Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

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It was a heavy weight that had been eased from his shoulders. Not gone completely -no, only the completion of his task could do that- but lighter all the same. He had an escort now, someone who seemed quite capable in her own right -if those chits spoke at all of skill- and the journey was ready to start. There should be ample time to make it to Avantshire, and after that? Then it would depend, but making it that far had always been the first step.

And now it finally seemed a reality.

Katherine's softening smile wasn't lost on Alexi, thought he kept himself buried in the rest of his food. She had been buisnesslike, matter-of-fact, and all manners of official, but was still a person. Not that she would be anything but, yet the sight was welcome, nonetheless.

He ate in silence as she did the same, only when he was done moving to draw enough coin from his purse to pay for their meal. It was then that she spoke up again, his gaze snapping back to attention as his mind moved away from math and towards following her words.

"The gate is fi-ahhhh, hmmm... Perhaps if we met outside the church?" It was a last-minute thought, recollections of the city's layout and earlier words reminding him what might be the better plan. Calling on a woman to join him in his quarters on church grounds seemed a shade over the line of what the clergy might abide, but meeting a business acquaintance at the courtyard seemed entirely acceptable. "In the courtyard. The market square would stand between us and the gate then, in case it happens I need make additional purchases."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Church? Had he said the Church? She put the bit of food on her fork into her mouth and chewed and swept a glance over him. He wasn’t wearing vestments or any signs of being a priest and those who had taken vows typically wore something to signify that. She hadn’t seen any such signs on him, but then, she hadn’t been looking. Her eyes skimmed over his fingers, to his neck and came away uncertain.

What would it matter anyway if he were a priest? She asked herself. Things hadn’t been all that comfortable between her and the almighty since her little incident. She hadn’t made peace with dying, hadn’t even come close. She’d worked for the church before, but then that was back before she’d faced eternity and been uncertain what lay beyond it. Everything was uncertain in her life, but for one thing. She’d shook his hand and agreed to this. A deal was set and once set it was as if writ in blood. That was the only certainty and she would cling to it to ride past the terror that yawned and stirred inside her.

“The Church.” She nodded ascent and stood. “But it is late and we have an early start ahead of us. I’m going to go make arrangements for my room with Florie and then I’ll start early and see you back to your place.”

It wouldn’t do to make a deal and then lose it because her patron got waylaid walking back through town at night, there were rough spots between the Locus and his church. He was hiring an escort after all, which spoke of his lack in the physical prowess department.

She pushed away from the table and strode away towards the delightfully fleshy Florie who was tipping the head off of a stein.

“What’ll it be, Galt?” she asked without looking up.

“A room for a night and some provisions, not much.”

“Provisions? I’m not set for that.”

“Well by provisions I mean biscuits and some of that ham.”

Florie laughed and with a flick of the wrist slid the stein down the bar to the waiting patron without spilling a drop.

“I have some cherry and almond biscuits I can part with and I’ll pack you up what ham I can. For the morning right?”

“Before dawn.” Katherine specified.

“Alright.” Florie said and wiped her hands. “So where is Inkspot taking you?”

“Avantshire,” Katherine said.

“Oh? What for?”

“Well that’s something you’ll have to ask him,” Katherine replied with a smile when Florie rolled her eyes.

“You always were tight lipped.” The barmaid snorted.

“Yes,” Katherine agreed, “It’s one of my many professional charms.”

She turned away from the bar, “I’ll be back in a bit, I have to get him home.”

She waved to her new Patron and gestured towards the door and began to earn her keep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

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He wasn't exactly heartened by the look he got after mentioning the church, but then he was too buoyed up by the success of finding an escort to let that sink his mood. Living on their grounds, Alexi felt some loyalty to the church and clergy, but had heard more than enough from others to know it wasn't a feeling everyone shared. It wasn't something that broke their deal by all appearances, and she didn't look much more than simply uneasy, so it didn't come across as any real issue.

Nodding to Katherine as she spoke, Alexi neatly finished off what little remained on his plate, soon following her path towards the bar counter behind which Florie held court. He didn't try to overhear the conversation held between the two of them, instead quietly counting out coins within the palm of one hand. Just to double-check. Sure he had counted them out before, but coins could be dropped or miscounted or prove a useful way to pass the time. It wouldn't do to interrupt escort and lovely barmaid, much better to ensure he didn't cause embarrassment by underpaying just after deciding on a price with Katheri... why was she waving over a- Oh!

"Right- yes! Ah, here you are, Miss Florie, for the meal." Laying a few more coins than necessary upon the counter before her, he offered the woman a smile and nod, managing to keep his gaze mostly on her own.

He remembered Katherine waiting for him, then, apparently offering to lead him back towards the church tonight.

"Sorry-! Sorry, shall we go?" Opening the door for her to lead the way, Alexi followed his escort out into the evening streets of the city, only now realizing what a good idea this was. Quiet conversation or not, good establishment or not, the Locust wasn't 'that' close to the church. Not the safest place to walk alone from after talking and flashing about money. There was a measure of solace in having an experienced mercenary at his side.

And their travels hadn't even started yet.

"And thank you," He offered Katherine a small nod as well, now on their way. "There's a complex on the church grounds, mostly for travelling monks or the like, but they've been kind enough to rent me a room." He took a moment to glance skywards, gaining a rough approximation of the time that brought a wry grin to his lips. "Though I might be getting a pointed sermon on propriety tomorrow."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She grunted at his comment about propriety and led him out into the night. She was exhausted from her day of riding and stiff from her still healing injuries but she felt strangely invigorated. She’d got a job, she hadn’t choked or made excuses. It was a step, a step to getting her life back on track. A step towards climbing out from under debt and helping her family.

She stayed alert, the area around the Locust wasn’t bad, but unless you took a circuitous route to the Church you had to cut through some rougher neighborhoods in the city. As she’d thought earlier, it would be a piss-poor start to her return as a Mercenary if he died before they even began. So she walked just ahead of him, keeping her awareness all around even as she rolled around in her mind the detail of him having rented a room in a church. It meant he wasn’t a priest. It didn’t mean he wasn’t religious, but it did mean he hadn’t taken orders, nor was he under obligation to educate her or convert her. She could live with that.

“Propriety? What, because you hired a woman? Or just simply because you were in the company of one?” She snorted and kept up her pace. The misogynistic views of the church, their take on sin and how it was spread was one of the biggest problems for any woman trying to make their way in anything. She had lots to say on the subject but she held her tongue. He was her employer and more than that, he’d hired her in the first place. Maybe it was out of desperation, but regardless she owed him the benefit of the doubt. Besides, she thought as she looked back at him, she had found him to be pretty pleasant so far.

Movement caught her eye, a shift of shadow in the shadows and she narrowed her eyes but didn’t change her pace at all. It might be nothing, but it might be something. It might simply be someone watching to see if they were a morsel worth the effort. She squared her shoulders causally, puffing out her chest and did her best to look competent and skilled. Essentially she pretended to be what she once was and hoped it spared them from testing how much she had lost in her convalescence.

“Stay close, Sir.” She murmured, “We aren’t in the brightest spot, but don’t change your pace or act alarmed. Just a nice, quiet stroll, not a worry in the world.” She murmured with a confident expression on her face. She felt a level of attention that made her uncomfortable but kept moving onward, towards the church.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

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"Both probably, at least." Alexi couldn't help but chuckle along with Katherine's own amusement. It was a common joke among the few friends he still had, that the clergy would preach on any perceived slight. He appreciated all the church had done for him, and the thanks he gave each day was genuine and heartfelt, but at times it seemed they expected him to play the part of a priest himself. He had a different life now -a better life now- with the church and God... but he was still a man.

The mirth -and his thoughts- were cut short before long, first by the unease gained from the sudden, subtle changes of Katherine's gait, and second by the words she whispered back to him.

"Nice, quiet... yeah- yes. I can... do that." He tried to force himself to keep walking as he had been before, looking ahead, strolling calmly. He tried to keep from pulling nervously at his shirt, from trying to stand as tall as possible, from seeming like he thought something was wrong.

Of course, something was wrong. Even looking ahead, Alexi's eyes darted in their sockets, unable to be restrained. He had an escort -already earning her pay by the second- but that proved small reassurance. He didn't go out much in the evenings anymore, and the times he did had always been in better neighborhoods, moving as a group on streets better lit and better patrolled. This was different, this was dangerous. But if he was going to travel to Avantshire and beyond, this would happen far more than once.

Alexi steeled himself, working to remain calm, to walk naturally, and to keep his trust in Katherine. She wouldn't let anything happen, not now, not so soon after being hired. He had to keep his composure, lest he scare himself out of wanting to leave the city completely.

"Of course." He whispered the last two words with noticeably more courage than previous, continuing to walk beside his escort. It wasn't that far now, he wasn't alone, and he'd have to get used to things like this.

So he did... or at least, he began to try.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

They didn’t get far before the possessors of the eyes upon them showed themselves. She had hoped, not with any great faith, that they would see her sword, her confident walk and think that there might be some easier prey out there. But then, the streets were quiet, there were no other prey offering themselves up as kindly as Katherine and her employer and ultimately, she was a woman. That last bit rankled a little, but it was an old rankle and one she’d grown used to the taste of.

The ink-stained man, her employer was visibly nervous and she had almost not warned him in an effort to spare him the worry, but she had decided that better a little fear than dealing with an unknown reaction from the scholarly man. If he freaked out and flailed about while she was handling things, it could get messy. Better to know sooner, rather than later. She supposed a city was a better spot than out in the wilds to see how he handled danger. Though they were in a rough spot and guards were sparse, they weren’t absent. The fight, if it happened, would have to be quick and quiet on the part of the footpads.

The shadows ahead of them to their left shifted and an impressive, if reeking man stepped out of the darkness between two buildings and stood with what she supposed was his version of palpable menace. She’d seen better and let her expression say as much as she slowed her pace to a stop.

“Evening.” She said, as if she were passing a neighbor.

He said nothing and she heard the whisper of cloth behind them and casually glanced over her shoulder to see two more men stepping out of the shadows. They were all wearing leather that had seen better days, not necessarily from use so much as neglect. A man who neglected his equipment probably didn’t often have his life depending on it often. She noted that their blades, which they pulled out in clearly practiced unison were of poor quality but freshly sharpened. They wouldn’t hold an edge long but they didn’t need to.

“Look,” she said brightly, smiling in a sunny manner that belied the slowly growing fear in her belly. Incompetents could kill, especially if they outnumbered her. She was painfully aware of how out of practice she was as she drew her own blade. It was a sword of the best quality she could afford and well cared for. It caught the light of the few distant street lights nicely, but that also meant that the trembling in it was visible to all who watched.

Dammit. She watched the grin of the lead man grow.

“Oh how lovely, the lass knows how to whip it out. Pretty lass, put that thing away and let the men talk.”

There was a coarse guffaw from one of the mend behind her but she did not rise to the bait. So often some of the fiery female mercs were caught by such tactics, playing into the hand of an opponent with just a little wit and a sense of taunt. She knew her worth, or she had. What it was remained to be seen.

“Move on and no one dies.” She said simply, calmly seemingly unruffled though her damn hand still shook.

“Oh for sure Lass, we intend to, as soon as the bookworm there turns it over.”

Well that made things interesting, Katherine thought as she risked a glance at the man behind her. That potentially turned this whole job into something else entirely. Just what remained to be seen.

“Piss off.” She said, her smile still sunny.

The lead man stopped paying attention to her, writing her and her shaking sword off and taking her inaction for a disinclination for violence.

“What’ll it be Scribe,” the lead man said, “give it up or watch while we toy with your whore and then hurt you until you give it up.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

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"Ah... well... uh..."

Don't panic. Don't panic. Stay collected, appear sure. He had Katherine to guard him and was still within the city itself. He just needed to stay composed, trust his escort... and find out what under his Grace they were asking from him.

Katherine shot him a glance at the lead thug's words, but Alexi couldn't reply with any more than terrified confusion. What did they thing he had? What did he have? Travel supplies, maps and money- but they weren't asking for money, where they? The documents he was taking to Avantshire, then? They were still incomplete -not that the thugs could know that- and... what use would footpads gain from them anyways? They wouldn't know how to capitalize on the papers, would they even know who to try and sell them to?

"I'm.... sorry, but I think you've been misinformed." Alexi remained close to Katherine, trying to keep his head facing the man before them, and not whip it back to keep glancing at those behind. She seemed content to threaten for now, looking quite ready to fight but holding back. She hoped they'd go on their way then? If so, Alexi felt it only proper to follow suit. She was the one with battle experience and skill, so it seemed only wise to follow her lead in a situation such as this.

"I'm not carrying anything you would find valuable, Sir. And if you're looking for coin, I should mention I am under protection of both Church and Sword." He gave a meaningful nod towards Katherine as he spoke, gaining a measure of confidence in words. "Surely there are easier marks about than I."

The threat of the church was a gamble, but hopefully one that would give them pause. There were reasons priests, monks and select merchants could travel the lands without fear. Lords feared the reprisals of the church should one under their protection go missing, and zealously hunted down those foolish enough to rob or kill such travelers. That was before the church itself took action, boasting enough wealth and political power to rival most kingdoms.

Of course, priests and protected merchants still went missing here and there. In some cases the threat was simply too ephemeral to scare away attackers. Alexi had to hope that -here within the city walls- that wouldn't be the case, especially with a mercenary at his side.

"Leave us, Sirs. This is a waste of your time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Any time wastin’ ere isn’t my doing.” The man said and stepped forward one menacing step towards her employer. “I see the little girl with the sword but I don’t see no church knight come to your rescue. Hand it over.”

It was enough, or rather it was too much. The time to act was now. Instinct, training, reflexes all stood well in the place of her nerve which was shot. She lunged, her shaking sword whipping out and clanging against his blade with a loud clang and it flew out of his hand in a lovely arch to land in a puddle of runoff and who knows what else. She couldn’t have planned it better if she wanted to. She swallowed, the sound audible in the silence that followed as the eyes of the thugs all turned to her.

He’d been too drunk or two stupid to have had a decent grip on his blade, else he’d been simply a complete moron to have dismissed her, anyone with a weapon in hand so nearby. Whatever the reason he’d dismissed her and now she’d given him a reason not to.

“Piss off.” She said again and gestured contemptuously to the now unarmed man.

They didn’t piss off, just her luck. No, the two idiots behind her charged her and the usual scuffle such occasions brought occurred. Instinct, training, reactions, they stood her in good stead again as she engaged two men who greatly outweighed her. Her equipment more than paid for itself as the shitty blades skidded along the leather just over her kidneys. She whirled and tried to engage. There was a flurry of blades, limbs flying and then the third man dove into the refuse for his knife and then waded in. It was fast and furious and she didn’t have time to think let alone be afraid. But she had a sword and there wasn’t the room she’d have liked and she barely escaped a few of their blows connecting.

“Make noise!” she shrieked at the ink-stained man, leading by example. The guards couldn’t be that far off. “Shout and get attent-fuck!” She cursed as a blade scored her cheek.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

Member Offline since relaunch

Alexi had plenty of time to think and be afraid... although the fear seemed to be cutting into his thinking time...

He stumbled back as Katherine leapt forwards, and continued to retreat as she engaged the three in a sudden, fierce scramble of blades. Part of him raged that he did so, angry at the rest of himself that wished to flee in terror. It's howling proved the minority, but it did keep Alexi from falling back any further, allowed him a modicum of reason to act on.

"Right- GUARDS!" He liked to think his voice remained calm and collected. If asked sometime later, he would probably say that it was, that his shouting rang with clear authority rather than terror.

And if those listening knew him at all, they would understand that to be completely untrue.

"Guards! Help!" Oh Lord, if your eyes are watching, let them come in time. "HELP!"

He thought he heard footsteps, hurried stomping barely noticed beyond the cringing crashes of blade on blade. He fancied hearing voices, official shouts in response to his own cries. He dared hope it was true, dared pray that his escort would come out on top and that assistance would arrive to ensure that. But until he saw the flash of armor accompanied by that hurried, drilled-in gait those of the military were known for, he would continue to bolster hope with what action he could muster.

"Help! Thieves on the streets! Guards!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The sound of the footsteps on the cobbles was all it took. With curses more vile than any Katherine had spewed though not the worst she’d ever heard, they disengaged and darted off into the darkness. Had they taken aught from her or her employer she might have pursued, but as they’d simply left them with questions and minor wounds she decided to let it be. She muttered her own bit of invective and leaned back against a conveniently placed building and groaned. The cut on her cheek stung but she didn’t want to touch it with filthy fingers and it didn’t feel too deep. It would leave a nice scar she thought, matching her broken nose. She wondered if it would advertise her survival skills or point out that she still didn’t know how to duck.

She felt sick all of a sudden. The big meal consumed at the Locust felt like lead in her gut. The adrenaline of the fight was leaving her and leaving her shaking and nauseated. She clenched her jaw shut. It would not look good or instill confidence in her skills if she were sick after such a little scuffle. A scuffle she’d survived, she reminded herself with some pride. She hadn’t lost her touch for all that she was rusty and slow. But even so her stomach churned and she went from white to green in a matter of seconds.

“Pardon me.” She managed with scrapped together dignity as she ducked around the corner to be sick in the shadows where the sight of her shame was hidden, if not the sounds of it. This was done just as the pair of guards skidded into the alley, swords drawn, their eyes slipping from Katherine slipping into the shadows to be ill to Alexi as he stood.

“What seems to be the problem?” the larger of the two said, his breath coming in puffs as if his bulk didn’t often get to rush anywhere though he seemed competent enough in how he stood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

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It took far too long before their attackers fled, before the echoing stomps of rushing armor gave way to guardsmen. It seemed to Alexi that he had been yelling for ages, that Katherine had been fighting for ages, and he would listen to no argument to the contrary.

Still, both he and his escort were safe, the footpads were gone, and the guards were here.

"We- *Ahem* We were attacked." He managed to get his voice back down to a more respectable tone, moving back over to Katherine and the guardsmen. He nodded appreciatively towards them both, a grateful smile cross his lips. "His Grace bless you both, the thugs who attacked us ran off as soon as they heard your steps."

He offered them each a low bow, before turning back towards Katherine. She seemed slightly... unwell. As if she had taken too much drink -or possibly food?- but aside from the cut on her cheek seemed unharmed. Part of him wanted to ask about the wound, if there was a risk of poison on the blade that scored her or if it should be treated now, but he held his tongue. He knew something of medical theory, but had no practice. Again, it seemed wiser to trust that she would know how best to treat her own injuries.

Or, at least, to wait until a little later before pressing.

"And thank you, Miss Galt." His smile widened now, genuine appreciation to accompany his bow. "For... everything you've done tonight, really."

Alexi wasn't quite sure what to think about being saved by his escort mere minutes after hiring her, but well-earned gratitude seemed to be appropriate. Part of him prayed fervently that this little scuffle would not set the precedent for their future travels -he wanted to actually make it to Avantshire- but the rest murmured quiet, heartfelt thanks to the heavens.

They came in time, after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She blotted at her mouth with the back of her hand and regretted it. The taste of the filth she’d been leaning up against was worse than the taste of vomit. She grimaced, which pulled at her sliced open cheek. She hissed in pain and reached for her flask, certain that no employer would fault her a belt just then. She undid the top and with priorities well in order she poured a liberal dose on her cheek and then in her mouth. Whiskey washed away the taste of bile and filth and the burning sting in her cheek was a cleaner pain than the dull ache had been. Thus fortified she offered the flask to her employer and turned to the Guards.

“They must have thought we were easy pickings.” She said, not wanting to go into the details of what had happened. She wasn’t certain what they’d been after but as she’d said to Florie, her still tongue was part of the package and she wasn’t about to inform the guards about anything odd. There was corruption everywhere after all.

“I was happy to correct their false assumptions.” She said with a grin that hurt but fit.

She held up her guild tags, catching the wan light of the far too distant torch with them and they nodded, understanding a little better what had happened. They asked her a few things, she answered them back and they settled up the whole affair in a few minutes and the guards too their leave after offering to escort them wherever they wished to go. This drew an insulted scowl from Katherine which sent them on their way. As they departed, the sound of their boots clattering on the cobbles leaving, nearly as welcome as the sound of them arriving had been.

She turned to the ink-stained man beside her and gestured for him to lead the way.

“Do any of the priests in your place happen to know their way around a needle and skin? Don’t want to mar my good looks.” She laughed bitterly and flipped her braid back over her shoulder. “Florie can’t sew a straight line to save her life.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

Member Offline since relaunch

Alexi chuckled nervously along with Katherine as they began walking once more, their current trials complete. Laughter was... good, at least, though even to his eyes, she didn't seem quite as composed as she had been before. Did she not like fighting? Though liking battle and bloodshed might be cause for more concern, but he had expected... well... he wasn't sure what he had expected.

"One of the sisters should still be awake," He mused the thoughts aloud as they walked, drawing ever closer to the grounds of the Church. "They would probably be the most skilled at sewing, be it cloth or skin... their quarters are to the left as we enter the courtyard, just behind the hedges."

They made the rest of their way in thankful peace, the grand courtyard opening up before them before too long. Though night had settled fully upon the city, the moon was allowed to shine uncovered, working together with what flickering lights peeked from nearby windows and posts to illuminate their way. Tall, carefully trimmed hedges walled off much of the area around the church grounds, leading arrivals into the cobbled courtyard proper while shielding all but the cathedral itself from view. Well-planned for an organization devoted to both the privacy and seclusion of it's members, as well as to the glory of their god, and the structures that stood for it's worship.

For the two who entered now, however, it was the hedges and what lay behind that was of greater import.

Alexi led Katherine to the side almost immediately after entering the courtyard, through a narrow gap concealed from casual view by one of the many blossoming trees that dotted the public grounds. It opened into rows of low, stone buildings, chimneys poking out through roofs at regular intervals, with only the occasional light seen through heavy blinds.

Their destination was one of the last structures in the row, Alexi allowing an audible sigh of relief to pass from his lips at the sight of light and movement within. Treating those injured was something many of the clergy had practice in, and helping one who was friends with the church always led to benefit both parties in the long run. But none of the Sisters would be pleased to be woken at this hour, or at all. As it was, his tentative knock was answered swiftly by rustling movement from the other side of the door, pausing only once the wooden portal opened, revealing a young, shorter woman with hair and figure firmly concealed beneath the habit of her order.

"Who the- Alexander?" The woman's face hardened as she spied the scribe before her. "I know you understand the rules of the church- and to bring a lady home with you at this hou-oh!"

"Sister Edda," Alexi waiting until the Sister paused, hand rising to cover her mouth as she spied the wound on Katherine's cheek. "Pray, forgive me for disturbing you this late. My companion here was injured protecting me from a robbery, I was hoping you might be able to help?"

"Yes, yes of course." Sister Edda offered a slight curtsey towards Katherine, before beckoning the armored woman forwards. "Please, come in. It would be the least I could do after helping our friend here."

"I'll be outside." Alexi nodded towards Katherine as he spoke, quietly glad it had been Edda who was awake. Most of the Sisters -most of the clergy, really- were talented with medicine, but Sister Edda had a much more open, more welcoming personality. Likely due to her age -quite young if Alexi knew anything- but it made her a popular public face of the church... and meant he only suffered a minor scolding for his arrival.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Her cheek throbbed as they walked, throbbed and stung, but it could have been worse, so much worse. And she’d lived. So had he. Despite the sick feeling that had filled her as she’d fought, her instincts and training hadn’t failed her. Though she took considerable less pleasure in the act of fighting, she was still good at it. She could do this. It wasn’t quite triumph she was feeling as she followed Alexander through the church grounds, but it was something.

She waited patiently in the shadows of the door as he knocked, the post-fight endorphins kicking in and making her want to lean against the lintel though she resisted. When the door opened and revealed a rather short, anonymously clothed Nun who instantly chided the ink-stained man for bringing home a woman she smirked and wondered how often such a thing had occurred. He didn’t seem the sort, but then she’d not known him long and such was not her business after all. But it got a grin nevertheless even if the Sister figured out quickly that this wasn’t the case.

She nodded at her employer and followed the short woman into the quietly humble abode. Humble but not, like most things in the church, at least to her eyes, there was a veneer of deception to it. Oh it looked humble enough, but each join, each bit of furniture was made with a skill to stand the ages. Just unembellished. Typical. Humble but not. She followed the muttering woman to a room that smelled of dusty herbs and beeswax and settled into a chair as well made as any she’d seen in the houses of her more affluent employers. She watched the woman putter about, getting a bowl of water from a kettle kept warm by the fire and then sprinkle some herbs into the water as well as a jot or two from an amber bottle.

“Hold still,” she woman said as she settled herself on a stool across from Katherine, taking her chin in her hands with soft fingers. It was an unneeded warning, but made a noise of ascent and held very still as the woman dabbed at the cut with a cloth dipped into the bowl. It hurt like a sunuvabitch and she couldn’t contain the hiss of pain that she let out but she didn’t jerk away. The Sister’s face remained smooth and kind as she worked.

“I apologize for my assumptions.” She said as she wiped again, working the cloth deeper into the cut, making certain it was clean before she stitched it up. Katherine’s eyes watered but she made no protest she simply grunted an acknowledgement for the apology and then added,
“It’s a natural enough assumption until one sees my face.”

As the sting faded from the cut, Katherine felt a cool numbness filling the space the sting had occupied and felt some of the tension in her shoulders relax. That would make the next bit less horrible. As if following her thoughts the sister reached for a wooden box and lifted the lid revealing a few needles threaded with gut. She selected one and pulled the lamp burning on the table closer to Katherine, casting her face even more into the light.

“I don’t know about that.” She said and brought the needle close. “A broken nose adds character.” She said and when Katherine snorted at that she leveled a stern look her way which made the Mercenary fall silent and hold still.

Stitching was never pleasant, ever. But the wash and the care with which the Nun took made it less horrible. She took small stitches with competent speed, neither hurrying nor dawdling and when it was done she covered the whole thing with a thick slathering of green salve and then refused the coin that Katherine pushed her way.

“Not necessary.” She said. “We help friends and allies of the church willingly.”

And there it was, Katherine thought, her own prejudices maybe adding color to words that might have been nothing more than a simple statement. There it is, the hook, the goad, the promise of benefits if one simply sells one’s soul. She felt a tightness in her body at the perceived bait but managed a smile that was mostly not a grimace as she replied,

“Thank you nevertheless.”

The Nun seemed to see something of her tension but said nothing of it, standing and leading Katherine to the door, “Let us see what Alexander has gotten himself into.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

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Alexi, meanwhile, had found company of his own.

Standing outside in the darkness, feeling it only appropriate that he wait patiently for his companion to return, a figure was soon spotted wandering absently his way. The scribe watched the form warily, the safety of church grounds battling with the recent attack in his mind as he tried to decide just what to do.

A loud, jaunty whistle stopped the mental debate quickly, however, along with the figure finally coming into view to show a rather familiar face.

"Charles? What are you doing still at the church?"

"Why, waiting for you of course." Charles greeted Alexi with a swaying bow, smiling a little too widely. "You asked me to mind the room, and so my friend I did. But just in case you returned with nothing to show for your efforts..."

"I found an escort, actually." His reply was maybe a bit too swift, but the scribe didn't recant word nor tone before his friend. Brown eyes scrutinized Charles coldly, lips pulling into a tight frown at the sight. "And... you're drunk."

"I... Am not." Charles rose -yes, he had held his bow that long- to look his friend in the eye. "Merely... relaxed, yes. Surely one such as I could not get drunk on anything that could be found on Church grounds, yes?"

Alexi's response was little more than an exasperated groan, hoping beyond hope that he might be able to usher Charles on his way as quickly as possible. His friend was a good man... somewhere... but the past years living under the church had driven something of a wedge between scribe and noble son. It had been quite some time since he had drunk more than the sip of wine offered at service, been some time since he had visited the brothels and Inns his friend still frequented.

Charles liked to lament Alexi's 'prudish' turn. Alexi himself had started to grow accustomed to it, but that seemed little comfort to the son of one of the three great landowners of the city.

"Oh! And what have we here?"

Oh dear Lord who watches over all... Why?

Alexi didn't turn around as the door opened behind him, Charles' face lighting up with exactly the kind of addled thoughts he had wanted to avoid inciting. Stepping around his friend, the well-dressed nobleson grinned up at Katherine and Edda, offering another bow.

"Good evening dear ladies, and who might you- ahhhh..." Looking over the armor and weapon Katherine bore, Charles' grin found itself growing. His gaze darted to Alexi, still stubbornly trying to pretend this wasn't happening, mirth evident within his voice. "I know you've been holed up in the church Alexi, but I think you misunderstood what 'companion' you need for your journey."

"Master Stanhope!" Sister Edda's features condensed into righteous indignation at the sight, the slight woman slamming hands to her hips and appearing to almost to grow in stature. "Have you no regard for the Lord and his grounds!?"

"And good evening to you as well, Edda." Charles remained blissfully ignorant of the woman's mounting ire, stepping forward as if to speak again, before Alexi finally turned and grabbed his friend's shoulder.

"Charles." He managed to speak the word firmly enough to grab his friend's attention, despite the rash color burning his cheeks. "Horse. Did you find one for me?"

"Horse? Oh yes, all prepared as soon as you need to go!" Crisis averted... almost. "But if you're looking for rid-"

"THANK you Charles, I don't know where I'd be without you." Alexi managed to aim Charles towards the exit, a slight push setting him on his way. "I'll send you a letter from Avantshire. Have a good night, stay on the main roads. Good. Bye."

Alexi groaned aloud as his friend finally made his exit, turning slowly back to the two women by the door.

"So... it seems my horse is ready for when we leave." The words didn't do much to quench the red from his face, but it was better than stammering over excuses... maybe. "And now you can say you've met Charles Stanhope... Please accept my apologies."

Sister Edda, for her part, merely shook her head, muttering under her breath about the pitiable state of Charles' soul. With a someone curt nod to both Alexi and Katherine, she made her way back inside, teachings catching up just in time so that the door was not slammed behind her.

All in all... not the greatest follow-up to an already lousy night. Alexi dared to hope he was getting his misfortunes done with early.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

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The Sister’s Ire quickly eclipsed Katherine’s which was just fine. It allowed her the luxury of being amused by the situation and amusement was much preferred over fury. She’d had enough negative emotion for the day, thank-you-very-much! So she stood back and was greatly entertained by the comedic gold of the moment, especially in light of the fact that she wasn’t certain how many more light moments there would be.

The cooling numbness of the salve on her cheek seemed to be spreading through her body and she found herself looking at the well-dressed dandy with something like idle interest as the scene unfolded. Often in the wake of a battle, when death had been so near many of her fellow Mercenaries, like so many people who danced with death often, experienced the urge to thumb their noses at death by vigorously pursuing a celebration of life. She wasn’t above such celebrations herself though she wasn’t given to too much licentiousness, her disapproval of the church notwithstanding. But sometimes she indulged and just then, with the victory of having survived her first bit of combat since her return to the field flush in her system she considered this Charles, just for a moment. He looked like the rich sort who would want nothing more than a tumble and came with no flea’s. Her standards were not particularly high and he fit the bill well enough, but one look at her Employer’s red face and she squashed the idea.

Discomfiture was a very bad way to start a working relationship. She’d saved his life for certain, but she didn’t think he’d appreciate her tossing away the concern and care he’d taken towards her dignity and honor in trying to shield her from Charles only to dive into bed with him. Pity that.

“No apologies needed, Sir.” She said waving his concerns away as Charles wove off into the night. “He is not the first, nor will he be the last, to assume such things about me.”

She looked back at the all but slammed door of the Nun’s quarters, tossing a belated thanks towards its solid wood before turning back to the red-faced Scribe who had hired her. It was sweet that he’d thought to protect her and it made her want to grin at him, despite her wounded cheek.

She ran a finger along the numbed and puckered flesh near the stitches on her face, avoiding the salve that kept it clean and numb.

“Thank you.” She said to him. “She knew her way around a needle, this won’t leave too bad of a scar. Shall I walk you back to your quarters or take my leave here?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

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"Ah, well ah... Alright then."

Alexi managed to more-or-less arrest his humiliation, calming somewhat as Alexi was gone and business returned to usual. The man was very much a good friend, but relished too often in the freedoms afforded him when not called upon by his family or position. He had come through with the horse though, so at least Alexi knew he was finally prepared for the trip.

That did more to help the scribe compose himself than anything else. With a heavy breath, he smiled over to Katherine once more.

"I'm glad she could be of help... But we can part here for the night, my room is only a short walk away." He accompanied the words with a short gesture towards the very end of the row of buildings, almost completely lightless in the dark. "We'll meet at the entrance to the courtyard tomorrow morning, yes?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Yes.” She agreed, her eyes following the path his gesture had pointed out. It looked near enough and the Church grounds were well populated with ears and guards. He’d be safe. Granted, he’d been living there for some time without incident so she needn’t truly worry. But he hadn’t been her employer for that time, he was now and she took such things serious.

“I will meet you at the square at dawn and we can begin.”

She executed a little bow, the stiff leather of her chest piece creaking. It would be broken in soon enough, she thought and though there was a swell of fear at the thought it was now accompanied by the confidence that she still had what was needed to do this job.

Rising from the bow she turned on her heels and with surprising silence, faded into the night with enough skill to have been a footpad had her inclination gone that route. As she made her way across the church grounds she encountered more than one pair of guards who watched her but did not stop her when they saw that she was leaving, not coming. That was all well and good and gave her the sense that her employer would, indeed get home in one piece.

She did to for all of that. The fire was banked, the last of the customers clearing out as she strolled in. In fact Florie was just moving to bolt the door as she strolled in. The voluptuous woman didn’t gasp when she saw Katherine but her eyes did widen.

“I was just given ye up for lost.” She said. “We have a bath laid out in your room, and water on the fire to warm it. Yer on your own for the rest.” She said and covered a yawn, then softened. “Unless you need me?”

Katherine waved her away which earned her a smile from Martin. She took the stairs two at a time, happy to have any bath, let alone one that was going to be more than tepid. She would sleep well despite her injuries if she were clean. In the morning she could look forward to Florie’s cooking and then the start of a journey. Things were looking up for Katherine. But first, the bath, then sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

Member Offline since relaunch

"Stay safe."

Alexi matched Katherine's bow with one of his own, waiting a beat after she disappeared into the night before turning towards his own room. The still-burning light from Edda's window brought a quiet chuckle from the Scribe's lips as he passed, not surprised -though certainly amused- that the Sister would watch to ensure he was alone in his final steps back home.

Well, he had approached her door late at night with a woman by his side... And had Charles come by to make matters even more suspicious. Hard to blame the pious Sister, really.

Tonight though, Alexi could say he was glad to stumble alone into his bare, darkened room. The day had been a long one to start with -the scribe up long before the sun working on the still-unfinished translation. Everything that had happened this evening, from the stress of searching for an escort to the attack and everything between and after, had only piled the exhaustion higher. He barely made it the few steps from door to bed, making sure he dropped his pack off with some semblance of care before collapsing upon the stiff mattress. Sleep found him almost instantly, a blessed mercy, one not even the brief worry that he might not wake up before dawn could stave off. Such concerns would be dealt with later, when the soft sigh of his breath no longer lulled him further down into heavy, dreamless sleep.


Luckily, such concerns didn't need to be dealt with, after all.

Years of early rising caused him to stir before the sun, groaning against what light found his eyes as he for a moment contemplated rejoining sleep and damning the consequences. But no, not today. He had a job to complete, a journey to start, and he well knew that God did not easily grant second chances. This was his time to grab or let pass, and there likely wouldn't be a second.

So with grumbling that he hoped couldn't be heard past the walls of his own room, Alexi stumbled out into the world of the awoken.

Sleep-clumsy hands found a pair of clothes that hadn't been slept in, and somehow managed to swap them on with something resembling competence. They were of the same theme as before; expensive fabrics undyed and undecorated, a heavy traveler's cloak completing the ensemble to combat the pre-dawn chill. His pack was still nearby, packed with the food and supplies he thought he needed, along with the documents he still had to complete. Alexi spared a moment to root out the gold coins Katherine would ask of him from the depths of his bags, otherwise keeping only copper and silver in the small pouch on his person.

It wouldn't do to advertise wealth, after all. One who lived on church grounds was encouraged to practice the appearance of frugality, and more pressingly, he who didn't make a show of his wealth was less likely to be robbed of it.

Not that it had stopped the attackers from the night before.

A cold thought that helped shake the dregs of sleep from his mind, but Alexi chose not to dwell on it now. He was awake, he was ready, but Dawn was rising, which meant he needed to be out and in the square, lest Katherine feel he made light of their arrangements.

So he moved quickly, shouldering the pack once more, and bolting behind him a room left with naught but a single pair of worn clothes, books, and what few supplies he felt he wouldn't need. More bare than usual, likely to be cleaned out before he returned, but it hardly mattered now. Now was when he started his journey, and so the Scribe stepped quickly out from behind the shielding hedgerows and into the square itself, Dawn just breaking behind the grand scene of the Cathedral as he scanned the area for his escort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Florie was good on her word and Katherine went to sleep clean, out before her head hit the pillow. She knew full well it would be some time before she got such a safe, secure place to rest her head and her body seemed to want to stock up. She slept deep and long and it was only towards dawn that she slipped out of the oblivious of deepest sleep into that of dreams. It wasn’t a pleasant change but it also wasn’t an unfamiliar one. Though she’d had the dream before it didn’t make it any more pleasant. And she woke with the taste of rot in her mouth and the feel of things growing in her flesh, eating the rot she’d garnered under the pile of dead she had been meant to join.

She didn’t scream, the taste made her wake retching, which, while unpleasant, wasn’t nearly as loud. Small things to be grateful for she supposed as she stumbled for the pitcher by the bed and rinsed out her mouth, spitting the foul mouthful into the washbasin. She stood for a moment and collected herself, or rather stood while her body lost the shivers and shudders that wracked her when she woke from such dreams. It had been bad enough that she nearly guiltlessly lifted her flask to her mouth and took several calming mouthfuls. The warmth hit her empty belly like a punch but quickly eased into her body, loosening things and taking the edge off. She needed to stop doing that, it was a bad habit. But not this morning, not with that taste threatening to fill her mouth again.

She hadn’t unpacked and so it was only a matter of moments to stuff her few loose things back into her bag and to slip into clean-ish linen and then the leathers that kept her more-or-less alive. She could hear the city starting to wake up around her and began to hustle. She wasn’t about to miss out on one last bit of Florie’s cooking before heading out of town and she couldn’t risk being late for her first job back.

She managed both, if only because she did the latter half of the former as she fetched her horse from the livery and hustled over to the square. She hadn’t beaten him, which was unfortunate but he didn’t look too worried which meant she wasn’t overly late. Breakfast had been a luxury, one she probably should have forgone. But he didn’t need to know the details of her lateness. She led her bid, ugly mud colored gelding through the growing, morning crowd. The beast nearly as scarred as she, but his all showed whereas hers were mostly well hidden under her new armor. He was not a skittish beast which was good and had he been less hideous she might have had to pay his worth when she’d bought him.

“Good Morning.” She called to him, lifting a gloved hand in a more chipper manner than she’d felt. He looked younger in the light of day, or was it that he looked less worried? He had secured his horse and his escort so perhaps it was that. She wasn’t certain as she moved to stand beside him and looked over his horse and his packing. The horse was in fine trim and would do and though his packing lacked the precision she managed, it was well enough and shouldn’t burden his mount overly. She nodded curtly at it in something like approval.

“Are you ready to be off, Sir? Best to be gone before the full flood of farmers start hitting the market gate, then we might as well find a place to hole up until they have moved on.”
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