Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Bobby nodded to Luc then looked over to Angel. She hadn't said much while Bobby was there, she wondered what she was like or if she would come along.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Jhett was grateful for Yvette and what she had done for his wound, but he didn't want her to leave him here. What if there was something on the other side that attacked her? Then she would either be dead or badly hurt and he couldn't do anything to save her. "What Yvette...I can try and go with you..." He tried to stand and his vision swam once again, he sat heavily back down on the sand and winced at the pain that seared through his skull. He put his hand to his head, "Please stay in my sight, I cant stand to be alone not when it could just be you and I."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Yvette hesitated. She hoped he would be able to stand, but when he sank back to the sand her heart fell. She was definitely not going to let him go with her even if he tried. ”Alright, I’ll keep looking back and make sure we can see each other,” she said, putting a hand on his shoulder and smiling reassuringly, though with how tired she was she wasn’t sure exactly how reassuring she could look. ”I won’t leave you,” she said quietly, a, involuntary blush once more coming to her cheeks. Yvette took a deep breath and stood up slowly, scared out of her mind. She was way too timid to do this, but she had to or they might not live. She tried to strengthen her resolve, stepping towards the rocks and closer to the wreckage, looking back every 10 feet or so to see Jhett. She was more doing it for herself to make sure he was there and real than for him almost. She would hate to end up alone on this island.

As Yvette neared the rocks, she climbed to the top of them, looking back once more at Jhett. She waved at him before looking over, seeing 3 others talking. Her face broke out in a huge smile. She wanted to charge at them but her feet wouldn’t move. If she went further, Jhett wouldn’t be able to see her. ”Hey!” she said as loudly as her hoarse voice would go, waving to the other students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Jhett nodded, watching her climb up the rocks, he was scared that one of those rocks was going to slip out from under her foot and she would fall. She never did, making it to the top she looked down to make sure they could see each other, he waved to her. She was kinda blurry at the moment but he knew in time he would feel better, he would need to. When she called out to someone he sat up straighter, "Someone is over there?? Who is it?? Can you tell?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Bobby turned swiftly to look behind her, upon hearing the shrill cry of another person. When she turned around she saw a girl standing upon a mountain of rocks,waving to them. She appeared to be a teenager too, probably one from the school. "Hey guys, look," Bobby said to Luc and Angel, pointing up at the girl. She then waved back at the girl and called out to her. "Hey! Come here!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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"Looks like we're not the only ones." Luc said with a hint of surprise in his voice. "A lot more than I expected survived." He began to hobble towards the others, wincing everytime he put pressure on the burnt leg.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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Angel looked at the ship somewhat uncertainly, but nodded anyway.
"Sure, I'll try to help." She offered, then glanced in the direction of the shout. A warm smile spread over her face at the realisation of more survivors. The more of them there were, the more likely the chance of survival and rescue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Yvette yelled back to the girl who told her to come to them,”I can’t! I have a friend over here who is hurt! Can you all come this way?” she asked, face strained. She didn’t want Jhett to have to try and climb over these rocks while hurt, but as Yvette looked she saw the boy was hurt, limping. He couldn’t climb the rocks either. She chewed her lip, wondering what she should do. ”Just a sec!” she called again to the three before turning and hopping down from the rocks, jogging back to Jhett. She was out of breath but smiled when she got to him. ”There are three others over there, two girls and a guy. The guy is hurt too though, he was limping,” she explained, on her knees next to Jhett so she wasn’t talking down to him. The point now was that they knew they weren’t alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

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Luc looked at his leg. It was pretty bad, and he wasn't sure he could make it that far, but he decided he'd at least try. He continued walk towards them, hoping the girls were following him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Jhett looked at her, "Is there any other way over those? Or are they pretty steady? I may be able to crawl my way up them, I just cant stand up yet. Still really dazed." He got up on his hands and knees, he was weaker than he thought but he needed to get up the rocks to others that may be able to help Yvette and himself. He crawled slowly, his head was a mass of pain once he got to the rocks he started up them slowly. He knew Yvette wasn't far behind, but he was determined to make it up these and not put her in harms way by trying to help him up them. He could feel something warm and wet sliding down his neck and he knew that he better hurry, his wound had started bleeding more fiercely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Bobby followed Luc over to the two others and climbed over the rocks to see that there was another boy, who appeared severely injured. He would definitely would need some medical attention. "Hey, we're going to search the ship for a first aid kit...it looks like you could really use it," Bobby offered up the information then invited them them to join. "Only," she began looking at th severity of the boys wounds. "I'm not sure if it's too safe for you to come with us. There's going to be a lot of climbing and stepping over things..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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Angel looked at Luc with a worried expression before swiftly hurrying after him towards the rocks.
"Um... Luc? Maybe you should rest your leg? It looks like a pretty bad burn, and putting weight on it is bad enough, let alone climbing rocks." Angel pointed out, although somehow already knew it would make no difference.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Yvette nodded when he asked if the rocks were steady, but she felt horrible for him having to crawl. She decided to get on her hands and knees, and crawled with him across the sand. They didn’t speak but she would glance at him from time to time to make sure he looked alright. Once they got to the rocks, Yvette stood, helping Jhett climb over them to the other side, some of his blood dampening her hand as she helped. They managed to make it over though, and Yvette gently placed her hands on Jhett’s shoulders. ”Please, rest, don’t exert yourself more,” she said in a pleading tone, eyes worried before glancing over her shoulder at the other survivors. "If there is a first aid kit we need it. His gash needs stitches," she said, stomach churning slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

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"I'm not sticking around here by myself. There might not be a Luc to come back to." he said with a hint of sternness in his voice. "Besides, I always liked to adventure."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

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"Hm." Angel said to Luc sceptically. "I'm always up for an adventure too, but perhaps not this one." she said, then looked at the girl who had asked for the first aid. "We need to get the kit in the ship. Myself and Bobby are going - I'm Angel, by the way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

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"Well, I'm not staying here by myself." Luc said defiantly, even though he knew she was probably right. "I don't want to get eaten or something while you're gone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Bobby was horrified by the amount of blood that came from the boys neck. This gave her a sudden feeling of urgency. "We really need to get to the first aid kit. At this point, we have two very injured members and who knows who else is out there. We have to get to the ship."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Jhett could barely see anymore, "I need to sleep, that's all I need right now is sleep." He wanted to doze off so badly but he had a feeling if he did he wouldn't wake up for awhile, and they would need his skill to survive till they could be rescued.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Yvette smiled nervously at Angel. ”I’m Yvette… this is Jhett,” she said, introducing them. She was sure she’d seen them in the halls at school, but it was a large school and Yvette was so bad at making friends. She tried to hide her worry too that she had yet to see her friend Brooke. ”I’ll stay here with you and Jhett,” Yvette said to the other boy, willing to watch over the injured rather than go on this first aid mission. When Jhett mentioned wanting to rest, Yvette’s eyes went wide. She was too afraid if he closed his eyes they wouldn’t open. ”Come on, you have to stay awake just long enough for them to get the kit. Then I’ll fix you up and you can nap then,” she said, sounding unsure of herself. She chewed on her lip again, making it bleed from her nervousness at the injuries sustained by the two boys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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"Alright then," Bobby sighed as she gave a small wave to Luc and began to head to the ship. "Let's get going then Angel. We need to get there and back as fast as we can. I don't know how long they're going to last."
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