Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Michelle smirked and took off her sunglasses. "Partying and and rocking any chance I get! I barely have any time to do anything anymore, but seeing as I left you all with my good-two shoes past I might as well show you how much I've changed. How's Mr. August doing? I can see someone gets better with age." She winked at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Abby looks away ashamed. She could tell she was still annoyed for her interruption. She sighs. She seems a lot more shy than she was. She decided to go and ask her later. She looked back at Abraham and smiles. She nods. "Thank you for those kind comments. I have been fine. How have you been?" She asks politely. She smiles again. She had always had a crush on him. She needed to hide it. She starts remembering back to when she was here. That was when she found out she had CD( celiac disease). he didn't let it affect her though. She just had be more careful with her diet. She still has to take tablets for it. She checks her pockets to make sure she has them. Good. Otherwise there would be a problem. she thinks
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Camilla decided to go inside of the house, since like almost everyone was there and she wanted to see her friends. As she got into the house, she already saw them speaking to eachother. "Hey guys! Ah!~ Im so happy to see yall.!" Cammy said walking towards them as the first person she saw was Raina, Abraham and Abby. "Abraham, love your books by the way." She smiled at him remembering the times that she read his book, he was always insterested in that, which it was perfect for him. Camilla could spot August with Michelle, she waved at them. Herself and Michelle had something in common, which was music. And August looked amazing! "Woah." A thought ran around her head but she concentrated back on Raina, Abraham and Abby. "My back is killing me, the flight was horrible and then I had to get on a damn ship."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

August nodded with an impressed look as Michelle said she was partying and rocking on now. At her complimenting him and winking he did feel a blush on his cheeks, a little embarrassed to be complimented by his old friends. He reached a hand back to scratch the back of his neck. ”I’m good, Michelle. Been living in California and…” his sentence was cut off when a familiar voice rang out through the large room. He turned around to see Camilla and smiled, thinking she looked even prettier now than in high school even from this distance. He waved over to her, but didn’t want to interrupt his conversation with Michelle. Turning back to her he smiled. ”You definitely have changed since high school, but I’m sure we all have,” he shrugged a little. ”Wanna go see how the others over there have been?” he asked, nodding his head towards Abraham, Camilla, and Abby. It was nice to see everyone together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

paigesweetheart said
Camilla decided to go inside of the house, since like almost everyone was there and she wanted to see her friends. As she got into the house, she already saw them speaking to eachother. "Hey guys! Ah!~ Im so happy to see yall.!" Cammy said walking towards them as the first person she saw was Raina, Abraham and Abby. "Abraham, love your books by the way." She smiled at him remembering the times that she read his book, he was always interested in that, which it was perfect for him. Camilla could spot August with Michelle, she waved at them. Herself and Michelle had something in common, which was music. And August looked amazing! "Woah." A thought ran around her head but she concentrated back on Raina, Abraham and Abby. "My back is killing me, the flight was horrible and then I had to get on a damn ship."

Abby nods and replies "Poor you! I managed to get a flight right here. I am used to planes so I am fine." She nods. She looks around hoping there was a treadmill somewhere or something. She smiles at the others before looking at her watch. She sees the time and smiles lots of time before lunch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Abraham nodded at Raina. "Alright then we can talk later then. Its really nice seeing you again Raina." The energy seemed to pick up even more when Camilla walked in. "There's the Queen! Thanks girl but you know the feeling is mutual, I listen to your stuff all the time" Camilla's title was definitely well earned in his opinion, she practically dominated most of his playlists along with Michelle. He turned back to face Abby and couldn't help but notice she looked even prettier in person than she had on TV, which was insane considering she was already pretty in high school. He shrugged off the embarrassing thought with a smile. "Thanks again for liking the book. It means a lot." He couldn't wait to see everyone else with the way this was turning out already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

((I hope you don't mind that I added another male character! The guy/girl ratio wasn't necessarily balanced.))

Macey jumped at the sudden voice, surprised to see Mycha. She quickly dropped her bags and practically bear hugged her, smiling to see her old friend once again. "Mycha how are you! I haven't seen you in forever! Well, I haven't seen anyone in forever..." Macey smiled with a small little laugh, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Before she could say anything else, she was stopped by the wind picking up on the beach as the waves became rougher. She looked up and smirked, crossing her arms. "My, my, well look who it is."

"Well, well, well, who do we have here? Is it possibly my baby sister?" Pierce stepped off his helicopter, bags in hand as he adjusted his tie. He walked up the beach, whistling the ever so famous Steamboat Willie tune while scanning over the island. Macey rolled her eyes and smiled, hugging her brother. "Oh well if it isn't Mycha Tait." Pierce laughed and pulled her into a hug, giving her a small squeeze. "It's good to see you two. Where is everyone else?" He asked, looking around then spotting a few more people. He waved with a grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Michelle smirked. "Sure. Wouldn't want you to miss your oppertunity to flirt with Camilla again. How long has it been since you two have seen each other? You two have a ton of catching up to do!" She giggled and bolted for the door before August could say anything. She loved teasing August and Camilla about their crush when they were in highschool. It was quite funny when they blushed, but she had to give it to them. Atleast they still feel something after such a long time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Raina went up to her room and began unpacking, falling onto the bed and sighing heavily as she took off her hat and let her reddish hair fall about her shoulders. She began giving herself a mental pep talk, telling herself to go down there and just be social and polite without taking it too far. That had always been her problem in high school, was taking interactions too far in order to be the center of attention, but she didn’t crave that now so figuring out how to interact with them again was difficult. Groaning softly she got off the bed and walked back out, deciding to get some food first in order to recharge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

August looked a little flustered when Michelle teased him about Camilla, hesitating before responding, but she had already taken off. He chuckled and rubbed his eyes a little, thinking Oh boy, here we go before smiling and following over to where the others were. ”Hey Abraham. Ladies,” he smiled and nodded to Camilla and Abby. He’d seen Raina walk off but he was sure she just wanted to unpack. Hopefully they could all get together in one spot to hang out at some point. There were still a few of their friends he hadn’t seen yet. ”How’s life?” he asked just in general, although his eyes lingered on Camilla in a familiar way they had in high school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Camilla giggled at Abraham. "Pleasee. Hehe and Thank you! I made a really good hard work for that to happen." Sheturned her head noticing August and Michelle walking towards them. Her face blushed but looked away so August wouldn't look at her. It was been so long since they talked or seen eachtother and no lie, she has had a crush on him for years, still does. Camilla ran a hand through her hair looking at Agusut. "Life's good... Just touring around and what not. You?" She smiled at August as she bit her bottom lips, this time she blushed and didn't hide it from August, the others could see both of them staring into eachother's eyes without blinking!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Hey man." Abraham greeted August before him and Camilla got into their little stare-off. He caught the blush on both of their and couldn't help but smirk.It was nice to know somethings hadn't changed from high school. His smirk widened as he walked away from the two. "Well I'm just gonna be over here then. I'm sure you two have lots of catching up to do."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FlatlandGirl


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mycha laughed as she hugged Macey back, "it's good to see you, too! I feel like the only time I've seen you is on TV and in magazines " blowing back a piece of bangs that had fallen fro her ponytail in the rushed embrace she smiled. When the helicopter arrived she closed her eyes and scrunched her face up a little. When Pierce hopped out she caught her breath a little. Damn, he hadn't changed much in the looks department, but he was wearing a suit now; that was odd. She had had a bit of a crush on him in highschool, but she knew her parents didn't like the partying lifestyle. She exclaimed in surprise and blushed at Pierce's hug and comment. She had no idea he had even known her name. They definitely hadn't been in the same friend pool. "Oh, um, I think the others are up there somewhere." She said turning slightly to see if she could still see them or not. "If not, I feel that they wouldn't be a hard group to find." She slid her hands into her cut- off jean short pockets. "To be quite honest I've been avoiding the whole group thing since I got here." She said with a nervous laugh. "But if you guys want help with your bags we can get you settled and go on the search for the rich and famous together." She said smiling.
She realized she might have sounded a little cynical and she looked at the sand for a second. "Sometimes she had to remind herself that she, too, had had her fifteen minutes of fame in college that had included a feature in Fight Magazine . It had been her choice to step out of the spotlight to fulfill her commitment in college, like she had promised her dad she would do when he was sick and on his deathbed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Abby Smiles in reply to Abraham thanking her. She then head over with him so she can leave the two alone as well. She remembered back to when there was a rumour spreading. She was sure it was true but not many did she looks at Abraham. "So how is your writing going?" She asks subconsciously starting to stretch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Michelle smirked as she saw Camilla and she shouted "well, as much as I love a good make out session; I think I'm gonna go with Mr. Writer on this one." She hugged Camilla swiftly before walking away, winking at the Queen of Rap as she walked toward Abraham and Abby. "Hey you two!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Raina travelled down from her room and headed towards the kitchen. When she opened the freezer, she was greeted with the sight of a few bottles of alcohol. She quickly closed it and went to the cabinets, finding some snacks. Grabbing a granola bar she munched and walked, heading outside and seeing some others over on the beach outside the house. Hesitantly she decided to walk up, and smiled as she recognized her former friends. ”Hey guys,” she said in greeting, friendly enough towards Mycha, Pierce, and Macey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
Avatar of Whirlwind

Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

August couldn’t help but smile when Camilla smiled at him and blushed, pausing before answering as it was just nice to see her. In person and not on tv at least. But his thoughts were interrupted by Abraham, Abby, and Michelle leaving them alone. He cleared his throat, blushing now as well and smirked a little as they wandered off to go talk, leaving him alone with Camilla. It was like high school all over again- he felt like a tongue tied teenager. ”Touring, I bet that’s an experience… I haven’t been up to much. Just working I guess,” he said with a smile. Though, it wasn’t entirely true. He had of course had a serious girlfriend that had broken up with him right before he left, and now he was thinking he might be grateful for it. After all, how many people got a second chance at their high school crush. ”Man I bet with your life, your boyfriend must miss you a lot,” he said, the question lingering whether or not she had a boyfriend, but without August asking directly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Camilla noticed the others leaving both herself and August alone. Wow, it was just like highschool, of-course they would do that! Camilla and August had been liking eachother since highschool, but because of her she never told him how she felt about him, so it wasn't really a good thing for her, she was stupid and dumb for that. As they left both August and Camilla were left alone, her face was blushing staring into August's eyes as he spoke. "Hah. Touring is a lot of work though. And ummm.. I don't have a boyfriend.." Camilla said to August shaking her head, it's not like she wanted a boyfriend..she did...maybe she was waiting for August? Perhaps this day...?

"So...why isn't your girlfried here..." She asked raising an eyebrow, asking him the same thing. "Wanna go walk around for a bit?" Camilla asked pointing towards the door and the outside as she smiled at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Raina!" Pierce grinned like an idiot, pulling her into a tight hug. If he missed anyone the most out of their group of friends, it was Raina. They had gone to every party together, drank, and just had a good time in general. He hugged for a little longer, about 4 seconds before letting go awkwardly. Pierce laughed and rubbed the back of his neck with a cheesy smile. "Hey, how have you been?" He flashed her one of his award winning smiles before glancing over his shoulder to Macey and Mycha and with chuckle.

Macey waved a hi to Raina and stood next to Mycha, picking up her bags that she dropped. She flashed Raina a smile before turning to face Mycha. "Soooo, tell me about your fighting career! I remember you were into that whole 'kicking ass' thing." She did a karate kick followed by a laugh. "I remember seeing you in that one magazine! Oh what was it..." Macey tried to think hard, she'd been in many magazines and of course had millions of other magazines. Her memory wasn't the best, but she defiantly recalled seeing Mycha.
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