Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

A land left nameless is the one we inhabit, the remnants of the Titans that had sown shut the open doors to the ways, are what we are, what's left of life on this barren orb. The Titans, as mentioned before, are the spark that had created life, but are all dead, their rotting carcasses providing our Nameless Land with the means to create more life, plants, fungi, animals, Giants. The Giants were the first, and most direct descendants of the Titans, then came the elves, the Giants had no sustenance where they sprouted, no, they fed off of magical energy that the old Elementals had left behind, souls, whereas the nomadic Elves ate beasts. Magical energy was harvested from deep within the dirt in the form of "Soul Cairns", where they dug down into the Sea of Guff, the ocean of unborn souls that was host to the energy they desired.
The Sea of Guff is the mantle to Nameless Land, where all intelligent life comes from, Guff is the core, the spiritual all mother to Nameless Land, a final Titan lost to the void of space and time in the center of a now vibrant world. The Giants are long dead, but their Soul Cairns remain, dead and unmoving monuments to the hunger of the ancient Giants.

///The Races\\\

Westen Humans-
One of the first civilizations after the formation of the elves and the Marble Library, the humans of Westen are masters of defense and fire magic, as magic is volatile, they only have an understanding of the arts revolving around destruction. Westen people are considered fair in most respects, often described with yellow, wavy hair, and a stature that ranges somewhere within the 5 foot range. The people of Westen are, in all respects, most known for their both stolen culture, and militaristic nation surrounded by the confines of the Marble Library, a series of hollowed out mountain ranges inhabited by Dragons which make Westen unusually defensible. But above all, they're known for their demigod warriors, made through a strange rite, where a shard of their mortal god, Atlas's armor is hammered into their heart, the Peacekeepers and the Dukes of Westen both fulfill defensive, and offensive tasks for Westen; typically, a Peacekeeper is a freelance god killer, whereas a Duke is a ruler, defender of the realm, like nobles they own land, and an army backs their various operations. However, Peacekeepers aren’t as lucky, left to their own devices, and with the sole purpose of seeking out beasts and false gods that threaten the integrity of Westen and it’s people, but both have the same rigorous training, where they're raised in the art of martial honor and combat from a young age. They’re quite literally extensions of Atlas’s power, even through his own death.

Siclus Humans-
Derived from the Westen provinces during the Golden expansion, they're known as being... Less fair than their brother empire of humans, having gritty black hair, green eyes, and relatively pale skin, Siclus humans have a ‘savage’ life style, but an advanced form of technology they call "calces works". The technology they produce is nothing short of metal golems of gears and spiritual energy, which are produced in what little "shadow factories'' the Siclus had left behind before they were decimated by Darklings and Serpents so long ago, much like Westen. While Westen is on grassy plains, Siclus is on swampy marsh-land, which was ripe ground for the creation of Shadow Factories, as the key component to a calces golem is a soul, which Soul Cairns, (which Shadow Factories are built around) can provide, and were abundant in Siclus; to a Siclus, souls are valuable resources. But, due to the massive amount of Soul Cairns, Giants, cursed with undeath roam the land in search of souls in order to consume. Not only do giants roam the expansive marsh lands of Siclus, but Darklings make the wet swamps their home, burrowing, and hiding in the putrid muck for weeks at a time. Of course, Siclus isn’t just a land of danger, the Southern Siclus is also a land of opportunity not only for Industrialist birthers of life, but also for magical individuals, such as elves, and dragons; both of which are a common sight down in the dense marsh lands of Siclus, scrounging around for magical energy and consumed remains of unborn souls amongst a land of pestilence and undeath.

What Westen and Siclus separate is the wide land bridge that connects Westen and Siclus, which is primarily desert, bordered by expansive shores of salt, and to add to all the reasons to not bother with unification between the two groups of isolated humans, is that it's home to a massive god Serpent, only known as Nidiir, lord of the old Midland. The Midlanders had their start thousands of years ago as a strange mix of giant, and moon elf, a bastard species that had been banished to a far away land that had been known as Midland at the time, only inhabited by pre-Westen humans; they grew into a nomadic civilization of 8 foot tall warriors, with strange physical features that set their purple eyes at a slant, with a cap of lime colored flesh that runs over their forehead, and along the top of their heads, only breaking to make room for their commonly gray hair, which grows out at an unusually fast pace. Sadly, Midlanders are few and far between, a vast majority of their populace having been turned into mindless zombies by Nidiir himself. Mythos and lore dictates that Nidiir dwells in a rash of towers that can be seen for miles and miles amongst the seemingly endless sea of sand, and armor left over from the Golden war.
The Golden war, was in all respects, Westen’s attempt to expand it’s empires beyond the confines of the Marble Library, and judging by the armor that drifts amongst eternally changing sea of sand, their owners, long destroyed at the hands of hordes of Midland soldiers, before they had become zombies, were less than successful. In fact, Westen’s Golden army, having been formed before the Darkling invasion that had decimated so much of Westen’s infrastructure, had been defeated within a few days of combat.

Dragons of Orin-
The dragons of Orin are the caretakers of knowledge, and the inhabitants of the Marble Library, rather enigmatic, the Dragons of Orin are different than their serpent brothers, they have no desire for conquest, but rather the preservation and seeking of knowledge; each with abilities to help them in their seemingly endless quest. The denizens of the Marble Library aren’t confined to one form, no, they’re able to actively shift in between both a human, and dragon aspect for a price of magical energy. This fluidity between species often ends with interspecies relationships and children, halflings you could say. Dragons, despite their humanoid aspect, actually existed long before humans did, these were six winged extraterrestrial creatures, having arrived from the void, the empty space in between worlds, (where the proto-serpents exist in the form of stars, constantly creating new worlds, before their children became the corrupt princes and princesses of the sea, Midland, and even most the worlds in the unverse). The origins of the Seraphimians, or the six winged dragons, is a mystery, as they were nearly wiped out by the great Giants upon their arrival to Nameless Land, this mass extinction of Seraphimian life moved Orin, brother of Strum, and the two last six winged dragons to create an impenetrable fortress to protect themselves: The Marble Library. Strum was violent, twice the size of Orin, who was much more peaceful than his brother, who ended up creating Flesh and Soul magic with his acute talent in knowing of things. Flesh, and Soul magic are the very building blocks of life in Nameless Land, but are, sadly some of the most inhumane, either one deals with fundamentally destroying, or building a creature and it’s place in the afterlife. Orin’s first great creations were the Librarians, hooded golems of clay, but they were aimless, their soul searching for a companion, or something to bind itself with. So to help and guide his Librarians, Orin made Dragons.
These dragons were different than the Seraphimians of old, with only two wings, four at most, and with significantly less power and size. He carved them out of clay, but delved into the Sea of Guff to give them life, and flesh, akin to the creation of the great Titans. As soon as they were born into the world, Orin tasked them with writing down his wealth of knowledge, and after Guff starved the Giants of their souls, released them to the world to recover what artifacts remained of the fall of their great civilization. As the centuries progressed, and dragons reproduced, creating great families, Orin’s travelling dragons were seen less and less; but the final blow was when the Darklings invaded Westen, when their numbers were halved in the defense of the Marble Library. Now, only certain dragons can leave the confines of the Marble Library, and when they leave, they can only feel the warm embrace of the home they left behind once every 50 years to return the wealth of knowledge they collected.

The Kingdom of Barclay:
The Kingdom of Barclay is a small adventuring race of men inhabiting the islands of Barclay to the east. Barclay is an upstart nation, appearing much later than the Kingdom of Westen, but swiftly entered the world with a sudden explosion of culture and trade. Barclay is known for their excellent scholars, ferocious seafarers, heavily armored warriors, and hauntingly beautiful craftsmanship. However, what they are feared for are their ‘Sappers’: Armored head to toe in thick steel plate, they can take much punishment, but the way they deal it out is different than their heavy armor would suggest. Sappers are just as they say, raiders, saboteurs, and expert crossbowmen, rivaling most other factions. It is unclear how they managed such a technological boom in such a short time, as well as only being recently discovered and having no clear way to visit other islands. Unlike most other humans, Barclay men have an almost un-noticeable purple tinge to their skins, and slightly longer ears.

Elven Races:
The elves are a mystical race of long eared, tall creatures standing at around 6 feet tall. Despite not having a unified Empire, they are still closely knit together and treat other variants of their kin with the same respect as one would give another elf, save for the Lunar Elves, who they do not seem to entirely trust, restraining themselves from asking for help. These variations and sub-species of elf typically depend on their current environment; Wood elves stick to the woods, High Elves stay within their mighty holds to practice various magics, Ash Elves remain in the swamps of their Ember trees, and...are there water elves? Perhaps. Recently, Ash Elves seemed to be the main target of Barclay, and have been recently driven off to remain in the wood with their cousins. Luckily, a cease fire has been signed in order to prevent more violence, though there are continued reports of harassment and thievery between humanity and the elves, meaning this will not last long.

Lunar Elves:
The first Elves to exist in Nameless Land, the Lunar Elves had inhabited the Land’s moon before they arrived on the terrestrial rock that it’s enemies and allies now live and thrive on. Their moon is actually a large continent now, with rivers of flowing poison and fog clouds of sulfur, the Lunar Elves benefit from these hazards, drinking and breathing them in like we would with wine, and air. The Lunar Elves are true to their alien roots, with the appearance of creatures not of this world, gray skin, red eyes, and four ears, the Lunar Elves are around 8 feet tall, and have a long history with the Giants of old, with detailed writings of their exploits, and an understanding of the consumption of souls that’s rumored to be practiced to this day.

This is a work in progress, pictures and more detail to come soon :

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Here's the OOC, I hope I've provided enough information for you to create any characters you would like to make, and if you have any questions I'll be sure to answer them! :
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Hey poog, how old are the dragons?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Enalais said
Hey poog, how old are the dragons?

They arrived in NL around 500 years after the Titans died, and the Giants appeared, so I'd say they've been around for 3000 years.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Appearance: Normal form Human form
Name: Farrion Sycthescales

Race: Dragon

Age: 1500

Armor/Weapons:In human form he sticks to leather, bow and arrows, and a shortsword, In dragon form he has his talons,teeth, fire, and he's so large that when he beats his wings it causes an enormous wind gust.

Pets (if any):n/A

Back story and other minor details:While definitely old Farrion's life has been a dull one he has been in the library for his entire life, Farrion was always curious about things especially the other mortal races, while other dragons had their noses in dusty books and where out searching the world for artifacts, Farrion was inquiring about the mortal races, and trying to find books on them so he could learn more, but alas dragon's did not keep much on the mortal races, so he had to settle for what he heard about them, and most of it was bad, mortals fought and killed each other, destroyed their environment, and corrupted magical artifacts left by the titans. But still this wasn't enough to convince Farrion there was something there something better.

Farrion never got his chance to go out and study the mortal races it wasn't needed, then the darklings attacked The Marble Library and Farrion and the others defended it, many died, and more were wounded, that was where Farrion received the holes in his wings, he's still able to fly, but the holes were ugly scars and reminders to him he was protecting something he didn't really care about. Many times Farrion should of fled and ran away but he didn't, he would be a pariah, so even to this day he waits for his chance to leave the caves, even if it's for some mundane task.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Enalais said
Appearance: Name: Farrion SycthescalesRace: DragonAge: 1500Armor/Weapons:In human form he sticks to leather, bow and arrows, and a shortsword, In dragon form he has his talons,teeth, fire, and he's so large that when he beats his wings it causes an enormous wind gust.Pets (if any):n/ABack story and other minor details:While definitely old Farrion's life has been a dull one he has been in the library for his entire life, Farrion was always curious about things especially the other mortal races, while other dragons had their noses in dusty books and where out searching the world for artifacts, Farrion was inquiring about the mortal races, and trying to find books on them so he could learn more, but alas dragon's did not keep much on the mortal races, so he had to settle for what he heard about them, and most of it was bad, mortals fought and killed each other, destroyed their environment, and corrupted magical artifacts left by the titans. But still this wasn't enough to convince Farrion there was something there something better.Farrion never got his chance to go out and study the mortal races it wasn't needed, then the darklings attacked The Marble Library and Farrion and the others defended it, many died, and more were wounded, that was where Farrion received the holes in his wings, he's still able to fly, but the holes were ugly scars and reminders to him he was protecting something he didn't really care about. Many times Farrion should of fled and ran away but he didn't, he would be a pariah, so even to this day he waits for his chance to leave the tower, even if it's for some mundane task.

This is good, but the Marble Library is a system of hollowed mountains rather than a tower, and every Dragon is created with a Librarian.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Roger fixed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

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Name: Dane Josin

Race: Western Peacekeeper

Age: 30

Armor/Weapons: His armor and weapons have all been looted from previous quests that he had decided to keep. There is nothing very special about any of it, but he has taken to calling his sword God's Bane and his shield Unyielding Aegis. God's Bane is a 3 foot long one-handed long sword, while Unyielding Aegis is a circular shield about 36 inches in diameter.

Backstory: Dane stands out among most Westerners. Not only for his abnormally tall height (6 feet 4 inches), but for his red hair as well. He also refuses to personally use magic in combat, viewing it as "cheating". He has a very black and white view of the world, if he finds sufficient evidence to prove someone of a crime, he will act on this evidence and bring them to justice. This will only happen though when he is 100% sure of the person's guilt. His sole purpose in life is to bring justice to all evil-doers, or die trying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spybuster
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Spybuster What Could Go Wrong?

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Xavalzo Jal'enko

Race: Siclus Outsider

Age: 23


Gear: While he packs less protection and ineffective combat gear, Xavalzo packs a wide range of utility gear. He wears a thin layer of light leather armor. His novelty tool of choice however is his bow, which he uses less for sniping foes from afar, and more for scaling and navigating around his environment. he carries a collapsible steel short sword which he keeps hidden on his person at all times. Among other things, he carries a set of lockpicking tools and pouches along his belt for storing small trinkets and other treasures.

Pet: Attached to his belt is a slightly bulky brass colored egg known as the Crimson Crow. A gift from his father, this clockwork golem protects its master and keeps watch over him. When Xavalzo wishes to release the clockwork bird, he does so by commanding it. It will shift from its egg form into its bird form, and be ready to follow his orders. With ruby eyes and sharpened talons, the Crimson Crow is both a majestic work of craftsmenship and a deadly weapon against an unsuspecting foe.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

So I'm going to be lacking in a computer for a few days, and until then I won't be able to to update the ooc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

poog the pig said
So I'm going to be lacking in a computer for a few days, and until then I won't be able to to update the ooc. I expect a few cs's upon my return!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

poog the pig said
So I'm going to be lacking in a computer for a few days, and until then I won't be able to to update the ooc. I expect a few cs's upon my return!
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