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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MermaidColors


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The seas were black with night, with little to no motion in the water. Nothing stirred in the ocean but The Deadly Serpent, the ship in which Ruben and his crew resided. It was a calm quiet that surrounded the ship, all but the muffled sound of the crew drinking inside. Ruben stood silently under the full moon, steering his beloved ship and lost in thought.
He was headed back to the land which he called home; the only land he'd vowed never to attack. Sure, he'd gotten into his fair share of fights there. But what real man had't had a scarp or two in his youth? Of course, there were more than a few; he smirked at the thought. He'd always been a fighter, even as a boy. He'd even taken to the seas at a young age, got his first ship at the ripe age of seventeen. This was his second beloved, as the first had caught fire not five years ago. Lost in a battle between the royal fleets and himself. He'd taken them on with only himself and his best friend, and had actually almost won. But it was too much for him at that age. He'd managed to escape the gallows, but the circumstances were not so bright for his poor friend.
His mind shifted to his current dilemma, though; word was someone had been stealing from him. His hands clenched angrily on the wheel at this thought. He thought of his oath, and he pondered his options; he'd normally kill any man-- no. Any swine who'd dare steal from Ruthless Ruben, the most feared pirate on the seas. Who could possibly be so foolish to steal from a pirate? Could this possibly be a rouse? a joke? It could be nothing more; no one had dared cross him. Did they know who they were taking from? No matter; he'd get to the bottom of this. He'd find a way around his word and teach this man a lesson.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire Clarkson was by no means a bad person. She wasn't exactly a thief, but after her parents died a couple months ago she had to take the gold to survive, she couldn't live out on her own in the streets like the majority of the village did. Sure, she knew how to fight with a sword, but what use would that be if she was too poor to even afford a sword? Or too weak from lack of food to fight back if she was attacked? It wouldn't be. Besides, it had been two months and she was still taking treasure from the nearby cove and she hadn't got caught yet, so more then likely it was just up for grabs, wasn't it?

It was time for another payment, so she made another trip to the cove. She had her small bag she carried it in and her sheath her sword rested in. Her brunette hair fell down her back and she was dressed in a green dress that went to he knees with a small tear in the side and brown boots. Around the middle of her waist was a brown corset that went on the outside of her dress.

Claire stepped onto the slippery rocks until she was inside the cove. It was tricky getting in and out because it'd get so wet from the splashing waves. She started to gather a couple handfuls of gold and stashed them into the brown bag- then she heard something outside. Leaving the bag on the ground, she quickly found a hiding place behind a large rock, hand resting on her sword in case she needed to use it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MermaidColors


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Cap'n, still not comin' in fer a drink?" Came an annoying voice from within the cabin. Ruben groaned; Raul was a particularly irritating crew member. Sometimes he wished the crew didn't need him so direly; he was a fool, but he certainly was a lucky fool. Constantly finding new treasures to chase down, always had a good ear for important detail. He was a mess with a sword, but the rest of the crew seemed to protect him. Ruben, however, never made such risks for a fools sake.
"It's a windy night, Raul. I suggest you find your bed and rest before you get blown off deck." Not to suggest I would mind if it did so. He thought menacingly. It'd be a lie to say that Ruben hadn't ridden the crew of a few inferior pirates before. Some of them indeed had accidentally fallen off deck, or died in battle. It was those rumors that had made him so infamous, actually; the fact that he had indeed killed crew members. Though Ruben, in a very twisted way, enjoyed seeing the terror on peoples faces when they saw him. It's how he'd gotten named Ruthless Ruben. And he relished in their fear.
He squinted ahead when he saw the familiar cove, and grinned; they'd be there within minutes. "Land ho!" He called back, and there were loud, drunken shouts of joy. Though, when they were less then five minutes away, he spotted something within; a green shimmer. His expression grew dark with rage. so there was a thief! "Erekson!" He called to his second in command, who ran over to his service. "What is it, Cap'n?" Ruben pointed, a snarl on his face. "That man who spoke to Raul was indeed correct. There's a thief in my cove! We will surround him and I will kill him!" He growled in anger.
"But Cap'n, if I may remind you; you've sworn not to kill on this land. If you do, sir, we'll never be welcome here again." Ruben growled in anger, pushing Erekson to the wheel. He pounded the post in fury. He knew Erekson was right. Goddamn it! He thought. He came back within a moment and sighed in attempt to calm himself. "We'll figure it out on the way. See what we're dealing with." He groaned.

They soon made it to land, and kept their distance from the cove so not to raise awareness. Some of the men stayed on board, Ruben, Erekson, and some of the nearly-sober pirates sneaking to the cove, keeping under shadow so not to be noticed by the intruder. Upon arrival, Ruben dropped from the ledge of the cove to the entrance where he squinted to see inside.
"Who is in there?" He shouted in an angry growl, his sword drawn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire covered her mouth to quite her heavy breathing when the angry voice echoed through the cove. She quickly drew her sword and took a couple deep breaths before jumping out and driving the sword into the chest of one of the men before taking it out, kicking his body to the side. "Captain!" One of the men called. Claire kept herself on guard and all her senses heightened as she held her sword in front of here. There had to be at least three to four more men in the cove, at least, and one of them being the Captain. She then realized this cove probably belonged to him, but he hadn't showed up for two months, so why now? Why should she stop and suffer for someone who probably doesn't have to worry about any of that stuff?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MermaidColors


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the girl was surrounded and had ceased her attack, it grew very quiet for a long moment of time. Eyes flickered between Ruben and the girl, and the tension could be cut through with a sword. So, many were perplexed when Ruben burst into laughter. He couldn't help it. He held him stomach and howled loud cries of laughter, and the crew stood very confused. "Captain...?" Erekson asked, but it was another long moment before he could contain himself. "What is so funny, sir?" One of them asked.

"It's... It's..." He began, though he just laughed again. He gestured to Claire, "It's a girl!" he grit out through his laughs. He couldn't help it. All this time, he was expecting to take a large, beefy man, maybe take him on his ship and cut off his hands and ears. But what was he supposed to do with a girl? He hadn't even considered this as an option. He finally caught his composure and took a deep breath, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.
"Oh, dear," he chuckled, moving towards the girl with a grin. "What are we to do with you? Especially now that you've killed a crew member. You know what I usually do to people who kill off one from my crew?" He circled her, "Let me think. The last time, I do believe we chopped off his fingers and fed them to him," he mused. He looked down on the girl, nearly a tower over her. He quickly disarmed her, sending her sword flying across the cove. "But I'm not so sure. You have quite lovely hands. And I don't believe they'd preserve well if we took them from ya," he smirked, "Boys, what ya say we take her on the Deadly Serpent and figure out what ta do with'er?" He yelled out, and all the boys yelled in agreement. They went to grab her and pulled her to the ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Everything happened too fast. There was too many men for Claire to try to take out on her own, or to even run past. No doubt there were more waiting outside just ready to shoot whoever was a stranger that came out the door. She glared at the man the others called Captain. She felt her anger bubble up when he started to laugh at the fact that she was a girl. She didn't find anything amusing about that, she might have been a female but she could fight just as well as any men with years of experience. Now she was weaponless as she watched her sword slid across the concrete flooring. "Screw you." She spat at him, her eyes dark and cold.

She let out a angry growl when they grabbed her and dragged her to the ship. She'd go, for now, but she wouldn't stay and she would make sure of that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MermaidColors


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Once at the ship, the men tied the woman into a standing position at the post. Ruben watched in amusement, still finding much humor in the situation. Once they were finished tying her, Ruben walked towards her. She was quite lovely, he noted. He didn't want to torture the lovely lass, but oh, he had to do something. "I've missed having a lovely young lass on me ship," He mused, circling her, "It'd be a shame to harm such a pretty girl." He said, finally coming in front of her again. He looked her over; she was a feisty one. And if this girl had been stealing from him and was as spirited as she seemed, she definitely needed to learn a lesson.
"How be it you've been stealing me treasure, but when I've now returned, you're not wearing any of these gems I fought so hard fer?" He asked. "Let me fix that for ya," He grinned. From his satchel, he pulled out a golden tiara which he'd grabbed before they returned to the ship. Grinning ear to ear, he placed the tiara on her head before stepping back. "There, my dear," He mused, "You're the queen of fools!" He took a bow. The crew howled in laughter, and he chuckled before straightening out. "No one steals from me, missy. Only fools. So where be my treasure?" He asked, suddenly sounding very dark and grim.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire glared at the pirate. "I'm not a lass, you buffoon, I'm a woman." She said in a cold voice. She couldn't help but admire at how gorgeous he was, and he was. She kept her stare ahead even when he circled her. She wanted to comment on him calling her a girl but she decided to keep her mouth shut. Whenever she got out of these ropes she'd show him a lesson. "You are cruel and worthless, Pirate. But I guess what the villagers say is true- pirates are nothing but cold and heartless." She said, her voice dangerously low.

She didn't move when he placed the tiara on her head. No doubt stolen from a royal, man this guys were stupid! She smiled when he asked where his treasure was. "Long gone now, pirate. You won't be seeing it again." She said, which she wasn't sure if it was true or not. She didn't know what they did with the coins whenever she'd make a payment on the house, nor was it any of her concern.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MermaidColors


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He chuckled at her boldness. "I don't believe you're quite in the position for such bold words, lass. Tied to the post, surrounded by pirates. But it's as I said before," he leaned into her face and poked the tiara, "Queen of fools." He smirked and stood back. "I suppose, as ya don't know where me golds gone, and you've got quite the mouth on ya, you've gotta learn some respect." He smirked. He turned and opened a cabinet and pulled out a whip. I'd say 30 lashes if ye was a man, but for the lass, I'll say 20." He motioned for the pirates to untie her and turn her for her back exposed. "If you fight us, miss, it'll be your hands I'm havin'!" He threatened darkly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire turned her head away from him even when he poked at her tiara. "Go to Hell." She growled at him as she shut he eyes. Maybe she was being foolish and we was right from stealing from a place she didn't know who it belonged to. Claire's eyes shot open when they brought out a whip. "No!" She exclaimed but she was turned and the back of her dress exposed revealing her bare back, There were already a couple scars there from when she was a child, but they were barely visible. She wiggled against the hold of the two men but they were too strong. She just closed her eyes and waited for the lashing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MermaidColors


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The pirates held her in place, some snickering at her cries. "Ye stole from the wrong pirate, miss! And ye be right," he came behind her and tore her dress to better expose her back, then leaned in to whisper in her ear, "I am a cruel, heartless pirate," he said before moving back and throwing the first lash at her back. He waited a moment before throwing the next one, and then the next. He went easier on her than he did others, as he hadn't usually had to do this to women. He really liked this womans skin as well, it seemed so smooth and soft, and he didn't want her to bare too many scars. He stopped at fifteen rather than twenty, and through the whip down. "I think you've learned a good lesson, lass. Dot ye be sassin' me. Remember who's ship yer on and not to be stealing from pirates!" He shouted at her, standing over her as she was turned back around. "Wash her up!" He demanded two of the other pirates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She turned her head form him then came the stinging whips. She clenched her teeth crying out just a couple times. When he was finished, tears rolled down her face when they turned her back around. Her back felt like it was on fire. She glared at the captain and spat in his face right before the pirates who were holding her down dragged her below deck.

After her back was washed, she was thrown in something that looked like a cage. It was cold where she was and she scooted to the corner. Her back still burned and was in pain. She brought her knees up to her face and buried her face in her knees while she wept silently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MermaidColors


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ruben slapped the woman after she spat I him. "That just lost you you yer dinner!" He growled. He let the pirates take her back and wash her up when he went to his room to think. I haven't thought to ask for the wenches name, he realized. He'd let her sleep in the cage tonight, while he drank and let Erekson steer the ship.

When morning came, most of the pirates slept in with hangovers. Ruben, though, never seemed to have issues with such things. He'd drank enough to get used the pains and see it through. He was up bright and early, where he made his way to his sleeping captive. He took his sword and pounded on the cage loudly. "Good mornin'! Rise 'n shine!" He bellowed loudly at the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire remained in the corner of the cage. She was in and out of consciousness, but other then that she hardly slept. She heard banging on the bars of the cage and she came out of her daze. She heard the man but she chose to ignore him. Her back was numb today, but there was still some pain. "What do you want." She said more of asking in a cold voice. She kept her face down and didn't move an inch. This man was cruel and disgusting. Sure at first she thought he was handsome, but now she didn't think that so much.

His heart was black and cold, she could just tell. He lived to torture and kill those who are innocent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MermaidColors


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He leaned down to face her, a dark look on his face. "What I tell y about sassin' me, miss?" He glowered. He opened the cage, and pulled her out. He tossed her a bucket and a rag. "Wash up yer back. It's been bleeding again. The lads and I are still thinkin' 'bout what to do with ya." He told her, and he got on one knee and he leaned close to her again. "Trust me. Yer attitude may be wait lies between us killin' ya, and you living." He told her. He stood back up and leaned to the post, just watching her. He had some ideas in mind, but nothing he'd tell her about just get.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire glared at him when he moved close to her. "I'm fine." She growled and without thinking took the bucket and splashed him in the face, slapping him afterwards. She didn't care what he'd do to her, she didn't care about any of it anymore. "You are cruel and deserve to rot in Hell!" She yelled She thought briefly to move past him, but that probably wouldn't be a smart idea, but this wasn't either. Her anger got the best of her, like it always did. She really needed to keep it in check. "Just kill me and get it the hell over with already." She spat as she turned to go back to her little corner and sunk back down to the ground, wincing as pain shot through her back once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MermaidColors


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He caught her wrist when she went to slap him, and at that point, he backhanded her, throwing her to the ground. "You useless wench!" He bellowed. He shoved her back into the cage and growled angrily. "If you think you want to die now, just you wait! You will know Hell." He growled at her. He left to set one of his ideas into motion. He'd teach this girl something about manners!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire let out a cry as she hit the cold ground hard, knocking the air out of her. She listened to him and waited until he left before she slumped to the ground and cried silently. What did she get herself into? After catching her breath, Claire crawled to the door of the cage and took a pin from her hair and went to try to pick the lock. She had to do it before, so she knew how to pick a lock rather easily. She groaned when the pin dropped and skidded out of her rest. She leaned against the cage and sighed. She couldn't even feel the pain in her back anymore, though she felt like her face started to swell from his slap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MermaidColors


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ruben soon returned, a trick up his sleeve. He opened the cage and pulled her out, the crew surrounding. "All right, lass. You wanted to die so badly before, come on." He pulled her to the plank, a grin on his face. The crew began chanting, "Jump! Jump! Jump!" Ruben pushed her toward the plank and stood behind her. What she didn't know was that, out of site, there was net beneath the plank. But he wouldn't tell her that. "If you want out so badly, dear, than all you have to do is jump." He smirked at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire had began to doze off again when the Captain came back in. She was taken aback when he opened the cage and grabbed her. She tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but there wasn't any use. He was much stronger then she was. She wasn't sure what was going on, except her had pulled her up to the plank. Could she do it? She wasn't chained up or anything, she could swim. But for miles there was nothing but sea and sharks lived in this water. Still, it could be worth the rest. She walked towards the edge of the plank, the wind blowing her hair and the bottom of her dress around her.

She didn't look back at the chanting man, she had to do it. Why should she stay onboard? She might as well have been dead, but would this fate be much worse then being eaten alive by a shark? She shook her head and stepped back. "No." She said.
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