Hello! I'd like it to be noted that I prefer to be called Toto or Catnip, just a little heads up!

I have been Roleplaying for a couple of years, mainly dabbling in private ones. I love to test out different plots and different genres, and tend to have multiple characters. I don't stray far when it comes to ones based on Fandoms, and Canon Character's are a bit difficult for me to RP because I rarely do so ^^'

I wandered onto here to meet other people who roleplay, and see different roleplaying styles. I also hope to learn how to RP a bit better, becoming more descriptive and the likes. Maybe learn to do Canon Characters better! Haha.

I am a huge fan of Homestuck, Warriors, Pokemon, and Spyro the Dragon. I love cats, wolves, dragons, and various reptiles. I dislike bugs, the dark, and scary things (I am easily scared ^^'). I write short stories, and used to doodle a bit. I love reading, usually you can see me with a book! I love listening to music, mainly listening to Rock, Indie Rock, J-Pop, and Piano.

That's all I can think about for my introduction for now! Like I stated earlier, I hope this site helps me improve my Roleplaying skills, and I hope to make new Roleplaying buddies!

See ya on the flipside!