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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Granyl enjoyed the mixed sound of his flute and her humming, finishing the song awhile after the TImberwolves had given up. As he lowered his flute, he focused on Midnight, glad to see he was able to help her. "I'm happy to see you're okay." He said, calmly observing the dark home around him, as well as it's owner. Her markings made her easier to spot when she wasn't dressed up, and he still didn't want to believe other ponies had been shunning her due to her appearance. He hoped to be an example that not everypony would treat her poorly. The thought of ponies doing so was horrible, he almost couldn't believe this town would do such a thing as make her feel the way she did, though it was obviously true.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NozomiCrimson
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NozomiCrimson Ice Dragoness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Midnight smiled softly at him made her way out from under the table. Her wings were folded at her side still and she noticed her legs were still shaking a little. She made her way to the light switch by the door and flipped the lights on. The room wasn't terribly big. There was a small area that looked like the kitchen to the right and over near the table where she just was, was a bed. To the left when they came in were two more rooms with closed doors. She looked at him for a moment and then walked over to one of the doors and opened it, "You're welcome to stay in this room if you'd like. I can move some things around if they're in your way. But make yourself at home, even if it is only for a night." She stepped back away from the door and smiled at him, "Thank you for what you did just now and until we got here for that matter. They don't follow me to the house very often but when they do they do so with a purpose..."
Walking over to her saddlebag she removed it from the small hanger that was mounted on the wall. She walked to the small kitchen area and began to put away the things she bought while she was in town, trying to keep her mind from the events that transpired before they arrived. She was still a bit shaken up and tried not to show it, though her hooves still shook a little while she put things away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Noting the room she offered him, Granyl nodded as a sign he understood. He put his flute back into his saddlebag, before picking it up and bringing it over to the room she had showed him. He placed the bag down by the door, but paused as she thanked him. A rush of embarrassment washed over him and he barely managed to hold back a nervous laugh as he raised his head back up, turning only to rub the back of his head. "Don't mention it, Midnight. It was the least I could do after you offered me temporary shelter like this." He explained briefly, curiously observing her as she mentioned the Timberwolves having an actual purpose. Though curious, he didn't was to cause her discomfort, so he avoided asking questions concerning that subject.

Trotting around the general area just to look around, he soon spoke up. "So, how long have you been living out here...?" He asked curiously, considering the fact she seemed to know the area fairly well, he assumed it'd been awhile. But in such a dangerous place... There had to be safer alternatives, right? Why live in such a dangerous place? He figured it had something to do with the fact ponies judged her, made her feel like she didn't belong with her own kind. It was insulting, to say the least. Granyl began thinking, an idea slowly crafting in his mind. He wasn't certain of the specifics as of the moment, but began working on them in the back of his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NozomiCrimson
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NozomiCrimson Ice Dragoness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Midnight didn't answer him until she had put everything from her bag away. She placed it back on the rack and walked back to the small kitchen area to make some tea.
"Oh, about 3 years is all. Would you like some tea?" She put the water on the burner and turned to walk to the doorway to the room he was in in case he had anymore questions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh, Aah... Sure." Granyl was surprised; three years seemed like a lot of time in this place, but she seemed casual enough about it for it to look like just an average living location. Had he not witnessed the scene earlier, he'd assume she was used to it. "Three years seems like a long time to spend living here to me. Of course, I haven't really lived in one place since I was a colt, so I guess that might just be me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NozomiCrimson
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NozomiCrimson Ice Dragoness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

She shrugged a little, listening for the kettle, "I used to travel around but for some reason I found that more lonely than anything else. So I figured I should probably try and find someplace to live. My brothers friend hadn't used this place in some time and when I asked him about somewhere to live, he said I was welcome to live here if I wanted..." She seemed to frown a little at the mention of her brother but the look quickly faded as she turned to go take the tea off the burner to pour it for herself and Granyl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I suppose that explains why she took up residence here of all places...

Granyl kept a neutral expression. "I suppose that's as good of a reason as any to live in this forest." He didn't have a brother or sister, so he couldn't exactly relate, but he mildly understood the importance of the specific case currently present. He sat down quietly, putting a little more thought into tomorrow. She was obviously lonely out here, he wanted to help her with that, but wasn't completely sure how he wanted to go about it as of yet. He considered inviting her to come with him to Ponyville tomorrow, but figured it would be for the best to sleep over it before making a final decision.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NozomiCrimson
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NozomiCrimson Ice Dragoness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once she had poured him some tea she turned and walked back in to give it to him. Handing him the tea she cleaned off a few things from the small beside table and turned the lamp on before she left the room, "Here you go. I should probably head to bed now. I hope you sleep well, and help yourself to anything in the kitchen if you get hungry. She poured her own tea and let the burner cool. She turned out the lights and made her way to the bed. She took a fee sips and put it on the table and laid down, the moon shining through the windows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Thank you. Have a pleasant night." Granyl replied, accepting the tea, very thankful for the favor. He sighed as she left, and ended up staying awake for at least half an hour in thought while slowly drinking the tea she had made for him. After awhile, he finally felt like he could start drifting off, and crawled into his own sleeping space. He yawned, before attempting to get himself comfortable for a night's rest. It was certainly a place that made him feel much more secure while he slept; tonight was certainly not anything he'd soon regret. He thought his time in Ponyville wasn't going to be that interesting, but he was proven wrong before an entire day even passed. Not that it was a bad thing. He snored lightly as he drifted off to sleep, sprawled out on the bed in quite an awkward fashion
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NozomiCrimson
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NozomiCrimson Ice Dragoness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After finishing her tea, Midnight had gotten out of bed and paced around the living room a little, her mind a bit too active and jumpy for her to sleep comfortably. She paced around for about and when she heard Granyl snoring lightly she figured she should probably also get some sleep, or at least try to anyway. Walking back to the bed, she hopped onto it and pulled the blanket over her and closed her eyes, pushing back the thought of nightmares. She was soon soundly asleep until morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Slowly, Granyl's eyes opened as he awoke from his slumber. After a moment, his eyes shot open, realizing he was upside-down, and on the floor. At least his head was, anyhow. He rolled over, managing to plant his fore-hooves on the floor and get out of bed. Though he was feeling a little light-headed. "Mhm... Haven't slept like that in awhile." He commented to himself, his eyes closing back around halfway as he trotted out of his temporary room. Stopping right outside the door, he yawned and rubbed his eyes, managing to wake up for the most part. His eyes fully opened, he noticed some sunlight coming through the window, lighting the place gently. Much better than how dark it was when they first arrived. He recalled last night and smiled, having a mild idea of what he wanted to get done today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NozomiCrimson
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NozomiCrimson Ice Dragoness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Midnight was still asleep. She had kicked her blanket off of her and was sprawled a bit on the bed. Her face was a bit troubled but not too bad. In the light the room was easier to see. On the counter there was a picture frame that caught a glare from the light.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Still asleep." Granyl commented quietly, deciding to stay quiet and not disturb her. He instead took a small look around, his curiosity getting the better of him as he noticed something on the counter; a picture frame.

What's this?

He trotted over, nudging it out of the light with his hoof before getting a good look at it..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NozomiCrimson
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NozomiCrimson Ice Dragoness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The picture looked like Midnight when she was a younger filly. She was smiling next to a dark blue Pegasus with deep blue eyes and his mane and tail were lighter shades of blue with yellow stripes in them. His cutie mark was a raincloud with three lightning bolts faded behind the rain. However, if he looked close enough, Midnight seemed to have tears in her eyes through her smile and the stallion next to her looked rather tired.
Midnight stirred a little and blinked open an eye, squinting through the morning light. She saw Granyl standing by the counter and then blinked, realizing she had left her picture out. She frowned a little and slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and yawning quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Starring at the picture for a moment, Granyl tilted his head. Midnight looked upset in the photo, at least in her eyes. There was no clear indication of why that was the case. He wasn't certain of who the Pegasus beside her was, either. But had his assumptions that he figured would be best kept to himself. Since family was quite the personal matter for most ponies.

Hearing Midnight, Garnyl turned and offered a small smile. "Good morning." He said, trotting away from the counter to examine the bag he had left by the doorway to his room. Not that he expected she'd take anything, but he wanted to make sure he didn't accidentally leave anything out to get lost. "Did you sleep well?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NozomiCrimson
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NozomiCrimson Ice Dragoness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Midnight yawned again and nodded, turning to get out of bed, "Yes, thank you for asking. Did you sleep well?" She got out of bed and went over to the picture. She picked it up after gazing at it for a small moment. She took it to the drawer next to her bed and placed it gently in it. She then turned to him and walked towards him.
"So, you're heading back to ponyville today? Or are you heading elsewhere?" She grabbed some things from the cupboard and started making some food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I slept very well." Granyl answered, finding nothing missing from his bag, he assumed he had put everything away properly. He turned as she asked him about his plans, and he sighed as she said 'elsewhere'. "Well, honestly, I'm kind of stuck in Ponyville for awhile. I can't currently afford the supplies to travel, so I'll be needing to find some work to start saving up." He explained. As much as he'd like to be back on the road, starving during his trip to the next town would not be fun. He began pondering on how long it'd take him to save up the bits. "Probably will be a few weeks before my hooves hit the trail."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NozomiCrimson
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NozomiCrimson Ice Dragoness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Midnight felt herself smile a little when she heard he wasn't going to be leaving right away. She nodded, "Well, I'm sure it won't be hard to find work here. It is a small town but there are plenty of ponies who would gladly help a pony who needs it."
She laughed to herself at the irony of her own situation. Here she was living in the Everfree Forest, someplace where no pony even dared enter and she was telling him that the ponies were nice and would help if somepony just asked. But then she figured because of how most ponies seemed to be frightened of her, many didn't exactly listen to her enough for her to get many words out. She shook her head as she finished making food and she looked back at him, smiling softly, "Hungry?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hopefully." Granyl replied, hoping that what she was saying was true. He wasn't exactly picky when it came to work; he'd done a fair amount of oddjobs during his travels, and felt fairly experienced all-around. He'd seen a farm while he was looking around yesterday, and figured it might be worth asking around there. Of course, Ponyville was a very active place for being small, so he was certain he'd find work somewhere around town. Though, as of now, he had bigger concerns. Like the food Midnight was offering him. He grinned, quite glad she asked. "Very." Granyl hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon, so he wasn't about to decline such an offer. His stomach would probably never forgive him for it! He only thought about it after he answered, but she hadn't only let him stay the night now... She actually made him breakfast as well. It soon, in his head, became something else he felt he now owed her for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NozomiCrimson
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NozomiCrimson Ice Dragoness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

She reached up and grabbed two plates, scooping some food onto it and handing it to him, "Go ahead and sit at the counter, there should be stools on the other side of it there." She smiled and got her own food and placed it to the side. She turned the burner off and placed the pan in the sink to wash when she was done. Picking her plate up she walked around and sat on one of the stools to start eating.
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