Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pep
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Louisiana summers have always been humid, but this year seemed worse than usual. Hands felt sticky to the touch, like tacky wounds that haven’t been cleaned. Sweat drips down the base of your neck and a heavy fog rolls in off the bayou. There is no comfort to be found in St. Vienne, only redemption.


Group A:

You remember arriving in St. Vienne, seeing the aged welcome sign, then watching as the thick fog overtook you. Everything after that is gone. When you awaken you’re not at home or in your car or anywhere else familiar, instead all that makes sense right now is your splitting headache and the scent of blood and cleaning products.


Olive awoke to darkness, but this in itself wasn’t alarming, due to the fact that she was already blind. Rather it was the unfamiliar scents and noises that threw her off. She was in some sort of musty old bed, and after feeling around, she could tell there were a few old iv stands beside it. Had there been an accident?

“Hello?” She called out in a nervous squeak, listening as her voice echoed down vacant corridors. What responded was the sound of metal dragging over broken tiles.


You wake up on a surgery table. A large light flickers on and off pointed down at your face. Your wrists and ankles are strapped to the cold slab but your right wrist can be freed with enough tugging. Beside you is a small cart with several rusted surgical devices, most fairly useless but the scalpel still appears sharp. Down the hall you hear a woman call out ‘Hello?” followed by the sound of metal dragging over broken tiles, moving very close to the door of the old abandoned surgical hall.

Riley and Shiloh:

The two of you wake up together in a dingy old padded room. The door is firmly shut and seems to be rusted closed, which is odd since there would have been no way for you to come in from that direction. Upon closer inspection, you see that one of the padded corners is speckled with blood that’s still wet to the touch. If you pull at the fabric you’ll see a hole in the wall just large enough to crawl through, but the floor is covered in broken glass. It’s hard to see what lays beyond it, but you briefly hear footsteps in the room above you.


You wake up to the feeling of water rushing into your lungs as your head dips below the surface of an old claw footed tub. It burns to cough it up and breath again, but there’s no lasting damage. There are two rows of these tubs, most filled to varying degrees with rust stained water, nearly impossible to see through. One of which has been covered by an old tarp. The tarp stretches just slightly as you see what appears to be fingers pressing against the underside of it, running slowly down it’s length.


Group B:
You remember arriving in St. Vienne, seeing the aged welcome sign, then watching as the thick fog overtook you. Everything after that is gone. When you awaken you’re not at home or in your car or anywhere else familiar, instead all that makes sense right now is your splitting headache and the scent of blood and the sound of a piano playing in the distance.


When Jonas woke up, his legs and arms ached painfully. He didn’t know where he was but the space was the size of a large cardboard box and his limbs had been pressed against him for seemingly hours. It was only when he heard the piano that he could tell which way was up, and with enough pushing and prying he felt a door to the box slide open. Apparently he had been crammed in a dumbwaiter of some sort.

After getting out and stretching, he noticed he was in some sort of hotel, but it looked long abandoned. The carpet was stained and smelled of mildew, and the walls all suffered widespread fire damage.

“Anyone here?” He slowly began to walk down the hall, but stopped after a few feet when he heard a ding from the elevator.


The taste of metal fills your mouth as you wake up and feel something large between your tongue and your cheek. If you pull it out you’ll discover it’s a room key with the number ’33’ engraved into it. Looking around you find yourself in an old fashioned nursery. Porcelain dolls, half scorched by fire, and badly damaged teddy bears line the shelved. A wicker rocking chair in the corner slowly moves back and forth. Outside in the hall, you hear the ding of an elevator.


You have a hard time waking up and it takes a real effort to pull yourself out of the groggy haze. Your limbs are cold and your fingers are numb as you find yourself on the floor of some sort of walk in freezer. Several old rotted cow carcasses hang on hooks above you, though one is far smaller than the rest and looks vaguely humanoid. There’s a note attached to the torso via a long serrated knife, that seems pretty dull but could be pulled out and taken. The note reads ‘Dinner starts at 9pm sharp. Late comers will not be allowed entry.’

Nadia and Chris:

The two of you wake up in a small hotel bedroom, each on a separate twin sized bed. If you get up, you’ll notice the beds are blacked in the shape of a human shadow on the bedding and mattress, right where you were sleeping. The windows are boarded up and the light don’t appear to be functioning. Outside in the hallway you smell the scent of chorine and hear some splashing from what must be an indoor pool located a few rooms down. Before you can investigate you hear someone call out “Anyone here?” around the corner and hear the ding of an elevator.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 696969


Member Offline since relaunch

He shivers and shakes in the cold area, his eyes wide with shock as he looks over the slightly frozen walls, ice coating them along with the floor having a faded scarlet tint to it under the carcasses. He pushes himself through, wondering what the hell is going on after a brief kiss to his cross, muttering, "May the lord's watchful eyes guide the wickedness away." He slowly took a hesitant steps through the freezer, looking over at carcass, after bloody carcass. When he came up to the knife and note, he muttered a quick, "What the actual fuck is going on here?" He grabbed the hilt of the knife, giving it a quick yank to pull out, holding it tightly it his grip while catching the note at it fell. After looking it over again, he murmurs, "Christ." He shoves the note in his pocket, gripping the dull blade tightly as he took his slow steps again, this time cautious to get out of here and continue on with his pilgrimage as he calls out, "Hello?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vulpes


Member Offline since relaunch

Maria spitted the key out of her mouth. She stared it disgusted for a while, wondering how filthy it might be. A splitting headache kept her from concentrating properly on the key so she barely noticed the number 33 and the faint sound of a piano. However, the scent of blood was impossible to ignore. It tried to make Marie think about the memory she didn’t want to think. No, now it’s not time to think about it. I have to find out where I am and how I got here. Maria looked around and noticed that she was in a nursery. A row of damaged toys lay in front of her, looking at her like she was the one who had hurt them.

Maria freaked out. She dashed to the door and scrambled screaming around the hallway for a moment until she managed to calm down. Wow, that was stupid, freaking out because of a nursery and damaged toys. There is nothing to fear. Well that’s not entirely true, waking up in an unknown place is definitely worth of worrying. But not freaking out that badly. She tried to remove the whole room from her memory, but one thought refused to leave. Were the toys only damaged things in that room? If so, why on earth were they there?

“Ding.” Maria flinched when she heard the sound of elevator. If an elevator is working, someone else has to be there. She started to walk hastily towards the sound.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

John woke up and clawed his way out of the water when he finally climbed out of the tub he landed on all fours on the ground and started to cough up water "What the f***." he screamed out loud to the air "where the f*** am i?" as panic creeped into his voice then his training hit him like a flood breaking a dam he looked around taking in his surroundings and the room he's in that's when he saw the hand pressing against the tarped tub.

"Hello?" He yelled at the person in the tub "Are you okay?" He took steady steps towards it trying to remain calm "Say something!" He shouted to the figure under the tarp getting no reply he took longer strides to the tub and stopped and contemplated removing the tarp fighting an inner battle with his mind one side was firmly on the leave them be your under no obligation to save them and the other saying it's a potential answer to where he is and an ally he calmed his shaking hand and grabbed the tarp and pulled it off in one move to reveal...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The throb of her headache drew a groan out of Riley before she was really aware of the world around her. Gingerly touching her head, she pushed up into a lounging position, mostly supported by the one arm. Her hand froze against her hair when a strangely familiar scent filled her nostrils. Eyes snapping open, her heart began to race as she took in the room. Her hand immediately left her head as she groped for her bag, and thus her flashlight. Just having it in hand felt better.

Holding the flashlight like a security blanket, she continued her examination of the room before her gaze finally landed on Shiloh. "Oh, please don't be dead," she mumbled to herself. Between the splitting headache and a rush to get to him, Riley scurried on hand and knee to Shiloh's side. "Shiloh. Shiloh, wake up," she said, all but shouting. As she spoke, she shook his shoulder in as gentle a manner as she could manage in her growing panic.

* * *

Rolling onto his side, Chris coughed violently against the desire to vomit. Pounding headaches like this always aggravated his stomach. Resting over like he was made him realize he was on a bed, and he had no clue how he got there. His eyes snapped open and he shot to sitting straight up, frantically looking around. Where the hell was Riley? His gaze fell on the chick in the other bed but knew it wasn't his cousin. Maybe that chick his cousin brought along?

Getting to his feet, he used a hand on the bed to help stabilize himself while the other did a quick pat down of his body. Cross, check; cigarettes, check; lighter, check. The latter two stayed in hand as he looked around a bit more. Creepy ass place, and no sign of Riley. "Well, shit," he mumbled, popping a cigarette out and into his mouth in one smooth motion.

He stepped forward and kicked the mattress of the other bed. "Come on, we gotta get out of here." If that chick hadn't been with the group, he might not have even cared to attempt to partner up with her. The lighter clicked on in one swift action and the flame kissed the end of his cigarette, granting a wisp of smoke before snapping off. Nicotine, one of the few things to help keep him thinking levelheaded when it came to his cousin. His attention shot toward the door, hands stilled in their partially raised positions after lighting the cigarette, when he heard the ding and the shouts.

"Fuck sake," he grumbled around the cigarette. One last look cast to the fourth wheel of their road trip, he walked over toward the door to the room and cautiously opened it to see what was going on outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Beebee2121


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shiloh moaned from the rush of pain in his head. He felt someone shaking him awake, but it was the urgency of her voice that made his eyes fly open. He saw Riley, but then he saw past her to the white ceiling and then the padded walls. Padded walls. Asylum. Panic gripped him and he shot up, his eyes darting everywhere. "What-? How-?" Too many questions fought to get out of him at once. He threw a hand in his hair and struggled to maintain a steady breath. This was wrong. It was so impossible wrong- like a nightmare come to life. But he would be alone in his nightmare. At least he had Riley.

A new wave of pain from his headache came back from him subconsciously pulling on his hair. His eyes screwed shut and he let go of his hair. "Damn. My head," He grunted.
The kick to the mattress jostled Nadia awake. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up quickly. She shouldn't have been asleep, yet there she was, waking up and in... a hotel room? She slid of the bed, ignoring the pounding in her head as best he could, and felt her pockets while she examined who she was with in the dark. Everything was accounted for in her pockets, but of habit, she frowned at the guy as he lit a cigarette.

Of all people she had to be stranded with, it had to be him- whatever his name was. Carl or something. But she pushed her own feelings towards him aside. He was Riley's cousin, so she felt obligated not to ditch him in her search for the others. Even if he was kind of a dick. She crept behind him, but when he went for the door, she grabbed his arm to stop him. With her other hand, she drew her army knife, fingered out the blade attachment of the tool and held a finger to her lips with the gadget pinched between her fingers, indicating that he should maybe shut up. The voice out there could belong to the one that put them in the room.

She lightly slapped him on the chest with the back of her hand so he would back up and she moved to stand in front of him. She was the one with the knife, after all. She knew he did some martial arts or whatever, but she didn't trust him already since he was being noisy and smoking. The smoke itself wasn't bad; She was used to it, but the timing couldn't have been much worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Throughout his years on this earth Devon has woken up in many different places and positions, he can without a shred of doubt say that this was one of the worst. As he opened his bleary eyes Devon noticed three things. One, he had a massive headache. Two, this place looked like shit. And three, he was strapped to a table. With the addition of metal scraping against something that added a fourth category to this shit show. With a groan Devon tested his restraints and found them pretty tight, they weren't going to give any time soon. With a sigh he stopped struggling for a moment.

Looking around he spotted the little table next to him filled with surgery tools. Most were too dulled or rusted to do much but the scalpel still looked good. With a flash of inspiration, Devon tugged at the restraint at his right wrist and found it slacking a bit. If he could just pull a little...there. Satisfied now that his hand was free, Devon groped for the scalpel and once he grasped it started to cut himself out. It was at this time that two things came apparent, a girl called out and the scraping from earlier was getting louder.

For reasons unknown to him the scrapping filled him with a primal sense of fear, like it was scratching his mind. Slightly panicked, Devon found it hard to motivate himself to open the door and instead took the scalpel and hid behind some surgical equipment and a fake skeleton... at least he hoped it was fake, it was a little sticky. While this wasn't the bravest thing he could do and very uncharacteristic of him, self preservation won out over pride. Whatever was making that scraping noise was close and its effect on his psyche was getting stronger. Getting the scalpel ready Devon prepared to pounce on whatever pushed through that door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Shiloh," Riley started, but had to stop to catch her own breath. She had felt the gripes of panic edging up and coiling around her lungs. The last thing they needed was for them both to panic. "Shiloh, just stop and listen. We have to get out of here and I think I see a way." She swallowed hard, looking toward the dark hole. She didn't like it, not one bit, but if it was a way out of this room...

Her stomach rolled and she had to swallow again to keep the bile from rising. She looked back at Shiloh. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Not that it would matter in a few minutes from the glint of whatever was lining that hole. "Because we're going to need to crawl." With that last statement, she flicked on her flashlight and shone it over at the only chance for escape.

* * * * * *

Chris immediately glared at the chick with her hand on him. Natalie - Na...whatever - why the hell should he give a fuck what her name was. It was Riley's friend, and he supposed he would have to make sure she stayed alive, but of course just like every other stick up their ass chick, she had to pull the 'I'm the only one that knows what I'm doing around here' shit moves. He had half a mind to just snap her arm, but the other half reminded him it was counter productive. A chick that had a knife like that probably knew at least how to use it for one thing or another, or at the very least would be a pain in the ass to drag along with a dislocated elbow.

With every pound of his head, his thoughts kept getting worse. Counterproductive, even by his standards. He had no clue where Riley was, they had to find Shiloh and Riley, and get the fuck out of this place - priorities if ever he had any. So if he had to listen to this bitch for a minute, then fine. He stepped back, muscles tensed from fighting the desire to just sock her in the face. The hand he had been reaching out pulled sharply from her grasp, a slight hope it set her off balance eve just a little, and raised to his face. Pulling the cigarette from his lips and lowering it, he blew a long stream of smoke out directed at the chick's head and kept blowing until it all left his lungs.
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