The idea behind the following RP, is inspired by a few questions.
Is death an end? is it the total blackness where what used to exist no longer does? do you simply, cease to exist? -

Welcome to the superstructure of the underworld - endless hallways and countless rooms, a charming velvet carpet spread across the seemingly continuous paths, the ceiling decorated with identical chandeliers over the brown doors, surrounded by an old navy blue drywall, with gentle patterns of winged angels and horned demons, peeling at its end. Walking down the hallway inspires a resemblance of an old Victorian hotel, where the smell of new furniture blends with the smell of dusty book shelves, classic jazz music plays somewhere in the distance, but no matter how far you walk, it seems just as far, and all together it simply carries a feel of comfort with a little discomfort creeping under.

The superstructure, is no hotel however, it is a maze, it is the echo of who we are in another existence, it's where we go when we sleep, and it's where we go when we die, but whether you are dead, dying, or just asleep is unknown to you because when you are in the superstructure, you remember nothing but your name and the name of someone you love. All who fall into the superstructure with unfinished business are trapped inside until they resolve what they haven't, and only then can they either wake up, or move on. You simply wake up in a room, confused, with a key to a necklace wrapped around your neck, a key to your special door, and slowly as you progress through the endless hallways, your memories return.

The idea of the RP is to have a group of people trapped inside the superstructure, their keys have been taken by a woman who they call the 'Countess' and together they try to find the villain and return home. you will be roleplaying fear of the unknown, are you dead or just asleep? do you even want to find your key? is there someone you must return to? you all have your own reasons to fight and go back, and slowly you will remember those reasons. Another thing to mention is every each one of you has a gift given by the superstructure, an object that has special properties, for example, a pocket watch that can rewind to 10 seconds earlier.

if people are interested, I will write more to explain the plot better, but you get the general idea. I will also list all the special objects as well.
since im writing this when tired and rushed it I probably didnt explain it very well so feel free to ask questions if you aren't sure whether you're interested or not.