The woman shivered as a cold wind blew through the forest pulling her cloak closer around
her as she walked down the worn game path, her bag was loose in her hand she was hopping to come across a deer or some other type of small game to eat for dinner but it didn't look like she'd find anything before the tree tops completely exposed the shade to the sun light creeping softly over the horizon.

She blinked slightly caught off guard by the smell of blood in the air, as she looked around trying to find the source of it trading her bag in for a small dagger hoping to come across an injured animal or better yet a lost human, something she could make use off.

Walking quietly trying to avoid stepping on any loud branches she made her way through the forest as the smell of blood grew stronger, thankfully she wasn't a stranger to blood as the sweet smell lingered through the air enticing the vampires sense, as she came upon a bush with broken branches, peering inside she grinned in triumph seeing a deer laying there. The only that made her wary of it was the large gaping
wound in its neck as if something had just simply ripped it out and kept going, looking up from the fresh carcass she scanned the are looking to see if she could find what had done this to the deer and if it was still around. Not spotting anything she sighed softly before looking back down at the deer, it
would be unwise for her to drag it all the way back to her cave it would only draw unneeded attention.

Using her knife she cut into the deer creating a new slit letting the still warm blood trickle from it dipping her head down to lap softly at the small flow of blood careful to keep the fur and liquid from smearing all over her face drinking her fill before heading back to a small cave in the mountains face.

Brushing her blonde hair back out of her face she sat down in front of her dying fire and started
to restock it, trying to keep the winters cold from seeping into the cave as she pulled the worn red cloak closer to her drawing her knees up to her chest. To any outside observer she simply seemed like a woman all alone out in the forest as she hummed to herself quite content with how the day had gone and she hoped the night would be as peaceful as well as rolls of thunder echoed down the mountain, it was a bit silly of her to be staying in a cave with a town only a few miles west but she preferred solitude to the bustling towns and the thought of sleeping in a taverns inn wasn't a pleasant one. Shaking her head she had to remind herself that this wasn't some simple camping trip and they're were plenty of fools out there willing to try and collect her head.