This is a roleplay that takes place during the seven-year timeskip in Fairy Tail. It is about a guild called Lunar Sylph, an air-mage dominated guild near the mountain range to the west of Blue Pegasus. The guild is owned by a married couple, who are also the moderators for the thread (AthalusZero and katanahatake). Anyone is welcome to join, as long as these rules are followed:

1: No excessive cussing. Some is allowed, but don't go overboard.
2: No killing off other people's characters without consent. They may want to keep going in the roleplay.
3: No dragon, god, or demon slayers. They are way too overused, and they always end up being too strong.
4: No sex in the main thread. If you absolutely MUST get your cyber fix, take it to PM.
5: Listen to the roleplay moderators. We will block you from posting if you don't listen.
6: If you want to form a team, send a group PM to a mod with all the applying members saying they want to join, so we know it's not being forced on them.
7: Lastly, before you start roleplaying, post your character's info here. Once katana or myself has accepted your character, feel free to begin! All of our OOC posts, updates, and conversations will take place there as well.

That's the gist of it, and we hope you have fun, happy roleplaying!