Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Kuro took Kyou off to the side, causing Aoba to glance over every now and then. But after the third or fourth time he focused on Dani. He felt it would be better not to keep staring in order to show he trusted Kuro along with preventing his uneasiness from showing too much. They didn't need to stand and hold the bags, so Aoba had put them down at his feet to wait. Dani on the other hand seemed rather upset still. For a moment, Aoba simply watched Dani, trying to decipher his mumbling. "Dani," He finally spoke. Carefully, he reached out to gently touched the demon's shoulder. It solicited a soft growl, but Dani calmed down to pay attention to Aoba.

The angel realized he didn’t really want anything besides for Dani to stop mumbling angrily. “Are you still upset because. . .” His eyes flitted over to Kyou for a brief second, not even bothering to finish the sentence. Dani’s eyes followed Aoba’s to where Kyou was kneeling. He could hear everything going on, however it was obvious Aoba wasn’t supposed to hear.

With an annoyed sigh, he stared at Aoba. “You were too close. . .That weak thing could have still harmed you.” He didn’t want to make it seem like he cared too much, so he added, “Kuro would have ripped off my wings if something happened to you, you know.” His face sported a frown with it.

Aoba decided it was best not to try arguing with the temperamental demon. Instead, Aoba nodded and gave a quiet apology. It made Dani roll his eyes, but nod nonetheless. In truth, Aoba should have been more careful- although, he could still bring up the point that both Kuro and Dani were demons too. And there were probably more than a few times the two could have and maybe even wanted to harm him- Dani no doubt. However, he kept his mouth shut about it. There was no need to add onto the trouble.

Both pairs of eyes travelled to Kuro and Kyou as the weaker demon scurried off. For a brief moment, Aoba’s heart sank because the demon was leaving. Maybe Kuro told him to never come back. The moment however passed because he was in turn happy that Kuro let him go free. At least he had his life. Aoba fixed his face and gave a small sheepish smile to his unreadable expression, unsure of what to say. After a few moments longer, Kuro smiled and Aoba took it as a sign that things were okay, on the surface at least. Aoba had definitely noticed Kuro’s spacing off and depth thinking, but said nothing of it. He was never sure what to say about it.

As the trio made their way to the alley, Aoba took the delicate items and waited for Kuro to pick him up, almost expectantly. He didn’t mind being held by Kuro and he had surely gotten used to the trips to and from the town. It was a shame he couldn’t fly on his own. He knew he wasn’t heavy to the demon, but it still seemed like a burden to have to carry groceries and him back home- even though Dani did carry most of them to prove he could.

“See? Piece of cake.” Dani spoke proudly as he dropped the bags of food on the kitchen floor. His deeds were done, so now he had to figure out what to do. He kind of wished a demon or two would try to attack. That was always fun.
“Thank you again Dani.” He smiled, covering his mouth as he laughed lightly towards Dani’s show off-y nature. He made his way into the kitchen in order to put everything away. Before Kuro could help, Aoba rested a hand on his chest and offered a smile. “It’s fine, I can do it.” He removed his hand. “It is the least I can do after all.” He made a shooing motion before turning and getting to work, putting things up.

Dani had planned to go outside and scout the area, however Aoba’s rhythmic way of cleaning made him pause and watch. Standing near his brother, he mused. “How odd...it’s like he likes doing manual labor. You’ve managed to find the weirdest angel ever you know?” They weren’t too far away from Aoba, so it wasn’t like he couldn’t be heard, however it seemed like the angel wasn’t paying much attention at all. Though, it was simply Aoba being used to Dani calling him odd or weird. There was no need for a reaction besides a simple glance over his shoulder and then continuing to methodically and rhythmically put everything in place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Once they are thoroughly out of sight Kuro turns and carefully gathers the angel into his arms. He has to shift the bags just so so they are not rubbing against the lovely gray wings as they fly. His cloak falls swiftly into place and in to time they are airborne. It's such a comfortable feeling for the demon, holding Aoba close to him like this. It's so familiar, so warm. . .He lets out a sift sigh to himself. 'Honestly, this silly feeling that he could just be taken away, just like that, and by a demon no less, it's just ridiculous. Aoba is happy here, with me, and the animals, and Dani. . . .' His heckles rise a little at how comfortable Aoba now is with Dani but it falls just as quickly as he peeks at the demon flying steadily at his side. Normally he'd be darting this way and that, fluttering about like a sparrow having a seizure, but burdened as he is he's forced to concentrate and fly steady.

The flight home is quite, each lost in their own thoughts, and when they finally arrive Kuro joins Aoba in a small chuckle over Dani being so proud of himself. Shaking his head, an honest smile on his lips, Kuro makes to put away the groceries as he always does. However he is stopped by a small hand on his chest. Looking down at the angel in mild confusion he scowls slightly as Aoba decides he wants to do it all this time. Once more Kuro's irrational fear of his Little Mouse pulling away from him rears it's ugly head and he simply stares at the angel's back in a slightly lost haze. Dani's words filter right past him, no retort even beginning to come to mind, and the smaller demon notices the lack of response quickly.

Not fast enough however and before he even has the chance to look up into his brother's face Kuro has turned and is making his way outside. Dani pouts, moving to go after him, however he pauses half way through the living room. Standing stock still in the now rather welcoming looking and clean room the small demon quickly begins weighing his options. 'Little Black Storm Cloud is off pouting over dad knows what, obviously doesn't wanna talk, and the little angel has already proven to be in an open mood today. . .' Turning slowly on the spot the little demon strides slowly over to the line separating the kitchen from the living room, a friendly but wicked smile on his lips.


Fenrir had been called away soon after Kuro and Dani had returned to Aoba's side, and emergency in the ward demanding his attention. Like a good soldier his mind remains on the task until at last he's released and in an instant it's back on the angel and his demon caretakers. However upon his return, his gaze falling on to the small circle of reflective glass, he can sense something is amiss. Swiftly he locks his door and takes up his normal position behind his desk, his eyes locked on the scene before him. Kuro is nowhere to be seen and the littler one, Dani, looks very much like a wolf staring at a fresh carcass. What trust the arch angel has for the youngest brother does not quite extend to the smaller one and his heart skips a beat at the scene before him.


Kuro takes to the air once he's outside, deciding on a few slow laps around territory both to check for danger, and to think. His mind, still haze, doesn't make that second goal very easy, and for the most part he simply watches the grass and dirt pass beneath him with very little going on behind his eyes besides a low buzz in inane babble. After his second lap he lets out a long sigh. “It's something he's asked of me, time and again. He wants to learn how to do stuff for himself. He wants a little more independence, that's all this is, he's not. . . .He's not. . . .” 'Pushing me away?' He sighs again, rolling on to his back and crossing his arms.

'He still relies on me, and he hasn't asked to be left alone or for me to leave, but really. . . .Am I anything more than a glorified cook and guard dog at this point? Maybe a farm hand, maybe, but even there all I do is daily chores along side him, and I enjoy the time we spend together, but does he. . . .Does he see me as anything other than a necessity to living? Sure, I guard him, but Dani does too. I don't complain about helping but Dani does it too. . .Of course Dani doesn't cook, but really? Is that the one thing I'm uniquely good for around here?' He huffs aloud, landing in the back yard a few paces from his hiding place. 'And even in that Aoba wants independence. He doesn't want me to be the cook, he wants to do it himself. . .' moving off into the grass slowly he pulls his carving tool from his pocket and settles down out of sight with his silly little project. He needs time to sort out his mind and this task has proven to help him do just that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Aoba didn't notice Kuro's spiraling negative mood. The angel assumed he just wanted to go out and check around the fields and maybe stretch out his wings. He began to hum gently as each item was neatly tucked in place. ’This is kind of like stocking the inventories back home-’ The thought made him stop. He hesitated and bit his lower lip. That wasn’t home anymore, and he knew that. He had known that for weeks, so why had he made such a minor slip? After a moment more, Aoba shook his head as if to rid himself of the thoughts and then continued to put their- well mainly his groceries away.

Dani had sauntered closer, noticing the hesitation. He wasn’t going to acknowledge at first, but the countless beatings and talks from Kuro made him think about what Kuro said about him toughing out his situation. Was the angel thinking about it now? Maybe Dani was thinking too much into the situation himself. He didn’t know, he wasn’t good at reading others- nor did he really care to. Giving a mental sigh, he simply walked over and stood near Aoba, leaning against the counter. It was hard to mimic things Kuro did to corrupt the angel, so Dani would have to figure out his own way to make Aoba his. Kuro was a weird demon with weird tactics, none of which Dani wanted to try anyway. Quietly, he moved a can just out of Aoba’s reach as he put them away. As he suspected, when Aoba reached down grabbing the air it broke him out of the methodical cleaning.

“Hm?” He hummed, wondering why Dani was watching him and why he disrupted the process. He was almost done after all. “Did you want something Dani?”

Dani frowned a bit. ’There he goes again with that. . .caring voice. So weird. . . I’m not supposed to be upset though. It’s something ‘natural’ with him. Although there isn’t really anything natural about him.’ Dani sighed and made a face to nothing in particular, and while Dani did that Aoba finished putting the last of the groceries away. “Don’t you have to. . . I don’t know, feed animals? We did go to the store and all this morning. So you know, there’s that.” He hadn’t expected the soft giggling from the angel and immediately puffed up. “What? What’s so funny?!”

Aoba’s mouth was covered when he giggled lightly, but he quickly composed himself. “Nothing, nothing. I just. . .You never ask about the animals unless it’s Mama. I don’t mind if you take a peek at them you know. I trust you.” Dani’s eyes narrowed a bit, trying to find the lie in his eyes, but the angel was telling the complete truth. Trusting him was definitely a start, so Dani took pride in that at least, simply because Aoba said it aloud. “So will you be going?”

“Why would I go? I’m not going to feed those things.” He huffed and watched as Aoba walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. “It’s not like I care what you do here anyway!” He spoke defensively.


“I’m only here because that dumb demon would clip my wings if I try to go anywhere.” Dani grumbled, still being defensive after the simple response he was given.

Aoba was well aware of why Dani was around, more or less. If anything, the angel was sure he didn’t care, so he merely nodded in agreement. Although he did give an odd look when he heard the defensive tone in his voice. Deciding not to press it any further, Aoba walked over to the dusty box they had all been ignoring. “Hey. . . Dani, what’s this?”

For an instant, Dani bristled when he was ignored by the angel, but he quickly remembered that would do nothing to help him taint the angel. ’Being ‘nice’ is stupid.’ With an annoyed sigh, only loud enough for him to hear, he hopped over the couch to see what Aoba was examining. “That thing? It’s a TV. Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of these? Geez, you really were a shut in! What could you possibly do all day in that-” Dani cut the possible insult short with a roll of his eyes and then tinkered with the nobs on it. It was old and way out of season, but it was possible it could still work. “Humans sit around this thing all day and waste their time watching shows or whatever. It’s pretty pointless if you ask me. Their scary stuff isn’t even that scary.”

Aoba was really going to have to learn how to tune out Dani’s insults to him, or at least brush them off. However, this time that hadn’t been the case. Dani actually stopped himself from saying something. That was new. Was Kuro teaching him still? He’d have to ask. . .whenever Kuro got back of course. ’Where’d Kuro go off to? Normally he says something before he does.’

“I don’t think this old thing works. It’s not useful anyway. Just pointless sitting.” He gave the TV a light kick before looking back at Aoba.

“Well, there’s no need to break it. It’s still a useful shelf to put things- if we ever put anything on it of course.” Aoba’s attention drifted off outside again. “Hm. . .Maybe you’re right. Maybe I should go feed the animals. Well, I should probably ask Kuro if it’s a good idea.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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The slow scraping of metal on wood is somewhat soothing to the demon and as each little curl of wood falls to the ground he can feel his mind clearing, his worry dimming. He knows Aoba doesn't see him in such a low way. The angel is incapable of seeing anyone or anything in such a low manner, save perhaps himself. Aoba is too kind and sweet to think anything but the world of him and Kuro feels such a fool for thinking that way. 'It was not an irrational train of though' he muses. 'After all, all my points are valid, but. . . .But what matters is how he sees me. I'm not. . . .I'm not just a thing around here like the barn or the bath. . . .I am Kuro, the one who sticks by him, the one who made him fall. He could hate me but he doesn't, I would sense that, so. . . .So he must think something good of me. . .Right?'

Sighing he looks at the still very unfinished collection of wood pieces and lets his mind eye see them in their finished state. The carving has actually changed from what he originally saw as the finished work, a few details of their life adding to the complete picture despite all his efforts to keep it the same. Something about it all has changed and no matter what he tells his fingers they make the image he sees and he has no real choice in the matter. 'Well, I could stop carving altogether. . . .' He shakes his head. No, he wants to do this, and give it to Aoba. He wants to make this thing no matter what, even if it's a little silly.


Dani bristles on the inside, his eyes narrowing. 'Always with thinking about him! Little Black Storm Cloud's only been gone a few minutes, ten max! And already he's aching to chase after him!' His teeth flash for a second but after a moment his head snaps towards the door and instead he grumpily stalks out of the house, deciding to check on Otto and Mama. They are far more interesting at the moment than this silly enamored fallen angel.


Fenrir lets out a sigh as the little one leaves Aoba alone at last. To the arch angel, the demon's intentions were clear. He was trying to get closer, even if he sucks at it. While he knows there's nothing to be done about the larger one, he at least doesn't radiate an aura of possessive desire when around the small angel. 'Well, not really. . .I mean, when the little one is trying to get close or tease Aoba, or when the Father was about, Kuro seemed to get a little possessive, but. . . .That's understandable I guess. Demons are greedy little things, but that large one seems willing to let Aoba do what he likes. . .' Fenrir starts slightly when he realizes, for the first time, he's been calling Kuro by his name rather than simply “Demon” or “The taller demon”.

As his brows furrow over this revelation he looks down on the angel, curious as to what he will do now. 'If he acts like he normally does, he'll be seeking out. . . .That demon, any moment now. I swear, he's so needy sometimes. That demon, he's like a pillar of strength that keeps Aoba moving forward, striving to learn, to do, and to not give up. I'm not blind, I see his pain, his longing for home, but. . . .Somehow th-. . .' he sighs. 'Somehow Kuro makes things bright for the little one. . .Foul hellspawn' He adds those final words almost without feeling them. Almost as if they are expected of him.


Twitching Kuro looks up to see Dani darting off towards the barn and quickly he hides his work. He knows that his dear older brother doesn't really care about such silly little things but he would rather Dani not destroy them in a fit a pique should they get into a spat at some point in the future, the smaller demon seeing the bits of wood as easy prey. Moving out of the long grass he walks towards the pig pen and after a moment switches direction, not wanting Aoba to be left on his own. 'I am his guardian. The least I can do is be within striking distance when he's alone' With this in mind he heads for the front door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Aoba turned when he heard the shift of movement, only to spot Dani walk off. “Where-” His voice drifted it off when he spotted the upset look on his face. Why had his mood changed so suddenly? Maybe it was just him realizing how...he was being nicer to a fallen angel? Or. . . Did Aoba do something wrong? Quietly, he scooted to the door, peeking out and watching as Dani went toward the barn. He was still getting used to not doing work around the house, compared to the time when work needed to be done every day. Aoba wasn’t quite sure what relaxing was, but eventually he’d learn. He had decided to shuffle around the house and look around a bit more thoroughly, but he didn’t move from the door, still watching Dani storm away.

He didn’t think Dani wanted him to follow and Kuro had disappeared earlier for some reason. Aoba thought about going after one of them, but he stopped himself. He didn’t want to be so clingy. . . after all, they had already helped him so much. Even they needed their time alone. Aoba respected it, and welcomed it. If the fallen angel was ever going to learn to be independent, it would be best if he even had his time away from the demons. ’This is. . .helpful. Quiet, but helpful.’ His mouth twisted a little before he nodded to himself, trying to reassure that he wasn’t overthinking the situation. ’Quiet, but helpful’

However, helpful didn’t last long when he spotted Kuro walking back towards the house. Aoba gave his normal small smile, but then turned his attention back as Dani had passed through the barn doors. "He's an odd demon. . ." It was the first thing he said when Kuro had gotten close. "He was just telling me about that TV thing over there." Maybe it was just Dani's ever changing emotions. He was oblivious to it.

"Oh, Kuro, do you think we should feed the animals now?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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As soon as he's in sight of the door he sees Aoba appear, looking off towards the barn. He raises a hand in greeting, giving the smaller male a friendly smile. He knows things are strange between them. Knows that nothing about all of this is even in the vaguest realm of normal. But for Aoba's sake, he can at least pretend. As he mounts the steps the angel mutters something about Dani and Kuro pauses, following his line of sight. He chuckles, finishing the small climb and pausing a few feet from Aoba, still watching the barn. Yeah, he is isn't he?” He chuckles again, turning his eyes on to the gray winged male.

He hears Aoba's question but for just a moment, a few long heartbeats, he doesn't feel like saying anything. He just feels like looking at the smaller male. The once white clad beast now stands before him, grace forsaken, in a blue button up shirt, sleeves rolled high to free up his hands, and comfy jeans settles snugly around his lower half, dirty looking feet once covered in blisters now callousing due to near constant contact with rough surfaces. . .The sight is, in it's own sad way, far too lovely and depressing at the same time. He practically stole this Little Mouse's innocence and now here he is, growing rougher day after day, far from his friends and family, with demons confusing and and sometimes terrorizing him day and night. . .

On impulse he reaches out and does something he's not done in quite a while. Gently he grasps the back of Aoba's neck and pulls him in close. That close, slightly intimate distance that used to terrify the little angel back in heaven. He holds him there, looking down into his eyes, and unreadable expression on his face. Then after a mere heartbeat he leans in and places a tender kiss on the younger male's forehead before pulling back slightly. The hand on the back of Aoba's neck slides up softly and ruffles the boy's hair, a playful, honest smile now on Kurotama's lips. “Yeah. . . .That sounds like a good idea.” his voice is gentle and calm with just a hint of playfulness in it and he gives Aoba a sharp nod before turning and heading down the steps. Turning at the bottom he begins heading for the barn, letting Aoba decide how fast he wants to follow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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For awhile nothing was said. Instead, it was a silent stare off. Or really, Kuro staring at him. That didn't stop Aoba's occasionally glances into those dark red eyes. He couldn't read his clouded expression. Lately, it was hard to tell what the demon was thinking. He was always so lost in thought. Aoba wasn’t sure if he had been upset about something or even happy, but he decided not to bother him about it. He didn't like pestering others about their business, he remembered getting hassled about things like that. So, old habits may have died hard.

His train of thought started to derail for a few moments until he felt a hand on his neck and gently pull him forward. It was a familiar sensation that he remembered was once terrifying. But over the course of a few weeks he had relaxed considerably. It was a simple gesture, used as a thanks most of the time. It was an odd gesture in his mind. Most intimate moments usually meant so much more so he was taught. However, this was something completely different. As usual, his eyes never betrayed what Kuro was really thinking. Instead, he received the usual kiss on his head and smiled in return. Aoba had the heart to ask if something was bothering him, but his speech abandoned him. He just gave a quiet smile and nodded. He followed Kuro, moving a little faster to the barn, now with more purpose.

They hadn’t tended to the animals all day. The grocery trip did take up a fair amount of their time. “Dani?”

The smaller demon had been talking to Mama, but hearing his brother and Aoba walking towards the barn made him frown and fly up to his bed. Aoba’s call went ignored. Obviously, he was still a bit upset about before.

“Dani, can you help with the animals please? We’re going to herd them out.” Aoba waited patiently, wondering why he was being ignored. Still, he got no answer, causing him to pout a little. Why was he ignoring him all of a sudden? The angel looked over at Kuro for a moment before flying up to wear Dani was laying with his back to him. “Dani. . . Don’t you like scaring the animals out?” His head tilted a little and he reached out and poked Dani’s back gently. Aoba eventually landed back on the ground, still not good at hovering and then looked at Kuro to see if he could persuade his older brother.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Upon entering the barn Kuro marks his brother's strange mood and gives the demon a sideways look. He grows slightly concerned when even Aoba's call does not seem to reach the smaller male but at the moment he deems the animal care a little more important than sussing out just why the already mildly mad little demon is acting even stranger. Unfortunately Aoba does not seem to agree and tries to reach out to Dani. The younger demon watches the sole focus of his current existence rise off the dusty barn floor and hover awkwardly at loft level. 'Well, this is strange. I know he loves scaring things, and Aoba can normally get him to do anything when he asks in that sweet voice of his. . . .'

Aoba comes back down, giving Kuro a look, and the demon can't help but sigh. 'He really is too sweet for his own good' Without hesitation he rises up to the loft, putting his wings away immediately lest Dani be in a scraping mood. However instead of a violent air Dani seems more confused and contemplative. Moving in close Kuro crouches down right behind the smaller male and huffs softly. “What's the matter Dani?” His voice is soft, but carries the same rough note he always addresses his siblings with. Dani seems to ignore him at first, the looks over his shoulder with a scowl and shakes his head, burying his face in his arms.

Dani doesn't want to think about anything right now, his mind and lack of heart far too mixed up and confused to make any sense of things. He still wants the angel. He still wants his toy. He wants it all, but, but. . . .With a growl he snaps at Kuro, “I'm hungry!”

Kuro knows he doesn't mean food. Thinking about it he realizes it's been over a week for the smaller male. It's been even longer for Kuro, and that's not a good thing. He will have to go out tonight and find someone, but for now, “Go ahead. Be back in an hour.” he murmurs, patting Dani on the shoulder.

The smaller demon growls but doesn't say anything, hopping off the edge of the loft and taking off out of the barn without looking back. It's not too sunny out, but what sun there is makes his flight less than pleasant. But at this point, he's just happy to have some time to himself.

Back in the barn Kuro hops down as well, landing beside the little angel with a soft strained smile on his lips. Gently he says, “He just needs some time to. . . Get his head straight.” He smiles a little wider, hoping Aoba will take the hint and not ask beyond that. While there is no shame, he still doesn't want the angel to sit and thing about the small innocent little Dani off killing and draining the soul from a human they may very well have talked to since they moved here. He knows, eventually, Dani will need to hunt further away from their house, in fact he may very well should already be doing that, but Kuro simply can not risk it at the moment. Motioning to the sheep pens he says quietly, “Shall we?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aoba watched with his typical wide eyed and hopeful expression. Maybe Kuro could persuade Dani out of the sudden funk. Unfortunately, Dani didn’t seem like he wanted to be bothered. Aoba let out a soft sigh and let him be. For some reason he had a small guilty feeling as if he was the one that caused Dani’s sour mood. Looking at Kuro, Aoba gave a small nod and then looked at the animals. Even though he did wonder where Dani was flying to, he decided it was best not to ask. Demons were an odd species and technically with the false knowledge he was given about them, he was still learning. . .a lot.

“Oh, of course.” He shuffled over to the sheep pens and began to unlock the gate. It was a repetitive routine for them. Aoba would keep them going in a straight line while Kuro and Dani guided them out. Or more correctly, Dani got them out of their pens and Kuro guided the rushing crowd out. Everything was more or less the same minus the rush. The sheep were let out first and instead of their usual panic run, they strolled out into the fields. One sheep slowed a few others down until Aoba gave it a light pat on the head and sent it on its way. The cows followed next of course. Mama and Otto were the last ones out and he smiled, petting Otto as he stayed close to his mother. She walked past, bumping her head against Aoba’s chest, making him laugh softly. “Off you two go.” Despite being a little slower without Dani, things weren’t too bad. It was a nice and calm leisurely pace compared to normal.

In the process, Aoba hummed a soft tune, not knowing the words to it, if there were any for that matter. It filled the silence between the two when Aoba wasn’t sure what to say. “Oh, almost forgot to let the birds out.” He mentioned as he helped Kuro feed the pigs. They had been caring for the animals for the the past few weeks and the routine they had set made everything much easier. The fallen angel couldn’t consider himself a professional, especially with all the help received on the daily, but he could proudly say that if the other two had to leave he could take care of the animals himself. . . Of course, he would have preferred not being left alone, but the two were with him because they wanted to and he wouldn’t stop them from leaving. At times he did feel like he was cheating his sentence. After being kicked out of heaven, he was supposed to be bearing the weight of his punishment alone and learning from his mistakes, but here he was spending time with the very reason he was kicked out in the first place. Sometimes his own forgiveness was a shock to him.

“Hey Kuro, you should come sit with- oof!” Rather comedically, one of the sheep had wandered over and unceremoniously settled itself right onto Aoba, knocking him over. His wings unfolded as he fell back and the sheep simply let out a low ‘baa’-ing noise and got comfortable. Aoba laughed and petted the sheep’s head before sitting up again and brushing the grass out of his hair. Instead of finishing what he wanted to say, he simply patted the free space by his side in order to get him to sit by his side. He hadn’t tucked his wings back yet, so as a wandering cow walked past and nudged his wing, he looked up and smiled. It wandered off after receiving a light pat and Aoba waited for Kuro to sit by him, of course if he wanted to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Aoba accepts the demon's words and Kuro relaxes slightly, glad he doesn't ask any questions. He and Dani can not change. Without the grace that his father and his brethren were born with, demons need to survive somehow. Smiling he takes up Dani's job and his own, the sheep a little confused at first without the scary beast chasing them from their pens, but a bit of flapping and stamping gets them going, if at a much more leisurely pace. Kuro watches the angel as he shoos the beasts out, his gaze gentle, contemplative. He really cares for Aoba, that much is obvious even to the heartless creature, but at the same time, Kuro is unsure what to do about it now that it's no longer fresh. No longer that faint thrill of newness.

He cares for him no less, but now, he doesn't know what to do now that he has Aoba so close. Now that the angel no longer clings to him out of fear for his life. 'He still stays by me of his own free will' He muses, walking past Aoba after the sheep to keep them moving. 'That makes me happy, but. . .Demons don't get into relationships like this. I don't have anyone to ask about this! Humans are one way, but I can't really use them as models. I eat them, which his race disapproves of, but he accepts for. . .Some reason' Letting out a faint sigh he closes the gate to the field once all the pasture animals are out before turning to the penned animals.

He works in silence, smiling over at Aoba and waving him off to go loose the birds for the day. Once they are finished with the pigs and birds Aoba goes over to the pasture and Kuro follows without a word, just being content being near the angel for now. He laughs at the sight of the bump tackle from the sheep, devolving into a low chuckle and a warm smile at how absolutely cute the scene is. He worries briefly for the angel's wings but as Aoba does not cry out he concludes they must be fine. Still smiling wide Kuro wanders over and takes a seat beside Aoba, deciding to be a bit playful. Reaching out he gently takes the edge of Aoba's wing extended behind his back and draws it in close, wrapping it around himself like a blanket, and looking over at Aoba like a cute little kid with a new toy asking his mother if he can keep it.


Dani drifts back and forth over the crowd, silent and invisible. He looks from one face to another, hoping, wondering, and growling lightly. He's hungry, that was no lie, but he knows he wants a specific meal he's likely not going to find in this little backwater town. 'Especially with only an hour to get it with! Stupid Kurotama, making me rush my meal. . . .So mean. . . . .I want a meal, not just to gobble up some random morsel before getting to know if it will be tasty or not!' He knows much of his frustration springs from the interaction with Aoba but he ignores that completely. No need to dwell on such unimportant things as far as he's concerned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aoba cupped the sheep's face and spoke in a light, happy tone. "I hope you're comfy after knocking me over like that. You could've said something you know." Aoba laughed softly and let go of the sheep just as Kuro sat by his side, leaving it to sit calmly and rest. The angel gave a smile and couldn't help but laugh as Kuro wrapped himself up among his feathers. It was oddly cute if he could say so himself. For a brief moment, Aoba sat, staring into Kuro's red eyes. Most usually feared the typical demon eyes, but here he found himself mesmerized by them. Looking at Kuro made him question many things he had learned throughout the many years he lived. There were dangers of being around demons, Aoba was fully aware of it. He witnessed it thanks to being fallen. But then, there was Kuro and even Dani. . . Both protected him. In some demonic sense, they even sympathized with him. It was nothing like the books. 'Maybe they aren't all bad. . .'

Realizing he was staring, Aoba looked down, letting his gaze trail to his hair. Sometimes, he wondered when Kuro ever had time to keep his long hair kept and neat. He always seemed to have his hands full with other things. But they were trivial questions and it seemed fairly weird to bring them up randomly so he left it alone. Aoba straightened up for a moment and sighed to himself. Before, when he first met Kuro, every fiber of his being screamed to stay away. They screamed that everything he did to help him was a bad idea. Those fibers were still there- not all of them now, but a few. It was less so that Aoba managed to ignore them a little easier. And as he ignored them, he found himself wrapping his wings around Kuro a little more to push him closer, his other wing coming around and obscuring random eyes, or simply surrounding them. The sheep on his lap didn't like the closing space and trotted off to eat. In the matter of moments, Aoba leaned closer and kissed Kuro. It was soft and gentle, nonetheless surprising (for Aoba at least.)

His wings retracted and folded tight behind him, reacting a little faster than himself. Aoba pulled away and put his hands in his lap. "I..." He wasn't sure what to say. Was that something he could or should have apologized for? Maybe it wasn't a big deal. Kuro kissed him all the time as thanks. He could always say-. . . No he wouldn't make a lie and say he was thanking him. He knew exactly why he kissed the demon and that was probably going to get him into more trouble with the angels. Aoba rubbed the back of his neck. 'Ohhh dear. . .that wasn't a good idea- he doesn't have a heart. He's a demon for goodness sake!' It was amazing how he could still consider Kuro's own feelings as an excuse before realizing the majority of the problem being that Kuro was a demon. His rational side (rational for an angel at least) kicked into overdrive afterwards, making Aoba realize just how wrong that was. For the both of them. Kuro never seemed to care about what other demons thought about him protecting Aoba, but crossing barriers to do so much as be intimate with each other sounded like it would have caused an uproar.

His face fell into a contemplative gaze as he pulled up a few strands of grass. How much trouble could he put himself in? At this point he was practically asking for it. . . Would the angels still be able to condemn him even though he was fallen? Or was he able to live by his own rules? Aoba wasn't sure about being risky enough to find out the answer. He looked to the sky for a brief second and then finally looked back at Kuro. Not knowing what to say in order to finish what he started minutes ago, he said something that he knew he couldn't mess up- something that felt familiar. "I- uh, sorry about that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

'He has such a beautiful laugh. . .' Kuro thinks with a sigh. The light sound is enough to lift his spirits a little further and with a light chuckle he pets the wing beneath his fingers gently before letting it go and relaxing. His eyes remain trained on the angel, his dark red eyes half closed in contentment, this quite moment shared between them something he knows he's missed with having Dani around all the time. 'And to think, I have to leave him alone with Dani so I can feed soon' The thought drifts away quickly as he realizes that Aoba has been staring at him for half a minute now, his eyes unblinking, his gaze leveled with the demon's.

'Well, this is interesting' he muses, watching as the angel finally looks away, clearly embarrassed. His own gaze remains on Aoba and he smiles a little wider when he realizes that the smaller male is still staring, but now at his hair instead of his eyes. 'What's with this sudden fascination Little Mouse? You've seen it all before, so what. . . . .' His thoughts trail off as the wings sprouting from the little angel's back begin to move. He remains calm as they shift, the pressure on his back pulling him closer to the object of his obsession without objection. He eyes the gray cocoon wrapping around them with curiosity, and a fair amount of anticipation. He's not sure what to expect, but if he were to do something like this to anyone, the intention would be clear.


'Nope, nope, not happening, this is not happening! This is not right, how could he, he's a. . .a. . .' Fenrir can't even pretend to be surprised. The signs had been clear for a long time, glaring and obvious. 'But to think, Aoba making the first real move? It's incredible. . . .To say the least' The arch angel set the mirror face down, not wanting to watch what's about to happen. Then, his over protectiveness kicks in and he pulls the mirror back up and glares into it at the demon. 'If he has any sense, he'll not respond, but he will, but if he acts anything but gentlemanly, I will rush down there right now and send him back to hell in pieces'

The sentiment is real, even though he knows he'd have no chance against a son of Satan, unless Aoba himself begged him not to hurt his former boss, but in that instance, Fenrir could not attack the demon at all. It's not right to attack someone who can not attack back. 'Says the ass who helped with his torture, patching him up. . .' He shakes his head hard, banishing the thoughts. They already have one fallen angel this century, no need for another, and he really does still hate demons, it's just. . . This one. . . .


If he head a heart, it would be racing. A warm tingle rushes from the place where their lips meet down throughout his entire body and his red eyes flash black for a moment when his flame decides to make itself known. The response is natural, nice, and needy. He doesn't want the angel to pull back, doesn't want to let him pull away, and it takes all of his willpower to not pull Aoba back in and ravage him on the spot. Wanton desire rages through him and it's all he can do to keep himself still while he tries to push those desires back down to a manageable level.

'He. . .Kissed me. . . .I can't believe it, he, kissed me! And he was all cute about it too, so shy, hiding us away in his wings, I. . .I want him, oh father how I want him, he's just, so. . . .But, I. . . .I can't, I have to calm down. . . .Calm down dammit!' He manages not to growl aloud, but it take a little too long for him to calm for Aoba to have not noticed that he's been frozen for a bit. He hears the muttered apology and the sound of Aoba's voice snaps him out of his funk enough to let out a soft sigh and smile lightly.

“Of all things you've ever done to me Little Mouse, kissing me has got to be the very last thing I would ever want an apology out of you for.” Still not completely sure he trusts himself Kuro none the less turns and reaches forward, carefully cupping the back of Aoba's neck and caressing it gently with his thumb. “Or, are you saying you truly regret kissing me Little Mouse? Is it something you feel. . . . Ashamed of?” Before he can answer Kuro leans in and presses a feather light kiss to the angel's forehead, then matching ones to either cheek, until at last his lips come to hover bare centimeters in front of Aoba's, his thumb caressing that soft neck once more. His body is warm, it tingles, but at the very least, in this instance, he can hold himself at bay long enough to at least ask, “May I?” and wait for an answer from the beautiful fallen one.

Aoba had similar thoughts racing through his mind. He was surprised by a lot of things. Not only did he kiss him, but he had the courage to do it- or just blatant stupidity. Whichever didn’t feel as harsh. He couldn’t help but worry when Kuro didn’t respond immediately. It made him afraid to look him in the eye, missing an opportune moment to see something about Kuro he never had. When he finally did hear the demon’s voice, Aoba mentally sighed. ’I don’t know why I expected him to be. . .upset. Really, I didn’t know what to expect.’

Feeling warmth on the back of his neck, the fallen angel looked back at Kuro. His gaze was innocent, nervous even. However that quickly changed with the following question. “N-No, no! Of course not.” His voice practically squeaked out in defense. If he was sure about anything as of late, he was most certainly sure that he wanted to kiss Kuro.

’Oh dear, I wanted to kiss Kuro. . .’

That had to have been bad. For some reason he felt like his authorities would strike down at any minute. “It’s not that I’m ashamed. Of course not! I’ve really wanted to. . .” His voice trailed off, realizing how embarrassing that would probably be to admit. “It’s just,” Aoba takes a deep breath, trying to ignore the various kisses he was receiving. “It’s just that you’re. . .” He couldn’t ignore it that well.

Aoba found himself closer to Kuro again, his wings tensing again. It was a simple, earnest question and yet Aoba found himself rather overwhelmed with it all. Instead of answering, because the words were lost in his throat, the fallen angel decided to close the distance once again. He really hadn’t been ashamed of it. It was just-

The kiss lasted longer this time. As much as Aoba admittedly did not want to pull away, he did. Quickly, he placed his hands in his lap and looked down at the grass. “Kuro,” There was a small whine before he started. “I’m not ashamed it’s just that,” He hoped he could put it as lightly as possible. “You said it yourself. You don’t have a heart. What I feel is probably something totally different than what you do. I’m just not sure if it would work.” There was a minor pause that made him straighten up. How could he forget the most important flaw of this?! “A-Also, you’re a demon. I don’t mind obviously but. . .” His gaze directed to the sky. “I know many who would. I just don’t want you to get hurt again. Not because of me.”

The stammered words, admitting no shame, confessing it an honest desire, Kuro can feel his nature sending his skin a tingle, each syllable making him shiver. Then, without warning, Aoba's lips are upon his own once more, and this time, Kuro kisses back. He's careful, even as his desires make his flames dance around the linked pair, to keep one hand planted firmly on the ground, the claws digging in and acting to ground his desire, not letting it loose on the sweet treat beneath his fingers. The hand on Aoba's neck remains gentle because of this, and he even manages to not push Aoba back and continue the affectionate ministrations when the angel eventually pulls back. The growl has no choice but to leave him this time, the flames dancing lightly across his body, and over Aoba's.

For an instant this sends fear through the demon, however as he watches, they do not scorch his skin, they do not even singe his clothing, and as he watches them coil and dance across the angel he wonders if it's the taint, his taint, that keeps the smaller male safe from the hottest flames in hell.

And then he's talking, that whine sending his already aroused body into new levels of desire, but quickly, as if being doused in an ice bath the desire falls and he feels as if he should be hurt by the angel's words. 'It doesn't hurt though. . .I just. . . .Don't like them' It's true, he doesn't have a heart, but, does that really matter? His desire for the angel is stronger than this so called “love” he's seen come and go throughout his life, between mortals, the ease with which it can be cultivated, corrupted. Isn't what he's feeling even better?

He knows there's some serious flaws with this line of thought but as Aoba goes on to talk about him “Being a demon” irrational anger flares though him and he's almost grateful that his fames were doused earlier. He's not sure Aoba would still be safe from them when he's angry. With a sigh he drops his hand from Aoba's neck and stands, turning away from Aoba. “Yeah, I'm a demon Aoba, a son of Satan, and you helped me escape from heaven, and got cast out for it.” He lets out another sigh, wanting desperately to get the harsh note out of his voice but fails miserably as he goes on.

“And do you really think they care? Do you really think that any angel cast out has ever actually returned? I can tell you honestly, no. We've killed every single one of them. They don't actually expect you to come back, or to even live as long as you have. Do you really, honestly think that liking a heartless beast is going to make your life that much worse?” He doesn't know why he's attacking the angel, this isn't like him, but as his back twitches and tenses he can't help the irritation that rages through him. He doesn't know where it comes from, but he knows it's not Aoba's fault. That doesn't stop him from snorting and crossing his arms with a huff murmuring, “I may be a heartless beast but I care more about you than your own ever did. . .”

Aoba noticed the dancing fires around him, some occasionally brushing against him. He sat still, mildly intrigued that he didn’t get burned from them. The mood shifted rather quickly when Kuro spoke again. Aoba kept his hands in his lap, still looking down at the grass. The sudden harshness of his tone made those gray wings droop lower to the ground.

“You’re right. . . No matter how much I want to deny it.” His voice was soft and oddly calm. Those blue eyes finally met Kuro’s and he sighed. “You’ve cared for me more than anyone I’ve ever known okay? But for once. . . Just once, I would think they-” He frowned a little, trying to find his words. Instead, he sighed disheartedly. “It’s nice to pretend that someone at least thinks about me every now and then.” He pulled his knees to his chest, resting his chin on them. “I was an angel Kuro. You can’t expect me to despise them.” He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. Sure, he was upset, but at this point he felt he cried so much already. . .

“It’s not just that!” Aoba sat up, turning to Kuro. “I’m already well aware that I’ve been cast aside like I was nothing okay? I’m well aware you have some ‘loving’ familial relationship. But that doesn’t change the fact that you are heartless. You may care about me now but. . .” Aoba frowned a little, not liking the very thought of what he was about to say. “But what if you get bored? What if you decide that you’re tired of being cooped up here, doing manual labor when there are so many other things you could be doing? What would I do then? I don’t. . .That’s a chance I’m not willing to take okay?” Aoba sighed and looked away again.

He wasn’t sure if it had been an irrational fear or him just trying to make excuses. Either way, the bit of grace he had left was telling him that everything about this would go south. It would only end for the worse. It was something he didn’t have the courage to go against.


The arch angel longs desperately to go down, to prove the gray winged angel right, to give him a hug and shoo away the beast causing him pain, but he can't. He can only watch, as the one stable, caring relationship he's ever seen the boy in slowly begins to dissolve before his eyes. He can feel the ache inside that comes from watching a friend in pain suffer and being unable to do anything to help, but with a snort he shakes his head, his pain increasing. 'I was never his friend. . .Just his boss, and I'm a fool to think anything else. . .'


The pain punches him in the gut as he hears the pain in the angel's voice. This at least is a feeling he can feel. Now he's not only been let down for someone he cares about more than anyone else, but he's hurt him, and the very thought makes Kuro sick. “I don't expect you to. . .” he begins muttering, hoping to at least start making amends, but then Aoba goes on and he falls silent. The pain only grows with every word and he has to bite his lip to keep from snapping back, His flames are back, dancing lightly just under the surface. The “Black Little Storm Cloud” begins to rumble soundlessly.

When at last Aoba finishes talking Kuro mutters through clenched teeth, “You have never been nothing Little mouse, just different. . .” Swallowing hard he moves over to where the angel stills ts upon the grass and reaches down, gently brushing his fingers through the boy's hair so that his head tilts back. His normally calm, gentle eyes look more like Aoba's at the moment, on the verge of tears. “I made the decision to stay with you, and I stick by my decisions. No matter how much you hurt me, no matter the danger, from anyone, I will never leave you.”

Ever so slowly he kneels down so he's even with Aoba, his hand sliding down to grasp the back of Aoba's head. Slowly, he leans in until his lips are almost brushing the angel's ear. “And by the way, I'm without a heart, not heartless, so yeah, you can hurt me. . .” As he pulls back, tears of black flame fall from his eyes, landing thankfully on the grass and not Aoba as the grass is reduced to ash in an instant upon impact beneath them before the flame goes out. Standing Kuro turns and begins walking away. Bare seconds later Dani lands, looking very ruffled, looking back and forth between the angel and the retreating back of his brother. Before Aoba can say anything Dani hisses angrily at him, “What did you do to him!?”

The fallen angel found himself looking at Kuro. The teary eyed expression made him more sad. He had never seen Kuro look so defeated, so sad before. Aoba started to say something, but he couldn’t find the right words to say. Instead, he stared as Kuro spoke, declaring that he would stay by his side. True guilt fell over Aoba. He desperately wanted to say something to make him feel better, hating the sad expression, but for some reason he couldn’t.

The tears were enough for him to sit up quickly and reach out, but Kuro was already walking away. “I-” His head was in his hands. “This was a bad idea...This was a bad idea.” The sudden hiss made him stumble back, staring at the glaring demon before him.

“What did you do?” Dani’s voice lowered, still laced with anger from before.

Aoba slowly stood and dusted himself off. He didn’t answer the demon at first. However, when Dani growled at him Aoba frowned. “Leave me alone Dani!” That was a first. Despite not showing it, he was a little surprised that he yelled at the demon. He turned the opposite way, walking off to the corner of the the grassy field. The animals had all stood their distance, not wanting to get in the way of the spat, but some wandered closer to Aoba when he sat near them. Going back to the house was a long walk he didn’t want to take at the moment.

He'd felt it from miles away, the hurt, the sorrow. Thankfully he'd managed to get a bite before things went down hill for his brother so he was able to pick up and leave at his top speed, arriving just in time to see them split. He doesn't know what happened, but the hurt from his brother is palpable, and that's just not allowed. Upon landing he tries to get an answer out of the angel, but much to his surprise, it yells at him. Scowling he looks after his brother, who shockingly had not turned at the shout and instead continues walking away. Looking back and forth once more Dani throws his head back and lets out an ungodly howl of frustration, sending the livestock into a panic.

Many gather around the angel, but most simply race for the corners furthest from Dani and cower. Kuro does not turn at the noise, nor the sound of Dani chasing him. He does however, once Dani's within range, snap out the order, “Keep an eye on him.” without pausing to make sure Dani complies. Dani doesn't like the order, but does as he's told and leaves his brother alone for now.

For his part, Kuro has no idea what he's doing. Once more his nature overrode his better judgment and he aggravated a problem instead of handling it calmly like he normally does. Like he knows he can. His feet take him to the back of the house, his thoughts blank, his body without purpose. He winds up in his little workshop area, the nearly finished project still laying hidden in the tall grass. Without a thought he settles into the grass and begins working, his fingers moving idly, but with great precision. Chips fall, curling beneath the blade and dropping to the ground in a little pile as he simply stares off into the distance. He'd hurt him, he knows he did, but right now, all he can think is that he needs to get it finished. He needs to show him. . . .

Dani grumbled quietly as he flew back towards Aoba. He watched as the angel put his head against one of the sheep that rested next to him. He sighed, knowing that his first approach wasn’t going to work. Dani had to be calm about it. Despite being told to be left alone Dani slowly inched closer.

Aoba was facing him, but ignored the actions. His eyes were shut tight and his wing came up to shield his face. ’I’m not going to cry. . .I’m not going to. He rubbed his cheeks over and over, trying to avoid the tears threatening to show. ’I’ve ruined everything.’ Another whine escaped, though there was nothing he could really do about it.

“Aoba. . . Can you tell me what happened?” Dani refrained from rolling his eyes or doing anything that would be considered ‘wrong’ in this situation. “Please?” He made a disgusted face but quickly returned to a calmer one as Aoba’s wing slowly moved. “My brother is upset. I. . . want to help.”

Aoba’s wing dropped back over his face, although after a few shifts the sheep under him moved to leave him laying in the grass. Dani frowned a little when he was ignored only to sit at attention when Aoba started to speak softly. “I managed to ruin everything okay? What more do you really need to know? I let my feelings get the best of me. I decided that I don’t know, maybe it’d be okay to kiss a demon. There wouldn’t be any consequence to that, right? No big deal. But I was wrong. There’s going to be some consequence for it. It may not be from any angels considering none of them take the time to give me a second glance, but there’s always some sort of consequence! I wouldn’t be laying on the ground if there wasn’t now would I?”

Aoba snapped at no one in particular. After all, his gray wings still shielded him from view. He had yelled at Dani once, he wasn’t planning on doing it again. That sounded a bit dangerous. Aoba groaned and let his wings stretch out a bit more.

Dani stares for a long moment at the wall of wings before saying, quite bluntly, "What the hell consequences could there be to kissing a demon? I mean, Kuro is as close to loving you as we can get, it's not like he'd push you away or be grossed out. . .Or did he?" Dani sounds very confused. Though he still wants the toy, him being intimate with Kuro doesn't seem to be a obstacle to his goal, so he has no objections to making his brother happy, though he'd never admit it.

There was a minor pause from Aoba. He laid unmoving and in thought. He knew nothing of how demonic culture worked. Kuro probably wouldn’t get banished for anything like that- then again, what could demons get banished for? What rules did demons have!? Aoba merely groaned and shook his head, not like he could be seen though. “No he didn’t.” Finally, he lifted his wing in order to look at Dani. “I don’t know what it is okay? I just. . .have a bad feeling about it. It’s called a conscience. Angels- mostly everyone has one of those you know.” He rolled over on to his back, careful not to bend his wings. Aoba stared at the sky, wondering if he could spot anything if he stared long enough. “It’s not like I don’t like him. It’s not like I haven’t dug a deeper hole than I’m already in with the angels.” He honestly didn’t know where he was going with the last bit, so he sighed and put his arm over his eyes.

'Well, that's a good sign. He's not completely off his nut' Dani muses, glad his brother is legit upset and not crazy. After all, he knows how much the little brat cares for the runt, anything else would have been mad. Dani scowls, watching Aoba flop on to his back. His scowl deepens then after a few seconds of listening he stand, walks over, straddles Aoba's middle, then with a careful plop, sits down on Aoba's stomach. “Okay, so let me get this straight. He cares for you, you like him, but this “conscience” thing of yours is telling you it's a bad idea. . .Because the dicks that kicked you out would disapprove? For loving someone?” He knows Aoba didn't specifically say “love” but it stands to reason that an angel wouldn't go so far as to kiss someone if it was simple “like”.

Aoba let out a small ‘oof’ as Dani sat on him, despite him falling gently. Aoba crossed his arms, but watched Dani carefully. As the smaller demon reiterated the situation, Aoba listened and tried his best not to continuously hide his face or look away. “Not just loving someone Dani. The angels that kicked me out would disapprove of me loving...loving Kuro.” A faint tint of color darkened his cheeks, effectively making him look to the side. He did love Kuro. Aoba wouldn’t have gone through all of this if he didn’t. “We have rules Dani. Things we can and can’t do. Loving our supposed enemy would probably be high on the list. You may not have rules and morals to follow, but it’s what I was taught since I was born. With the little purity I do have left, my conscience is reminding me of that.”

'Okay, so we've also established love. . . .I don't see what's so difficult here' Dani huffs, the angel's words bringing up a memory drilled into his head by his father. “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Like a choir boy Dani quotes the scriptures. Truthfully it has mostly been used by he and he brethren to turn people away from their faith, but in this instance, it's just on impulse. Blinking slowly he adds, “Matthew 5:44, King James version of the holy book.” He tilts his head to the side. “I don't understand how you can claim it wrong when, as far as I've ever known of your silly God, he puts love above all other emotions. A feeling me and my family has been denied for our own safety, you set aside because some far away assholes can't even follow their own rules?” He shakes his head. “No wonder he's so sad. . .” Standing up Dani looks down his nose at the angel, letting out a disgusted huff. “And I thought you were different from those bigots. . .” Turning he walks several paces away before sitting down, his senses remaining alert, but it's clear by his body language that he's here against his will and he'd rather be anywhere else.

Aoba listened, mulling over the quote over and over again. It sounded something like he’d heard before. Something he was taught. And here Dani was reciting it back to him. It felt like a mild slap to the face that Dani- a demon, knew something like that better than he did. It hurt a little more when Dani lumped him together with the same people who casted him aside. The angel sat up, mindlessly pulling grass from the ground. He didn’t know whether to be angry or sad. He didn’t know whether he did the right or wrong thing. Lately, he didn’t seem to know what to do about anything that didn’t consist of the animals around them. For a fleeting moment, a thought ran through his mind. The thought of everything being so much more simple if he was to just stay with Father Gerard. That thought left as quick as it appeared however.

Aoba found himself standing and shaking off his wings the best he could. ’Wouldn’t things be much better if I decided to just go by the rules?’ He stayed silent, not bothering to look Dani’s way. Instead, he got up and instead of going towards the gate, climbed over the fence. Looking both ways, he could have headed towards the edge of the camp. Could have. But Aoba was no fool. So instead, he headed towards the house. Maybe he could get away from Dani by keeping his door closed. It wasn’t like the demon wanted to be around him anyway.

Like the good little guard dog that he is Dani follows the angel when he takes off, grumbling to himself and snapping his wings every so often when a particularly irritated thought passes through his mind. However once they come close enough to the house he pauses and looks in the direction of his brother. He knows better than to actually go over to him, his job now to keep Aoba in sight, not to mention Kuro is keeping a secret in the grass over there he's not allowed to see. 'You fool, why are you two even fighting? Do the talking thing you're so fucking good at. . . .Idiot. . . .' Huffing again he continues following Aoba, slipping into the house after him.

As the angel mounts the stairs he contemplates being an ass and insisting on “Keeping an eye” on him literally, but he knows that Kuro would likely deck him for invading Aoba's room. 'That's his place, like my room's my place. It's wrong to invade that space, and can get you killed. . . Not that the angel would have the stones. I mean, he can hurt Kuro, but Kuro's a baby, and caring, I just want to own it' His thoughts aren't completely accurate, he knows that he feelings aren't that simple any more, but he ignores that and instead flops down on the couch to await his brother's return.

It isn't long before Kuro comes inside and without a word Dani slides off the couch and vanishes outside. He can feel the pain well enough at a distance, he doesn't need it in the same room. He figures that if Kuro needs to talk, he will, and if he doesn't soon one of their other siblings will show up to make sure everything's alright.

Quietly Kuro moves about the kitchen, making up a simple dinner of cold foods, sandwiches, coleslaw, then he climbs the stairs with a loaded plate and a fork, coming to a stop outside Aoba's room. Setting the plate on the floor he gives a little knock before moving back down the stairs, hoping that, even if he's still angry, he'll at least eat some dinner.

Thankfully, Dani stayed out of his room. The one place he could keep to himself. He was practically surrounded by demons. If one wasn’t in front of him then the other was behind him. Aoba could have complained about being suffocated if he felt like it. For the most part, Aoba sat on the floor of his room, and then moved to the bed. Hearing the movement downstairs, he figured Kuro had moved inside- or Dani was messing with things. However, he used that noise to mask his quiet as possible steps towards the window. Quietly, he slipped out the window and gently landed on the roof. He really liked the view up here. It was better at night though like the last time he had been out. . .with Kuro.

Aoba sighed but stayed, trying to clear his thoughts. He was unbothered for awhile fortunately, but in the quiet he heard a sudden knock on the door. He hopped up, trying to rush back inside as if he’d get in trouble for leaving. Unfortunately, that caused him to crash back inside and land on his stomach. “Ow…” He groaned and pushed himself up. He really had to work on the landings. “Hold on one second. . .” He rubbed his head and pulled the door all the way open.

Kuro freezes at the sound of the crash and races back to the door. His heckles are up as he wonders what's going on beyond that door. 'I can't sense anything, but that doesn't mean there isn't something there' He hears Aoba telling him to wait and he calms a bit, the breathless but rather calm tone letting him know that at least he's not under attack. Stepping back he moves away from the door once more, moving down the hall just far enough that Aoba would have to actually look for him to see him. When the door is flung open he murmurs softly, “Dinner.” before backing up a few more steps, towards the stairs.

Aoba looked in confusion when he didn’t see anyone immediately. With another look, he spotted Kuro down the hall. “Hm?” There was no harshness or sadness in his tone. He was more so just curious as to why Kuro was so far- as if the hours before never happened. “Oh. Thank you.” He picked up the food, leaving the door opened. He didn’t think it was very polite to eat in his room. And they had a tradition of eating downstairs anyway. So, despite the awkward tension between the three, Aoba still went down the steps with his plate, passing Kuro. “Oh, uh, I’ll clean up.” He declared. Cleaning seemed to be calming for him, so he decided to do that- unless Kuro had taken care of that too. With that, he took a seat on one side of the couch and began eating quietly.

A part of him wants to be mad at the angel, pretending that everything's alright an unacceptable way to be after the confrontation, but in truth his rage has passed and instead all he feels, is hollow. Staying against the wall so Aoba can pass he follows the smaller male downstairs and grabs his own plate off the counter, taking a seat on the floor. He keeps his eyes on his food, wondering if there's anything he could do or say, but his mind just keeps drifting over the whole argument, then to his project in the back yard, and all he can conclude is he needs to finish it, needs to show Aoba the truth, rather than try and tell him. 'I'm “heartless”. . . .Anything I say won't matter, I need to make him see. . .' The kitchen is clean save for the dishes in use and the cutting board he'd used for the veggies on the cold cut sandwiches. Dani came in while Kuro was upstairs and took his two sandwiches, no veggies, and left, leaving one crumb filled plate on the counter.

Just as Aoba said, once he was done with his quiet dinner, he collected dishes and cups to clean up. There was little he wanted to say or could say at the time. There wasn’t much for him to clean, but it was enough to keep him occupied. Aoba cleaned slowly, sighing at the attempt to repress the memories of today. It lasted for a short while, but now his inner turmoils were easier to see. Before Kuro could leave to do whatever he wanted, Aoba glanced over his shoulder. He paused, leaving his hands in soapy water. “Uh, thanks. For making dinner.” There was a pause again, causing him to look down. “And. . . Sorry about earlier.” He didn’t need to be forgiven, but Aoba knew he’d probably feel horrible if he didn’t apologize any time sooner. With that, he continued to clean up what was left at a regular pace rather than the slow one he started with.

Once the meal is over Kuro lets Aoba take his dishes, still not looking at the smaller male. Once Aoba is out of the living room Kuro crawls up on the couch, laying so he's facing the back. “My pleasure.” he murmurs when the angel thanks him for the meal. Though tonight, there was no real pleasure in his cooking. He did it out of caring, but his delight at the task was absent. He can feel his ire flare for a moment at the simple, almost offhanded apology but instead of snapping back about him knowing that he didn't mean it he says softly, “You did nothing you need to apologize for Little Mouse. Your feelings are your own to have. . . .” He keeps his face hidden, curling up a bit, willing his tears to stay away lest he burn the house down.

Aoba frowned to himself and set the dishes to the side in order to dry them. Before he did however, he sighed and turned to look over at Kuro. Seeing him like this was saddening. With a mental sigh, Aoba turned away again as if deciding against speaking. But after a few moments, he did speak. “It wasn’t fair of me. I didn’t consider your feelings. You’re not heartless. . .or a monster.” Aoba didn’t call him one, but he never did like when Kuro call himself a monster. Putting the dishes away, doing things to keep himself busy, he still continued. “I should have thought about it first, before doing anything.” He thought about what Dani said. “I was wrong for doing that- hurting you. So, I apologize.” He made sure everything else was put away before quickly turning towards the stairs. He kept his head down as he walked back to his room quickly.

It feels faintly nice to hear Aoba rescind his earlier assessment of him and Kuro can feel a bit of the pain receding. 'It's good to know that he doesn't hate me. . .' He muses, letting out a sigh. He hates to hear the sad tone in his little angel's voice, but even as he wills himself to speak, to say everything is okay, he can feel that voice inside telling him to wait. That words are not enough. That he needs to stick to the plan. With a gentle sigh his wings slip out, the top one coming around to cover him against the cool night air, the other flopping limply to the ground. He doesn't want to be seen right now, not after what he did, not after all the hurt. He's a son of Satan for hell's sake, he shouldn't be so affected by a few offhanded insults to his being. 'That hogwash and you know it' He chides himself, but as Aoba vanishes upstairs he doesn't care. Soon, soon Aoba will know, he will see, and then everything will be better. . . .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
Avatar of AkiBlue


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aoba was a mix of relieved and disheartened that Kuro didn’t answer. Fortunately, he was mainly relieved. There was a nagging feeling that if he continued talking he’d probably ruin things even more. So, Aoba did the next best thing and stayed quiet, hurrying to his room. Splashing cold water on his face was only a little refreshing. He just wanted to curl up and sleep. The day was long enough and he wanted it to-

Right as he sat on the edge of his bed, he sprung back up. “The animals!” He nearly forgot! They had been out for awhile and it was time to get them back in. He scrambled and put his boots back on then rushed down the stairs. If he moved fast enough, he could hurry and get to bed. “I forgot to bring the animals back in, I’m going to do that now!” Aoba called out to Kuro as he ran down the steps and hurried outside. The fallen angel took full responsibility of the problem, not sure if Kuro or Dani would help him or not. Although, for this task, Aoba was sure he could handle it himself. Wanting to get things done quickly, he flew over to the birds, rushing them inside first.


Kuro had risen a few minutes before Aoba realized they forgot the animals and slipped outside to deal with the issue. He and Dani are in the middle of bringing in the large animals when Kuro looks around to spot Aoba flying over to the coop to rush the animals back inside. He smiles faintly at the sight, glad to see he still feels up to his duties at least. Dani snaps at the legs of the last sheep, still way beyond irritated at the angel, and the sight of him riles the little one up. With a glare from Kuro however he rushes into the barn and hides in his little are, leaving Kuro to actually segregate the animals into their stalls.


Seeing the other two herding the larger animals inside, Aoba sighed in relief. He walked around, making sure no one got left behind. Then he checked the pig pen. Everything looked fine. But as per usual, Aoba double checked. He wanted to be sure everything was fine. When he yawned, he figured it was a good time to head to bed for real this time. The sudden burst of energy did have him suddenly tired… “Okay, bed time.” He gave an absentminded wave behind him as he walked away from the demons and back to the house.


Kuro follows at a slow pace, having just finished getting the sheep and cows into the right places all by himself. As he goes to step away from the barn however he hears a hiss behind him and turns to see Dani glaring at him. Kuro simply looks back, the blank expression making the older brother hiss again, but with a whine he kicks a rock at Kuro before once more vanishing off to the loft. 'He doesn't get it, and I don't ever expect him to. This is different. I'm different. . . .It's not something most demons can even comprehend, and I. . .'

With a long sigh he slips back inside and establishes himself once more on the couch, using his wing as a blanket. He spends a fitful night whining and shifting and when at last the sun arrives he huffs lightly and heads out back to water the crops before coming back in to make breakfast. Light noises from above alert him to the fact that the object of his obsession is waking and he moves just a little bit faster to finish with the meal preparations.


Out in the barn Dani rolls off the loft, landing on all fours on the dirt floor. After greeting Mama and Otto he slips outside and begins walking towards the house. It seems like a calm, lazy day, despite what happened the day before, but with a twitch of his wing he feels his heckles rise at the sound of something approaching. Turning he growls low, the sound of wheels on gravel irritating his senses, but with a huff he heads inside, hoping whatever it is will pass by, as they do sometimes.


Aoba didn’t have much of a peaceful sleep either. Waking, he had to stretch out from the uncomfortable position. He rubbed his shoulder and neck, then stretched his sore wings. Sometimes he wished he had those lighter and thinner demon wings. They seemed much more easier to manage. Going down the steps, the smell of breakfast made his stomach growl. He had woken up at his usual time, and as usual Kuro was always up earlier than he. Aoba was going to say something, but frowned to himself when he remembered the night before. Instead, he opted for a ‘good morning’ before sitting down on the couch and looking at the unused tv.

“That filth is here.” Dani grumbled as he walked through the door. Receiving a confused glance, Dani rolled his eyes. “The goody two shoes priest. . .” He watched Aoba stand quickly and walk over to the door only to pause for a moment.

“Such poor timing.” He mumbled lowly as his pace slowed and he walked outside to greet Gerard. With a soft smile, he spoke. “Good morning Father Gerard. It’s a surprise seeing you here today. and rather early too.” He didn’t do his usual happy go lucky greeting- not even hugging the priest. The reminder of the priest’s grace and the demon’s dislike of it echoed in his mind. Then the priest’s offer. . . And then the incident the day before. [i]’Such poor timing. . .’[/]


Kuro returns the morning greeting but is soon distracted by his brother entering and announcing that Father Gerard has arrived. Bitting his lip he curses the priest for picking this very moment to appear. 'I'm cooing, I can't even go out and be with them to keep Dani from trying to eat him. . .' Dani follows after Aoba and stays well back, knowing his brother would pitch a fit if he tried anything.

Gerard slips out of his truck and walks towards the fallen angel with a smile on his lips. He looks visibly put out when Aoba keeps his distance and sighs softly. “What, I can't even get a hug any more? Are they making you keep your distance from your old life that much?” He knows it's a low blow, but even as the demon's eyes flash he knows that there are some things that just need to be said.


Aoba blinked and averted his eyes for a moment. He took a quick breath and smiled, shaking his head. “No, of course not. I have the freedom to whatever I please, you know.” He can practically sense Dani glaring at the priest. He glanced back at Dani before adding, “And go where ever I please.” He meant little by the light threat. However, it was enough to make Dani calm down. The demon was going to run whining to Kuro no doubt, but he waited outside, keeping an eye on Aoba. “Well, Kuro’s making breakfast and I haven’t exactly eaten yet. . .” Inviting him sounded like a bad idea. Kuro didn’t even seem to be into his normal cooking spirit. So quietly, he gestured for Gerard to follow him inside as he turned around.

The priest looked a little suspicious for a moment, wondering what was wrong with Aoba. However he didn’t ask, not yet at least.


Kuro feels that sickening energy drawing closer and closer to the house and he realizes that Aoba will be bringing their "Guest" inside. With a long sigh he pulls out another plate and fills it with the leftovers normally consumed by Dani and manages to reproportion the plates so that they all look even before the front door opens. 'Contaminating the house, not to mention I sleep in that room now soaking up all that pure, sickening energy. . .' He holds his tongue however. This is Aoba's house, not his. Not officially at least. Turning he gives the priest a nod, barely meeting his eye for an instant before moving over to the table to set down the first two plates.

Dani sneaks in behind the human and the angel and after less than five seconds being so close to the man he decides he'd rather die than stay so close to him any longer than absolutely necessary. Kuro seems to sense this and simply walks past Gerard and hands him his plate, making a shooing motion with his other hand. Dani doesn't need to be told twice. The steaming pile of eggs and sausage along with toast and marmalade make the smaller demon a tiny bit happier and he races off to eat on the porch.

Kuro returns to the counter and grabs his own plate, taking up a spot against the opposite wall from the couch to eat, still silent. He doesn't know what to say. The priest isn't an idiot, he's probably already guessed something is up, but Kuro's not going to put forward any information unless prompted. Heck, opening his mouth seems like a bad idea with all the grace in the air but, he knows not eating would worry Aoba.


“Thank you.” Both priest and angel said. The tension was heavy and obvious in the air. Father Gerard had missed something and whatever it was, it obviously happened rather recently. Instead of consulting them all up front, he looked over at Aoba who was quietly eating, keeping his eyes on his plate. “So, how have you been since my last visit?”

Aoba glanced up. “We’ve been fine here. Work around the farm has become clockwork now. It’s gotten. . .well, easier.” He nodded and continued eating.

This made Father Gerard frown a little. “You didn’t answer my question. How have ’you’ been Aoba?”

The fallen angel blinked and then gave a light smile. “I’m still alive. I’m still managing. I’m doing fine.” He hadn’t lied. He was doing fine. The trio that lived here took care of everything. However Gerard still didn’t like the answer. It seemed like Aoba was dodging the question.


Kuro is slightly tense at the priest's question, but even more so that Aoba isn't up front with the man. 'He's the closest thing to home for him around here, and he's never really hidden things before. . .Maybe if I step out?' With a murmured, "Excuse me." he steps on to the front porch with his meal, ignoring Dani who stares at him curiously.

Gerard watches the demon walk out of the room and he goes from suspicious, to alarmed. Looking over at Aoba with kind, but intense eyes he asks ever so softly, "Aoba, please, won't you tell me what's wrong?" Outside both demons can hear what's being said inside, and while Dani turns to be able to hear better, Kuro keeps his back to the door.


Aoba looked just as confused for a brief moment, but then continued eating. There was no reason Kuro had to stay inside. Like Dani, he assumed that the priest was ruining his appetite. “I can assure you, nothing is wrong. Save for a few minor. . .differences, everything is fine here.” This only furthered Gerard’s worry. Aoba caught sight of the expression and gave a gentle smile. “Well, I am an angel. They are demons. Of course we’d have some things we don’t see eye to eye on.” He didn’t want Gerard to start worrying. Maybe if he could show that he wasn’t in any danger and that he was happy, Father Gerard would be more willing to leave him be when it came to him staying at the church. He wanted to prove that Kuro and Dani were good- however now was just a terrible time to try proving that.

“What happened?”

Aoba sighed and set his plate down. “Misunderstandings and. . . a different set of rules that we live by? Well, I used to live by.” Father Gerard would probably suggest that he continued living by those rules. Hopefully that would be enough to quell Gerard’s curiosity. At least for now. Aoba wasn’t ready to explain what he did wrong to the priest, not yet.


'Well this isn't good. He's obviously distressed, but he seems almost afraid to tell me why. . . .Have they begun mistreating him? Telling him it's okay because they are demons and that's just the way they are? Have they threatened to leave him if he misbehaves!?' So many bad things run through his head as he tries to suss out just why Aoba's avoiding his questions, as well as his gaze. Like a child trying desperately not to lie.

He's about ready to begin a prayer session, to try and calm the smaller man when a sudden surge of demonic energy makes him rise from his seat and stare at the door. It's a small surge, but denotes the arrival of a new demon none the less. Determined to show the angel that he can defend against these hellbeasts as well as any son of Satan can, Gerard heads to the door and pulls it open.


Kuro, who had been listening, turns his head towards the new presence and holds a hand out for Dani to still. He recognizes the scent and rolls his eyes as he thinks, 'Perfect timing Baby Mou' This "Baby Mou" turns out to be Kyouku Roku and as he peeks out from around the barn he dips his head respectfully before shuffling across the open ground. The sun isn't too high yet meaning he's able to leave his head uncovered, but unbeknownst to the brothers it's also to suss out who the person in the vehicle is. He's not dumb, he can feel the holy energy, but as the siblings aren't throwing a fit he's quite sure it must be someone important to the angel.

When Kyou draws in close however Kuro moves down the steps of the porch, causing him to still and fall respectfully to a knee. His headwings tremble as Kuro draws closer and he hopes that he won't be struck down for showing up so soon after making the deal. Dani lets out a hiss making Kuro stop and Kyou peek. Gerard emerges on to the porch and looks over at the kneeling demon, his confusion mounting.


Aoba’s mind racked over ways to convince the priest that he was okay, but his train of thought derailed when another demonic energy appeared. Unlike most times, his initial reaction wasn’t fear- which came off as a shock to Gerard. Aoba curiously followed Gerard and moved into the doorway in front of him. Instinctively and protectively, Gerard put a hand on his shoulder to prevent him from going any further. The fallen angel squints a little as if that would better his vision and then gave a surprised look. “Kyou?” His voice was soft, not wanting to interrupt whatever was going on between him and Kuro. A glance at the priest made his expression turn into a slight fit of nervousness. SUch bad timing Kyou. “Oh um, that’s Kyou. He’s not dangerous- well, he’s. . .” Aoba tried to find the right word for it. “He’s okay. I trust that he won’t do anything bad.” He gave an affirmative nod, turning his head when he heard Dani’s soft growls.

“You. . .trust him? What are they doing?” He couldn’t be too surprised that Aoba had befriended another demon, however that would be bad for his grace. He really needed to do something about it. Fortunately, Gerard was able to keep Aoba close to him while the demons interacted.


Fenrir watched with much more ease as Gerard had came in to ‘rescue’ Aoba. ’Good, Aoba has someone to talk to about this. I assume this priest will be suitable.’ However it wasn’t the priest that was the problem, it happened to be Aoba dodging the questions, pushing away the help. “Darn it Aoba why do you chose now to not want him around?” His voice was mumbled as he eyed the screen. The next thing he knew, another demon had appeared. ’While I do applaud Aoba’s calm, now is not the time to befriend demons! Return to the church with the priest at once!’ He knew his thoughts had no influence, but it didn’t hurt to try.


'Well, this day gets better and better' Kuro huffs, shaking his head. “Kyou, now is not a good time. We have a visitor already and. . .Shit.” He doesn't even bother to be upset when Kyou yelps and runs behind him, pressing against his back as a loud boom echoes through the area, the source high above. Dani begins cackling happily and Kuro wonders how this day could get any worse. “Shoo, porch, now. Don't touch Aoba or the priest.” The presence vanishes from his back and Kuro darts forward, positioning himself beneath the source of the explosion.

Dani takes a seat on the edge of the porch, both giddy and protective. He hisses a little at Kyou as the baby demon hesitantly sits very close to him, Dani's demonic energy drowning out the holy energy a bit and keeping him safe from it. 'This must be the retainer, the one I asked about. It's gotta be the only reason it's allowed here since Kuro seems upset but tolerant. . .' Keeping his gaze down mostly he glances at Aoba, smiling warmly and making beckoning motions. He was told not to touch, never said anything about talking.

Kuro falls to the ground with a grunt as he lands an arm full of flaming demon, the red flames jumping about his skin and running through his hair. 'Now? Now you decide to visit!? Were you friggan watching and trying to find the absolute worst time to show?!' Homura lays atop his brother, hugging him tight around the neck for a few seconds before sitting up and stretching. “Hello little brother.”

“Hello Homura, why are you here?” His voice is sharp and he bites his tongue a moment later, the stricken look on his brother's face telling him all he needs to know about how much the smaller male knows about what's going on. Before he can freak out however Kuro covers him with black flame, making him purr and hug himself. Sitting up he wraps his arm carefully around the silverette and gets to his feet.

Homura hugs his brother, purring. “I wanted to see you, and him, and. . . .And. . . . .” He looks over his shoulder and tenses, a hiss coming to his lips. Kuro rubs his lower back and he manages to not rush over and torch the stray demon so close to the angel. “What's that doing here?” he hisses and then he flinches slightly, spotting the other problem. Whining he hides against his brother, confused and upset, his red flames dancing across both of them.


“I don’t know.” Aoba whispered right back. The sudden loud boom made Aoba jump and turn for safety. The closest thing to safety so happened to be Gerard who held him in a comforting and protective hug. “Wh-What was that?!” Not seeing anyone or anything start attacking, Aoba slowly pulled away. Aoba wondered what Kuro was doing, effectively missing some of the ‘come hither’ gestures from Kyou. All of a sudden, something crashed into Kuro making the fallen angel step forward. Not only did Gerard stop him, but Dani lifted a hand up.

“Relax, it’s just Homura.” Dani turned his attention back over to his older brother, still occasionally hissing at Kyou who was eager for Aoba’s attention.

“And who is that?”

Upon hearing the brother’s name, Aoba’s wings drooped a little. ’Oh dear… that’s four demons. That’s a lot of demons.’ He never had them all gathered around at once- not to mention with the priest around! “It’s- It’s still safe. He’s their family.” He mumbled, only to receive a look of disbelief from Father Gerard. “Trust me. It’s okay.” His voice was soft and he tried to give a reassuring nod despite his own nervousness. The priest could only watch the scene in suspicion and caution.

Finally, Kyou managed to get Aoba’s attention. The angel looked back at the priest before slowly shuffling and sitting down by the demon. He kept his distance to not only appease the priest, but Dani as well. “You’ve picked some terrible timing.” Aoba of course didn’t mean it rudely, however it was true. This was a bit hectic for Aoba- and no one had done anything yet! “I’m going to have to let the animals out soon.” This time, he spoke to Dani- one of the people who actually lived here.


Kyou bows low. “Forgive me, I didn't mean to inconvenience.” he murmurs in his slick tone, glancing at the priest and letting out a whine. “So, this is yo-” He cut short as a shout goes up from Kuro.

'All of this, all at once, it's just. . . .A little too much, to scattered, we neeeed focus!' Resting his hands on his big brother's shoulders Kuro lets out a long breath, kissing him on the forehead before raising his voice loud enough for everyone to hear. “Alright! You're all here, you're all going to make yourselves useful!” Glaring over at both Kyou and Gerard he says sharply, “No idle hands. Aoba, fowl, Kyou, you feed the pigs, I'll show you where the food is, just dump it in the troth. Dani, you me and Homura are on herding duty, and Father, you are to feed the mothers with little ones, got it?”


Fenrir is quite in shock. He hasn't even made it out of bed, the scene that greeted him upon waking keeping him glued to the spot. However now his eye go from concerned to wide. 'Does he really. . . .Did he really just snap out orders not only to two of his elders, but a priest, and Aoba himself, and that. . .That little one, yeah, it will listen, but I. . . .' He eye go impossibly wide as with a various range of responses, they all begin complying. His eyes lock on Kuro and his stomach drops. 'That demon. . . .Is terrifying. . . .'


Kuro lets out a grateful sigh as after a stunned moment even Gerard grumbles about at least having some level of common sense and, taking Aoba's hand, helps him to his feet and leads him towards the animals and away from the demons. Kyou snaps to attention, scooting in as close as he dare with those white eyes glaring at him, and Homura himself alternates between glaring at the little one and looking up at Kuro, curious and a bit happy. He's never helped before, and it sounds fun. Dani bats at the young demon's headwings as he passes, drawing a hiss from Kyou, but when Dani returns the hiss the two wind up making a slight peace through glaring and hissing.

'Good, at least that's settled' Kuro grumbles silently to himself, letting the others get ahead before leading Homura and the other two demons towards the barn. Kyou is still pants wetting terrified, but seeing Kuro take charge settles him a bit. After all, this demon has him in his good graces, and he's able to command the others, so, as far as he can tell, he's safe. Sighing again Kuro works out the logistics in his head, Homura taking his place, the least amount of work, Dani driving, and him taking Aoba's place. The animals are still skittish around just two demons, they may very well panic with four around and he needs to take the corner to help keep them under control.


The sudden commands from Kuro made Aoba jump up. He stood, a little amazed at how he managed to get the crowd moving. When he felt the tug on his hand, his attention turned to Gerard. “O-Oh, coming.” He followed after Gerard, glancing back as Kuro helped the ones that needed to be helped. Before he left, he looked over at Kyou. “Be careful with them please.” Sure Kuro was watching over them, but Kyou and Homura were still demons. They’d freak out the animals. Aoba had half a mind to go and supervise them but he did as he was told and went over to feed the birds after pointing out the animals Gerard were to feed. “I’ll be right back okay? I’ll be right over there.” Aoba pointed over to where the fowl rested and then grabbed the bag of food for them. It started to get easier carrying and lugging heavy bags around.

Kyou listens to his instructions intently, making sure not to miss a single thing. And when Kuro finished he nodded and quickly went to work. The demon noticed Aoba walking outside. “Maybe if I finish quickly I can. . .” His gaze turned over to Kuro as the trio of demons began herding the larger animals. Maybe he wouldn’t mind him hanging around Aoba once the chores were done.


Kyou nods vigorously when Aoba addresses him then flinches a little closer to Kuro when Dani hisses again in a non peaceable way. 'Geeze, fine, I will be over here. . .' He then scrunches his face up and hides a bit more. 'Such thoughts, they could, really get me killed. . .I should be careful. . .' He knows better. He is the ant here. The human could probably kill him without breaking a sweat. Yeah, he needs to be careful. Dutifully he goes about the task he's been given, careful not to stray too close to the angel. He also keeps an eye on the human, seeing as the priest seems to hate the demons and squashing a low level one they don't care about might seem like a good alternative to trying to take out the tougher ones.


Once Homura is in place Kuro takes up his position, calling out instructions to his blind sibling while he holds a hand up to Dani, making sure the little redhead doesn't shoo them out before they're ready. When at last everything is set Kuro motions for Dani to begin. The first two sheep out of the barn try to bolt but Kuro redirects them gently, watching as Dani has trouble with the latch to the next stall. 'That one's been rusting a bit. Need to oil that. . .' Such mundane things run through his head as he does his best to keep everyone calm and working together, however his heckles are up moments later as he senses the very last thing they need right now.

'Oh heaven no. . . .' He curses under his breath and directs Dani to grab one of the sheep while, with a snap of his wings, he grabs the other. Dani complies, a broad grin on his face as he dumps it back in a closed stall. “Aoba! Attack!” Aoba knows what this means but as Homura takes off behind a howling Dani he takes a few more seconds to snap, “Kyou, Gerard, guard Aoba, and no, I don't care about your vows that forbid it priest! Aoba's more important!” With that his own pitch black wings join the red and dark green set as he charges the oncoming opponents. 'It's a friggan army! Why now!?' He rages inside his head, screaming at the ill timed everythings of the day.


While Gerard looks after the black haired beast with a livid expression on his face Kyou sneaks in close as he can stand to Aoba, looking up at him with wide, wondering eyes, truly concerned with how they are going to stay safe. His own weapon is small, and rather pathetic at his level, compared to even demons of his same level. He prefers talk, not combat. 'But, he gave me the order, so, I need to do it, if I want to survive, so, I will!' Loving this legit excuse to be near the angel he scoots in a little closer, doing his best to ignore the queasy feeling from being so close to the priest on the other side of the angel.


This was fine. This was perfectly fine. It was just four demons, a priest, and a fallen angel all working together to get the farm work done. It was no big deal at all. At least, that’s what Aoba continued to think over and over as he sat the bag of food down and opened the door for the birds to start scattering out. “Perfectly fine. No one’s hostile. No one is trying to kill the other. Father Gerard is safe. Deep breaths. Deeeep breaths.” The fallen angel heaved a sigh and watched the fowl move a little slower than their normal pace. “What’s wrong with you guys, don’t you want to eat?” A cold chill went down his spine, making him turn around- just as Kuro yelled. ’An attack? Now!? Well this was just fantastic!’

The angel’s feathers ruffled and he hurried the few birds that wandered out back inside. “Hurry, hurry.” He mumbled, still panicking. Aoba turned to scramble back to the barn, but he quickly turned back to grab the chickens’ feed. He moved as fast as he could, carrying the heavy thing until it was taken from him all of a sudden. Kyou smiled politely, only to be suddenly pulled by Aoba to hurry into the barn. “Father, come inside!” This made the priest look away from the demons and turn to the panicking angel.

“Aoba,” He reached out for the fallen angel as he paced back and forth. “Just relax. I’m sure-” He really hated that he was about to say this. “I’m sure those demons will protect you. Even so, I’m still here. You will be fine. I promise.”

That, unfortunately, didn’t help Aoba one bit. He couldn’t even figure out how to respond. He moved away and went to close the barn doors when the last of the animals were back inside. Instead of answering the priest, he went around to the animals that had gotten riled up and tried calming them down. Aoba tried to busy himself before he had a panic attack.

“Aoba? Do you want me to do anything?” Kyou gave an innocent look, trying to steal Aoba’s attention.

“Huh? I, no not really Kyou. ” Aoba shook his head and walked right past him. Fortunately for Kyou, he was determined. The only one standing in his way was the priest, but on Kuro’s orders he was told to protect Aoba. Surely the priest wouldn’t go against that?

'THIS IS INSANE!' Kuro screams inside his own mind, the sheer number of demons ludicrous and their tactic of just continuing to throw themselves at the brothers making them look like nothing more than cannon fodder for a much larger attack. 'Who the heck goes through so much trouble for a single angel!?' His black flame races through the area, his conscious effort to keep the field intact as best he can bringing his kill count down, but also serving to focus him and keep his mind from wandering to whatever rubbish the priest may be filling his head with at this very moment.


Fortunately, or unfortunately, however one decides to look at it, it's not Gerard he needs to worry about at his very moment. Once Aoba looks to be a bit calmer you slips in closer to him, keeping half an eye on the priest to make sure he doesn't ruffle any feathers, and gives him a gentle smile. “Aoba? Do they normally do this? Charge off and leave you here in the barn? Have they done anything to make this place safer?” He pours all his charm into his words, hoping that even if he doesn't get very detailed answers he's asked enough of them to keep the angel occupied for at least a few minutes.


The sheer sound of the fight was much louder than usual. It made Aoba worry even more. His curiosity towards the attackers had increased, but he knew better than to go out there- especially now. “Please be careful…” Aoba whispered to himself. Turning away from the back door, he walked over to Mama and Otto. The calf was pressed close to his mother while she looked around. “Hm? O-Oh, um, normally if there’s an attack I sit in the barn, yes. B-But there hasn’t been many attacks! And the last ones only came in smaller groups!” Somewhere along the way, he realized how bad it must have sounded, so he tried to convince Father Gerard that things were okay- or maybe he was really trying to convince himself. . .

Kyou watched the two, intrigued by how much Aoba tried to stay considerate of the demons. He wished them good health and even stood up for them on their behalf. He truly was a peculiar fallen angel, but maybe that peculiarity was just what kept him alive. Most fallen angels he had known about were killed off instantly, but not this small and defenseless angel. He was still alive- panicky, but very much well. He wondered how Aoba became fallen, however that probably the best question to ask at a time like this.

“They’re fighting out there to protect me. I move in here to stay out of the way. It’s one less thing they have to worry about while they fight.” Aoba added that in quietly, seeing as Gerard wasn’t buying any of it.


Outside, Dani was in a mix of fury and pure joy. Furious that all of the demons that were attacking them, but it was utter joy to kill them all as their punishment. A few times a demon would attempt to stray away and sneak inside the barn only for Dani capture and rip them apart. “Mine.” He’d growl a couple of times. Not only was his attention at protecting what was inside the barn, but also the animals outside. He knew Aoba would be devastated if they died and an unhappy angel meant he couldn’t play with him. Not that the Dani and Aoba were on the best of terms now thanks to him hurting Kuro. . .But at that very moment, it didn’t matter. What mattered was getting rid of all the demons before they got their greedy paws on anything.


“NO!” Kuro screams, watching in horror as one of the demons lit on fire by Homura's flame rockets toward the barn. Dani, pinned by a group of demons lets out a howl and tries to break free but with a loud cry he drops to the ground, clutching his wing. One of them had gotten in a lucky shot and not one fleshy appendage it tattered along the edge. Kuro lights the field around him on fire, dropping the group trying to keep him occupied and he takes to the sky just as the demon hits. He hears cries go up from the inside of the structure and in a flash he darts across the field to hover over the dancing flames.

'I can't put them out, these are Homura's, but maybe I can' he thinks frantically, calibrating exactly what he'll need to do. With as much speed as he can given the delicacy of what he is trying to undertake he send out his own flame to consume the area around Homura's. Carefully he draws his flame back, pulling with it the burning bits of wood and shingling, effectively giving his brother's dancing red flames nothing to keep it burning and with a sigh he relaxs slightly as the barn stops burning. There is now a hole in the roof, and through it he can see the scared face of Kyou and the angry one of Gerard, but before he can even glimpse Aoba he turns in the air and makes his way over to the still burning field and begins undertaking damage control.


“Aoba you cannot be serious. This is dangerous. This isn’t about them just protecting you and this barn. Each and every one of those demons out there wants to harm you in some way. You are a fallen angel.” His voice never rose, but it was stern. This was ridiculous. He couldn’t be safe in this environment. One slip up and Aoba could have been another fallen angel dead. Another one that could have been saved. Gerard didn’t want to think about the possibilities. He had to open Aoba’s eyes about it. “You need to come with me.”

’He’s trying to take the angel away from his demons. . . I don’t think Kuro and Dani would approve.’ Kyou shuffled on both feet, knowing he was in no place to try and do anything. He only wanted to talk to Aoba and here he was, in the midst of a battle. Aoba was right, he did come at the wrong time.

“I didn’t ask for this okay!” Aoba was pacing back and forth again. At this point he could have practically pulled his hair out. “I just wanted to do what I thought was right. . .And that turned out to be bad. And now I’m here and they followed me here. I needed help. I couldn’t do it by myself, I mean, I was just a medical assistant. And- And they took that away from me. That’s- that’s all I had! I was- I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble. And Kuro wanted to help- he said he owed me. I . .I just-” While Kyou stared wide eyed with curiosity and mild fascination, Gerard cut the panicking angel off and pulled him into a hug.

“Relax. It’s okay, just relax. This is why I’m here. To keep you safe-” A sudden crash caused the three to whirl around. Before Aoba could process what happened, there was a dead demon and a hole in the roof. Gerard glared out, especially at Kuro. “Aoba, go calm the animals. Try to stay off into the corner.” The priest rolled up his sleeves and pulled out a cross bearing necklace. He could protect Aoba much better than the reckless demon. “Aoba.”

The angel had paused in horror, staring up at the hole in the roof. The sound of his name caused him to snap back to life and rush off to pat a few of the animals and hurry to a corner. The war outside was getting dangerously close to the barn. Kyou hissed lightly when the priest began mumbling out prayers, and quickly rushed to safety himself.


It's finally over. Those demons who do not lay smoldering on the ground, as piles of ash, or simply are remembered as scorch make in the earth, are fleeing back from whence they came, the brothers standing victorious. Kuro doesn't even allow himself a moment to breath as he takes to the air and races towards the barn. He's quite sure that Aoba is alright, he can still feel his energy, and the priest is still shielding the area. 'I can't believe all this happened, all at once. By all things, I hope Aoba is okay. . .' Bitting his lip to the point it bleeds - the little droplets almost unseen among all the blood already drenching his skin, hair, and clothing – he races to the door and throws it wide, ready to defend if Gerard decides to attack. He knows he could have been more careful, but right now, seeing Aoba safe is all he desires.


The knocks at his door, gone unheard for the past half an hour, finally get through to the arch angel as he sets the mirror down. A cold sweat covers his body and absentmindedly he covers the bit of magic glass with it's cloth as he moves to answer the door. 'That. . . .Was too close. I can't blame the priest, Aoba is. . .' He wants desperately to say that the little angel is not safe where he is, surrounded by demons, but he knows better. He knows that anywhere else, the little angel would be far more at risk. Opening the door his eyes go wide at the sight of two of his comrades in arms and a slue of his medical staff standing there, all their eyes wide.

“What?” he asks simply, tilting his head to the side. It never occurred to him how much time had passed. They all stare back at him, many concerned, a few annoyed, and the rest unsure of what to think.


With a whine Dani drops to his knees, watching Kuro fly off enviously. Looking back at his older brother he lets out another whine. Homuraaaa, I'm hurt. . . .My wing it hurts. . . .” Sounding very cute and pathetic he watches as the blind demon approaches, those white eyes clocked on him and glowing slightly.

In a soft voice Homura murmurs, “Are we in trouble? I. . . I think some of my fire went over there. . . .” Dani hisses as Homura kneels down and begins treating his wing. The wound is bad and even the little one knows that it's going to take a little longer than the normal insta-heal the silverette gives him.

Looking towards the barn, observing the large smoking hole Dani shakes his head. “Kuro kept it from doing much. Just a hole. . . .Probably over my bed. . .” He bats Homura gently with his wing, but rather than getting upset the fire bug hangs his head sadly. He put the angel in danger, and that deserves a bat.


“Sir, you’ve been unresponsive for a little over thirty minutes. We’ve needed your assistance.”

“More importantly,” A second one added, with a glance at the first. “we wanted to make sure you were okay.” Fenrir noticed the nods and concerned looks. “You haven’t quite been focused lately. Is something bothering you?”

The medical angel stared at them for a long moment, still replaying a few of the scenes he had witnessed in the mirror. He was reassuring himself Aoba was okay. With a sigh and nod, Fenrir spoke up. “Everything is fine. I’ve just had a lot of papers to go through.” He gestured over to a stack of papers he had already finished working through. “I foolishly enough try to do most of the work at night and it messes with my sleep schedule.” He wasn’t lying. With the time he spent staring at the mirror, his actual work involving papers had been cut short. He’d try to get some of them done later in the day rather than an appropriate time. . .He simply dodged the entire truth.


Kyou had cautiously crawled up to Aoba. The fallen angel was hidden in his wings, waiting for the things to end. The demon gently patted Aoba’s wing, taking the time to feel the soft feathers under his palm. “Aoba,” His voice was soft as if he was coaxing a child. Seeing the angel panic like before made him a little more careful. “It’s over. You can come out now.” When the doors slammed open, Kyou jumped and pulled his hand away from Aoba’s feathers. He moved back as if he had done something wrong.

Aoba had folded his wings, looking around carefully. The animals looked safe. Everyone inside looked okay- “K-Kuro!” He only saw the blood. Of course his mind went to the worst and assumed he was hurt and in bad shape. Before he could run over to make sure, Gerard stepped in front of him. The silent look made Aoba’s wing fold a little tighter and made him look at his feet. He stepped backwards. Looking back up, he gave a concerned look. “You’re not hurt too bad are you?”


'He's safe. . . .' Kuro thinks with a long sigh. However as his body fills with joy at the sight of Aoba racing towards him he feels a sharp pain run through his body, like a white hot brand jabbed into his soul. A fierce snarl finds it's way out as Gerard block's the angel's path and with an unholy growl of fury he stalks into the barn and confronts the priest. Grabbing his shoulder he spins the man, his hand burning as it makes contact with the still livid priest. But Kuro doesn't care. His eyes dance with black flame and his wings spread wide, making him look quite intimidating as the flames dance along their surface.


The brothers in the field feel their little siblings anger and both are on their feet in an instant. Needing a guide Homura takes Dani's hand as they race along and together they appear in the doorway moments later, both looking ready for a fight. Seeing Kuro facing off against the father Dani darts to his little brother's side, Homura doing likewise on his other side.

Kuro still hasn't let go of Gerard's shoulder and the smell of burnt flesh wafts through the are, exciting and frightening the animals. Unfortunately, the post battle high mixed with the stench of his natural born enemy keeps Kuro from calming down. “You have no right Priest!” This is the first time he's been anything but polite to the man, however while his hand burns, he has as of yet to actually harm the human. Kyou stays as far out of the way as possible. His instincts tell him he should run, but at the moment he's not sure if he's staying put because he's afraid of being mistaken for an enemy, or because he's completely fascinated by what he's seeing.


The sudden anger from Kuro made Aoba instinctively cower backwards. Much like Kyou, he wanted to stay as far away as possible. Even though this was about him, Aoba was always reminded that everyone could have probably killed him in seconds.

Gerard held his ground. His glare had never changed and he too was prepared to attack if necessary. “I don’t have the right?!” He spat back. The priest thrusted his arm towards Aoba. “This isn’t about me. This is about him! If anything, you don’t have the right! You are a demon! He’s an angel! I don’t care if you weren’t planning to hurt him, you should have known the consequences of your actions. If you really cared for him you’d let him go somewhere safe, where he couldn’t be harmed! I don’t know what guilt trip you’re using but this isn’t fair for him. You’re poisoning him!”

As terrified as Aoba was, he scrambled between them. “F-Father! He is not! He’s doing the best he can to help me. Him and his brothers! Please, it was just- just this once. I’m sure it won’t-”

“You’re sure more demons won’t be after you? After an attack like that? Aoba you have to be serious. That attack put you in more danger. More demons will hear about it. The demons are the son of Satan himself! How long before their father decides to see why his boys are making such a mess?” Gerard was careful not to sound as hostile with Aoba, but that didn’t stop the stern tone in his voice. He had to be tough on the kid sometimes or he’d never learn.


The priest snaps about he, a demon, not having the right to keep Aoba around and Kuro is about to snap back when Aoba's words echo through his mind painfully, stilling his tongue and causing him to draw his now bright red hand back from the father's shoulder.

“You're a demon”

“You're heartless. . .”

He barely registers that Aoba has jumped between them as the memory flashes through his mind, once more causing that throbbing pain to render him nearly senseless. Homura and Dani both quiver with the feeling, their concern for their brother making their eyes glow and their wings grow rigid. The words about his father slowly sinks into the youngest sibling and he can feel a faint dread deep inside. 'He's right. . . .I always knew, I just. . . .Didn't want to think about it. . . Pops will come one day, and unless things go smoothly, things will go very, very poorly. . .' A raging conflict starts up inside of him and Dani, seeing no outward response, decides to take up the fight.

His body shift and grows until he's in his “Natural” body. The broad shoulders and almost mane like hair makes him look remarkably like a bipedal lion with his fangs poking out from beneath his lips. With a deep growl he says, “Those assholes above threw him down here. They don't care anymore! Kuro is the only one who really cares around here! And he cares, so I won't let y-” His words are cut off by a soft word from his youngest sibling.

“No.” All eyes turn to Kuro as he says this. Despite being so soft, the word carries a lot of power. Dani stares in shock while Homura stares at him with an expression of intense concentration. Looking carefully past Aoba Kuro once more addresses the priest in the same respectful tone he's always used. “You're right, he's not property, and I have no right to keep him here against his will. But that's what this is all about. His will.” His gaze shifts to Aoba, his eyes distant, calm, not how he normally looks at the angel.

Taking a step forward he reaches inside his shirt and produces something he's quite sure the angel has forgotten about. Not that the object is recognizable as what it once was unless you already know what you're looking at. The once pure white feather that used to cast a glow on everything around it with it's radiance now seems to flicker with dark energy, it's pitch black surface gleaming in the sunlight now steaming into the barn from the hole overhead. Twirling it in his fingers, Kuro begins speaking softly.

“He's not wrong Aoba. We are in essence poisoning you. If you stay here, around us, your wings will eventually look like this.” His gaze remains steady, though it seems to grow slightly more intense as he speaks. “Your body will be corrupted, unable to take in the host ever again. If you stay, you will never, ever be able to return to heaven. The grace will never return to you and you will live a life untouched by Yahweh until the end of time itself. You will always be in danger, and you will continue to become less and less of an angel with every passing moment.”

Dani wants to hiss at his brother, to refute this – even though he knows it's true – But having known this would happen Kuro has his lease so tight that even moving could wound him badly. Homura's eyes are narrowed, trying to figure out what the game is He can tell that it's killing his brother to say these things, but still, he goes on. Taking a slow breath he goes on softly. “Your only chance to return to your home, where you belong, with beings who can love you as you deserve to be loved, is if you leave, now, and never look back. To forget about us, and embrace the light as quickly as possible, before the hosts of hell find you again.”

None of the pain raging inside the tall demon shows, his desire to let Aoba make the choice, to either stay and let him try to be a good partner, even without a heart, or to leave and embrace the world that threw him aside, proving once and for all that heaven's hold on it's children trumps all. He twirls the feather again, the lovely black color making his chest ache even more, but as he glances at the still gray wings actually attached to the object of his desire he knows that there is a good chance he will lose the greatest thing that has ever come into his life today. And that thought is enough to crush the demon's withered, twisted soul.


"D-Dani no!" Aoba didn’t even attempt to go near the sudden transformation that was before them. Gerard was prepared to grab the holy water in his pocket. Kuro, however, stopped them both. Gerard listened to what he said and nodded, moving out of Aoba’s way. This gave the fallen angel a chance to scurry closer, wanting to check on him and make sure he’s okay. His intentions were deterred when Kuro pulled out that familiar black feather. His brow furrowed for a minute before he looked at Kuro. “You told me that Kuro. But you said they were just my wings. . .and you’d like them anyway.” His voice was soft as if he didn’t want the others around to here. This caused Kyou to have to scoot closer.

What he heard next was something he hadn’t wanted to heard. Especially not from Kuro. Why was he saying all of this?! Didn’t he want him to stay?

’You will always be in danger, and you will continue to become less and less of an angel with every passing moment.’ Aoba’s eyes widened some and he stepped back. “But you-” ’No, I’ll always be an angel, fallen or not! And- And you said you’d protect me. . .’ Once again he was faced with that horrid decision of choosing between the two. Why was everything so complicated? He could have had such a simple life if it wasn’t for- for Kuro. No, it wasn’t his fault. . . none of this would have happened if he had kept his mouth shut and decided against helping the demon. He wouldn’t blame Kuro for it.

The confliction never left his eyes. He looked between Kuro and Gerard, hoping someone would say something- anything, but it was left for him to decide. In the end, it was his decision to make. But Aoba didn’t make decisions, he just followed rules and did as he was told. Despite this, he couldn’t help but feel. . .betrayed. Kuro had constantly told him how safe he’d be. He was constantly reassured that he’d be okay. But here Kuro was telling him the exact opposite. Had he been lying the whole time, just to make Aoba stay? He glanced at Dani in his more ‘demonic’ form and then at the hole in the roof. “I. . .” Aoba teared up again. He hated what he was doing, but he. . . He had to. There was no other choice.

“I-I trusted you.” The hurt in his voice was eminent despite how soft he spoke. Aoba couldn’t even figure out what to say after that. The look in his eyes had been enough. What hurt him worse was that he couldn’t find any form of that adoration he always saw in Kuro’s eyes.

He stepped away, leaving the feather with Kuro. Gerard straightened up as Aoba gave him a sad, accepting look. The priest nodded and gently put a hand on his shoulder. “You’re doing the right thing.” Aoba didn’t answer. His gaze fell to the floor as he turned away from the trio of demons.

Kyou had inched even closer, looking between Aoba and Kuro in disbelief. He knew it was probably out of line speaking out but he did so anyway. “Wait you’re leaving?” His headwings drooped. “But- But what about the animals?”

Before Gerard could say that he’d call someone about it, Aoba spoke up first. “Kuro-. . .” Aoba turned his gaze from him to Gerard. “He can have it. . .” Aoba left no explanation as to why, but he was at least sure about the statement. With a nod, Gerard continued to lead him out the barn. He couldn’t help but feel triumph and relief that he got the angel out of the clutches of those demons. He had saved one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The pain, the confusion, it all rages against his soul as the object of his affection practically vibrates with the hurt of his words. 'I do still care for you, it doesn't matter to me!' He wants to scream his thoughts, to force his hand, to keep Aoba with him no matter what. However, those words, those painful words that dropped so carelessly from the angel's lips only a day ago still dig into his chest, scraping at his wounded spirit and forcing him to test the youth. He can't help it, he needs to know. He needs to know that Aoba will stay, no matter what, and that these things really don't matter to him. That. . . .That he's happy here with the demon and that it, that he, is enough for his Little Mouse.

Those eyes on his, so much hurt, so much confusion, he wants desperately to wrap the boy up in his grasp and never let go, but as with all things in their relationship, he knows it must be Aoba's choice to walk into that embrace. And all he can do, is hope.

As the tears gather in the young angel's eyes, Kuro's pain redoubles. Despite not having a heart, the part of him that had seen Aoba as family, as someone precious – romance aside – suddenly ruptures and he would swear before his father than no greater pain had been suffered by anyone, demon or human. 'He's leaving me. . . .' Even before Aoba says the words, he can tell. He can see it. The angel is fleeing, leaving the poor, broken demon to his fate, and running back into the light. Kuro keeps his breathing steady, his gaze blank and level. He can't, he won't, let himself influence the angel. It's just not his way. Then, the words drop and all he can do is nod ever so slightly.

Dani desperately wants to do something, say something, but even as this desire thrashes about inside him, he knows that moving now may very well end his live. He doesn't think Kuro knows how much the leash has tightened, but twitching enough to even attempt to tell him that it's too tight is more than he's willing to risk. He looks to Homura, a look of pure confusion crossing his face as he watches the eldest sibling present watching everything closely with an expression he's not sure he's ever seen before on his face.

Not knowing what to think, all the eldest can do is watch. His brother is in pain. Well, both of them are, but one is very much self inflicted. He knows he must protect his family, but Kuro is hurting himself, so what should he do? Should he go after the angel, make him stay? Should he simply kill the priest, would that make it all better? He feels anxious, a need to do something for his dearest baby brother, but as the angel finally confirms his choice the shock of pain from the dark haired mail simply floors the fire bug and all he can do is watch in stunned silence as the only one to speak up on the matter is, of all things, a little low level demon whose pitiful attempt is more sad than anything else.

”I-I trusted you.”

The words are like spears to his chest, but Kuro does not flinch. He's gone too far, nothing is left but to see his decision through. He barely hears Aoba verbally signing the farm over to him, but as Aoba vanishes from view the cloud before his eyes clears and he finds his feet bringing him to the barn door. He watches, tears hiding just out of sight behind his red gaze, as Aoba climbs into the priest's truck and in a cloud of gravel dust, he's gone.


Of all things he expected to happen today, this was something Fenrir never saw coming. He is stunned, and for more reasons that he can even fathom. He knows that leaving the demons is a good thing, morally, but as he watches the farm vanish from view he feels the urge to scream that the little angel needs to go back, to force Kuro to speak, to tell him why he said the things he did. That urge is countered by the relief that maybe, some day, he will see the boy in person again. If he can get clean, if he can properly repent, he can return, but at the same time, he knows there is no way Aoba will survive away from his protectors. 'He will die without the demons, but without leaving them, he can never return. It's. . . .It's just not right. It's not fair. . . .' He starts as a drop appears on the mirror and moves to absentmindedly wipe it away. His hand freezes midway though and with inexplicably trembling fingers he reaches up and finds his cheeks damp.

“Damn.” he murmurs, rubbing his cheeks furiously, irrationally angry at the idea of crying over what he'd just witnessed. 'Yeah, he's hurt, but at least he's away from the demons now. . .It's not like I was feeling bad for. . . .' Shaking his head furiously he covers the mirror. No, he can't, he simply can not have been feeling anything for. . . .For. . . .'[/i]


Kuro lets out a shuddering breath and the leash and collar around Dani loosens, finally letting the red head speak. Kuro doesn't hear his words, he can't hear them. He does look over when the pitch changes and he notes vaguely that Dani is small again, but as he slips out of the barn the words remain simply vague background noise. He walks slowly around the yard, checking on the animals, watching them act In more agitation than usual. With the angel gone, the demonic presence has risen and instinctually they don't like it. Once he's sure they are alright he moves off to the field and begins weeding. It isn't until he's half way through that he notices he's being watched.

Kyou had followed the youngest son out of the barn, wanting to ask him just a few things before following the angel to wherever he's gone, but as he watched he realized that there's nothing he can really get out of the broken beast. 'He is broken. . . Completely. There's nothing left in there. I can't. . . I don't get it. I thought the children of Satan could not experience heartbreak?' He whines softly as Kuro looks at him and his headwings beat gently as he notices a faint spark in Kuro's eyes.

The lesser demon shies back as the dark haired male approaches, going into a stance just short of cowering as Kuro stops just short of him. “Come with me.” The words are soft, but Kyou lets out a soft 'eep' anyways before following Kuro back into the field. He moves along quietly and feels suddenly stunned as Kuro begins explaining about weeding, watering, and other basic plant care. The seedlings are now past their baby stage, well on the way to actually looking like the plants they will grow into, and as Kuro explains to be careful it dawn on the little demon why he's telling him these things.

“Y-You're g-going after him.” he says hesitantly to Kuro, keeping his eyes down and mimicking his movements. It's not a question, he's sure he's right, but the nod from the dark haired male send a thrill through him none the less. “Y-You want m-me to take c-care of the f-farm while y-you're away?” This time it is a question and when Kuro looks at him, he cowers away ever so slightly, fearing that he'd get smacked for asking a stupid question.

“Only the field. . . .” The words are soft, murmured in that same calm way he'd ordered the smaller demon to follow him into the field, but Kyou still swallows hard in fear at being addressed by one in such a state. Those in intense pain are unpredictable, and he rather likes continuing to draw breath. He jumps ever so slightly as Kuro goes on, his blood pumping furiously as Kuro reveals his thoughts. “I will not force him back. . . .” he says, pulling a few more weeds as he talks, the hollow look in his eyes almost more frightening than anything he's seen from the demon thus far. “But, I made a promise. I promised to protect him, no matter what, even if he ordered me away, I swore from the beginning I would stick around, just out of sight and keep him safe. . . .And I keep to my promises. . .”

Kyou nods, swallowing again as he asks softly, “W-Why?”

Kuro shakes his head. “Not now Kyou.” He spots the little demon nodding furiously out of the corner of his eye and quietly fills him in on the rest of the plant care, saying eh would stop back in periodically with more instruction and to make sure his orders are being followed. He makes it clear there is no limit on the order and that he expects to find Kyou here each and every time he comes before finally leaving the field to him and heading to the barn.

There he finds Homura propped up against a pillar, Dani surprisingly silent settled on a post with his wings wrapped around him, his brow furrowed in contemplation. When he spots his brother enter however the little red head jumps down and opens his mouth to begin yelling again. However all that comes out is a gagging noise as Kuro silences him, having his own words to say and no time to spare. “Dani, take care of the animals. I know you know how to do it. Take care of them as you have seen Aoba,” his voice chokes slightly on the name, but he rushes on. “and I do so. Keep them alive. Keep them healthy. I am following him. I will not let him die.” Dani flashes his teeth, obviously wanting to go with, but Kuro shakes his head. “No, I will go alone. I will return once a week so you can feed, but other than that, I don't want you leaving the grounds.”

He waves vaguely behind him towards the field. “I have Kyou taking care of the field, the two of you are not to fight ever, for any reason. He has his job, you have yours, and you two will do them.” His firm, calm voice drops a bit as he looks at the ground, Dani's collar loosening. “I do not hold out any hope that he will ever come back, but just in case he does, this place will be here for him.” He looks up at Dani, the pain and darkness in his eyes working to silence the hot headed youth for at least a little longer. “I need this of you Dani. This, is what I need. . . .”

Dani growls, letting out an unearthly howl before kicking a stone clear through the hole in the roof and settling in to get out all of his cursing. When at last he's cussed himself out he flops down on the floor in a pout position and mutters, “Fine.”

With Dani's word in place Kuro turns to the final person on the grounds to address however Homura simply holds up a hand and shakes his head. Walking carefully over to his littlest brother he nuzzles the larger male and lets out a soft sigh. “You've always been the weird one Little Black Storm Cloud, and this is no different.” Giving Kuro a gentle kiss, and Dani a wave, he vanishes back off into hell without another word, the cracking flames left in his wake going out quickly in the dirt.

With a sigh, he gives Dani a hug - unable to go without at least some form of contact from his only remaining family in his time of need – and without looking back the steps out of the barn and takes to the air, his massive black wings taking him quickly out of sight of the only place he's ever really thought of as home in his long, empty life. 'Empty, until him. . .And now empty again. . .' Biting his lip from the pain, now resting beneath all the layers of control he can summon, he takes up a position high, high above the truck as to not alert either of them of his presence as he follows the most precious person in all the worlds to him towards the place the angel will soon call his new home, leaving behind everything Kuro offered, by choice, and where he will one day take up the mantle that will bring him back to a home that will never understand his odd Little Mouse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aoba fell silent the entire way to the truck. His gaze never left the ground, willing himself not to turn around. Not to look back. Aoba tugged on the ends of his clothes, hoping that having to press the bottom of his short back out would distract him.

It didn't.

The angel mimicked the priest as he put his seatbelt on. Right after, his gaze focused on his lap. He refused to look at the barn again. He tried not to think about what happened, but instead he ended up thinking about everything. Him crash landing to earth and Kuro's promise to protect him. . . Meeting Dani. . .Having so much fun with the two demons, and then the attack that happened not too long ago. All of that played over and over in his mind, but Aoba stayed completely silent, save for the few sniffles and him wiping his eyes.

"You did the right thing Aoba." Gerard hated to see the young angel so hurt, but of course he would be. The angel had grown attached to his so called protectors. Gerard was sure that once he got Aoba to the church, he'd understand. The angel would feel better and purer in no time. He glanced over at the angel every now and then as he drove. "So, when we get to the church you'll need to bathe. And then some of the others will help you start your purification. The sooner we do it, the quicker we can work our way getting you home." All he got was a small and quiet nod from Aoba, making him sigh gently. Aoba would get better. He would.


The trip was far. They even passed the town. He didn't even know there was a town farther out from what he was used to. The unfamiliar territory made the angel nervous, but that was typical for the angel. Lots of things made him nervous. By comparison, this town had way more people and buildings and things going on. There were a lot more cars on the road too. It made Aoba shrink away from the window. Everything was overwhelmingly larger.

The truck parked and Aoba stared at the church in front of them. It wasn't larger than his- well, Kuro's barn that was for sure. The outside looked like a regular, yet kind of old brick building with large windows. At the top, there was a pointed tower with a bell inside. Aoba had never been to a church before, but he remembered learning about them. They were sanctuaries. They were places to heal. They were the closest thing to his old home since he had been kicked out. He could sense the trickles of pure energy seeping out of the building. Slowly, he followed Gerard to the building. "O-Ow?" Moving closer to the building, he felt a sharp sting around his arm.

The priest pulled Aoba's sleeve up and examined the bracelet. "Demonic charms. You can’t keep this. It'll hinder the process." As Gerard took it off, Aoba looked genuinely surprised. Being surrounded by so much demonic energy he didn't even realize it. Aoba's sad expression returned as he quietly followed Gerard once more. What the priest did with his bracelet- what he thought was just a simple gift, Aoba didn’t know. He didn't want to admit that he liked it and wanted to keep it.

The inside of the building looked a lot larger than the outside. The ceiling was high and two chandeliers illuminated the building. Cushioned pews were lined on either side- a lot of them too. Aoba's examination of the place was cut short when gentle gasps broke the silence. Two women, one elderly and the other much younger rushed forward from a back room. By their looks, it was quite obvious that Gerard must have told the two a lot about him. Instinctively, Aoba's wings moved closer to his back but he didn’t move away when both women stopped in front of him. "You could have told us to prepare for the angel, Father! Oh, he's so small. Are you hungry? Are you hurt?" A small, wrinkled hand went to his head. "You're warm. But you don't look sick." She frowned gently as she stared into his eyes. "Come, come. Let's get you settled in. Ariel, get some clean towels and clothes."

Gerard watched the elderly woman with a warm smile. The loving woman should have been able to get Aoba out of his funk. As the angel was being pulled off, Gerard spoke. "This is Miss Susan or Susie. She's one of our elder members and she'll be able to help you and show you around the church. And that was Ariel, my daughter. She'll be able to help you around too." Aoba looked back at Gerard a little nervously as he was pulled towards a door leading to the back rooms. "Not to worry Aoba. You're in good hands."


"Goodness, you poor soul! You're so dirty! They must have worked you like a dog at that barn."

"I- Ma'am, you really d-don't need to do this! I-I'm capable of cleaning my-myself!" Aoba was a bright red color as the elderly woman decided she would take it upon herself to clean him down.

"No need for all of that nonsense dear. I need to make sure you're clean. In all my lifetime, I've never seen divinity dim like yours. I'd expect you to be some sort of soldier the way you've managed to get your feet so dirty." For an old woman, she was quite forceful. Fortunately her touch became much more gentle as she cleaned off his wings. "So gray. . ." Susan muttered to herself as she examined them. Aoba was forced to sit quietly in the small basin. Hearing her comment about his wings made him flinch in guilt. "Oh, it’s okay dear. Not to worry. We'll get you feeling better. And get you home." When she was satisfied with her job, she allowed Aoba to scramble up and dry off. He kept his back to her as she began to ramble about doing this before and cleaning others like homeless people and. . .Well, by that time Aoba had put on the white button up shirt and dark slacks he was given. Something "appropriate" for the church- well midday. No need for sleepwear at the moment.

"Come, come. I'll have Jade show you around. My old bones can't move as fast as they used to." The angel didn’t have anything to say. He didn't really want to be there. He knew it, but he felt wrong thinking it. He was supposed to be happy with the familiarity. . .but instead he felt so empty. The sudden hand rubbing his back made him look up from the floor. "There, there dear. You have a lot on your mind, I can see. It's in your eyes. Things will start to clear up for you." The angel simply nodded, but was mostly unresponsive. He folded the used towels for the elder and then followed her gesture out the room.

'I honestly just want to be alone. . . But it's not polite to do say something like that. Not when they're working so hard to make me. . .better.' The old woman made him feel like he was sick. She kept mentioning he would get better. But was he really sick? Back at the barn they never said he was sick or anything, just weird. But- But he shouldn't have been thinking of them. They were bad. And yet somehow he had a hard time believing himself. . .

The angel had been so wrapped up in his thoughts, he didn't realize he had wandered back into the main building until he noticed the pews lined up again. Quietly, he sat down in the second row, unsure of what to do next. Everything was so foreign- it was unnerving. It felt like coming to earth all over again. He didn't know where he was and the one person he did know, he didn’t want to be around- but just like the first time, being alone was never an option. . . The angel leaned his head against the seat in front of him and sighed.

'What's wrong with me? Maybe I don't deserve to be an angel or anything. I've screwed up so much. Why am I so. . .broken?'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The flight is relatively long, compared to all the flights he's undertaken as of late, but rather short considering how large the earth is. His massive wings to nod cast a shadow below, his powers making him completely invisible. Unless of course Aoba looked at him directly, and he knows it will be a challenge, but he will not let his Little Mouse down. He will keep the little angel safe, no matter what. Once they reach town he's able to move in a little closer, the evils of the people in the city masking him ever so slightly. When they at last reach the church he lands a black away, peeking around the corner of a building at just the right angle to see the two exit the truck and head towards the door.

Honing in on them with his ears he listens as Aoba exclaims in pain. The sound makes him go on high alert, wondering what could be hurting him already, but as he listens he feels his stomach drop. 'Oh. . . .I forgot to take that. . . .Of course it won't let him in the church. . .' A new ache starts up inside him as the charm bracelet is removed and he can feel a change in the winds. With the removal of the object, his scent grows faint around the angel and his own sweet, pure scent begins wafting through the streets. As much as Kuro enjoys the fragrance he feels worry gnawing at his insides now that he can smell it clearly from so far away. Before, it has always been there, but subtle, light, tucked gently beneath a layer of “Kuro”, and the smell helped the demon feel safe about being away from the angel.

However now, the smell is fresh and clear, and he can feel every dark force in the area lock on to it. Once the two are out of sight, Kuro slips closer. He does everything he can to conceal his energy, not wanting Gerard to charge right out holy water ablazing. He could kill the human no problem, but he also doesn't want Aoba finding out that he's here. He remains focused on the idea that he's protecting the angel, that he will be his dark guardian. This focus allows him to keep his gaze facing outwards, ignoring the terrible storm going on inside his chest.

After a little while Gerard exits the building and Kuro watches closely as he tosses the charm in the dumpster behind the church. He can hear him muttering something like, “Damn demon, even at a distance he. . .” before he vanishes once more, but Kuro is more focused on the bracelet. He knows that it was a gift, and if Aoba no longer wants it there's nothing he can do, however he feels compelled to retrieve it, to save it, to keep it. . . Just in case. Slipping in he nabs it from a pile of what looks to be shredded clothing, likely donated stuff that they church rejected or something, and tucks it in an inner pocket of his jacket. Taking flight he scopes out the area, rousting a few of the smaller demons that have begun edging close to the angel's location before perching on a nearby building like an invisible gargoyle guarding it's charge from the forces of evil.


On a whim, Fenrir zooms out as far as he can, watching the angel get bathed seeming somewhat wrong, even though the ladies doing so seem unbothered by his discomfort, and he is very much not surprised to see the demon sitting on a building, his eyes locked on the church. “I figured you would do this Kuro, but really. . .Are you not even going to tell him you're there? Are you really just going to watch and suffer?” He knows he can't hear the questions but with a sigh he pretends the most likely answer, which is, “Of course. He's made his choice, who am I to question it. I made a promise though so. . . .” As he says this to himself, imitating Kuro smooth, strong, but hurt voice he shakes his head and sighs again. “You are one odd demon. . . .”

Poking the mirror he stares at Kuro for another long moment before zooming back in. He doesn't have time for Kuro right now, he has an angel to keep track of. The day had been quiet for a long time at work so he'd headed home early. The drive to the church had been so uneventful that he felt safe looking away for it to make his way home but now as he watches as Aoba takes a seat in the church and lays his head on the pew in front of him. “You poor dear. . .I. . .” He wants, no, he feels, that he should say 'I know it hurts, but this is for the best' but the words will just not form. He can not honestly say them, and that fact frightens him. He can't really think that Aoba would be better off with the demons. . . .Could he? No, no, angels belong in heaven, and short of that, they belong somewhere blessed by the grace of their father!. . . . .Right?


A week passes. Kuro marks Aoba's movements every minute of every day, following him, watching the church folk introduce him to such “good” things as feeding the homeless, reading to orphans, and teaching the word of God to street kids. The angel is of course rather shy in all this, but like a good little robot he follows around the priest and does as he's told. He knows that Aoba really does like helping people, and the few times he's called upon to mend some wound or another he looks truly happy, but Kuro can tell, the process is going very, very slowly. It doesn't help that demons keep coming in from all around to investigate the angel's presence, and Kuro, unable to mark off an area in the city to ward at least some of the off because he knows Gerard would notice, is kept almost constantly busy driving them away.

He doesn't kill most of them, but those he does kill get turned into charms for the bracelet. Twelve have been added since the beginning of the week and as he attaches the twelfth one he realizes he needs to recharge. With a whine he finds the nearest eligible soul and takes it with little fuss. There is nothing enjoyable about the meal, but as he is getting a little weak from all the fighting he doesn't have time to be picky. Night finally falls an hour later and he settles on the roof to watch Aoba sleep through the window to his room. As usual, his body aches, not just from the soreness from all the constant batting, but from seeing the angel resting, away from home, away from safety, away from. . . .him. . . .

'His wings are a tiny bit lighter. . .Not much, but it's noticeable. . .' Letting out a sigh he looks down at his Little Mouse for a good hour before realizing he really needs to go back to the farm to let Dani and Kyou eat. He circles the church several times before taking a portal shortcut back to the farm. The seconds he steps out he finds himself with an armload of Dani. He wants to fight, but Kuro simply lay there, staring at the smaller male with his blank eyes.

“Aww, no fun. . .” Dani pouts, then without another word he takes off towards the town. As he its up Kuro spots the other out of the corner of his eye edging out of the house and creeping over.

Before he gets too close however Kuro calls out, “Go to town. Grab a soul. Be back in thirty minutes.” Kyou doesn't hesitate for a moment. He can't fly like the Satan boys. Not yet. No, he has to run it, and if he wants a meal, he needs to get a move on. While they are away Kuro slowly makes his way around the farm. First to the barn, he does a head count and finds all the livestock alive and well fed. They don't even note his passing and he supposes with Dani still sleeping in the loft overhead they have grown completely used tot he pure demonic energy around them now. He finds the pigs and fowl to be in a similar state and with a ghost of a smile he makes his way to the field. The sprouts are bigger now, definitely taking on the shapes of their later lives, and one quick look tells him that Kyou is doing a good job of keeping them weeded and watered.

He wides up near the tub, his mind filling in the image of he and Aoba bathing together for the first time. Those flushed cheeks, those trembling wings, all the small shy movements etched into his soul, making it ache with recollection. He slips slowly away from the now leafy basin and instead looks to the grass where his gift is hidden. His special gift, the one he'd finished the night before and had planned to give to Aoba later that day. It was simple, and perhaps far too sentimental, but it had been made with his own hands, and with all the caring he could muster. . .

Letting out a sigh he moves away from the spot, taking a seat on the road to wait for the two to return. He can't look at it now. No, it would break him, and he needs everything he has to stay where it is if he's going to keep doing what he's doing. They return not too much later and without speaking a word he leaves his “home” and heads back to his beloved. He arrives in time to drive off a fairly strong demon that had sought to take advantage of his absence, but after peeking in on the angel Kuro once more settle in to just watch. To watch, and protect, and keep his lovely Little Mouse from falling into even worse hands than the ones he's in now.


The next morning is rather uneventful and Kuro, feeling a little renewed, takes to the sky for his protective duties rather than running around on the ground as he has been lately. Unfortunately, this soon turns out to be a bad idea as the demon from the night before appears out of nowhere less than ten feet away from the angel. With a curse he dives, watching as the father pulls out his implements and yells for Aoba to hide. Those on the street look at the priest as if he's insane, sever of them pausing between Gerard and the demon, which is quickly stalking towards the priest and the angel. Before either of them can get off an attack however, Kuro lets out his battle cry, the unholy howl scattering the humans and making the demon freeze. Gerard looks up just in time to see Kuro fly in, crashing full bodied into the attacking demon.

He lets out a scream as he does not put his wings away fast enough and the demon manages to lash out at them, tattering the bottom edge near the base. Howling in anger and pain Kuro puts them away and begins attacking the creature with all of his strength. Behind him he can feel the priest plying his trade, and he really doesn't seem to care about the aiming thing. Luckily he is stronger than the other demon and it staggers first. He's about to strike a killing blow when two other demons appear. One drives towards Kuro, it's bladed weapon slicing open his back before he can stop it, his blood painting the sidewalk and nearby wall with red spatters. He doesn't even seem to notice the pain however as his eyes lock o the other demon. It's heading straight for Aoba.

Having just arrived, she unaffected by the priest, and even though she takes a face full of holy water as she passes, she manages to knock Gerard aside as she flies towards the angel with a furious cry. Power surges through Kuro at the sight, his anger, fear, frustration, caring, and hurt all converge into one feeling and he lets out another howl. The demons all falter, the power of the sound making them instinctually nervous, and Kuro uses the instant to his advantage. Impaling both demons before him on the bladed weapon he takes off, his tattered wing screaming at him in pain as it tears more with the force and speed of the flight. He rockets towards the demon in flight and without hesitation simply lands atop the beast.

Flames erupt around her and they both fall to the ground. In no time, she is cinders, and Kuro is left standing on the sooty black residue staining the sidewalk mere feet from the angel. He doesn't look at Aoba however. Ha can't look at him, not now. He needs to get away, get to a safe place and hope. . . Hope what? That Gerard will let him stick around? That if he flies off fast enough Aoba won't have time to tell him to bugger off? He doesn't know, but as he turns his back on the angel he knows only that he can't stay here. He must guard from a distance. This is too close. Too close and he'll just corrupt him again, and that's not what Aoba wants. . . .

Going back over to the impaled demons he pulls the weapon from them. One is still alive and lets out a long groan at the removal but the groan is cut short as Kuro takes off his head. With a deft twist of his wrist he takes the wing off the other, the stronger one, and after tossing the blade aside he picks up both the head and the wing. With a soft exhale he converts both into charms. At his angle, both Gerard and Aoba are able to see him do this and Gerard watches with wide eyes as he pulls the bracelet from his inner pocket. Despite the urge to fly off, fly away, to distance himself from the scene, another, stronger part of him doesn't want to leave Aoba is right there, a few steps away, how can he leave now?

Shaking his head he gently attaches the charms, the light jingle of them all carrying through the deathly silent air. The only real sound other than the tinkle of the little bits of metal is the drip of his own blood dripping on the pavement. The blood from his back has already soaked the back of his pants, and he can feel the lightheadedness setting in, but the blood from his wing – he'd brought them out with the intent of flying off a minute ago – drips right on to the ground and forms a puddle as he works the small bits of metal on to the glittering chain. His eye remain on the task, trying to make it take as long as possible even as his mind screams that he should be leaving, and now. But he simply can't. Not yet. He needs. . . he needs. . . .He doesn't know what he needs, but he does know that it's here, and not anywhere else. . .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
Avatar of AkiBlue


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Surely he had no real sense of time with his being practically immortal- well, unaging at least, however the one week he had been with the priest had seemed like forever. He didn't want to say he hated every minute of it because he didn't. The little activities he did were nice. He got to help people. Unfortunately, through it all he felt like the spokesperson for the church, or those faces always associated with some product. He was so obliged to learn this and then learn that, it was starting to become more exhausting than farming. . .Every now and then as much as he tried not to, his mind wandered to the barn. Where the animals okay? Were the plants still growing? He’d be devastated to know if anything bad happened to it, mainly because he worked so hard.

But his attention is always averted. There was always someone to aid to, there was always something important needed to be read. Kuro mentioned how the book had a few flaws- however he was in no place to question it. He kept his mouth shut and just followed along. Everything became a routine. Wake up, read a scripture or five- as they were called, eat breakfast, the priest would show up, some form of community service would be done, then there was usually another reading and a prayer, cleaning up, dinner, and then he was left in the church to sleep. Everyday was the same, minus the different community service projects they did. There were times when he did really enjoy himself, of course. Helping injured people or making someone smile always made him feel accomplished. But in the end, Aoba still felt hollow. He still didn’t feel like he belonged.

The sadness from the first day had kept him up all night. Now it was just a numbness he couldn’t avoid. There were times he found his thoughts trailing to those “unholy monsters” and he found himself shaking his head trying to dispel the thoughts. “That’s not pure. They’re not pure. . .I’m supposed to be good.” He’d chant something along those lines in hopes to convince himself not to do wrong.

But it never really worked…

This day was no different. Gerard had been talking about something regarding a park full of people, however Aoba had been in his own little world paying little attention. The various nods and hums kept the priest talking. “-Of course there will be plenty of food, however I was thinking about changing things up. We could even go out to eat. You do need a bit more sunlight.”

“...Hm? O-Oh, yeah okay.” Before Gerard could frown at Aoba’s inattention, the sudden yell made both of them freeze. One in frustration and a bit of horror, the other in shock and unadmitted happiness. It was hard to keep that typical monotonous expression, but there was a new- small light in his eyes. He knew that voice. He knew that voice! Wait...He wasn’t supposed to be happy. “Pure...pure..-”


Now Gerard was calling him. The danger suddenly crashed right in front of him. It- It was Kuro! But there were other demons too! He realized what he was supposed to do but looking around the park, there was no place to hide. The howls had been all too familiar, but the screams of pain made him freeze. “K-!” No, he wasn’t supposed to say his name. He wasn’t supposed to talk to him, especially not with Gerard right there. He managed to get a few feet back in order to watch the priest get knocked back and watch as the third demon raced towards him. Of course he didn’t just sit there, he ran off again. Haven’t flown for a week and keeping his wings tucked made his first instinct to run, but he didn’t have to. Kuro had once again saved his life. And there he was, only a few feet away from him. The fallen angel’s hand started to reach out, but quickly snapped back to himself.

“F-Father!” As Kuro walked away, Aoba raced past to make sure the priest was okay.

“I’m getting older, but I’m not that old. I can still take a hit.” He was grumbling more to himself than out loud, leaving Aoba to watch Kuro. It had been so long. . . He noticeably flinched as he watched Kuro sever the demons, only to be shocked at what he turned them into. ’That was my bracelet. . .’ He rubbed his wrist, but didn’t take his eyes off of the demon in front of him. He felt Gerard’s intense stares, probably expecting him to do the ‘right’ thing.


Fenrir had seen it all. The sudden attack made him sputter out the drink he had. The medical angel was in a slight panic, and noticed just how calm he got when Kuro swooped in to save the day. He had Kuro save Aoba enough times to. . .That thought stopped. Kuro was a demon. He did not- he wasn’t supposed to- trust him. These conflicted feelings made Fenrir run a hand through his hair.

’Don’t just stand there. . .do something. . .say something!’

He couldn’t believe he was actually encouraging the angel to talk to Kuro. He tried to rationalize it; tried to make sense of it. ’Despite the priest’s good intentions. . . He’s still human. He’s still weak. The only way to keep Aoba safe would be locking him inside that church- but that’s immoral and a prison. . . Kuro is stronger and can keep him safe.’ The conflicted feelings were giving him a bad taste in his mouth.


Being closer, he could see the wounds a lot clearer. The last time he remembered his wounds being so. . .horrid had been when he was in heaven and tending to them. Sure he got hurt a lot when they lived together, but they were just cuts and bruises. This was much more severe- for any human at least. His usual worry for the demon never faded despite the distance. He hated to admit that the ‘progress’ Gerard was accomplishing wasn’t working all too well. In this instant, that’s what it seemed like however. Despite the moral and emotional battle, Aoba moved first. He hesitated at first but that didn’t stop him from closing the distance between them.

“Kuro you’re injured really bad. . .” There was a soft whine to what he said. Aoba wanted to do something to help, but he couldn’t. It startled him more to see the damage done to his wing. He reached out to the demon, stopping half way and looking at Gerard. He could see the priest glaring at Kuro, but instead of cowering back the fallen angel sighed and gave a guilty look, quickly turning back to Kuro. ’I’m probably going to get into so much trouble or something. . .’ “How’d you-” Well of course he could easily find the one fallen angel around here. “I-” Being away for so long, Aoba didn’t know what to say. He desperately wanted to say something and desperately wanted to hug the demon. That wasn’t progress though. That was the exact opposite.

What could he do? Aoba couldn’t help him heal, despite desperately wanting too. He couldn’t say anything that wouldn’t make him feel guilty. He was the one that left Kuro after all. He made that decision. . .Kuro wouldn’t want him back. Aoba hurt him. There was no way the demon could ever trust him again.

That thought echoed in his mind enough times to make his heart drop. It was somehow so much easier to convince himself that Kuro wouldn’t want him and that he probably must have hated him by now. The fallen angel bit back tears from making himself sad. From the messenger bag he carried, he grabbed a small towel that was supposed to be used for something (He wasn’t paying attention to Gerard) and walked closer, holding his breath the entire time. Impulsively, he reached up and wiped a bit of blood off Kuro’s cheek before quickly handing him the towel and stepping back.

“Th-. . .Thank you Kuro.” Aoba bowed a little, not wanting the priest nor Kuro to see his face as he tried to keep the little composure he had left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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His eyes remain on the task, but his senses are all tuned to the angel. He comes closer, Kuro can feel him, but he keeps his eyes down, desperately trying to control himself. 'One down, one to go' He tries to keep his thoughts away from what he really wants to do, feeling both a small victory and a deep sadness as he attaches the first charm. He could do it magically, but manually takes longer, and he. . .He needs it to take longer. Aoba comes even closer, a soft whine in his voice as he speaks. Kuro's hands still for a moment, his body tense at the sound, some cute quip jumping to his tongue, but he resists. His hands go back to work, and he focuses on his breathing, his body still screaming for him to at least acknowledge that Aoba is there, that he exists, and that he isn't pushing the demon away.

He tries to ask a question, but stops, then tries again to speak, and falters. The conflict tears at his demonic nature. Telling him this is the perfect time to worm his way back in. To nuzzle in and find a neat little niche for him to begin rebuilding their relationship, but it's that very voice that steels his resolve. The last thing he needs is to use his demonic wiles to win back someone who's not only rejected him, but fled from everything he's offered and everything they'd built together. A part of him really wants to hate Aoba, but the part is small, and sad, and not something he would even consider listening to. It's the part of him he's sure his father would appreciate. That part of him who knows it would be easier on him if he just didn't care for the angel.

'But I do care, and I will never deny that. . .Not ever. . .' His mind flashes back to the gift he somehow still fully intends to give to Aoba some day, and he nods mentally. Yes, he will never give up on the angel.


Fenrir watches the scene, both in great confusion, and great frustration. He wants to scream at them to stop being so stand-offish and just talk or something. Anything to break this odd tension between them. At the same time he watches the priest. Watches as he preps his tools and look ready to drive of Kuro at a moment's notice. 'Or, well, try. There's not way that guy can take on a son of Satan. . .' he muses, shaking his head and bitting his knuckle. Something has to give. Something, anything, and finally, Aoba makes the first move.


Suddenly, Aoba's face is right there, his eyes filled with that same worry and caring he'd come to expect from the male when they were first getting to know one another in heaven's dungeon. The soft touch of the towel on his cheek makes Kuro feel almost weak with the delight of it, the small contact making him shamefully happy. Dani would be positively sick with the waves of joy tumbling off his brother at such a smile gesture. But Kuro wouldn't care. He would let the happy happen. He would, and does, let his bliss flow through his body even as his face remains impassive.

The moment is brief, over all too soon, but as it ends the second charm snaps into place, freeing up Kuro's hand to take the towel. He looks at it for a long moment, the red streaks on it apparently fascinating. Then at last he looks back up at Aoba and blinks slowly. The charm bracelet is slipped into an inner pocket without a thought and with a gentle sigh Kuro reaches out and gently takes the back of Aoba's head into his hand. His hair is soft, far cleaner than it was on the farm at all times but right after a long bath, and it smells of strawberries. He smells it as he pulls the angel in close with a gently movement and places a sweet, loving kiss on the younger male's forehead.

His eyes reflect his joyous feelings bubbling up inside him as he pulls back a moment later, not dampened at all by Gerard who seems incensed and ready to attack him outright for daring to touch Aoba in such a way. Looking down at Aoba Kuro smiles the smile he's not worn since before Aoba left, the feeling of it a little odd after so long expression nothing but sorrow. The smile lingers as his hand slips down to squeeze the back of Aoba's neck gently, familiar words forming on his lips. “My pleasure, Little Mouse. . .” Those gentle words, murmured so often by the beast, have never carried more weight and feeling as they do now. Falling from his tongue like a wrecking ball made of silk and cotton balls he gives Aoba's neck another squeeze before letting his hand fall, a touch of sorrow entering his gaze as he forces himself to step back.

Softly he murmurs with his gaze dropping to his feet, “I swore to protect you, and I keep my word. I promise, I will stay far enough away that you won't have to worry about corruption.” He takes another step back, his eyes coming up to meet Aoba's. “I know you don't want what I have to offer, that I simply am not enough for you, but I can at least do this one thing. . .I can at least help grant your wish to return to heaven. . .In this small way. . . .” He forces another step back, his wings trembling as they prepare to lift him off the ground. His eyes go to his feet again, not wanting to see Aoba rejecting him once more
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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As Kuro steps closer, he can practically hear his heart racing faster than it should. He knew he shouldn’t have been so happy to see him, but his eyes lit up in delight nonetheless. Aoba had missed him. Kuro kissed his head, a usual sign of thanks from him. It caused the angel to smile as he realized how much of the little things he missed with Kuro. His smile faltered when Kro continued though. He wanted to remind Kuro that he had already done so much for him and that he didn’t have to sacrifice himself to keep him safe. He wanted to tell him not to go, but he knew that Gerard was probably disappointed- infuriated at the moment.

Aoba watched as Kuro prepared to take off. It was almost an instinctive reaction, an impulse, that made Aoba hold his hand out and speak out weakly. “W-Wait!” His hand withdrew to his chest and he looked at the ground. Aoba knew why he stopped him, however he couldn’t think of a good excuse nor could he think of a good follow up after ‘wait’.

Gerard had started to lower his own weapons, pausing when Aoba called the demon back. This caused the priest to frown in disappointment at the angel. He was supposed to be getting better. The church was supposed to get Aoba back home. But it seemed that Kuro’s taint had run deep into Aoba. There was a lot more work that needed to be done with the fallen angel. And the only way that could be done was if the two severed all ties together. “There’s no need for you to stalk around him anymore. The church will protect him. Your job is done demon.” His words were finite, a command even. His credibility didn’t do him justice at the moment, but Gerard was willing to defend the church’s name to his death.

Aoba flinched at his words and at Kuro. “I. . .” His voice wavered, but he continued much softer. “I’m really sorry. About. . .a lot of things. Everything.” His gaze was on his feet. He couldn’t really say things would have been a lot easier if they never met because if they never met, Kuro would still be locked away. Maybe. . .Maybe Aoba could have prevented a lot of it from happening. Maybe if he had tried a little harder not getting attached.

“Aoba. Let’s go. Now.” His wings drooped a little, but he looked back at the stern faced priest.

“I-” Aoba took another look at Kuro, unsure if he’d be able to again, and then stepped back slowly. “Okay.”


Aoba bids him not to leave, and for a moment Kuro's body feels uplifted. His eyes light up and his wings relax ever so slightly, but the moment is broken seconds later as the priest speaks. The angel seems to be filled with sorrow and Kuro knows that much of it is his fault. Then the priest speaks again, and. . . .And. . . . .'He's leaving me again. . .' The thought races through his head and he bites his bottom lip till it bleeds with the pain of it. Before Aoba can move away Kuro retraces his steps and wraps the smaller male up in a firm hug. Gerard lets out a shout but Kuro ignores him. In a soft voice, too soft for Gerard to hear, he murmurs, “You are the most precious thing in this or any world to me Little Mouse, and no force on heaven, hell, or earth will ever change that. Even if the teaching takes and you come to hate me, nothing short of my death will keep me from protecting you.”

His piece said Kuro steps back once more, letting out a hiss as Gerard whips a bottle of holy water at him. He bats the vial away, the weak glass shattering and it's contents burning his hand. 'Yeah, that's the way to win him over. Attack the guy who just saved both your hides!' His teeth flash with the pain but stepping back he launches himself into the air to avoid having to put the priest down. He knows he would never kill the man, but hanging him from his underpants in a high place is sounding good right about now. He takes a moment to gaze longingly at the angel before turning, his wing screaming in pain and raining down little droplets of blood, and making his way towards the nearest tall building to lick his wounds.


He turned away, only to be pulled right back. He only had enough time to make a confused sound before he felt arms wrap around him. Aoba sighed in the hug, wrapping his arms around him in comfort. His eyes closed in comfort, but slowly opened when he heard the hum of Kuro’s voice. His eyes widened in surprise and his expression stayed even as Kuro was shooed away by Gerard.

“Let’s go.” Gerard repeated, taking Aoba’s hand to pull him to the truck.

Aoba’s eyes were fixated on the spot Kuro had been in. He noticed a few small droplets of blood fall as he flew away. ’Even after all that. . .He’d still want to protect me?’ The fallen angel snapped back to reality when he heard the click of the truck unlocking. What was going on? What was Gerard saying?’

“...worse than I thought. We’ll need to cleanse you and burn those clothes.”


“You’re going back to the church Aoba. It’s not safe for you out here.” He opened the door for Aoba and walked to the other side.

“Going. . .Going back?” Reality and Aoba’s thoughts were starting to sync with one another. “I- no.”

“What did you say?”

Aoba shook his head, closing the car door. “I don’t want to go back. I want to go home. To the barn. I like it there.” Aoba stepped away as Gerard got out.

“You don’t know what you’re saying. That demon has gotten into your head again. You need to come to the church! You’re supposed to be going back home. To your true home.” He stared in shock as Aoba quietly gave him the messenger bag. He began to ramble off a list of things wrong with what he was doing, and then rambled off a list of reasons why he should have stayed. However Aoba shook his head and turned away.

“I can’t stay here. I’m not. . .I’m not happy. I don’t belong here.” Aoba looked up at the sky and then at Gerard. As much as he hated to admit it, what Dani said had been true- so he thought. “They don’t want me back. I’ve already messed up once. But Kuro,” He paused again. “Kuro- he wants me around.” Aoba politely bowed before and gave a weak smile. “I do apologize for the hassle, but I’m going to go. Thank you for everything. I really, really appreciate it.”

And like that, Aoba walked off, following where he had last seen Kuro. He would have flown, but going a little over a week without using his wings had gotten him a little out of touch with them. So, he walked and didn’t mind the walk either- simply because he could easily find Kuro. Aoba’s call to him wasn’t very loud, but he was sure Kuro would probably hear him.


It's a hard climb, the sheer force needed to bring him to the top of the building ripping his wing further, but eventually he lands with a huff, collapsing face down on the roof gravel. He lay there for a long moment, just letting himself feel the pain. The burn of the sun scorching his back mixes with the pain from all the wounds he's suffered, and it almost, almost, makes the pain on the inside bearable. He hides his face away from the light, burying it in the stones, and tries to think of how he's going to recover from this without leaving Aoba's side.

'Well, Gerard is likely gonna keep him locked away for a while, for safety sake. May even try to hunt me down and drive me off, so I guess he'll be safe for a few days. . . .But, only a few. After that I. . . . .I. . . .What is that?' He doesn't really need to ask. He knows the sound. He knows that voice. There's no mistaking. His head comes up, his eyes turning towards the edge of the building, and he holds his breath, hoping to hear it again. Then it comes and a huge smile spreads tentatively across his lips. Pushing himself up, he doesn't even notice the pain. Walking slowly over to the edge of the roof he looks down, the smile becoming clearer.

'He's. . .He's calling for me. . .' There, on the sidewalk far below, is Aoba. That ever present bag from the church is gone. Gerard is nowhere in sight. And most important of all, the angel is calling for him. Without a thought he leaps off the building, letting himself fall until he's only feet from the ground. His wings snap out, his face contorting in pain as he rips the flesh even more, but as he lands hard in front of Aoba he pays the pain no mind. Instead he simply looks at the angel, still smiling, still adoring. Bitting his lip he hums softly before murmuring, “You called, Little Mouse?”


Aoba waited around, walking slow so he didn’t miss Kuro. He looked left and right, realizing that the quiet of the streets was a little unnerving. Then again, so was it when it was full of people. Thankfully, it didn’t take too long for Kuro to find him. Before he even began to explain himself, Aoba frowned lightly. “You really need to go and get healed up. Your wing is torn.” His look of concern turned into a more puffed up expression.

“We’re going home now.” His voice was full of courage and so matter of fact. . .Only for it to falter and be replaced with his typical shy blush e always had. “I don’t- I don’t like it at the church. I’d much rather be back at the barn.” His foot kicked up dirt as he added, “With you.”

Aoba held his left arm as if it were injured and quietly added while still looking down, “If it’s okay to come back of course.”


With a faint sigh Kuro rolls his eyes. 'You're always so over protective Little Mouse. . . .' He watches the angel swell, the look on his face making Kuro's joy grow in it's familiarity. He watches as Aoba tries to be tough, to express himself with complete confidence, then watches him deflate with a soft chuckle behind his lips. He can not believe how happy he is. He almost can't believe that Aoba really wants to return with him. But as Aoba continues to deflate, Kuro walks closer to him, his foot steps silent until at last he comes to a stop in front of the shy little angel. So much happiness dances around inside of him that the demon doesn't know what to do with himself.

Instead of speaking however, he feels the urge to express himself more intimately. He reaches up and with his fingertips he slowly lifts Aoba's face so he's looking up into the demon's eyes. His thumb comes to rest just under Aoba's bottom lip, and with a soft sigh he murmurs, “As you wish, my lovely Little Mouse. . . .” With that he leans down, resting his lips softly against Aoba's. The kiss is gentle, and brief, knowing that Aoba will once more need time to adjust to being around demonic energy and that too much intimacy could make him sick. However it's long enough for Kuro to once more feel secure with his place in Aoba's eyes, and long enough for him to begin hoping that a part of him may actually rest in the little angel's heart.

Pulling back he does not hesitate in scooping the young one up into his arms and giving him a tight squeeze before twisting him around so he's holding him bridal style. With a grin he takes off, the pain in his wing nonexistent as they work to pick them both up off the ground. He decides that he will visit hell when he gets back, giving Dani and Kyou time to welcome the angel back before he is put back to work. His hold is firm, and his soft smile ever present as they lift off, soon reaching soaring height. Placing another kiss on the angel, this one on the cheek, he murmurs softly, “Let's go home. . .” with every ounce of affection he can muster in those three little words.


As he thought about it, doubt filled his head making his wings droop. What if Kuro didn’t want him to come back? What if Aoba was just being delusional? What if- Aoba’s eyes widened a bit when he felt his head being tilted up. It take him long for him to realize he was being kissed. He was sure Kuro said something too, but his thoughts had drawn a blank. He was getting nothing but static. The one thing he could determine was that he was definitely happy. Really, really happy. When Kuro pulled away, Aoba gave a bright smile. He didn’t remember the last time he had ever smiled like that. Being scooped up was a surprise and yet comforting nonetheless.

Aoba wrapped his arms around Kuro’s neck gently. Knowing they were going home together, made him sigh in content. But of course, it could only last so long before Aoba glanced at his injured form. “You should really get fixed up.” He reminded him, deciding not to worry too much about the fact that Kuro was carrying him while he was so injured. Aoba’s head rested in the crook of Kuro’s neck, relaxing in Kuro’s grip. He was peaceful, he was happy, he was- nervous again. His brain wouldn’t let him have one moment of happiness, would it? The fallen angel hid his face and spoke in worry. “What if Dani’s upset!? What if he doesn’t forgive me!” At least he was able to voice his worries to Kuro. “And what about the farm! I left it forever! What if I’m terrible at doing- everything!”


Chuckling softly Kuro shakes his head and murmurs, “I will get fixed up soon. For now, we head home.” It feel incredibly good to have Aoba back in his arms, and the smile on the youth's face is enough to wash away almost all the pain he's been feeling since the little angel left. They enjoy a few seconds of peace before Kuro is once more sighing softly, the little worrier once more back to his old self and worrying about everything he can think of. Nuzzling Aoba's cheek to hush him Kuro takes them a little higher before setting into a glide so he can talk quietly.

“Dani is very upset, and he'll likely want to show you he missed you the way father does, but I promise I won't let him hurt you too badly. You may have to deal with a bop or two, but I promise, it will be no more painful than his affectionate tacklhugs you're used to.” He gives Aoba a squeeze before flapping a few times to even them out. “He will forgive you, because you came back, and that's all he'll care about. The farm is doing fine, I visited it yesterday. The plants are growing tall and the animals are healthy. Kyou and Dani have been working hard to keep them healthy and safe. Your residual energy lead a few demons there, but Dani was more than enough for them.”

Butting Aoba's cheek with his forehead gently he chuckles softly. “You were only gone a little over a week, and we all missed you. You're not terrible at doing everything, that's just silly. If you had been terrible at everything, the plants and animals would have died before you left, but instead, with your good care, they were able to adjust and live on.” Chancing it Kuro gives Aoba another light kiss to the lips before taking up the beat again and driving them forward faster. He knows Aoba is worried about his injuries and the faster he can drop Aoba off, the faster he can get healed and get back to the angel's side.


Aoba did quiet down, however knowing Dani was upset didn’t help ease his worry. However knowing his ‘punishment’ wouldn’t be dire did calm him. He quietly nodded he sighed in slight relief. Of course he was still worried about Danni being upset with him, but the worry wasn’t so bad. Instead he just listened to Kuro. Kuro knew what he was talking about most of the time. Happy to know that everything was still fine, Aoba smiled gently only to blush lightly when he was kissed. Eventually he was going to have to get used to that. When they picked up speed, Aoba held a little tighter, watching as the sights became more and more familiar. In conversation, Aoba spoke up. “You made Kyou stay?”


Kuro nods, taking a sharp turn to avoid some geese. “Yeah. He's still interested in getting to know you better, and he was desperate. . . .And he's insanely weak so all I had to do is scowl at him and he decided staying was better for his health.” He gives Aoba a half joking smile. “I think, somehow, he figured you'd come back. . . .” Kuro hums happily, the farmhouse coming into view in the distance. “Dani had to stay. I couldn't take him with me. He would have just stormed the church every other day. . .”Kuro looks away, thoughts of the church making him a bit sad. However no sad can stand up in the face of the angel in his arms so the sadness passes quickly, leading to a quick hug by Kuro and a bright smile.


Aoba laughs softly at the idea of Kyou being too scared to leave. The demon was definitely a peculiar one, but he didn’t question it. Seeing the farm coming into view made him sit up some in eagerness. Remaining still as to not disturb Kuro’s flight, he expressed his eagerness with a smile. From above, he could see Kyou walking to the front and Dani practically knocking him over to run past him. If Kyou hadn’t moved out of the way, he would have been trampled.

Seeing the two made Aoba once more hold a little tighter to Kuro, out of nervousness. Though he sighed against Kuro and relaxed. He wasn’t going to get worked up, he wasn’t going to get worried. When Kuro landed, Aoba stepped down, folding his wings tight behind him. Before Aoba could say anything Dani rushed up to him, examining him. Aoba thought about saying something, but he kept quiet. While Dani did that, Aoba awkwardly waved to Kyou. “Um, hi.”

Kyou grinned and bowed slightly. “It’s nice to see you again. I’m glad you came back.”

“Thank y-!” The sudden hit on his head didn’t hurt, however he wasn’t expecting it.

“Don’t leave again! You’re going to get yourself killed doing that.” Dani rubbed the spot where he hit Aoba, effectively messing up the angel’s ‘too neat’ hair. Aoba smiled sheepishly and nodded quietly.
“I- yeah, okay.”


Kuro lands as gently as possible, setting Aoba down so he can get reacquainted with the others. He stumbles slightly but manages to regain his balance before Aoba sees him. His blood loss and pain is negligible compared to how wounded he was after his torture in heaven, but it is enough to make him less than steady on his feet. He watches with a sharp eye as Dani looks Aoba over, much the same way he likely will his little brother once he's done checking the angel over. 'Yeah, he missed his “toy”. . .' He glances over at Kyou and can't help but smile ever so slightly at the pleased look on the weakling's lips. 'And he's looking forward to those “talks” I said he could have with him. . . .Everyone wants something out of the little one. . .'

With a soft sigh he impulsively scowls at Dani when he strikes Aoba. Seeing the sheepish smile on Aoba's face however lets him calm before walking over and bopping Dani in turn. The smaller demon turns with a growl, ready to set into his little brother, but then he pauses. It seems to finally register that his sibling is covered in blood and with wide eyes he begins checking Kuro over. Coming to the wing tears he licks at them before punch the large slice on his back angrily. “What the heaven did you do to yourself you moron!?”

Wincing at the blow Kuro chuckles and swats his older brother with a growl. “My job, fool. I kept Aoba safe. . . .” Dani whines and tackles Kuro worriedly, careful to not touch the wounded wing, but still whipping him soundly with concern.

Kyou slips in behind Aoba and, while the brothers are distracted, reaches out and touches his arm. “Are you okay?” He looks at the angel, still a few steps away, his eyes lingering on the blood patches.


Aoba smiled again when Dani nodded, trusting Aoba to his word. And moments later, the brothers were on the ground. The fallen angel winced and stepped forward, only to remind himself that their rough play was normal. They were fine. He didn’t forget, he just needed to relax. He didn’t have to feel new in the old environment.

Aoba’s attention turned to to Kyou who was as curious as always. With a smile, the fallen angel nodded. “I’m okay. Just worried about Kuro’s injuries is all.” Kyou gave a nod before falling silent again. He didn’t want to bombard Aoba with questions too soon, but inside he was eagerly bubbling with questions. His gaze followed the angel as he took a seat on the two steps. He smiled a little more when Aoba gestured for him to sit next to him. It was quiet for a moment, giving Aoba a chance to take another breath of relief and watching the brothers go at it. “You have questions, I can tell. Go on, ask.”

Kyou beamed with excitement, but quickly composed himself. He decided to ask one question first. “What did you do while you were away?”

WIthout missing a beat, Aoba answered, still watching the brothers. “Well, it was pretty repetitive. I woke up, there was prayers and readings. Then breakfast. Then more readings. Then a lesson after it. Afterwards, I’d meet with others for some sort of community service. I read to orphans, fed homeless people, all that nice stuff. That was about the only interesting thing I did do. Then after was lunch and probably more reading. There was so much. . .I was supposed to memorize scriptures.” Aoba made an exasperated face. “Then, I got cleaned up and had the night to myself and to ‘reflect’ on the day.” He shuddered at the memory of being washed down the first time he had gotten to the church. That was quite unpleasant. “I stayed inside most of the time other than that.” He gave a small shrug, hoping that answered his question.


The scuffles doesn't last too long, Dani knowing Kuro has to go, and soon, but he makes sure to leave his little brother with a few more bruises than he started with to get his point across that he shouldn't let himself get hurt. When at last they fall out of the dust cloud Kuro looks over to see Kyou and Aoba conversing on the steps and lets out a soft sigh. 'I am too happy right now. . .Pops will notice. . . .But I can't. . . . .'

“Pops is gonna prolly beat you worse you know. When you go down to heal?” As if reading his mind Dani speaks up, now laying on his stomach and kicking his legs gently. Kuro looks over at him, the smaller male's head propped up on his hands as he smiles with an air of both superiority and satisfaction. “Because you are going down to heal, right? And he prolly felt it when you got hurt y'know. . . .” He chuckles loudly. “Pops is gonna kick, yer, ass!” Dani squeals happily, rolling about and holding his stomach.

Scowling Kuro chucks a rock at the giggling ball of red hair before climbing to his feet. “Yeah, I'm going down. . .” he murmurs, clearly finding the idea less than pleasant. Dani dodges the rock and follows him to his feet, still giggling. Kuro makes his way over to Aoba and Kyou, snapping his teeth at the latter playfully causing him to scurry from his seat. Kyouku doesn't go far, perching himself on the railing running around the porch to watch the upcoming exchange. Kuro takes his spot and looks over at Aoba with gentle eyes.

Reaching out he cups the back of Aoba's neck, pulling him in to place a kiss on his forehead before pulling back just far enough to look into the angel's eyes. “I have to go for a little bit Aoba.” His words are soft, and quiet. “I know you're worried about my wounds, and the best place to heal unfortunately isn't here. . .” Reaching out he picks at the dried blood on the angel's clothing. “I'll go get healed, and come back, and then we can take a nice bath. . . .” He smirks, looking back at Aoba's eyes. “Only if you want to of course. . .It's your choice. . . .It's always your choice. . . .” There is meaning above and beyond those words, but for now he does not dive into them, just wanting to be here with Aoba, calm, and happy.


“Oh that doesn’t sound very exciting. Compared to well, this.” Kyou gestured to the two brothers finally finding an end to their playing.

Aoba nodded slowly and then scratched his head. “It wasn’t. Not really.” He felt bad for saying it, but he would probably feel worse about lying about it. Soon, the demon scrambled out of his seat only to be replaced by Kuro. He could only smile towards the action and then looked on after he received a kiss on his head. “I understand. I’d rather you get healed up than wait longer for your wounds to heal.” Aoba smiled and lightly kissed Kuro’s cheek, giving him an affirmative nod afterward. Before he could say anything about the bath, Dani rolled his eyes.

“Blah, go on already Kuro, you’ll see him later! He’ll be back and he’ll be good as new.” Dani assured, standing in front of Aoba. “C’mon, you have to see all the animals and the plants and stuff! We fixed the barn roof and everything.” He held his hand out, waiting for Aoba.

It was obvious Dani was eager to steal him away, even if it was for a short while. Aoba laughed softly and looked down at his dirtied clothes and then at Kuro. “A bath sounds nice.” He gave his last quick goodbyes before he was pulled off by Dani with Kyou trailing behind them. At least Dani wasn’t upset anymore. Aoba liked the idea of everything falling back into place. Everything returning to its peaceful ways. Speaking of things falling back into place, as they walked Aoba wondered if he had anything that needed to be done. Hopefully they kept the house cleaned. They were probably going to have to restock food later. A few things ran through his mind as he tried to readjust to the working life he once had.

Rubbing his hands together, he knew the labor would be a long process as well. His hands and smoothened out and he was all nice and fluffed like a good little church angel. Farming was not a part of that description. For now, he decided to focus on Dani and his excitement to show how things were going. ’One thing at a time. . .’
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
Avatar of PopeAlessandros


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aoba sweetly accepts his word and he can feel his temperature rise as the angel blesses his cheek with his lips. Much of the fire that had been on the lowest burn possible without going out completely flares back to a raging inferno and he feels very torn about leaving his Little Mouse alone right now. Not counting Dani or Kyou's presence, and indeed he'd rather they were not about right about now, he feels that leaving now is the hardest thing he's ever had to do. 'I have him back. He's right here, smiling at me, kissing me, I can't just leave him. . .My Little Mouse came back to me, how could I ever even consider doing anything but sticking by his side and showing him why he should never ever leave again!?' With a soft whine he has to hold himself back from just kidnapping Aoba away into the house, instead focusing on Dani and his usual none to veiled attempt to get some time alone with Aoba.

With a sharp look he allows his older brother to steal away the angel he loves, giving Kyou an equally sharp one that sends him skittering off after th demon and angel with a frightened look over his shoulder. Letting out a long sigh he pushes himself to his feet, crying out lightly as for the very first time he actually feels his wounds. “Ow, ow ow ow. . . .” he whines, shaking his head at himself with a light smile on his lips. “I need to take better care of myself. . .” Laughing at echoing Aoba's own worries for him his hand goes to his chest, pressing over the pendant hanging there and opening a portal to hell. With one last look at the gray mass of feathers vanishing around the corner of the barn the demon lets out a long sigh before stepping through the portal and vanishing from the face of the earth.

Stepping out the other side of the portal he looks around and sees nothing out of the ordinary. Souls being tormented, demons having fun with one another and with the odd soul thrown into the mix on occasion as a torment, fire, brimstone, pools of sludge. Yeah, it all looks like “home”. Moving quickly he hisses away a few demons wanting to “play” with him and instead makes for the nearest healing pool. He knows Dani's right, and that their father will likely beat him senseless, but he'd rather not be openly bleeding during the beat down.

The pools smell as nasty as ever and as he strips down to slip in he can't help but wonder if there's a way to recreate their effects in a none smelly manner he can use on earth for quick heals. No one bothers him, his black flam keeping everyone at bay as he bathes, but once he's done he finds that someone managed to get close enough to steal his clothing. With a light growl he summons his natural clothing, black Athenian style robes, and stalks towards the palace. As soon as he's through the door he knows that Pops is at least not in a horrible mood as the halls are still filled with all manner of sexy beast. Slipping through them he finds his father taking his pleasure with one of them and he waits patiently for him to finish.

He's been told repeatedly that as his son he's free to interrupt at any time, but he found out through trial and error that doing so normally left him having to pleasure his father as well before being allowed to speak. . . .Or required to do so while being intimate, and while he has nothing against being with the fallen angel, he wants to get back to earth as soon as possible. Thankfully the two finish quickly and the busty succubus departs the throne room swiftly, not wanting to be around for this father son talk. Moaning lightly Lucifer rises, letting his robes drop back into place as he stands. Walking slowly down the steps that lead up to his throne he smiles at his son in such a way that Kuro feels uncomfortable.

'He's not in the mood to beat me, so what. . . .?' He tenses as his father moves around behind him, running his finger over the now sealed back wound before pressing on that pleasant spot between his shoulder blades and forcing out his wings along with a soft sound from Kuro. Tenderly he runs his claws over the still tattered wing before leaning in and licking it gently. Moving back around Kuro his wraps his arms around his son's waist and looks up at him with soft, placid eyes that send Kuro into a near panic.

“What's my baby boy been up to, hmmmm?” he murmurs softly, a teasing note in his voice. The note along with the smell on his father's breath helps him relax a bit.

'Oh, that's why he's so calm. . . He's been hitting the nectar today. . . .' Smiling down at his sire Kuro murmurs softly, “Nothing of too much import in the affairs of hell Pops. . .” He winces as the angel bites his neck, hard, drawing blood at the statement.

Licking at the wound Lucifer hums softly. “What a qualified statement. . . .” Pulling back he looks up into Kuro's eyes, all signs if playfulness gone as his hands clamp down firmly on his youngest son's hips. “It, however, is very important for my baby boy though, is it not?”

Grinding his teeth a little as he feels his hips threatening to fracture he nods. “Yes Pops, very important to me. . .” Looking straight into the angel's eyes he lets Lucifer see everything. His turmoil, his pain, his joy, all of it, while keeping the actual events thoroughly hidden. The smaller male snarls openly, glaring off toward the door.

“Laying claw on my little one. . . .” Kuro's hands come up and he rubs his father's back gently. Lucifer relaxes instantly and cuddles into his son's arms, purring contentedly. After a little while however he pulls back and begins walking around the room slowly. Kuro simply watches as he does this, the angel's scowl coming and going as he thinks. Finally he stops right in front of Kuro once more and with a hard poke he presses his finger of Kuro's pendant and the half breed has to grit his teeth against the pain as he adds an extra sigl into the object, making the aura around it shift so it's more threatening. “There. . .” he murmurs, smiling in satisfaction.

Kuro looks down at it, nodding in approval even as he pouts at his new shiny burn that appeared on his chest in the same shape as the pendant. Looking back at his father he smiles warmly before pulling the angel into a bear hug, kissing him deeply. Lucifer melts into it before sending Kuro flying across the room with backhand and clucking his tongue at his 'naughty little boy'. Taking that as his dismissal Kuro picks himself up off the ground and makes his way out the door and back towards the nearest place to portal out of the fiery depths.


Back in the throne room the king of hell settles back into his throne, preening over the lovely kiss even while he shakes his head at his son being so inappropriate. From behind the high backed chair a figure steps out, looking down at the smaller, gentler looking version of himself. Without looking up – having far too much fun thinking about who he wants to eat today – he murmurs softly, “Follow him.”

“Yes father,” the figure murmurs softly with a very slight bow, his arm crossing his leather clad chest. The coat is quite revealing, and resting over one of the many natural gaps between the straps of the leather jacket he wears the pendant, very similar to Kuro's, glows gently. Turning on his heel the figure, his black horns gleaming in the firelight lining the halls, follows behind his youngest brother at a distance, not wanting to alert the Black Little Storm Cloud to his presence.
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