Hey everyone who is looking through my introduction right now! :D

First off, let it be known that just because I used Spanish to title this, I speak very little, though more than the average American I suppose.
Second - and everything thereafter because I'm not going to number my whole intro - My name is Hailey. Hailstorm is just a nickname that I've acquired. Along with the nickname Rainbow Dash.

Don't ask.

I'm 14 years of age, a freshman in highschool. I was on this site before it underwent all these changes, and I'm shocked at what I've come back to. So far I like the old version better, but I literally just made a new account so I wouldn't know (forgot the password to my other account, leaving all the roleplays I was in behind. I know. I'm dumb.)

Umm some more about me...

I'm thoroughly obsessed with movies, books, bands/music, crazy hair dye and the beach.

I play alto saxophone for my school and consider myself kind of good at it now (I've been in highschool Jazz band since I was a 7th grader x: But I suck.) I'm in Pep Band for football and basketball games, and later in the spring comes Marching band season, full of parades and the like. I'm kind of a proud band geek.

I also played softball this year and really enjoyed it, so I'm going to have to really think about doing JV next year.

I'm an athletic band geek I guess. Judge me.

Anyways, I'm done typing for now because I'm sure several people are thoroughly creeped out by my endless chatter about myself. If you want to know more, message me, although I'm not sure how that works so if you actually want to be answered, I'd put any questions here and I'll try to answer them.

So, uh, yeah.
