Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi ignored Amano's pained look, out of no personal malice of course but from Amano's own orders. It was perhaps in this way that demon's of his caliber were superior, emotional attachments were not something they were susceptible too. Lesser demons who missed their humanity and the emotions attached to them were quick to fall in lust or into rage, where those like Illiendi were far beyond such. Once they had been angels and all they knew had been love but that had been ripped from them along with their wings when they fell with Lucifer. Illiendi was therefore left in his contemplative slump, ignored aside from a small mental note to remind Amano he was merely carrying out the orders he was assigned, to be the household servant while they stayed here. Besides, he gathered Kenneth's ego was easily abused, to address another as Master in his presence was unlikely to gain the favour of the elder which, apparently, seemed rather important.

As such upon entrance to the office he gave Amano a polite nod and little more until it came to serving the man tea and watching as he idly brushed the brand of his. Such an obvious child he was, how he'd love to simply...but he had a job to do and that twinkle in devious eyes disappeared like a shadow over the moon. He of course served Kenneth first and every finger tap had the glass neatly refilled without so much as whisper from the demonic butler. He listened despite his appearance not to, busying himself with light dusting about the room with a handkerchief, returning to top Kenneth up when necessary. The little Lord was doing rather well, the insecurity he had was hardly shown, surely his father was having trouble noticing. Amano was choosing his words rather well, his father seemingly had little to complain about though as eyes fell on him more than once the demon had the feeling Kenneth was becoming more interested in him than the little 'adventure' his son was planning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Amano waits a respectful amount of time before drawing his father's attention back to him. Kenneth seems loath to look away from the demon, however his curiosity about his youngest's intentions override his need to find out more about Illiendi, for the moment. After getting his father's attention however, rather than letting Amano direct the conversation, he once more brings up a question that must be answered. “So, you have all this put together. Any idea of where you are going to look for these things?”

The young man can feel his patience slipping as his father once more blusters on, not checking to see if Amano has something to say before bringing up his own concerns. As such, his answer is rather short and lacking a bit of the flattery that up to this point has kept him in his father's good graces. “Our final destination as far as the sea voyage goes is the Shadowlands, crossing there from Drakin, where I have a contact in good standing who is awaiting my arrival.”

Kenneth gives his son a sharp look. “The Shadowlands? You'll get eaten alive there lad, no doubt. Not much glory in ending up a pile of dung on an uncharted plain.”

Amano keeps his cool, breathing slow. “I assure you father, this will not be the case. I ha-”

But for the moment, the drink has ignited a bit of Kenneth's ire, and the obvious disagreement coming from his son is enough to have him pounding the desk in anger. “You'll not talk back to me boy! You will waste your life out there, this half baked idea of yous! Going out with barely a notion, and a poor one at that, and taking along such a fine servant. That is such a waste!” He turns to Illiendi and all Amano can do is pray the demon will be able to calm the bellowing man. “Whatever coin he's paid you is not worth your life. This fool child of mine will lead you on some wild goose chase and you will meet your end sooner than he will find a profit in this foolish venture. Come now man, let us speak terms of you staying here. Let the boy have his way of things, I find your services more of worth to me than the boy has ever provided.” He speaks as if Amano is not there, and for his part, Amano can only pretend he's not to avoid the possible flying glass if he should draw attention to himself while his father is in such a state.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The anger and disrespect Kenneth showed his son was a little shocking to say the least, while he'd expected some sort so dislike the alcohol had bought the worst out in the man and not for the first time he contemplated throwing the man through the window and watching him fall to his horrible demise. Though he had made promises and so that wonderful butler attitude, the impenetrable fortress that separated the surface from his thoughts was left intact and his movements simple and respectful. it was a shame that Amano had been left to speak and the demon was incapable of stopping him speaking of things best left unspoken, until Kenneth had finally had enough and slammed a fist to the table, at this point the man's puffy face raged at his son's 'stupidity' and the bellowing, despite the heavy and shut office doors would no doubt be heard in the hallway if not over the house, how unfortunate. Then both men looked to him, Amano more in thought and hope and Kenneth fully rounding him to do just as Amano had said, offer him money to switch his contract.

How amusing the thought was, oh to pay more than Amano was impossible of course, money was not what he had been paid in after all, though the idea of agreeing and showing the man what a contract with Illiendi truly meant was at least a little amusing. He wondered what sort of face Kenneth would make when he saw Illiendi properly for the first time, or when he realised that he would be walking in the footsteps of hell with no chance of meeting those he loved in the after life. He imagined the man would be a lot less red than now, white was perhaps the only shade that would fit him then and no doubt, since the man was indeed a boar, he'd vomit the food e shovelled into that mouth of his not an hour before across his expensive desk.

Turning respectfully to the man who had insulted his master gravely he offered a small bow, "My Lord you honour me with such high praise, truly you do but I am afraid I must decline your offer." His head still bowed he looked up through his lashes at the man who looked none too amused at the response, in fact he looked somewhat purple now with anger but without being hurried nor seeming to attempt to flatter the man he continued, "I mean no disrespect My Lord but I would not be worth your honour and praise if something as common as money could buy my loyalty to my Master. It is true you are the Lord of this house but you are a giant among men." At this point Kenneth returned to a curious look rather than one of rage, "You have succeeded in life off the sweat of your own brow, built an empire where people love and respect you and provided a beautiful home for your family." Kenneth's face seemed to relax and the redness seemed to begin to subside some.
"I like you boy but what's your point? I don't fear for your loyalty I could double the price anyone in this city could offer you."
"Forgive me My Lord, my point is this, you have become a pillar, your name will burn in history for generations. Your elder sons will do you proud in the future, they will carry your fine name to their children and their grand children. However, as you say, your youngest son is a fool, he needs a person to guide him and mould him into a man who can bare the weight of such a prestigious name."
"I think I see where you are going but I can hire tutors for that."
"With all due respect my Lord, a tutor can not teach him the risk taking, the decision making that you yourself must have taken when you too were first starting out. What better way to prove he is deserving of such a name and when he succeeds it will only elevate your families name further and hire."
"When?" Kenneth seemed partially angry but mostly curious.
"Yes my Lord, he has every reason to make sure he succeeds does he not?" Kenneth merely looked at the demon confused and the demon bowed a little lower,
"Forgive me my lord, if your son does not succeed he has proven he is not deserving of your fine name, he may well have died out in the lands he desires to explore already but if not you could disown him and be well in your right to do so correct?" Kenneth looked intrigued and signalled the man to continue, "So it is in his best interest to succeed and I find that with many men the best motivator is the fear of failure is it not?"

Kenneth seemed to grow quiet a moment, folding his hands and furrowing his eyes looking intently at Illiendi who slowly stood up once more but kept his eyes lowered respectfully, "He could die."
"That he could my Lord. though you have three other sons to take over your business My Lord."
"That is not the concern here."
"You flatter my skills My Lord and, if I may be so bold, I have no intention of dying any time soon." Kenneth gave a short burst of air that could have been a chuckle and Illiendi offered a respectful half smile.
"The Shadowlands...those who have survived have been driven mad...."
"People once thought the sea's were infested with monsters My Lord and that Storms were the wrath of the gods, every day people are expanding and learning, redefining what we know to be true and capable."
"This boy is the creation of your loins, he has your genes, if anyone is going to succeed in exploring the Shadowlands borders, finding something new to trade with, then of course it will be someone who shares your life blood and it should indeed be under your name and your name alone that the great discovery be made. The house of Hughes, the first to brave the Shadowlands and make it."
"That...does sound good... and if he fails?"
"Then he continues to be a fool boy, one which you can disinherit and say went against your wishes. However, when he returns triumphant, the victory will be seen as yours and of course the credit will also be yours my Lord?"

Once again the Lord Hughes fell silent and while the colour was gone from his face Illiendi was uncertain whether he had done enough to convince the Lord to allow his youngest some leniency or even agree to the idea he had no idea but with luck he'd diverted the need to attack Amano. Of course, should the old Lord go to attack Amano with liquid, glass or by other means the demon wouldn't hesitate to put himself between and take the brunt of the attack. It's what a good butler would do, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The youth doing his best not to cower in his chair bites his lip as the exchange between the demon and his father begins. However almost as if taking strength from the very sight of Illiendi keeping his cool and forging ahead expertly he manages to sit up strait once more, sipping at his tea and keeping his gaze at some point out the window. 'As long as I can keep to what I have been taught, and show no fear in Illiendi being swayed, I at least can pretend in my own mind to have some guts' He keeps his breathing steady, listening to the exchange with a dispassionate look on his face, despite several parts causing an internal reaction. 'I was right. He does have a way of talking that is false, but for some reason I don't think father can hear it. He indeed is a very talented man, almost made to recognize honeyed words, but he does not seem to hear them now. . . Though, they feel so obvious to me'

His eyes flicker over to the demon for an instant before looking away, fighting a smile. 'It also feels like Illiendi wants nothing more than to “teach the man some respect”. Not that I would not mind watching such a display, but I do not really want that, especially now that he seems to be calming down. . .I do not know what mother would do should he die right now' Once more he feels the sting as Illiendi calls him a fool, though it fades quickly, knowing it must be true since so many have called him that now, and even the one here for his benefit echoes the title.

Amano does his best to tune out the rest of the exchange. Despite Illiendi making arguments that he himself would have no problem bringing up himself, hearing them from others hurts for some reason. 'It is one thing to know yourself and admit the truth. It is a whole different animal to hear the truth aloud, and from the lips of ones you hold in high esteem' he muses, looking at a bird settling on the roof across the street. 'A baby bird must be kicked from the nest, knowing it can not yet fly, however, eventually, if the parent was to never do so, the baby would remain flightless for life. . .' He shakes his head at his foolish sentimentality. 'I really am a fool' Despite his depressing thoughts, Amano remains as the demon has taught him, and as the conversation draws to a close his gaze once more returns to his father.

Kenneth settles in, tapping his glass once more and eyes hiss son curiously. “He's quite a head on him boy. I don't know what you've promised him, but. . . .” His eyes narrow slightly, and the youth can see the question forming in his eyes before he even asks it. However, he lets his father ask it anyways before providing him an answer. “You were never worried for losing him, were you boy? That look in your eye. . .”

Amano gives the middle aged man a very slight smile, knowing his next words would gauge the man's mood more than anything else he could conceive of. Kenneth raises an eyebrow. “Well father, you have always told me: Never enter a battle you do not intend to win. I had no fear you would take him from me, because I would never be so foolish as to dangle something you really want in front of you unless I knew I could keep it.” The man's expression remains unchanged and Amano adds slyly, “What better way to prove my worth that to out fox the fox?”

The man remains silent for several second, Amano's smile staying in place even as his heart rate sky rockets. When at last the silence is broken the youth can not help but jump, despite the response being positive. Downing his glass Kenneth slams it back down and barks out a laugh. “You really have grown a pair, you little pain in my backside. Out foxing the fox indeed.” He points over at Illiendi and nod,s his expression becoming almost frighteningly serious for an instant. “If he was not as good as he is however, I would have the skin off you back for speaking to me that way. I hope you know that lad.” Amano nods, not trusting himself to speak, least h slip up and his father decide to try and take the skin anyway.

Waving a hand the portly man stands and begins pacing in front of the windows. Amano stays silent, knowing his father's habits, and that the discussion is almost at an end. When at last he stops, looking once more to his youngest, the youth tilts his head ever so slightly to indicate he is listening. “You go finish what you need to do, send me the paperwork on it so I can look it over. I'll not be aiding you in this, but I will be interested in your progress. You have my interest runt, now don't go slipping up and ruining this potentially profitable venture now.” Amano knows he's being dismissed so he stands carefully, and with a bow heads to the door. Waiting for Illiendi to open it for him, knowing every little show will count while in his father's presence, and while still in perfect stance steps out into the hallway once the door is open.

It is not until the door is closed and the two of them are a bit of a ways down the hall that Amano relaxes ever so slightly. He can not relax entirely, knowing that the shouting will have called his brothers to the scene. Ignoring the eyes gazing around the corner at the end of the hall he instead looks to Illiendi with a slightly detached gaze. “I will be in my room working on preparations for the next hour. You are free to do as you will in that time, but if you are not back before the hour is up, you will come find me in the market, southern quarter.” His voice, while outwardly authoritative, has an obvious note of something else in it. A kind of tension, the need to express himself but unable to that makes it almost sound like a note of suffering.

The two younger of the three elder brothers all but flee as the pair of them approach, however Raoul waits and greets his youngest brother with a curious smile. Amano returns the smile and motions back toward their father's study. “I assume he will be calling you soon. After all, he shares such important happenings with you openly. I am sure he would welcome your presence now.”

Raoul nods to his little brother, wondering for an instant what Amano himself will not speak on the matter. However with a chuckle he reaches out and ruffles the youth's hair, warning a small laugh from the smaller male, and a disgruntled sound as he pushes the hand away. “I am sure you are right little brother, and I planned on seeing him anyway. I look forward to learning of this big secret you seem to have been hiding from us.” Amano smiles wider, nodding to his brother before heading off towards his room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

While one could, and by Amano's expression he certainly did, think the butler thought little of his master, the demon had just been following orders, what he thought or didn't think of Amano was of no consequence, nothing short of flattery and his own words was going to cool Kenneth's anger and make him more willing to listen to his son who had bought him to the fever pitch. However, likewise it was not his place, even once in the semi-private, to correct his master on his assumptions, Illiendi wasn't here to hold his hand and coddle him, unless ordered too he wasn't going to tell Amano he was the smartest, bravest, most handsome man that God had put on this green earth. Illiendi's job here was simply to keep the boy alive long enough to become a success and rub his fathers nose in the dirt. To make sure everything fell the right way in their father and apparently without killing in the road to that goal. How Amano felt about Illiendi or how Illiendi felt about Amano was not, in his mind, a prudent use of his time, every second he spent holding Amano's hand and reassuring him was another second of his insanely short life wasted and so Illiendi left it to Amano to figure out alone.

The boy was dense though and once the door was closed behind them he had it in mind to drop the boy a hint lest he never cotton on, the order, no matter how weak and feeble it seemed to him, kept him from speaking and further more meeting the eldest brother in the hallway kept him from further interaction. "As it pleases you my master I shall attend to some details of our trip." The Elder was no doubt going to find out from the father soon enough and since he was going to be busy with Kenneth who was well on his way to being drunk that meant his lovely wife was utterly unguarded. He wasn't sure why he felt the need to see her again, he had said he would f course but he could have feigned business with the men of the household. With an hour at his disposal though he was at a bit of a loss, he could have cemented his 'relationship' with Chesia but with the Master now at home he doubted she'd be as easy, though it wouldn't harm to drop a more discrete token of his affection with her, cunningly hidden with the tea he intended to bring perhaps. Then there were the younger brothers, how to go about getting their silence, he'd caught their looks to their eldest brother, while Raoul was hardly a threat there was the possibility of him ruining their best laid plans. Further Amano seemed to enjoy his company and so to be at odds with him would make the child more morose than he was already.

As he made his way to the kitchen's he continued to think on the problem, there was the easiest option, they'd both been drunk when they had returned, no doubt the doorman and other servants had seen and heard that much so all he really needed was a convincing story to tell, one that wove into its thread enough of the truth to even have the brothers second guessing themselves. In the kitchen he set to make up two tea sets, a delicate flavoured eastern tea for the lamb of the two and Lady Grey, a fruity, full-bodied flavour with a delicious scent to it, both teas were taken black so he added a small bowl of sugar and another of honey and three fresh teaspoons. Then he pulled a piece of notepaper from his upper pocket and with a pencil he scribbled a small poem which he folded and hid under the saucer of the teacup so it might pass unnoticed even if others were nearby but would be felt by its intended recipient.

This done he then left to find the Lady Chesia who sat alone, for the time being, in the drawing room, he hadn't seen the two younger but no doubt they were snooping elsewhere in the house, no doubt by their father's office in hopes of figuring out what the shouting was about. "Tea My Lady, I do apologize for any disturbance to your morning from upstairs and I assure you it is dealt with." Making the tea to her liking he handed it and the note concealed beneath over, "This is a personal favourite of mine, Lady Grey, it has a delicate but fruity taste to it, it's fresh bouquet reminds of a summer's day and leaves a lasting impression on both the lips and mind. I hope it is to your liking and please have a pleasant day my lady." Chesia offered him a shy look and seemed to flush a little at his description but he only received word of thanks and a nod before he dismissed himself, the note he had written read thusly, 'The stars bathed the garden in a beautiful light last night, though I could not help feel their beauty over shadowed. I desire to go star gazing again tonight.

Down the hall he swept like a specter with the second tray, dropping the remnants of Chesia's tea into the hands of a passing servant before approaching her door and lightly rapping, "Mistress." He called quietly, less he startle the lamb, "I have bought you some tea, I worry the shouting may have vexed you some?" There was a moment of utter silence both from his side of the door and within the room, of course there was, a lamb knew better than to open the door to a wolf, right? Though as a subtle, barely perceptible sound of feet against carpet approached from the other side he allowed himself a brief smile. Lambs did know better but they could not help but crave the danger the wolf would bring, some sweet misguided lambs even hoped to smooth the edges of the wolf and make him their dog but a wolf never stopped being a wolf.

The door did timidly open a crack for her to pop her head round and look at him indecisively. "My husband is not here right now." She uttered, as if the words gave her a form of protection from him. How easy it would be for him to simply push open the door and lock it behind him, throw her to the bed and take her in every way until she was as dirty and black as he. Perhaps he could even watch as Chesia and she fought over him, clamoring for his attentions behind their husbands back. No though, Amano liked this one and while he did ache to destroy her, the pain of waiting was half the fun, her innocence insulted him and her purity intrigued him in equal measure. He offered her a gentle smile, "I am aware, forgive my manners but I thought you could do with some tea....I should leave though, again forgiveness my lady." He offered a half bow and prepared to leave, serving tray in hand when he felt more than heard the door open wider, she didn't call for him to stay but it seemed as good as a shout. She worried her lip briefly and checked the hall, the door was still open a mere half a foot but she left it as such as she backed away, her eyes still on the demon.

He too checked the hallway before he entered and shut the door lightly behind him, how tempting it would be to bite her pretty little neck, to hold her down and make her moan his name until her throat grew hoarse. He walked passed her and placed down the tea, "It is a subtle and delicate brew, chamomile and vanilla, naturally a little sweet with a flavour that seems to flee from the senses. I hope it is to your liking." He collected the dirty used plates and was preparing to leave when a little cough caught his attention.
"I would....that is to say...it would please me, if you would show me how to make those napkin creations of yours. I...I saw one being taken away in the hall and i feel a good wife should know these things." Illiendi placed down the tray and regarded the little lamb, "My lady, a lady does not have need to fold napkins, that is what butlers are for. However, the things I do with them you can do with paper too and with more ease than napkins. I...could teach you how to make a simple rose from paper, or a length of ribbon if you have it spare? Though will it be alright to do so?" She nodded with a blush so red he could almost feel the heat from her cheeks, with her hands clasped in front of her she fulfilled every aspect of the innocent dove he'd love to break but then she dashed on delicate light feet to her drawer and rummaged until she produced a pale pink length of ribbon. Returning to him but staying a body's length for him, reaching out the ribbon to him as one might try and feed a wild animal.

He reached out and with gentle hands took the ribbon before taking a seat at the little table in their room, "It is a shame I must away with my Master soon, else I could teach you many more things." He uttered, drawing a quizzical and disappointed look from the woman, "Amano is leaving?" She queried to which Illiendi nodded, he carefully began to fold the ribbon back and forth, it was a simple technique but with the right fingers and patience had good results, she hid her frown at the idea of Amano leaving and kept her questions for when her husband returned. With the final end pulled through on itself and then twisted the rose finally took shape as each petal slowly sprang into life, the length of ordinary ribbon now a rose bloom with a stem. He lifted the rose and, as if instinctively went to place it behind her ear. Her flinch gave him pause and he uttered an apology offering it out to her and waiting for timid hands to gently take it. When she had he dropped his hands to his lap, "If your good husband would permit it, perhaps he can write to you from time to time? I believe knowing someone is in receipt of his letters would do him good...oh but...only if it is what you would desire, I've spoken out of turn again, do forgive me."

He stood and with dirty dishes made for the door but soft, warm fingers wrapped timidly about his hand holding him in place a second, no words were spoken and its meaning was unclear until a timid whisper of 'Thank you' graced his ears and then the touch was gone. He could all but feel her clothes between his fingers, being ripped from her body as she begged and pleaded, cried and whimpered but pushing such thoughts to the back of his mind he gave a small nod and left the room. The kitchen had one more visit to drop off the dishes before he took an apple and slipped up the stairs towards Amano's room while polishing the thing, he rapped on the door lightly before allowing himself in and shutting the door behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wandering slowly to his room, Amano goes over the meeting. Despite the explosion by the father the young man decides it was a success. 'Although I am sure Illiendi will have some critiques, I hope he agrees' He hangs his head a bit at the memory of how the demon had to dig him out of that hole he'd put himself in. 'But. . .But that is what he is for after all. . .At least. . .' He lets out a sigh, lifting his head back up as a servant comes into view. Giving the middle aged man a smile and a polite nod he picks up the pace to his room and arrives without seeing anyone else. Once inside he finds himself too restless to get to work immediately and instead heads over to his window.

Throwing it open he practically collapses on the sill and lets the early morning breeze rush over his upper body. A faint shiver runs through his body as the wind ruffles his hair and clothing, but he ignores it. 'I feel so overwhelmed by all this. Whenever I get thinking about this plan, all I can think is that it is too much for me. After all, I really have n experience with all this, and the one who does have the experience is a demon who has his own agenda, his own reasons for doing the things he does, and who probably sees me as as weak and pathetic as everyone else. Perhaps even more so, seeing as he is an amazing immortal being to whom all of this is child's play' He lets out a long sigh and ruffles his hair. “What am I doing?”

Below him the alley between houses one of the gardeners goes by with a bucket and some tools and the 'young master' of the house watches with vague interest as she smiles at nothing in particular. 'She looks happy. . .I wonder why? She is a servant in a house of a rich man, yes, but said rich man is a horny, drunk, stingy slob most of the time. He never hands out bonuses, and he does not allow family members to work together, so she hardly gets to see them I am sure. It has got to be horrible working here. . .And that is not even mentioning my brothers. . . .' He lets out another long sigh as she walks out of sight, now singing softly to herself. 'Maybe I should just content myself with the fate allotted me and try and find whatever happiness life has to offer right. . .here. . .'

Memories flood back in of the night Illiendi was summoned, his fear, and how with a simple phrase he'd sent many of the most notable people in town down into the gutter, and some, six feet under. Raising a hand he looks at it idly. 'I did all that without lifting a finger, but it was not me, it was him. He rejected all of them, and took to me, the sacrifice instead. He must have had a reason, and I never ordered him to accept my idea, he did that of his own free will. If he really thought I was not up for it, then I'm sure he would not waste his time with me' Pushing himself up his runs his fingers over the brand Illiendi gave him and smiles softly. A touch of his confidence returns and with one last look out the window he turns and heads to his desk.

The light breeze makes a few of the loose papers upon it shift, but after he settles in he pins them down rather than close the window. 'It may be city air, but it is still fresher than the musty smell permeating this entire house' Pulling out a clean parchment he decides to write the letters to the female prospects first, knowing that most of them will not take long. He starts with the girls his father chose, each one taking less than ten minutes and each nearly identical. He does however add little bits here and there, using things he remembers from their childhood to personalize the notes. When at last he comes to his dear friend, the one he is determined to be more honest with, he takes out a bit of his fancier stationary, dips his quill, and then for three minutes straight sits with the tip hovering over his paper. He tries desperately to put together something plausible. Something that even if someone else reads it will not contradict what he will have to tell the public, but will at the same time reveal more of the truth of the matter to his friend than what will be publicly known. When at last he puts pen to paper, he lets out a long breath, and writes slowly in his best hand.

Dear Laiza,

I am writing to you to inform you of something important that is going to be happening in my life. You have been a dear friend to me for many long years, and I am sure you will understand why I have not told you of these plans sooner. I am leaving. I, with a man I have hired for the occasion, will be heading out in just a few days for a place across the ocean. It will be dangerous, and I may never see you again, however I hope you will not think me a fool for doing this.

I have long shared with you my desires for something more, to live a life I could be proud of, and recent events have presented the opportunity to do so. My new manservant, Illiendi, has faith in me, and with his skills and training, I am sure I will succeed in my quest. You know I do not fear challenge, and this will be one of if not the greatest challenge I will ever face.

I will write you often, knowing you will look forward to my letters, and when I can I will send you more tokens of my affection. I recall now how much you adore that trinket I pulled from the harbor depths, the way your eyes shined. I will work hard to live through this ordeal in hopes of seeing that look again. You know how I feel about you, and I will hold that emotion in my heart for as long as I live, and perhaps even after.

I wish you all of the luck I can offer in your current venture, and am saddened that I may very well not be around to see you succeed. Do not let your brother's teasing get you down, and know that if I were there I would take a blade to him to defend you any time.

I do hope you will co-

The sudden knock on the door startles the young man, however he manages to lift his quill and not blotch the parchment when his body jerks. Turning to glance over his left shoulder he spots Illiendi coming in and offers a light smile before turning back to his letter.

-ome to see me off, or perhaps even visit before then. We could talk a bit on important matters, and I know your curiosity will not be sated until I let you in on some finer details. I may be out and about for the next few days, so please be sure to send a runner first to make sure I am home. If I do not see you before I leave however, please allow me to bid you farewell, and to leave you with this parting gift.

All my affection,


Putting down his quill Amano sets aside the finished letters to the other girls and motions to them, looking over at Illiendi. “Um, could you look these over? Make sure I did not mess up my spelling, or forget to add something. . .” Looking back to Laiza's letter he smiles and pulls open one of his drawers. Grabbing out his scissors and a small length of thread. Loosing his hair he takes a small pinch of it in his fingers and ties the thread less than an inch from the tips. Making sure it is tied good and tight he snips off the lock a short ways above the thread and sets it on the desk. He smiles at it, hopping up and rushing over to his bedside table.

As he rummages around inside he looks over at the demon with a slight grin. “It is an old tradition and will project, at least a little bit, that image that you were looking for. You know, me leaving behind a wife or lover of some sort?” Finding what he was looking for he rushes back to the desk. A long thin length of red ribbon trails from his fingers down on to the desk and for a second he stares at it. 'Normally a simple bow would suffice, but. . . .' Looking over at Illiendi he gives the demon a curious look. “The ribbon is suppose to be tied in a bow around the lock, where the string is. I could do a simple one, but. . . .Would you be able to do something fancier? I think Laiza would like that. . .” As he holds out the ribbon to the demon his other hand slips out to pick up his letter to his friend, pretending to look it over. He knows it's a bit childish, and rather foolish, but for some reason he doesn't want the taller male reading it. The letters to the other girls were all business, but he would have written Laiza a letter no matter what.
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Illiendi took the letters as was asked of him and poured his attention over them, each sheet was silently shuffled until he'd finished the last at which point he fell into contemplative thought. All the letters were the same, they were polite enough but made clear that Amano was leaving, spun in were odd anecdotes about their childhood which would no doubt leave a woman to feel cared for but the contents of the letter were very cool. While rejection of the proposal's were not obvious any woman worth her salt would be able to pick up on the subtle disinterest in the letter. While it was not unlikely that Amano was wrong and the women in question didn't care a jot for him it was still a potentially risky business giving them ammunition in such a manner. Amano was likely not the prize here, the family name was, to marry into one of the wealthiest merchant families was a worthy thing to aspire too, the money, the status, likely it was not just the daughter but the family on whole who now had expectations of a life better lived. "They are cold, clipped, your whimsical use of childhood memories barely conceals the fact you have no interest in them but your words are polite enough for them to only take minor offence in what is obviously a rejection. The distance between you and these women may work in your favour and give them time to cool down or inflame their desire to destroy you for denying them their prize." The demon spoke coolly, placing the letters down and giving only a cursory look to the one he was all but coddling.

As the Lordling went about cutting a lock of his hair the demon contemplated the point, magic was all but dead in the human race, precious few could still invoke it so it made little sense until Amano explained it's purpose. Another woman, one that Amano clearly had feelings for by the manner he spoke and reacted, how he wanted to make things perfect for her. It irked him a little that the boy had lied to him about their being such a woman but he ignored it as he took the ribbon, "So this is the one you care about...why do you not marry her?" He took the hair and began to wrap the ribbon about it, forming a tie and anchor point before beginning to work on the bow itself. It took several minutes but the bow slowly formed and looked not unlike a flower with its petals. Once it was secured he handed it back to Amano paying no more mind to the letter he was protecting from the demons view, it mattered very little to Illiendi what the contents of the letter were, he had a name and should he desire it he would find out form the girl herself what the intentions were.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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When Illiendi gives his assessment of the letters Amano does his best not to look hurt, but at the same time he can not deny any of the accusations. 'I am sure most of them already know I would never accept my father's way of things and even if selected none of them would ever end up as my bride. I would rather run away than marry out of some sense of familial obligation. I grew up with these girls. . .So they understand that, right? My rejecting them this way is nicer than running away from the marriage interview, but it is a rejection none the less' It is more Illiendi's tone that has the youth on edge than the words themselves. Somehow he feels like he has disappointed the demon. “I know, sorry, I just wanted to write honestly. This may be a big town, but I spent much of my childhood with the other rich kids in town, the girls included. If I did not sound like myself in them, they would grow suspicious and rumors would fly. . .”

Handing over the ribbon Amano laughs openly at the idea of marrying Laiza. Covering his mouth quickly he does his best to stifle the chuckles just in case they offend the demon. “I am sorry, forgive me.” he chokes out as the laughs fade. With a final sigh he smiles warmly as he thinks about he, his gaze on some point in the distance that only he can see. “Laiza is a very good friend, in fact likely my only real friend other than Raoul, but he is family. I have known her forever, and she is a bit of a tom boy. We have spent a lot of time on the streets together, and shared a lot with each other.” Walking over to the bed he sits on the edge and looks over at Illiendi with a goofy grin. “She has someone she loves, and she is currently in the process of working her way into marrying him. The two of them have worked for over two years now to arrange things so that their parents will accept the marriage, however if they fail, they plan on getting married anyways.”

He kicks his feet gently, his gaze dropping down to watch them. “I love Laiza, as a friend, and I wish her the best. They have been saving and dealing, and working so hard to be together, but it will be some time before they announce anything about their plans to anyone other than me, and in the interim she shall be more than happy to pretend for the sake of my venture.” He chuckles again. “I am sure she will come up with something amazing and fantastic when it is time for them to announce their intentions, and she is a great actor so very few people will have any reason to question anything, if any at all.” Looking up at Illiendi he adds, “I will not pretend to be in love with someone or that I intend to marry them, but I have no problem with her deciding to do so.”

He smiles wide when he takes back the now properly tied lock, the ribbon folded into such a fantastic design that he gives the demon a grateful pat on the arm. “Thank you Illiendi, this is perfect. She will love it!” Making sure the letter is dry the youth folds it up carefully before slipping the lock and ribbon inside and tucking both away inside an envelope. He is careful not to crush the package so the ribbon flower isn't flat when it's delivered, then goes about folding and packing the rest of the letters. 'I am sure Illiendi would be happier if I would change them to make them sound more to his liking, but they are what they are, and if any of them want to complain, I will deal with it in person' Once they are all neatly stacked on the desk, Laiza's on top, he turns once more to look at the demon. His hands come up with his hair ribbon and as he ties his hair up properly once more he asks, “Well, I know a bit of what we need, but where would you suggest stopping first?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

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Illiendi wasn't sure what to think of Amno still, if he was an idiot, romantic, idealist or just insane was no more clear to the demon as was the reason behind Amano's almost need to appease him. What matter was it what Illiendi thought of anything? His previous contractors had treated him as he ought to be treated, as one treats a knife, a letter opener, a tool of any kind. Illiendi was no more than a sophisticated tool who had the ability to adapt quickly to new surroundings making him the, swiss army knife of tools perhaps. Not one until Amano had formed any need to impress him, his female contractors often attempted to make him fall in love with them but this, this was different. Amano's need for the demon's approval didn't seem to be born from greed or pride, from lust or envy, in fact it seemed to come from a place he had never come to understand in all the life times he had lift, it came from the humans heart. It was almost enough to make Illiendi recoil, however the function of the demon was to be a butler of the highest caliber and butlers did not recoil.

While he had been trying to ascertain the reasoning behind Amano's disappointment the boy's mood had changed and Illiendi gave a slow blink to catch up with the current sway of emotion. The boy was laughing and once more the demon was confused, though he did not allow it to show, as Amano spoke more on this Laiza the demon idly wondered how easily it would be to make the fiancee disappear in a way that even Amano would not be suspicious of the demon. The boy clearly cared for her and the woman sounded suitable enough for Amano, yet once more he spoke of love and the demon- seemingly without realising- wrinkled his nose as if a smell both foul and unfamiliar had wafted up his nostrils. It passed quickly and he fixed his eyes once more on the boy as he darted about with the letters.

When Amano had finally stopped flitting the demons eyes rested upon him cool and impassive, addressed by his master the demon was quick to regain his thoughts to those of a professional, rather than philosophical, nature. "I believe my lord the first port of call ought very well to be the cartographers, it will take them a day or two to get us the necessary maps and so the sooner they are paid the quicker we shall have them. Afterwards it would be wise to speak to the fruit sellers and the bakers about rations for the trip. However where do you think we ought to go, my master."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Amano did not miss the look on Illiendi's face when he mentioned the word “love”, but he just let the reaction slide to the back of his mind. He knows the demon doesn't understand love, but at the same time he's sure Illiendi will respect his wishes when it comes to said emotion. 'After all, he seems to go along with just about anything I say. I am sure that he is sue to such treatment, but at the same time, I know he has a mind to choose with. I mean, when he was summoned, he didn't just go along with the will of the ones who summoned him. He made the choice to serve me, and. . . .And that is the part of Illiendi I want to see and use. I want that part of him that drives him to be what he uses to temper me' Addressing the envelopes quickly Amano tucks his letters away to be dropped off on a delivery boy while they are out.

Once again Illiendi addresses him in that way that sends a thrill through the young man's body. He does nothing to hide this feeling, though he doe look away from the demon towards the door as he thinks on his words. 'He is right, those should be at the top of the list. It confuses me though. He knows, or at least think he knows, that despite my want to escape this town should the opportunity present itself I have very little experience in planning for travel, let alone travel by ship' Holding himself as he's been taught to Amano walks to the door and opens it, motioning for the demon to exit first before closing the door behind them. “We shall stop in those places first, and after that I think we should head to the docks again. I would like a better look at that ship and it's captain. I am sure Russ would not have recommended it if it was not up to par, but I have my own reasons for wanting a better look. I really have paid attention over my years as the son of a merchant.”

His voice is low, but not timid, and his strides are long and confident. “I would like to inform Russ that we have gained father's approval, I am sure he will have some suggestions for the next venture: assembling a crew.” He lets his manservant open the front door for him and pauses only briefly to take in the morning air before taking up his original pace. “I do not know exactly what to look for in a sailor, but I do know what to look out for. Many long meal has been spent, both at home and at the homes of my father's business partners, listening to the foolish things some sailor do to ruin cargo, or delay deliveries.” His eyes dart back and forth across the street as a slightly sly smile comes to his lips. “I also know several sailors that would be trouble to bring along for the simple fact that I have, as a child, been quite the trouble maker for those down at the docks. Some still hold grudges and would love a chance to mess me up while out at sea.”

His money jangles lightly in his pocket and for the first time in his life the idea of getting robbed passes through the young man's head. 'Though I doubt Illiendi would let that happen, unless it was to teach me a lesson. He would likely fetch the money back for me anyways, but still, I could see him letting me get hit with some hardships to teach me to not be so trusting' Moving out of the residential area Amano quickly spots a messenger he knows he can trust and flags the boy down. The red headed youth is a few years younger than Amano and stares openly at Illiendi when he draws close. The exchange is brief, Amano giving the boy enough for the delivery plus a small bonus to ensure swift, safe delivery. As the youth takes off Amano smiles at Illiendi for no particular reason other than he is glad things in his life are moving forward, and Illiendi is the key factor in it, and he is grateful. Once the young man disappears into the crowd Amano sets them back on course for the market which is closer than the docks. “Rations first, since everything else we plan to do today deals with the docks, and this is closer.” he murmurs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

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With a curt nod, suitable of a man servant and not that of a demon inexplicably entwined in a mortal’s life he agreed to the decisions of the man. The Sailor Russ would indeed know better than both of them –not that he’d admit as such aloud- than the pair of them what they’d need in the minimal crew they planned. Illiendi was more concerned about his own nautical knowledge and intended later in the evening while the household slept to catch up on the hundreds of years extra knowledge that was now available. The old ways would no doubt be enough should it be necessary but Illiendi was not a demon for taking short cuts and as Paimon was the demon of knowledge’s it was well within his remit to pour over the books he could find.

The mail boy was allowed to ogle to his heart’s content, the demon merely stood, oblivious to the onlooker as was any passing Tom, Dick or Harry. While it registered in the depths of the demons perception he was so accustomed to ignoring the looks he got, he no more than smirked internally at the attention. Idly he glanced to Amano who was at least some part amused himself, the boy had not mentioned his appearance once to him. While by now most clients wondered the extent of his skin changing abilities, most had figured by now that this was not his ‘true’ face, though truth was in the eye of the beholder, Paimon had been an angel once, his beauty, like most of the upper echelon of the holy had been beyond compare. While he stood a pale light beside the likes of Gabriel and Michael he had instilled into the hearts of the first men and women fear and wonder. When he’d first fallen the punishment of god had appalled him, what he’d lost pained his heart, now the skin that lurked beneath no more troubled him than the looks he had for the false face he wore.

“As you wish my master”, came the demons reply, the shudder in the boy at the term gave Illiendi cause to believe that perhaps the little lord would come to stop doubting the demons fealty in time. It was hard to serve a master with no faith, the demon lead the way to the bazaar where the first of their stops, the demon was careful to walk in a way that to the passing observer seemed to reveal the lord leading a servant while in truth his carefully placed steps were aimed to somewhat herd the Lord in the right direction. The first and perhaps most important of rations were the water crackers, while absolutely foul they served as a stable diet for when things became desperate and were a good cure for sea sickness. Outside the market shop where the baker rolled his loaves and baked his breads the demon slowed his step and allowed Amano to take the lead, of course Illiendi watched in that bird like manner, waiting should his master decide he wanted his assistance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Illiendi once more uses that word and for the first time Amano wonders why he says it like that. It's easy for him to tell that the way he says 'master' is far different than the way he says anything else. 'The only time he didn't say it like that is when. . . .When he called me “young master”. When he said it that time, it was. . . .cold. Like the way all the servants say it. Like it didn't actually mean anything' As the chill travels over his body the youth's eyes skate over the vendors, seeking out the honest faces. Though his thoughts are elsewhere Amano's perceptions are as sharp as ever. He may not know it, but he's far more shrewd than one could give that innocent face credit for.

He lets Illiendi lead him around but keeps an eye out in case he finds a need to deviate. However Illiendi stops leading at the very shop Amano was sure he wanted to visit and he can't help but smile at that. 'It's not a coincidence. Even I know that we need those cracker things the sailors always complain about. Maybe some hard breads with the soft core too. Those things can last months and the soft core is good for sopping up the last bits of liquid from soups and stuff. As long as the waters are calm it's possible to cook even on a rocking ship' That remind him that he'll have to ask if they should try and find a cook, or just try for a sailor who can make basics.

He does some quick calculations in his head, figuring on at least seven people, and even if Illiendi doesn't eat, they could use the extra ration if they get stuck at sea for a while. Once he’s done with his figuring he pulls out the max he's willing to pay for the lot and hands his purse to Illiendi. “The butcher in town has unreasonable priced, but if you go down that side street you can find a small shop of dried goods. Order us some meat and fruits if you would, and anything else you think we need. Rudolf here can take a long time to haggle something out and I'd rather we both be productive.” Once Illiendi is on his way Amano mentally push up his sleeves and heads inside to begin his purchase.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

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As ordered by his master he takes the coins and with no more than a swift half bow he turns on his heel and heads in the direction his master suggested. The side street was no more or less than any other he'd seen but he did take a moment to take in the changes only a creature such as he would find entertaining. The way the bricks were laid for instance and how the cobbles were flatter and the ground less uneven. The clothes had changed and as he passed a small tailors he drank in the newest fashions that the tailor seemed to be sowing. More had changed besides, there were tiles on the roof's instead of straw and the windows looked sturdier and clearer than those made with cow horns like when he'd last walked this plane. All this he mused, could simply be due to cultural differences, his last summoning, he felt, was some thousand miles off or so. Across a sea where the land had been more temperate and the people more spiritual.

With his musings dealt with the new priority came their stock and outside the little food vendors he took in the details of all he needed to know. The wooden crates were old, chipped in places and the barrels looked like they'd been drug off a ship once before. The man here was cheap not purely out of necessity though judging by the well made clothes he wore, which meant he was shrewd, he could be tricky to deal with. The demon didn't doubt that Amano had wanted him to do this without using his demonic powers, it would become a little too obvious, even to these tailless monkeys, that something mystical was going on if he purely relied on his powers to gain what he wanted.

"Good Day Sir." Came the man's chipper, business voice.
"Good day indeed." Came the smooth, unruffled tones of Illiendi.
"Mighty fine day for it it is, peaches I mean, they're the best on days like this and you'll be relieved to know I just got a shipment of the finest peaches in from-"
"Peaches? Well perhaps but first I need something a little more robust." The man looked at him curiously, sensing money as a snake senses the mouse. "My master and I are to go to sea with a small crew and we will be needing provisions."
"Oh?" The shrewd mans eyes glittered and the demon idly wondered if they did the same thing when removed from the skull of the person they belonged to.
"Well then good sir, I have an offer for you, we've got jerked meats, salted fishes and dried fruits. Seeds and nuts are a must of course as well, they'll keep the crew growing. They don't come cheap though but who can put a price tag on a healthy crew, right?"

What followed was ten minutes of talking, debating and haggling until Illiendi had acquired them a barrel each of Jerked chicken, Beef, Pork and Salted fish. Two large sacks of nuts, seeds and dried grapes, a bottle of cooking oil, a bag each of oranges, dates and potatoes. All these were loaded onto a cart which the store manager had his boy drive by mule to the docks and their vessel. Illiendi also purchased a half dozen empty 'useless' corked jugs, which he opted to carry himself in a crate, when he'd left the purse he was given was considerably lighter but still with enough coin for the other stops he intended to make. When all was said and done he'd purchased a small jar of vinegar, a package of salt, ground mixed spices and dried herbs from one of the market stalls. With his purchases done he made his way, with his left over coins, back ot the bakers where he had left Amano, wondering if the boy was yet done with his negotiations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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The haggling session is long and hard, Rudolf as bullheaded as ever. He's actually a nice man, meaning you can always get the best prices at his shop, however if he knows you have the coin he makes it hard on you. However Amano, rather than being annoyed or growing impatient, takes it as a test of the skills he will need in the future. True, this is dealings with a man he knows and who knows him, by his last name at least, but none the less he feels that the challenge is enough to make it worth while. The broad shouldered man slaps him hard enough on the back to knock him forward a bit but he manages not to fall over. With the man's laughs echoing in his ears he quickly writes down where it will need to be delivered before slipping outside.

He doesn't see Illiendi on the street so he decides to wander around the general area until the demon returns. 'Well, that should be enough, and I do not thing Illiendi will begrudge me the few treats. After all, I managed to pay only 80% of what I had planned on paying for the amount I got! I think I did good. . . .' The smell of flowers catches his attention as he wanders past a cart and he stops. The vendor is busy with a client so Amano just stands by quietly and looks at his wears. 'I wonder how Illiendi is doing. He is amazingly talented, so I am sure he had little to no trouble. I wonder how much we will have left after this to do everything else we need to. . .I am sure it will be enough. He is smarter than to leave us with not enough. . .' His thoughts are fast and rambling, but as he toys with one flower after another ha can't help but smile softly.

'I may not have wanted exactly this, but it is happening. I am going to go beyond what the world expected of me. I am going to be great. . . .' As the man finishes his deal with his customer he slides over to Amano almost as smoothly as a snake through water.

“Well now my young sir, what can I do for you? A bouquet for your mother? A dozen roses for that special young lady in your life? All of my flowers were picked and treated carefully just the night before and will bring joy to the recipient for quite some time, guaranteed!” His cheerful demeanor seems honest and open and Amano can not help but laugh lightly as he thinks of gifting his mother with flowers. She may love the way they look, but anything less than the absolute finest of things often fails to move her. 'There have been times, but that was mostly when they came from father. . . .'

Shaking his head he suddenly pauses, his eyes caught by a little sprig of white flowers almost completely hidden behind some sort of lily. The vendor's smile widens, recognizing the look of a man who's spotted what he wants. Kneeling, Amano brushes the lilies to the side carefully and pulls out the small sprig, and holds it gently in his hands as he stands up. The stem is about as long as his palm is wide while the many smaller stems one arched above the other leading to the small bell shaped flowers all lean in one direction, save for the top one. The top flower, twice as big as the others, leans the other way, the base of the white flower a deep blood red. Looking closely he can see the same coloring on the other bells, but only just barely.

The vendor slips in a little closer, sighing happily. “You have a keen eye young man. I don't carry many of those, they are a rare find and not many people care for them.” Amano looks to the man curiously. The man's smile shifts as if he's trying to appear mysterious. “Those there my lad are called 'Hell's Bells'. Not very popular as one could guess. This is a rare pigmy breed I've found at the base of an elm tree nearby, but don't tell anyone. If they are plucked too often, they may never grow back, and that would be a shame. They may be the only ones of their kind.” Amano nods, thinking of the only elm tree he knows in the area that the man could be talking about. It's near a shack that no one visits. It's ancient, and derelict, but the officials refuse to tear it down.

“So lad. Is that what you want? I can give you my special discount seeing as it's your first purchase, and that last one there is kinda small.” Amano smiles warmly and nods. He doesn't know why this flower appeals to him so, but he does know who he want's to give it to.

'It may be kind of a bad joke, but I think he will get it. Most likely roll his eyes at me on the inside like he always done when I have acted childish. I hope he does not hate them' He's fairly sure that even if Illiendi doesn't like them he'll take them anyways and decides to ask him if he wants it, and see if he is ale to read the beast at all. The vendor and he haggle only a little, the young man far too eager to get back over to the shop to wait for his comrade to try for a great price. It only costs him a pitance and he thanks the man before wandering over to the bakery. He doesn't have to wait long, spotting Illiendi returning to him with and armload of something under his arm.

Smiling warmly at the sight of his new accomplice he waves, waiting for him to come close enough to speak. “I assume things went well.” He eyes the crate, the jugs he can see just barely over the edge of the box makes him curious, however he wants to get the flower thing over as quickly as possible. Motioning off to the side he slips quickly through the crown to a less busy part of the street and turns to face Illiendi. His naturally shy nature kicks in and he drops his gaze for a moment before taking a steadying breath and looking back at the demon. Holding up the flower in a steady hand by the stem he says softly.

“I spotted this at the flower vendors, and I thought it would be a nice thank you for everything. I know you are already going to get exactly what you want later, but I can not fight my nature.” His eyes dart to the ground again. “The vendor says they are rare, but he may be mistaken. There is only one patch of them he knows of. They are some kind of pigmy Hell's Bells, and I thought that was funny too. So, yeah. . .Only if you want them though. . .” He looks up carefully, wanting to catch the taller male's reaction to the gift.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The demons eyes trail over to his young master as he comes into sight, a subtle rearrangement of the crate so it balanced easily on one hip should his master decide that there was more to carry later. When it appeared though that Amano was carrying nothing of much significance the demon's attention -while focused on Amano- wandered enough to begin calculating their next move. The Lord briefly disappeared from his vision but his senses kept track of him much as a spider kept track of the vibrations of his web. What kind of 'butler' would he be if he allowed harm to calm to his little Lord in a moment he could not see him? A subtle and familiar smell briefly crossed his senses, throwing back memories he'd long since let go in his service to Lucifer.

With Amano back in the forefront of his vision he finally answered the boy, "Things indeed went well My Lord." About to elaborate further the demon was presented a flower and while at first his eyes had that same confused look as a child might if a bad taste lingered in their mouth his expression softened significantly. Flowers rarely moved him but there was one he cared for above most others, it's scent was subtle and delicate and it's flowers while pretty were plain in comparison to the ostentatious rose. It was their flower he had said, back when the flower was called an angel's skirt and was simply pure white, before the fall, before they were cast to a place no flowers grew and the gates were slammed shut behind them. Before their wings had burned and the only smell was burning feathers, back when they were still his children and not his examples.

He knew these flowers, stained with blood like the hands of the fallen, another, subtle, reminder that they were forever stained with blood and scorned by god. While he had no need for sentiment or emotion Illiendi reached for the petals of the bell and ran a finger in a feather light touch across the waxy petals. "They are indeed rare. Hell's Bell's is what you call them? Quaint and apt too." Gently the demon took the flowers from the prince, his warm hand sliding across the top of the Lord's fingers as he did so. "Thank you Amano." The demons use of the name was tender, it had a soft note to it like one would expect of a piano or other fine instrument. For a moment the demon was quiet but as quiet and subtle thank you he added, "They used to be called Angel's skirts and they used to be pure white. They only ever grew where an angel had blessed holy ground." There was a brief twitch of a rather tender smile as the demon observed the flowers.

It was quick to fade as the demon's nostalgia faded in the face of other memories and his usual stoic countenance returned. The flowers were gently placed in the top of one of the jugs, left with stopper removed at the bottom of the crate. "I managed to acquire our food supplies and some beyond the basics as well, they will be delivered later this day. There are still coins left and more purchases to be made however, do you wish to do those now or after you have eaten My Lord."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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A faint twitch ran through his mind as Illiendi used a different word for him. While young master had upset him on principal, this new term left him feeling wanting. It didn't feel right. However his focus is on the demon, the other issue to be addressed later. At first he can feel his heart skipping a beat and a faint disappointment rolling over him when he sees that expression on the taller male's face. 'He hates it, I have done something wrong. He looks like he is sucking a lemon raw. I should not have done this' All these thoughts pass through his head in an instant and pass right out when suddenly he is looking on something he never thought he'd see.

The soft look, the almost caring expression. For a few seconds Amano forgets to breath, the change in his face making him almost look like a completely different person. 'He has always had a frightening kind of beauty, but when he looks at this flower, it is . . . . .He seems completely different. Like this one little flower changed him from the beast who knows nothing of love and seeks only his prize. . . .To one who perhaps once knew love, and who thinks fondly of something beautiful' Amano takes a slow breath when he realizes he'd stopped, but he does not blink, not wanting to miss a moment of this Illiendi. He stands perfectly still, the plowers trembling ever so slightly with the effort, and for a moment his eyes trail along those long supple fingers as they stroke the white and red petals.

Looking back up his wonder has not waned. 'It is almost like reverence. . . .' He listens intently to the demon's analysis of the flower, flushing slightly in triumph over managing to do something that moves the taller male so obviously. His body trembles at the touch of those warm fingers, and his flush redoubles at being called by his first name. 'I do not mind him calling me by my name. Not at all. However if he is to address me in public I suppose he will have to use something more formal. . .I still do not like “lord” though. It doesn't feel right. . . .' Setting his musing aside he brushes his fingers over his brand before letting his arm drop to his side. The soft, almost tender tone of the demon's voice when he said the boy's name is something he looks forward to in the future. He is now determined to hear it again, and not under orders.

When Illiendi explains what the flowers are it isn't hard for him to figure out the lore and symbolism behind the red staining. He even determines that if his thoughts are true, then some time long ago a demon trod the earth near the elm some time long ago. The shack is older than any can recall, so it's rather ancient. The thought pops into his head that there must be a new patch now, where Illiendi was summoned, or at least the first place his foot touched the earth since he was summoned in a stone basement. He wants desperately to ask him about it, but refrains. More important matter take precedent. The touch of a smile is the last fleeting glimpse Amano gets of Illiendi's soft side before he becomes all business again.

Straightening up he corrects his posture, smiling warmly at the demon as he speaks of his success. At the thought of lunch, and that word again, the youth flinches and looks to the sun. Judging that it's at least a good hour before mid day he looks off towards the docks. “I think we should hit the cartographer first, then some lunch. I am not too hungry right now.” With that said he turns and leads the way. The docks are a good ten minutes away from the market and when the stalls clear leaving them with open street, Amano decides to bring up the “lord” issue. “Illiendi. . . Why have you changed what you call me? It. . . .It does not feel right in my ear. . . .” He glances at the demon before returning his gaze to the road before them. “I am just curious, and will not stop you if you feel it is best. I just. . . .Do not like the sound of it. I know it does not make any sense, any honorific does not really suit me right now, but I. . .I am rambling. Forgive me. . .” His tone is soft, but it is obvious he is at a loss, unsure of what he is saying and why.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Unaware of the boys thoughts or feelings on the sudden change in his demeanor that such a small flower had managed to rouse the demon simply follows his master s a good butler would. The stoic countenance devoid of any thought or notion that there could have been something worth seeing moments ago, a demon rarely was given gifts and it was still playing on his mind as to why he had been given one, even if the flower had been merely an impulsive joke. So far he had intimidated and threatened his family, fucked his mother and conversed with his sister-in-law, he'd sided with his father in the study and yet the boy still decided to give him a gift. Still, it was hardly the demons business why the human did anything, the boy was whimsical and no doubt such a gift would have been bestowed on anyone nearby had there been adequate reason to do so. Or so Illiendi had told himself.

Once they were alone the boy spoke again, nervous, unsure, it was a habit he'd have to get out of soon but the demon hadn't' noticed it was only when the pair were alone. "My Lord is more befitting of your title, you are a lord are you not?" The shadows grew denser around them for a moment, the butler slightly herding the Lord into a quiet side alley between two sets of houses. Placing Amano between himself and the wall of one of the houses the demon observed the boy with eyes that seemed to almost glow in the darkness. From outside the alley people would pass by unaware, as the demon reached for the boys chin. His warm fingers curled with sharp nails briefly brushing against the tender skin of the boys throat, forcing Amano's head up to look at him. "Do you prefer to be my Master? To own me with such a powerful title? You are my Master and I shall call you that if you wish it of me." The demon's thumb slides up across the boys cheek, to the curve of his lisp where a sharp nail rests on the swell of the bottom lip, "Just order it of me, say it. 'I want you to only call me your master'." The demon was close and his gaze intense as he watched his Lord for any reaction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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His eyes drop to his feet for a moment, a few muttered nonsensical noises finding their way out of him as the demon points out the obvious. However Amano is unable to come any real conclusions before he feels himself being ushered off to the side of the road. 'What? What is. . .Did I do something wrong?' His hear beat speeds up as they slip into an alley and he is turned to face the taller male. An unnatural dark settles around them and in the back of his mind the youth wonders if there is some sort of magic at work. Perhaps some kind of cloak the demon can pull for shady dealings or to simply hid his actions. However he does not link on the matter consciously, far too focused on his ever raising heart beat and the beautiful face staring at him so intently.

He can feel his tongue wanting to slide down deeper into his throat as he manages to keep his gaze locked with the demon's. His body trembles slightly at the hot touch of the man's fingers, somehow feeling far warmer than they should but at the same time completely normal for Illiendi. That touch, not unwelcome, but not something Amano has yet to have the proper reference to figure out just how it makes him feel. The touch of claws force his head up higher, turning his upward glance through his lashes to a straight on gaze. He can feel his skin jumping at the touch but he manages not to react beyond a hard swallow as he listens to Illiendi speak.

The very sound of his voice send an odd sensation through his body, however each time that word falls from the demon's lips the almost familiar shiver seems to give him strength. His lips feel dry and he wants desperately to wet them, however as that curved claw slips across the delicate flesh of his cheek, pressing into his bottom lip ever so gently he refrains, instead focusing on trying to speak. 'He wants me to say something, he needs an answer. He. . .I can feel my body, my mouth, wanting to form those words he has given me. . . But I. . . .' Taking in a shuddering breath his right hand slides up his body slowly, the trembling mass almost tickling as it moves higher and higher, until it rests over the seal.

After another breath he manages to form the words settling on his mind. “I am a lord, by law, and eventually, by design. However, I am not your lord. I. . .I am. . .Your master.” He manages a light nod even with his chin being held. “I am your master, for as long as this. . . .whatever it is lasts. . . .This contract. . .” Still shaking lightly Amano wonders about a million things at once, not the least of which is how the demon will react. Not only did he not say the words as Illiendi seemed to want to hear them, but he rambles on a bit at the end sounding much like the trembling young fool he is rather than the lord he's trying to be. He even feels a little proud that he was able to say his piece without his knees buckling but as his hand falls back to his side he wonders if such a happening isn't imminent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi watches the boy with eyes unreadable, whether he's amused or offended it's impossible to tell but those eyes remain intense, like cold fire burning into Amano's very soul, seeking out the depths of the boy and locking onto them like a hawk onto it's prey. He remains silent, his claw like nail resting on the boys lip, waiting and when Amano spoke the thumb fell away, allowing Amano an easier time to get across his point. He rambled, he muttered and he seemed so afraid but despite all this he managed to convey his first real order to the demon and so all the rambling, whimpering and weaknesses is forgotten. Illiendi's long, slender fingers unfurled form beneath the boys chin, nails as black as coal and shaped more like claws as they brushed lightly against the boys skin, passed his cheek, over his nose and passed his eyes until they rested like a stretching spider on Amano's cheek. Cupping it as a lover might, once again his thumb moved but the soft, warm pad of the joint brushed across Amano's trembling lips, the demon leaned closer, until there was little more than a breath to separate the two men, "As you wish, My Master." He all but purred, a slight smirk turning up the corner of his mouth.

Despite the intimacy of the moment, unless Amano fell into it, nothing more happened, the demon leaned away and dropped his hand, reshuffling the box upon his hip and straightening his master's hair. The shadows seemed much less dense once again and the demon awaited his master to step out onto the street before falling in behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Indeed, the boy's knees almost buckle when at last the demon moves, the feeling of claws on his skin enough to almost make him melt right into the wall behind him. Letting out a slow exhale he looks deep into those soul searing eyes and simply lets the moment hold him. He's not quite sure what's happening, however he refuses to blink, unwilling to miss a moment of it. His eyes almost flicker closed as he sees those black claws pass so close to them, however his determination dose note wane and when at last Illiendi is cupping is cheek oh so tenderly Amano doesn't even realize that his breathing has all but stopped.

He can not help the trembling wracking his body as the beautiful man leans in but as Illiendi whispers those words once more, this time with definite intent, the shock that runs through his system restores his breaking and brings a soft smile to his lips. He remains perfectly still and an instant later the moment has passed and the demon is letting him go. Amano's hands press firmly into the wall behind him so he can keep himself upright, his gaze snapping around them to confirm that indeed the darkness had been unnatural. “Neat trick. . . .” he murmurs, still in a daze but at least beginning to regain his normal breathing rhythm.

His smile returns as Illiendi fixes his hair with one hand and as soon as the taller male seems set the youth slips out of the alley and leads the way towards their next stop. The event plays over and over through his mind leaving him a little bit out of it, however after realizing he's staring at the ground he straightens up and walks properly. Once they reach the cartographers he's managed to shake off most of his funk, however since Illiendi has a better idea of exactly what they need he turns to the taller male and says softly, “You know more about the route we are to take. I would like you to take the lead on this.” After this he motions for Illiendi to get the door. Once inside he stands back and tries to look impressive while listening to the exchange closely.
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