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Vallix Mancini
44 years old

Vallix is the 9th son of Valiant and Valyn Mancini. He wanted to follow in the footsteps of his ancestor Valhalla and taught himself how to sew when he was a child. Vallix was very independent growing up and as soon as he was old enough, he moved out of the manor in order to pursue his dream of creating beautiful clothes. He is now a succesful fashion designer with his own store, VallixM, that is stationed in the poor district of the main city. All of his clothes are personally made by him and he runs the shop by himself, so he usually invites his customers for lunch when he gets lonely. Despite making some of the best clothes in Wiz, Vallix sells them all at low prices because he wants everyone to be able to afford his clothes no matter their social status. He is very kind hearted and could never bring himself to hurt anyone, and Vallix even forgives wizards who try to steal from his shop. He is not intimidated easily by others because he believes that, ultimately, all wizards are born good and has faith in his fellow people that they will not harm him if he can help them see the error of their ways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

33 years old

Valis has a very reckless personality and was quite a handful growing up. He'd pick fights with his older brothers and if they didn't comply, he'd jump them anyway, forcing them to either defend themselves or get punched in the face. It was messy, but it was his way of bonding with them. He eventually mellowed out as he got older, but he'll never turn down a friendly tussle with one of his brothers every now and then. He straightened up enough to graduate from the Academy and even became a Protector. His family had a legacy of being blessed with great magic and he was promoted to being a Royal Protector in just a few short months. He is currently the Protector for his 'cousin' Belisario and the two are dating. It's pretty much common knowledge between the nobles that they aren't blood related, so no one really speaks up about it, but for the sake of appearances to the public, they keep it on the down low.

Unlike his older siblings, Valis grew up during the period where his parents stopped having babies every chance they got, so he's probably closer to them than any of his older siblings. He was very close to Valente before his incident two years ago and misses him terribly.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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30 years old

Valereon is the fourteenth son of Valiant and Valyn Mancini, but it's impossible to tell. Unlike all his other siblings, Valereon lacks the blonde hair that serves as the Mancini trademark, instead inheriting his purple locks from his mother's side of the family. He knew that he shouldn't let something as simple as his hair color hold him back, and even though his parents never treated him any differently, nor his siblings, he could help but feel like the black sheep of the family.

This lead him to becoming a rebellious teen and he fought against his parents constantly, blaming them for his bad behavior. He blamed them for paying too much attention to his other, more successful siblings, and more selfishly, Valor's death. He dropped out of school at 21 and moved out of his parent's house at 23. When he left, he cut off all ties with his family and began living on the streets. It was hard for him, especially when his brothers and sister were Knights and Protectors and his uncle was the King, and it hurt his ego greatly. He thought about returning to the Mancini manor many times, just so he wouldn't sleep in dumpsters anymore, but his pride wouldn't let him. He wanted to make it on his own, even if it killed him.

After squatting in Valdeimos' restaurant for a while, he met Petrios Sudlenkov, the Candiland pimp, who was instantly attracted to his pretty face. Not for himself of course, but for his business. With a few sweet words and a flash of money, Petrios talked Valereon into being one of his special Éclairs, the male alternative to Cupcakes. To protect his identity (and that of his family), he goes by Léreon when he is working, so that the King won't know that one of his nephews is a prostitute.

Valereon is a member of the rebellion after he found out that Peppa Jack, and the rest of Candiland, were. He hasn't talked to his family in years, so they can't really use him as a spy, but he would do so in a heartbeat if Peppa Jack asked him to.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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27 years old

Valerio is the second youngest child. He has the one of the weakest magical capabilities in the family and is constantly trying to prove himself because of it. He acts calm and collected, but this is mostly an act because he doesn't want people to judge him. He hides behind his shades and headphones and they are somewhat like a security blanket for him. He's oddly obsessed with rap music from 21th century Earth and uses it to cast his magic. Previously, he was a member of the Wizard Council, just like the rest of his siblings, but he was the only one who got fired when Valente rebelled. This mystery was cleared up when King Belzeneff approached him personally and asked him to track down Valente, because he knew him best. At the time he was filled with anger and the need for revenge so he accepted. Valerio has been all over the time space continuum looking for his brother and has recently landed upon a pirate ship.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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15 years old

Valcyon is the youngest child of Valiant and Valyn Mancini and the baby of the family. Even though he has nieces younger than him, he's still considered as the baby because of his sensitive personality. He is a very timid young boy who doesn't like he speak up and spends most of his time alone. He doesn't have any friends because the only reason the kids at school want to talk to him is because of his family's legacy. Instead, Valcyon prefers to remain closed off and not talk to anyone unless he has to so he doesn't get hurt. But this often backfires because some of the kids think he's stuck up and bully him, making Valcyon come home crying everyday. The only person he opens up to completely is his mother since both his father and siblings intimidate him. She's the only one he can talk to without crying and often confides in her. During the weekend and after school, He works at Valyn's potion shop and stocks the shelves since he's too shy to deal with customers.

The gap between him and his oldest brother is 50 years, almost enough for him to be his father, so he doesn't have a strong bond with his older siblings since he didn't grow up with them. He isn't even close to his nephews and nieces who are closer to him in age because they're all so cool and he's just so lame.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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21 years old

Valiance is the son of Valroya Mancini and Edel Gwrtheyrn. Unlike his father, he actually cares about his family and does not seek attention or fame. He smiles often and can be a little shy around strangers before feeling confident, but overall has a very nice personality. He does not know much about his mother, only that she loved him enough to die for him. Even though he has never met his mother, he loves her dearly, definitely more than his father who he just addresses as "Sir" during their interactions. But despite their lack of a father-son bond, Valiance does care about Valroya and when Valiance is home alone he watches tv in order to see how he is doing.

Valiance was raised in his father's house by a nanny that Valroya hired to take care of him. He rarely spent time with his father and almost never visited the other Mancini's as a child because Valroya wanted nothing to do with them. His nanny was very strict and often scolded him whenever he was not perfect at something, claiming that Valiance was an illegitimate child and a stain of the noble Mancini family, and that he needed to excel in order to prove his worth.

However, his nanny was not completely unreasonable and she would reward him whenever Valiance did extremely well in something. She took him on little field trips into the city using money out of her own paycheck. His nanny started teaching him dancing when he was seven and Valiance was not very skilled at it, but he enjoyed it the most out of all of his lessons. Seeing how much he enjoyed dance, the nanny took Valiance to the theater and he absolutely adored it. She decided to give him extra lessons in dance and soon he started to show talent in his dancing. His nanny was his only parental figure and by the time Valiance was 18 and no longer required a nanny, she had informed them that he was a sweet child and definitely was not unworthy of his family name, and before she left she apologized for how she treated him when he was younger.

He is indifferent about Valroya's negligence because it allows Valiance to do whatever he wants and whenever he needs parental guidance, he calls his old nanny instead. He only relies on Valroya for shelter, but even then Valiance is the sole heir to his mother's money and could live on his own for awhile until needing a job. The only thing Valiance would even attempt to ask Valroya for is girl advice or hair tips.

He now spends a lot of his free time either visiting them or dancing, and Valiance even landed a job as one of the background dancers for Angelic during the idol's concerts two years ago. When he is not with Angelic, Valiance stays home in case his half-brother Valerius or half-sister Symphonia decides to stop by for a visit.
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17 years old

The daughter of Valdeimos Mancini and Raava Rixore. She was raised by her mother and grandfather in the West in a poor village her entire life, but sadly, Raani 's family slowly began to die out. Her grandmother died before she was born, her grandfather was taken to a labor camp where he later perished, and her mother Raava died of an illness. Having nobody else to turn to, Raani traveled to the main city in order to search for her mysterious father. Her mother rarely spoke about him and Raani had no idea what he looked like, but she knew he was named Valdeimos Mancini. Knowing that her parents met as co-workers, she narrowed down her mother's old workplaces until she visited a restaurant named DirkJakes. She finally found a place where one of the Mancini's worked and to her luck the worker she questioned admitted that Valdeimos was one of their chefs. Raani located him after his shift was over and revealed her parentage without much thought, which confused the man she believed was her father, and he did not take her seriously and refused to listen to her until she mentioned her mother was dead. The shock of hearing Raava's death finally got his attention and she managed to explain once again that she was his daughter. Valdeimos hesitantly took her word and allowed her to stay with him after confirming her parentage.

He officially took custody of her and, after her father suggested it, she changed her name to Valrose Mancini. Valrose now lives with her father and his apprentice in a large house that she adores. She gets a monthly allowance that was worth more than what she had her entire life and she is thrilled about her sudden wealth. Her and Valdeimos are not close to each other yet, but she does like him because he buys her whatever she wants and he will sometimes teach her recipes. She also bonded with her father's apprentice Isaiah while she tried to help him with his cooking so he could avoid her father's wrath, and they ended up dating a few months later. Valrose has not yet met the other members of her family and is fine with putting it off because she is nervous about what they would think of her since she is illegitimate and her mother was poor.
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1 year old

Valstell is the daughter of Valencino and Valancy Mancini. Valencino already spoils her and has given her an entire room full of toys and he buys only the best for his baby girl. In addition, her father usually brings a new gift from her every time he returns home from work and her uncle Vallix likes to send her cute baby clothes. She is a quiet baby who is rarely fussy, but Valstell tends to cry whenever Valancy or Valencino is not present and it will take awhile for her to calm down. Her first word was "mama",
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26 years old

Valhero is the oldest child of Valora and Valentiano Mancini. He dislikes his mother because she was strict on him while growing up and when he was a teenager he had a habit of sneaking out of the house and visiting his grandparents whenever he was angry at his parents. Valhero is protective of his siblings and they can convince him to do pretty much anything if they ask. Whenever his stupid brother causes trouble, Valhero is the usually the one to clean up his mess and he also gets Valora to stop yelling at his brother, although this is usually done by making their mom become angry at him and forgetting about whatever Valexander did.

Valhero learned swordsmanship because he is determined to become better than his mom. After learning the basics from the same instructor his sister now learns from, Valhero begged his dad to teach him and now they have lessons in their spare time, but Valhero mostly trains on his own. He is currently attending The Academy in order to join the Wizard Council when he is older.

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21 years old

Valexander admires his mother and he wants to become strong like her some day. However, he hardly is motivated to actually train and he is content with staying at home like his dad and having fun with his life. He acts very carefree and craves excitement in life, and unlike Valhero and Valalee, he is not very serious or driven and tends to cause mischief. He likes his siblings and uncles but his closest friend is his 2nd cousin, prince Belshazzar. Since Belshazzar usually keeps to himself ,Valexander occasionally drags him to clubs in disguise when he can sneak him away from his protector and strange science stuff. Since the prince is sheltered and has no idea how to interact with people, Valexander does not leave him alone for long because Belshazzar would probably accidently reveal his identity within five seconds. He takes him to places like Candiland or even The Under, thankfully never being caught by Belshazzar's protector and random bodyguards, or worse, his mother.

Valexander has a soft spot for small animals because they always flocked to his house for some reason while he was growing up.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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13 years old

Valalee is the youngest child of Valora and Valentiano. She is a young, confident young girl who has idolized her mother and has made it her dream to become a Knight just like her. She's so inspired that she has started taking swordsmanship classes as soon as she became old enough and goes to practice everyday after her classes. Like her mother, she has a strong sense of justice and will intervene when she sees someone being unfair. This gets her into trouble most of the time, but luckily, she's always had one of her family members to bail her out of it. She's very close to her two brothers and they look out for her. She also has good relationships with her numerous uncles, her favorite being Valix because he makes her pretty dresses.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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20 years old

Valenna's mother disappeared when she was young, leaving her to be brought up by her father. Sadly, by the time she turned 4, he had already become a Protector and had very little time for her. She was eventually raised by her grandparents, Valyn and Valiant, and her father visits occasionally, whenever he has a day off. But since Valtreks is the Protector to the King, he doesn't have alot of days off, one every three months, but he does try his best to check up on her and to experience some bonding time with her. However, she has become jaded that he was too busy to take care of her, and constantly shoots down any effort of his to get close to her.

She loves her grandparents dearly and appropriates them raising her, and because she grew up with them, she's more of a sibling to Valerio, Valis and Vales then Valtreks is. She usually hangs out with her cousin Valexander, who is close to her age, and studies under her uncle Valerik.

She has no interest in joining the Wizard Council, because of her stupid father, and wants to become a teacher instead. She still lives with her grandparents.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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17 years old

Valerius is the second son of Valroya Mancini and the half brother of Valiance. His hair is a silvery white and not blonde like his father and brother, which is a real shame because Valerius is very proud of his heritage and will never let down a chance to remind people who his father is. His mother is a producer for the television network his father works at and the two met through there. Rather than dating, they casually hooked up every now and then and that eventually lead to Valerius' birth. His mother was well aware of the poor treatment Valroya's first son received and never wanted her child to end up like that, so she naturally gained custody and raised him by herself. But Valroya wasn't completely absent in his son's life and would see him during company parties, or whenever his mom bought him to work and Valerius had the chance to see his dad do his job first hand. Ambrosiya, Valerius' mother, had very stern values about how to raise a child and disciplined him whenever he misbehaved. Because of this, Valerius came to prefer his father over her since he was passive and allowed him to do whatever he wanted ((within reason)).

When he was 15, Valerius officially changed his birth name, which was Ambrosie Sanna, to Valerius Mancini because he wanted to get closer to his dad. He's going through his rebellious teenage phase right now and gets in fights with his mom everyday. He hates her current boyfriend and continuously runs away from home alot and goes to his father's house to hide from his mom and hangs out with his brother. He doesn't have any ambitions or hopes for the future and is basically crashing on his parent's couch after dropping out of the Academy a few months ago.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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53 years old

Belladon is the firstborn child of Belzeneff and Bellona Black, making him the crowned prince and the next heir to the throne. From a young age, Belladon was groomed to become Belzeneff's replacement and for that, he has become resentful towards his father. He grew into a rebellious spirit and defied every word his father said, getting so bad that Belzeneff had him relocated to another castle where he was raised by Belzeneff's top advisor, Demetrios. Under his care, Belladon shaped up spectacularly. It took many years and a lot of work, but in the end Belladon stopped fighting against everyone and accepted his fate. He no longer butted heads against his father, but instead, became his biggest fan and biggest supporter. To this day, no one really knows what Demetrios did that made him do a complete 180, but Belladon still sits up a straighter when Demetrios enters the room. Despite his change though, Belzeneff would sooner trust the commonwealth than his own son.

Which isn't too far off exactly. You see, Belladon came to the realization years ago that simply fighting Belzeneff would get him no where, so he decided to stay in the shadows and wait. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, right? For now, he's waiting for the change to take down his father and accept the throne so that he can rule Wiz.

But, even though he doesn't like his father, Belladon is deathly devoted to the rest of the royal family, his mother especially. You can trash talk Belzeneff all you want, but may Heaven help you if he hears you even mentioning Bellona in a negative light. He doesn't interact with his siblings too much, but he does love them and turns into a total tsundere if someone calls him out on his affections.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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53 years old

Belladonna is the twin sister of Belladon, but the two had very different upbringings. While he was being raised by Demetrios, she remained with her parents. She is a true princess in every sense of the word and carries herself accordingly to the expectations given to her. She is both elegant and fierce and doesn't take shit from anyone. She shares Belladon's resentment for their father, but not his feelings for the family. She absolutely detests her mother and siblings and chooses to live away from them. She rarely visits the castle and when she does, it's quite short. The only one she seems to stand is Belladon, and even then the two push each others buttons until either one backs down or a fight erupts. Still, she would much rather aid her twin than any of her other family members, especially the Mancinis, who she refers to as the 'blonde haired imbeciles'.

Her plan is aid Belladon in taking down Belzeneff, simply to take him off the throne, and then relocate to a different world of her choosing. She does not wish to rule Wiz, or to stick around to watch her brother fuck things up, so she has her eyes set on Earth where maybe she can take over her own land and build it how she wants it. She just wants to kill her father before doing so.

Belzeneff personally thinks that she is the reincaration of Bellarose Black, here to haunt him from the grave and make his life a living hell.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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41 years old

(ʘ‿ʘ✿) “what you say ‘bout me”
(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ “hold my flower”

The third child of King Belzeneff and Queen Bellona, Bellerophon is the second prince of Wiz and third in line for the crown. He has been raised by his mother to have absolute loyal, obedience, and devotion to his father. Unlike his older siblings, he never resisted his parents growing up and only wishes to make his father proud. Bellerophon acts like a proper prince and displays perfect etiquette and behavior when in public, only letting himself act relaxed when around a few of his siblings and his protector Kyuberos. He has a reputation for his love of gold and his trademark golden rose, which he carries with him always. He gives roses to those he considers his dearest friends. He has given a red rose to his childhood friend Destrinnian, a gold rose to his fiancee Marigold, and a pink rose to his knight friend Abiel. Bellerophon is currently searching for a silver or white rose for Kyuberos, who Bellerophon considers his best friend.

Ten years ago, he encountered Marigold Philonoe during one of the parties held at his castle, and he instantly sensed that she would be important to him. He gave her a gold rose and it was the beginning of their friendship. Eventually, their friendship turned to romance and after a year of dating, the prince proposed to her. Unfortunately, a few months before their wedding, Marigold was attack and placed into a coma she has yet to awaken from. Eight years have passed and she has not woken up, but Bellerophon never officially annulled their engagement, and continues to carry the gold flower that he had given her on their first meeting.

After the attack on his fiancee, Bellerophon decided to become an executioner in order to punish criminals like the ones who hurt her. He befriended Abiel Aristarr, who helped him train to become stronger and comforted him in his depression over Marigold. During his time as an executioner, Bellerophon slowly developed the beliefs that anybody who is a threat to his family should face execution and he has gained a cold attitude towards criminals; desiring to eliminate any traitor himself, and has earned the nickname "gold executioner" because he kills his targets with a golden weapon. The one exception is his cousin Valente, who he is convinced that what happened is just a mistake, but Bellerophon would still execute him if his father ordered him to. His sanity sometimes slips whenever he kills someone, and he treats their death like works of art, and enjoys the power he feels when he takes a life. He usually feels guilty afterwards and fears becoming some sort of monster, but Bellerophon doesn't want to quit his job because he doesn't want to explain his worries to other people.

As for his siblings, Bellerophon admires his older brother because of how Belladon always seems to support their father. He is glad that Belladon loves Belzeneff as much as he does now, and will always talk about how great their father is whenever he sees Belladon. He has never gotten along well with his older sister, not that Bellerophon has a problem with her, but mostly because Belladonna has never liked him or their younger siblings. His absolute favorite brother is Belisario. He has never cared that they have different mothers and promised from day one of being introduced to baby Belisario that he be the best big brother possible, mostly because he remembered the death of his first younger brother Bellisiah. He is not as close to his other younger brothers, however. Belshazzar rarely talks to anyone and only likes to talk to Bellerophon when he wants to experiment on his gold. The younger twins are Bellerophon's personal nightmare and the two of them enjoy ruining his life and taunting him, so Bellerophon hates them and they are the reason he is considering moving out of the castle like the older twins did. He has never gotten close to Belial because he used to hang out with the twins or with his friend, but after he went insane, Bellerophon was always too busy with work or too confused about what he was saying. Bellerophon does like to spoil his little sister, one of the few siblings he feels actually likes having him around, and is also nice to her friend Kyrie for Bellakane's sake. His other protector, Kyuubee, has always been someone he felt indifferent about and he always feels disappointed when Kyuubee is guarding him because he would rather be with Kyuberos. As for his cousins, the one he is closest to is Valerik because they used to sometimes study together and it was Valerik who helped Bellerophon learn how to use his magic to change things into gold.

He has a lion named Belufasa, who he has personally trained to be able to protect him during potentially dangerous assignments but he usually lays around sleeping.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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33 years old

Belisario is Belzeneff's fourth child, but his mother isn't the Queen, but a courtesan instead. She was Belzeneff's favorite and eventually she became pregnant with Belisario. This didn't go down well with the members of the Wizard Council who deemed it unfit for Belzeneff to have a bastard child, but there was nothing they could do to stop it. After the child was born, the Council separated the two and gave Belisario to Belzeneff and exiled the mother to the human world. Before sending her away, they had Kyuberos drain her of her magical abilities, making it impossible for her to return. With no proof, no one could accuse Belisario of being illegitimate and he was officially documented as the son of the Queen. Of course, anyone over the age of 60 knows that he isn't, but doesn't dare bring it up in fear of the King's wrath.

Afterwards, he was raised in the castle along with his brothers and sisters and for the most part, wasn't treated any differently. Of course, he and the Queen will never have the relationship that most mothers have with their children, but that is okay because Belisario still keeps in touch with his real mother by using a magical mirror, given to him by Belzeneff, that allows them to communicate. But, with her magic gone, she is aging the same as humans and has grown very ill. It is his wish to visit the human world so that he can see her one last time, but Belzeneff forbids it.

Because he's documented as the Queen's son, he is officially fourth in line for the throne. His siblings know of his true heritage, and how they treat him is completely up to them. Belisario does get along with Belial though, and finds him fascinating to listen to. Along with his little halfsister Bellakane, Belisario is one of the more kind hearted children of the Royal family. Though he is one of the older ones, he gets constantly bullied by his younger siblings, particularly the twins Belvedere and Bellarino. The older pair of twins, Belladon and Belladonna are also hard on him and never pass up the chance to remind him how unsufficiant he is, just because he doesn't share the Mancini bloodline with them. But regardless of the rough times he experiences with his family he remains generally nice and sincere and doesn't seem to hold the same viciousness his father does.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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30 years old

The fifth child of the king and queen, Prince Belshazzar is an aspiring inventor who has a deep fascination with science. He enjoys conducting experiments and it is normal for him to spend hours in his personal lab working on a project. He likes creating things and tends to give gifts he made to his parents if he thinks they could find a use for it. Belshazzar also recreated an extinct creature, a dinosaur he named Belbel, and while he originally wanted to study Belbel, his soft spot for cute animals ended up with Belshazzar treating it as a pet instead.

The prince is also very naive when it comes to social skills and is very gullible about trusting others, which gets him into trouble when his mischievous cousin Valexander comes along to drag him somewhere for fun. Besides Valexander, Belshazzar is close to his protector Pemberley and he relies on him when Belshazzar has to deal with society. He is also the favorite child of his mother, Queen Bellona. They share a love of knowledge and in the past whenever Belshazzar screwed up one of his experiments and got injured, she was always by his side until he recovered. He doesn't talk much to anybody else and would rather not socialize, but the one person who brings out the worst in Belshazzar is his little brother Belial and Belshazzar won't hesitate to start an argument with the insane prince.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

27 years old

Belvedere is the oldest out of the twins but looks up to Bellarino and follows him as if he were the older brother. They were raised as a pair all throughout their childhood, which made it hard for Belvedere to develop his own personality and individuality. He absorbed Bellarino's rotten attitude due to their close proximity and even if he did want to change, he doesn't dare try incase it causes a rift between him and Bellarino. He will do anything to make his brother happy, even going as far as hurting others for the sake of his amusement. However, not all of his terrible behavior can be blamed on Bellarino. He takes separate enjoyment from tormenting his other siblings, Belisario being his favorite to pick on. He also goes out of his way to mess with Bellerophon whenever he gets the chance, but it's mostly for Bellarino's enjoyment. Pulling pranks on the Wizard Council is a frequent pastime of his since no one can do anything to punish him thanks to his royal bloodline.

His co-dependency with his twin has gotten worse and worse as the years went on and it's now to the point where being apart from one another for more than a couple of hours will throw him into hysterics. Their problem was noticed far too late that when any attempt was made to separate the two, Belvedere got violent and threatened to kill them, so now everyone has given up and let them do whatever. Most of their family refer to them as a pair and fail to see their individuality, even now. Not that Belvedere minds, of course. He is devoted to his twin and will do anything he says, with little thought of the repercussions he would suffer in return.

Outside of his twinship, Belvedere is manipulative and uncaring. He doesn't care for the feelings of others and will trample over them without a second thought. Other than his brother, he has no emotional connections with anyone which makes it easier for him to use people. Out of boredom, he plays emotional games with people to test how far they can go until they break. He creates a fake persona when he's with girls and gets them to fall for him, only to emotionally abuse them, or cut them off completely. If they contact him again, he will patronize and ridicule them until they break down. He used to do the same with his mother when he was a child, going to her crying and apologizing, saying that everything he did was Bellarino's fault, only to spit in her face when she tried to hug him. His little games has had terrible consequences for the other party, but he doesn't care, and will most likely never will. Outside of his games, he has never shown genuine interest in others.

His extreme codependency on Bellarino stems from greater insecurities from inside him, but he doesn't talk about any of it incase Bellarino will leave him.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

27 years old

Bellarino is a prince of Wiz and younger twin brother of Belvedere Black. He has the cruelness of his father and the devotion of his mother, although that devotion is only for his twin. Growing up the two of them were treated as a pair instead of their own person and as a result Bellarino can't bare to be away from his brother for too long. Bellarino cares only for his brother, and by extension his pet bunny Belblood that was given to him by Belvedere, and he feels almost nothing positive for anybody else. He torments his siblings every chance he gets and his favorite targets are Bellakane and Bellerophon. Bellarino also despises animals, with the exception of bunnies, and his affection for rabbits has transferred over to the floppy-eared Kyuubee. He is surprisingly slightly less rude to him than others because Kyuubee reminds him of a bunny, plus the protector despises Bellerophon so it is easier for Bellarino to bully his brother than when Kyuberos is around.

Bellarino is a rude, vain, spoiled brat who throws a temper tantrum when he does not get something he wants. He treats everybody horribly and finds amusement in upsetting people, but his status as a prince makes it so that he never has to face consequences for his actions. Bellarino never listens to authority figures and Belzeneff is the only one able to truly keep him in line, sadly Belzeneff rarely gives any of his kids the time of day. He enjoys playing pranks on people, especially the wizard council, and every time he sees his mother she usually ends up crying because of something Bellarino or Belvedere said to her. He and his brother often torment their protectors until they are driven to quit and it is difficult for anybody to stick with the job for more than a few months. He also thinks poor people are disgusting and he cares a lot about social status. Bellarino is proud of his bloodline and gladly reminds people that he is descended from two legendary heroes.

He makes no attempt to hide his rotten personality but that does not stop people from falling for him, so Bellarino has a promiscuous streak and it is not uncommon for him to have multiple lovers at the same time. He makes it a game to treat his lovers horribly to see how long they last with him until he gets bored and decides to end the relationship, although if they break up with him first he'll go into a rage and get revenge. Bellarino is also horrible at magic because he thinks studying is pointless. He has his servants to do all of the hard work for him so he thinks studying magic is too much of a bother. The only thing that Bellarino is not too lazy to work on is his appearance, but even then he has servants fix his hair and clothes for him most of the time.

His greatest fear that he has not disclosed to even his twin is having to become king because, not only does he hate responsibility and think people are worthless, him being king would means there is a good chance that something bad would have happened to Belvedere and the thought of his brother in danger or injured makes him hysteric.

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