Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Catt


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"N-no, n-no, it's nothing." Immediately looking away as she rolled over, Elijah's eyes found the ceiling before he squeezed them shut, praying she would just drop it. From the moment she came onto the ship, screaming and spitting Spanish at every crewman on board, he lusted after her, causing him to trail after her like a puppy, and be destroyed when Jack proposed. He had never quite gotten to the point of thinking about what he would do if he was ever in the situation he was in now, why would he? Women never seemed legitimately interested in 'the kid'. "Please d-don't cut my hands off.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by monkey


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Josephine's dreaded thoughts were answered when she noticed Elijah's reaction. How had she been so stupid. Elijah was one of the best guys she knew but she was with Jack. Her thoughts stopped there. She wasn't with Jack anymore. And from the way he looked at Alice, she doubt he would want to mend things. So what was stopping her from being with Elijah? Her reasoning stopped when Elijah pleaded to not cut off his hands. She furrowed her brow, "What are you talking about..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Catt


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Remaining quiet as he gathered his courage, Elijah kept having to shut up the little voice that wanted to remind him that he promised to behave. Looking over at Josephine's silhouette, he could make out key features on her face thanks to the moon outside of the window. "I'm asking you to n-not cut my hands off..." He said while he was in motion. Unfortunately there would be no time for a response from that statement as his lips landed on hers. After a moment, and what seemed like an eternity, Elijah pulled back slightly, "I-I know I said I'd b-behave, but I can't h-help it..." Although he remained stationary, he backpedaled, not knowing how she was going to react.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by monkey


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With all the tension that was between them ever since they walked into the room together, Josephine wasn't surprised when he kissed her. What she wasn't expecting, however, was her kissing him back. The kiss lasted only for a brief moment before he broke it, stuttering and stumbling over his words. She watched him, trying to sort out her own conflicting feelings of wanting to kiss him and wanting to stay faithful to her ex-fiance. Breaking things off with Jack was painful and yet, being around Elijah eased that pain. Jack had moved on rather quickly as well so why couldn't she? Focusing back on Elijah, she could almost read the thoughts going on in his mind. Slowly, she placed a hand on his cheek, "I'll cut your hands off later." She mumbled before kissing him again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Catt


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The few moments of hesitation after he kissed her made him nervous. Elijah was about to get up and make a quick getaway before Josephine's cool hand on his cheek held him in place. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her close, bringing their chests together. Something clicked in his mind and took away his babbling idiot mode. For once, he had made a move and wasn't rejected or laughed at. Here he was, kissing the woman whom he has lusted after for nearly two years. Taking another chance, he moved a hand up to tangle in her hair and teased at her lips with the tip of his tongue. His mind drifted for a moment, wondering if Josephine could feel how hard his heart was pounding, and the thought made him chuckle against her lips.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by monkey


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Josephine's hand slid into his hair, soft tresses falling between her fingers. She smiled just a bit when she felt his tongue at her lips and opened her mouth, deepening the kiss. She pulled away just a bit after several long moments, resting her forehead against his, her eyes closed. Her breath was ragged and she gulped, finally raising her eyes to meet his. The chocolate brown eyes always looked at her with such warmth that she mistook for friendship. Now, she couldn't misunderstand anything. His look started a fire in the pit of her stomach. "Where'd you learn that? They always say you've never been with a woman." She mumbled, smirking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Catt


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The question caused Elijah to laugh, not because it was ridiculous, but because it was true. "And they aren't wrong." He said, untangling his fingers from Josephine's hair, only to curl them around a strand that had fallen into her face. "Let's just say that I'm, well..." Making a bit of a face, he thought of a gentle way of saying what he wanted to, while tucking that strand behind her ear. "Observant, maybe?" The slightly concerned face remained a bit longer as he thought ahead. "But that's about the extent to my knowledge." Being the youngest and the shyest man on a ship full of rowdy pirates put him at a disadvantage in just about every way. It seemed that every woman at every stop on land that they made didn't even see him. In a way that was probably a good thing, as he had seen many of good men fall ill to diseases they contracted during their land hop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by monkey


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Josephine hummed lightly as her hands slid from the back of his head to his chest, pulling away from him a bit to let her eyes roam his chest,"Well, from the looks of it, you're already a natural." Her eyes trailed back up to his face and she grinned. Her hands skimmed along his torso, tracing the cut of his muscles. She leaned in close, "Why don't you show me what else you've observed." She breathed against his lips, her hands lying flat on his chest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Catt


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Elijah's muscles twitched and tightened under Josephine's soft touch. "I-I told you, that's really all I know.." Feeling his breath catch when her palms went flat against his bare chest, his entire body gave a shudder. "R-really..." The stutter made him blush, and pairing that with the on the spot pressure he was under, the nerves came rushing back. Swallowing hard, he stared down at her, not quite sure what to do next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by monkey


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Josephine chuckled as his stutter came back. She was wondering where that Elijah had went. "Well then, I guess I'll just have to teach you." She murmured before kissing him again. Only this time, there was nothing chaste or innocent about it. Her hands slid up and wrapped around his neck, pulling him in closer. He had filled up all of her senses, leaving her driven only by passion. She hitched her leg around his hip and intended to roll him on top of her. Just as she was about to move him, their teeth clacked together and she pulled away from the kiss, her hand to her mouth, "I-I'm sorry." Though she was horrified that she would make such a rookie mistake, she couldn't keep the giggles at bay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Catt


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Following her lead, Elijah got lost in the moment. The feeling of her hands on him was something he never expected to actually experience. Shuddering as she drew her leg up to hook around his waist, his own hand found its way to her bare skin, sliding dangerously high up on her thigh. The sudden shock of their teeth hitting together was startling, but her laughter diffused something that could have been a very tense moment. "Don't be." He said, chuckling, as he kissed the backs of her fingers as she hid her mouth from view. "If anyone asks, I promise to deny that happened." Grinning against her hand, he took in how she looked from this close. A light dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose was barely visible as they nearly blended in with her olive complexion. "I never noticed that you have freckles."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by monkey


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Scrunching up her nose, Josephine dropped her hand and revealed a matching grin. "You'd be the first to notice." They had always been a secret pride of hers and it always disappointed her when people didn't notice. She had to point them out to Jack one night and even then he had just humored her, telling her they were there. "I was starting to think that I was the only one who could see them." She added, her hand brushing aside his hair from the side of his head. Her finger traced a small fading scar at his temple, "What happened here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Catt


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"That particular scar has an interesting story..." Looking away for a moment, he trailed his fingertips along her leg. "Alice and I were about four at the time," Pausing to smile, he now found it funny, but for years it was a sore subject. "playing in the yard, and she had just found a big bullfrog." Looking up at Josephine, the humor shone through his eyes. "I was terrified of everything then, especially dirty, slimy things, and she thought it would be funny to chase me around with the bullfrog. Up until I slipped and knocked my head against the dock in Amy's backyard." The scene was vivid in his mind as he remembered the world turning red from the blood pouring down his face. "The blood freaked Alice out so she ran away, leaving me and the bullfrog face to face, and I ended up having to walk back up to the house, bleeding all over myself, and calmly telling my mother that I think I needed a bandage. She looked about ready to have a heart attack."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by monkey


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His fingertips left a trail of goosebumps in its wake. The gentle touch was distracting and she just barely paid attention to his story. She forced herself to watch his face grow animated as he talked about his childhood, grinning at the brightness on his face. She tried to imagine a young Elijah running from frogs and laughed. "You were scared of everything? Well, not much has changed." She teased, her hand dropping to his chest, "I remember when you wouldn't come off the ship to come to the carnival when we were in Brazil because of the clowns."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Catt


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Opening his mouth to protest the accusation, he slowly shut it when there was nothing that could have been said at that moment to defend himself that wouldn't come off sounding childish. "Go back and grow up with a sibling like Alice," Elijah said, furrowing his eyebrows, "And see if you turn out one-hundred percent okay." The mock pout didn't last long, her teasing getting the better of him. "She tortured me when we were kids. I'm surprised I fared as well as I did, actually." Rolling onto his back, his hand remained on her upper leg, keeping it draped across him as he shifted. "Any other questions I can answer for you, m'lady?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by monkey


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She had to lift her head slightly to free the hair that was trapped under her before she rested her head on his shoulder. She traced the different scars that littered his body. "How did you get all of these?" She asked, frowning as she touched one that looked particularly deep on his side. Josephine looked up at him, "You're the most passive man ever. I thought you never got into fights." Elijah was always the one coming to end fights that broke out on the ship. Even though he was teased relentlessly at times, the crew had a high regard for him and almost always listened to him when he mediated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Catt


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"I don't get into fights..." Elijah stated calmly, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensation of her fingertips traveling across his chest and belly. "I usually am the one in the middle breaking them up, and some people don't take too kindly to that." Cracking one eye open, he knew exactly which scar she was hovering over. That one nearly cost him his life. "And I got that one doing what I just described. One of the crew, who is thankfully no longer with us, thought another sailor's woman was a whore while we were in port." He started, tucking one arm behind his head to better watch Josephine exploring his skin. "Long story short, he was drunk, the guy was angry, and the mediator took four inches of finely crafted tri-point steel to the side. Mom doesn't even know about that. The Captain thought it best not to let her know she nearly lost her son."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by monkey


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Josephine winced at the image of him being stabbed. She looked up at him, "You're more dangerous than I thought, Elijah Dalton." She smirked, "Underneath that gentlemanly skin is a pirate, through and through." She grinned and looked back at his scars. She continued to idly trace circles and shapes on his body. She pursed her lips in deep thought before speaking, "You aren't Sebastian's son, right?" She glanced up at him, wondering if she had tread on thin ice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Catt


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Rolling his eyes a little at the comment about him being dangerous, Elijah let that go. He never did anything dangerous, besides live on a pirate ship and pickpocket when the need arose. The few moments of silence wasn't uncomfortable as his own fingers mirrored the movement of Josephine's as they just lay together and enjoyed company. "What ever would give you that idea?" He asked sarcastically, peeking down at her only to give her a lopsided smirk. "No, I'm not." Stating it simply, he watched for a reaction, "Why do you ask?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by monkey


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Josephine shrugged, smiling with relief when she saw the smirk on his face. "It's always been a rumor on the ship, that you were actually Brian's son but Marabelle was still your mother. I never really knew if it was true or not." She looked back at his chest, tracing patterns over his heart. "The Captain never seemed to treat you as anything other than his son. Plus, having twins from different father sounds far-fetched." She paused, "Unless...Alice isn't Sebastian's either..."
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