however, make her gasp in pain. She grit her teeth, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. She was being held by a demon. She would never hear the end of this. She was also showing him her weaknesses. She struggled a little, but his grip was strong. Her vision began to blacken a little. No doubt from the head injury she had just endured. SO she was forced to just lay limp in his arms.

She had two options with this: let her head hang uncomfortably or lean it against his chest. Neither option seemed appealing. She gave in as the whole hanging her head thing was harming her skull. She leaned against his chest and closed her eyes. She sort of fell asleep until she heard surprised gasps coming from somewhere. Had Alissa and Josh shown him the way to the safe house? That was a bad idea. She tried to force her eyes open, but was unsuccessful. She could hear feet shuffling and people maneuvering around her.

"What happ-!?!" Was that Adam? More muffled yells and such. She could then feel herself being yanked from the demon's arms. Her face contorted in pain even though she couldn't open her damn eyes. More yells as someone was dragged away. Genevieve lost consciousness once more until her head hit a soft pillow.She didn't awaken for hours and when she did she opened her eyes to a worried Josh, Alissa, and Adam. They were all staring at her, "What!?" She said grumpily as she attempted to sit up. They all stood quickly yelling at her not to move to much.

"You've got a lot of injuries, Genevieve. You shouldn't be going out and fighting things when that demon is wearing those cuffs! Your power is draining into it in order to keep his from surfacing." Adam scolded her.

Genevieve turned a glare on the man, "Like I totally didn't think we'd run into stone monsters from hell Adam!" He was seriously pissing off the woman. Doing so usually was a bad idea, but she was kinda helpless at the moment. "I just need rest. Can't do that with you bubbling idiots in the room." They both left. Genevieve fell asleep once more and did not awaken until the next morning. She could still feel the wounds, but not as badly as the day before. Most of them had likely healed already. She still felt a pounding in her head and a pressure in her chest though. The two more extensive wounds would take more than a night's rest to heal up.

After finding a new outfit for her to wear (She seriously needed to get some magical gear or something. She added it in as a mental side note) she headed downstairs. Everyone was eating as she walked in and all conversation stopped as they noticed her. "What?! AM I supposed to let a little injury list get in the way of our celebration?! One Relic down four more to go!" she yelled triumphantly. They all agreed in a chorus of yells. She chuckled and began to head downstairs. Adam met with her in the elevator, "The Relic has been placed in a safe box that shrinks down to size." He handed it to her in a small pouch. She emptied the pouch into her hand. It was the size of an M&M! "Just don't lose it, buttercup." he grumbled, "The word to get it back to full size is [Figure that out later. To lazy]." He left the elevator before the doors closed.

Genevieve placed the pouch in her pocket as she walked into the dungeon. Damien was in his cell. "So. You knew where the first relic was. Surely you must know where the second one is." She hoped she wouldn't have to resort to torture this time. Last time had been so pleasant. Just a tiny bit of threats and the demon sang like a canary. It was kind of odd now that she thought of it. Was he that much of a wimp?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sethrine


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Damien was led back to the place where he was brought first-hand, a hotel disguised under a sort of magic to look like a run-down building to the humans. When he entered the foyer of the place, his sudden appearance without a blindfold and holding Genevieve's limp body was not met with the happiest of reactions. There was alot of shouting, many flustered Angels running here and there as others pulled out swords and dished out threats.

It was finally Adam who took action and took Genevieve from his arms before several Angels under his command grabbed at Damien and literally forced him to his holding cell. He snarled and growled for what it was worth, though he did nothing to attempt harm on the flocklings as they all but threw him in his cell and left him. They should have been greatful he hadn't attempted to kill Genevieve. Ungrateful holy geese!

With a frustrated growl, he began to trace his demonic seal into the ground, his power leaving behind a thin line of black with the effort. He then created a smaller seal within his own, the completion of both causing the symbols to glow a bright red.

"Thy master calls to thee, Zani. Rise from the depths of Hell and heed his call."

A swirl of smokey blackness swirled from the center of the symbols before dissipating, leaving in its wake a bright blue-eyed, black haired woman with an impossibly wide smirk on her red-painted lips.

"Damien, what a pleasant surprise. We began to wonder where you ran off to." She looked around the cell, giving a low wistle. "Talk about high mantenance means."

"I'm being held captive by a flock of Angels," Damien said simply, catching the attractive demoness's attention.

"I can only assume it's because you let them have you. You got a plan in mind?"

Damien gave his own smirk at the question.

"Assemble the troops; build up the army and come to me when they're ready. You will only have to wait for my word. These Angels are after the Relics of Asra, and once they've collected them all, we will take them by force and kill the flock before they can activiate the relics' true power."

Zani gave a shudder and a wicked grin.

"Oh, I love when you talk dirty to me! Your soldiers will be excited for their holy blood."

"As am I," he responded, and with a flourish of her hands, the demoness disappeared, as did the symbols scrawled across the cement floor. Damien's smirk remained strong even as he sat down to rest and heal. Those winged rats wanted to play hard? He could play hard.

As the day started anew, Damien was aware that his shoulder was doing much better. There was still a dull ache that was present, though he was able to fully use his arm without the painful pull that had been there since the fight yesterday. As he stood and rotated his arm to get the stiffness out of it, Genevieve made her presence. She was already down to business. This time around, Damien wasn't so caring to comply.

"How's that head of yours, still throbbing? I thought you were stronger than that, Angel."

He was still inwardly seething at the way he had been treated by her flock last night.

"Imagine your flock's surprise when I came in carrying your unconscious body, oh, the utter shock was priceless! Of course, who's to blame for the incompetence of one Angel's skill over a demon's...generocity to keep said Angel alive?"

His words came out in a slight hiss before he pulled away from the bars to calm himself, chuckling somewhat. He ignored her questioning about another relic's location, instead choosing to tread into uncharted territory.

"That Adam fellow seems to hate me most of all. How quaint of him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I am stronger than that, demon." She snapped back, "Those gargoyles must have been aimed to harm Angels especially." She sighed, "Adam is an Angel, as am I. It is in our blood to hate vermin like you. We may have fought side by side yesterday, but that was a one time occurrence." She walked over towards a few drawers and took out another pair of cuffs. She broke the chain and walked over to the cage. After opening it she fastened it on his empty wrist. A chain instantly reappeared. She then leaned back against the cell's bars. "If you are not willing to comply I have much better methods of getting you to." Her eyes purposefully glanced over towards the medical supplies. A syringe filled with holy water still sat on the counter.

After that small feeling of victory that had consumed her when they found the first Relic of Asra she felt herself more open to certain techniques to get more. Maybe she'd be able to torture the demon. Even if he had brought her back to the safe house in one piece. She glanced over at him and wondered why the hell he didn't just kill them off. He certainly had the strength to do so. Yet he brought her back safe and sound.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sethrine


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When Genevieve entered the cell with another cuff and snapped it on his wrist, Damien gave a deep scowl at the action. He had hoped there would be no need to replace the second cuff after having made the wager to get it off. It seemed that after achieving the first relic, however, the Angels had grown cocky with their victory. Genevieve was no exception, ultimately being the one with the greatest power over him and choosing this time to enforce it once more. He began to wonder briefely if his plan would be worth all this work.

When the redheaded Angel pointed out the holy water once again, the sandy haired demon gave a mocking scoff.

"You expect me to bend to your whim? How utterly childish of you. And here I thought you were smarter than that."

His eyes narrowed challengingly, all but daring her to use her torture on him. He wasn't a Knight of Hell for nothing, even if he did tend to solve his problems with logic over physical harm.

"You got information from me the first time through cooperation, did you not? What's to say I wouldn't go for it again?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

She cocked her head to the side with a small smirk, "Are you saying you'll tell me what I want to know? Or are you going to keep your mouth shut just so I can have the pleasure of making you scream your ass off?" She grinned, "Your choice, Damien." She smiled wickedly as she walked out of the cell and picked up the syringe with holy water. She then took her place inside the cell again, leaning back against the bars.

She needed leverage somehow to get him to talk. He was just playing with her right now, waiting for her to snap. She would very soon if he did not give her the information she needed. Time was of the essence in situations like this. She needed to be the first to get to the next Relic site. That way she could get a hold of the Relic quickly and maybe possibly get rid of Damien. She didn't like his presence anymore than he liked hers.

Maybe if she could stay longer to find clues next time she wouldn't need his information. A girl could only hope. Her powers were constantly being drained by the cuffs encircling his wrists. If she could find that she has no use for him she could kill him and be done with it. Lord knows shes killed plenty of demons before. Why would this kill be any different? She kept her smirk on her face and glared at him hoping for a choice already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sethrine


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She was still adamant on wanting to use her means of torture, it seemed. That victory had really gotten to the Angel's head, so it seemed. Perhaps it was about time for Damien to change tactics a little. Mind games was his usual way of going about things, and though he had been subtle about it before, it was high time he threw himself into his role.

He settled for giving a defiant growl, the sound low and more of a warning than a threat. He threw in a few nervous glances to the syringe for added effect.

"You can try every tactic you wish, but you will not get anymore information from me, neither where to find any more of the relics nor where I've hidden-"

He paused for dramatic effect, turning his head away from her gaze as if surprised he had even mentioned anything in the first place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Her eyes narrowed as she stepped forward, "Did you just let something out you didn't want me to hear?" she smirked, "Oops." She sighed and shook her head, "So, you have already found one of the relics, eh? You hid it. I'm just guessing, but its probably already hit home, huh?" She grabbed his chin and made him look straight into her eyes, "You've chosen the second option. Prepare for the consequences."

She brought her other hand up and stuck the syringe into his artery on his neck. She was happy to see the look of surprise flash across his face as she stared into his eyes. She then pushed all of that holy water straight into his veins. It would take a few moments or two for it to take full effect, but he would be in so much pain that he wouldn't even be able to think straight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sethrine


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Damien had not expected the turn of events. He was almost sure that should would stall long enough to get more information out of him, bit no. He miscalculated, and for that, he deserved the punishment comimg his way. It didn't mean he wouldn't throw every verbal threat he could summon at the Angel before him.

He backed away from Genevieve quickly and hit the furthest wall away from the bars, his clawed hand coming up to the injection sight. Already, a sharp pain was blooming over the area and quickly spreading. It felt as if his skin was sizzling, being burned slowly by a quickly heating flame. He gave a long hiss as the feeling reached down his shoulder and through his chest.

"You ungrateful, winged wench!"

He jerked to the side suddenly as the holy solution continued its reach across his body, his muscles teitvhing and clenching from the horrid, burning tingle.

"You...you will get nothing from me...NOTHING! You and your flock will... burn for this! Your flock will FALL because of your insolence! Hnngh!"

His breaths came out hard and uneven, his limbs trembling as he tried to pull his mind from his body, to attempt to ignore the pain. Every nerve ending was alight with agony, regardless, and all he could do was ride out the effects and hope the next time wasn't nearly as bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Genevieve attempted to calm the stab of guilt she felt. Why should she feel guilty for harming a monster that obviously wasn't going to comply with what she wanted? She ignored his words and simply grinned. As soon as the effects of the holy water had worn of she walked over to him and picked him up by his hair. "Now, tell me, where is the next Relic hidden, Damien? Hmmm?" She smacked his head against the wall harshly, "Might as well tell me now before I inject more of that poison into your system."

So far shew as hating herself for this. She had never been one to like to torture others, but she needed him to be afraid of her. Of course, he would never honestly fear her, but she needed him to be able to know she could hurt him. Maybe then she could actually get information out of him. He needed to know that she wasn't bluffing whenever she said she would do something. Otherwise he would never take her seriously.

She let go of her grip on his hair and turned towards the ajar cell doors. Adam had walked into the dungeon at the sound of yelling, "What are you doing, Eve?" He said before he saw Damien on the ground.

"He won't comply to what I've asked him. SO he payed the consequences." she said simply.

"Okay then. Everyone is upstairs asking for your next orders." He said, raising an eyebrow.

"As soon as I get the information I need I'll be upstairs to give the orders. Tell them to enjoy their day for me." She turned back towards Damien as Adam exited the dungeon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sethrine


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He was trained for things like this, had been conditioned to take any kind of pain that would possibly come his way. Still, Damien found that this pain was possibly the worst he had been dealt in a long time. Elapsed time would suggest it had only been ten minutes since the injection, but it had felt like ten hours of misery.

When the effects had worn down, his body still on a low simmer, he was aware of Genevieve grabbing him by his hair and slamming his head into the wall. He grunted at the action, barely affected by the sting of pain and the harsh words being thrown his way.

He was given the smallest reprieve to breathe as Genevieve talked to Adam, and it gave Damien a moment to think. He looked down at the cuffs on his wrists, the long, sturdy chain that connected the two, and thought back to a thought he had developed last night heading out of the cave. If what he had surmised was true, then only one cuff was enough to drain Genevieve's power to the point that her fighting was lacking. Now that he was wearing two, his status that of a human once again, how much was her power stifled this time?

He gave a sly smile before laughing almost maniacally.

"I'm almost proud of your technique," he began, intending to rile up Genevieve once again, "it's quite effective. Done like a true... demon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Genevieve laughed softly, "I'm not demonic, darling demon. I'm merely an angel that doesn't take no for an answer." She tried to hide the sting that his words gave her. She had never done torture for the reason that she didn't want to be demon like at all. She was never one to enjoy another's pain. So she simply ignored this and knelt down beside him, "So tell me, Damien. Where is the relic? I will go get more Holy water. Maybe this time I'll inject twice as much into your system. It hurts doesn't it?"

She stood and walked back to the lab table to get another syringe and to get more holy water. She returned to where the demon sat and smiled. "So. Have you changed your mind? Complying with me will be the simplest way to stop the pain. I'll inject more and more of this water into your veins. All the way until you can't think anymore. Don't underestimate me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sethrine


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Damien watched through narrowed eyes as Genevieve left his cell to retrieve another syringe, this one able to hold twice the volume as the last one. He readied himself then, taking hold of the end of the chains connected to the cuffs and wrapping them once around his fingers for leverage. He would only get one shot at this, he was sure, but it would be the only one he needed to get his point across. When the redheaded Angel reentered his cell and stood close enough to him he made his move.

Damien lunged forward and knocked the Angel back, maneuvering himself to keep her pinned. He then wrapped the long chain around first her hands, then her neck, and pulled them taunt enough as a warning that he could strengthen his hold and cut off her air.

"Listen, and listen well," Damien seethed, "you think me much lesser than you. You're wrong. We are equals, you and I, and until you realize this, you will get nowhere in your search for the other relics."

He moved in closer and growled in Genevieve's face.

"I am the only one who knows where I've hidden the relic in my possession, and it will go with me to my death if it comes to such measures. Use any means of torture you like; your attempts will be futile."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Genevieve glared up at him as her air was threatened. "Equals?" She smiled softly and stared into his eyes with menace shining in her's. She struggled slightly to see points that were slightly lacking a good hold. Her legs being the most free and her neck being the least. Her head could bob up and down, however, and this gave her a few ideas. She wasn't going to come out of this being the loser.

In one quick motion she head butted him. She could hear the crack in his nose as blood spurted all over her face. Nasty. She then brought her knee up as hard as she could into his groin. This didn't phase him as much as her headbutting him, but she made sure to take advantage of it. She brought her knee up as high as she could so that it connected with his stomach. She then yanked her hands free of the chain's grip. This caused the chain to wrap around her neck even tighter then before. So much that she couldn't breath.

She held her breath and used all of the force she had in her to end up on top of him. She wrapped her hands around his neck and squeezed as hard as she could. Now neither of them could breath and she wasn't going to let go until he took the chains away from her neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sethrine


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The turn of events was to be expected, but not so soon. Damien was mildly surprised at Genevieve's tactic at gaining the upper hand. He was sure his nose was broken; blood was already everywhere, over both himself and the angel now above him. She had even managed to get her hands free, though that left her throat vulnerable to more pressure from the chains.

They were now locked in a battle of who would give up first. Her hands were wrPped tightly around his neck, only getting tighter as the seconds ticked by. He was able to shorten the chain by wrapping it around his hands further to pull it more tauntly around her throat. He had no plans of letting go until Genevieve gave in to lack of oxygen. At least, that's what he had planned.

As they locked eyes, Damien was able to see the hesitance there, behind all the forced hate and hostility. He had forgotten what he had seen those couple of days ago, the hesitance toward torture. Even on something like him.

He smiled almost cruelly as his grip loosened somewhat on the chains, allowing her to take very small breaths, but breaths nonetheless. He bared his neck just a tad more, already seeing spots in his vision, and closed his eyes, welcoming the darkness that followed.

He would let her win this round, but in the end, who was the real winner?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Feeling the chains begin to become less tight she quickly took her hands and took the chains out from around her neck. She breathed heavily. She stayed on top of him to keep him pinned, "You asshole!" She gasped out, "That is totally gonna bruise." She stood and picked him up by his hair again. She dragged him to the corner of the room and then dropped him.

"Hey." she said, slapping his face, "Wake up." She sighed and stood. He was knocked out cold. She slapped him again, "Come on you asshole. I'll drench you in holy water. Wake your stupid ass up!" When he finally did open his eyes she sighed, "Looks like someone still had some fight left in him. Sorry, but you can't beat me." she sighed and walked out of the cell after picking up the holy water. She closed the door and glared at him, "Now give me the information I need."

She wouldn't harm him again today. It made her feel sick even if he had just proven he could defend himself. It still wasn't the same. She leaned against the bars. The lack of oxygen was seriously effecting her. Not to mention the damage he had done to her chords and her neck. Chains were bitchy things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sethrine


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When Damien came to, it was to the sight of Genevieve looking over hom. He was back in his cell now looking none the better than he did. He hadn't been out long, as the sharp sting of his broken nose and recently constricted throat were still new. He could see the number his changes had done on the redhead's pale throat, circular marks of red and pinches of blue already surfacing. With both their powers restricted, it would take them yet another day to heal completely instead of the usual hour or so for minor wounds, unless she were to remove just the one cuff.

"Our next stop...is Augusta, Georgia," he rasped out quietly, reaching up and correcting his broken nose with an audible pop and a short grunt.

"If you want to know precisely where, you know my agreement."

At this, he shook his left arm, the chain rattling almost mockingly.
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