Limping up the driveway towards his home, Liam wiped away the tears from his face, ensuring no more blood remained under or around his mouth in the process. Pretty sure he'd gotten it all, he opened the front door, intending on heading upstairs for a little while before dinner.

He'd been set upon by a pair of classmates on his way home from school, in an attempt to "get rid of the gay!", as they put it. He knew he looked a mess, shirt torn and splattered with mud and his own blood, a tooth knocked out. His nose had been bleeding, and his glasses broken, leaving a cut in his nose. It hurt to put too much weight on his ankle, and he was almost positive he'd dislocated it...but he couldn't face up to (Y/C), feeling too ashamed to do so.

Earlier that day hadn't gone too well either, with Liam making a fool of himself in front of his class..

/"Being born into the wrong body can be one of the worst things a person may ever have to face. Physically or emotionally. The struggle to accept yourself, and thereafter to be accepted by others.

The hate faced by others towards you, just because you want to be who you truly are within. The comments, the spiteful behaviour, the kicks. The punches.

Who you feel you are. Who you have the right to be. You all get to have that human right. But I don't. Because wanting to be a woman? That's "wrong" in your eyes. "Disgusting", "Evil"..."

Shaking with emotion, Liam's tear-filled eyes had run back over the words on the paper in his hands as the words passed his lips, hoping that someone... /Anyone/ would take the words he spoke and think again about the actions they undertook. The words they spoke. But he doubted it.

"You deserved it. I'm glad it happened to you!" A voice, deep and rough, had broken through Liam's speech, drawing attention to the newest speaker. "Freaks like you deserve it! Too bad you weren't killed!"

A few cheers had greeted this acclimation, mingling with a few "Yeah!"s or "FREAK!"

With that, Liam had ran from the classroom as fast as he could, looking to hide underneath the bleachers, where it was quiet. The rain had continued to thunder down upon him, drenching him, but he no longer cared./

Now, dripping wet, bloody and badly hurt, he had to resist bursting into tears and attracting the attention of (Y/C), wanting to find the correct words before he told them what had gone on that day.

(LF: Literate writer to play a Single Mother/Father to 15 year old Liam, whom is facing up to gender-identity issues. Lily is an ONLY child.

NO INCEST. The parent can be biological or foster.

If not a parent, then an OLDER sibling could be used instead. NO YOUNGER SIBLINGS.

Name: Liam
Age: 15
S/O: Gay

Liam is the shy and quiet sort of chap, much preferring to be in the background and not intervene in things going on around them.

He absolutely adores (Your character) and happily spends hours in just their company, cuddling, talking and having fun.

Dreadfully frightened of thunderstorms, he doesn't really like to be left alone during them, and will usually remain wide awake and terrified when alone, not able to sleep through the noise or the sudden bright lights.

Liam no longer identifies as male within the home environment, much preferring to be his Lily persona. He feels happy as her, though has only ever done it once in public, with the result being ridicule and a further crashing blow to her already low self-esteem.

Pretty basic, but 'eh.