My preferences would be action-adventure along the lines of Grand Theft Auto, James Bond, and Tomb Raider, and post-apocalyptic stuff like Fallout, The Last of Us, and general zombie/infected/mutant outbreaks. Sci-fi, anthro (of this variety), mystery, and horror are also high on my lists, and if I'm comfortable and motivated enough, I might be willing to do fantasy as well.

If you're looking for a co-GM or just need someone to toss an idea by and brainstorm with, I'm here. As a co-GM, I can really help with bringing a setting to life. I can write lore, factions, locations, and all this other stuff you'd need from me, but you'd need to post the OOC and IC threads for me, since I have a bad habit of getting stuck in my personal life issues which makes me unable to run everything on my own.