Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Do you know what S'tann hates more than week days? Holidays. Especially Halloween. Seriously; humans had an entire day dedicated to gorging themselves on sweets and wearing the most ridiculous clothing they can find. So when Halloween rolled around and people started hanging up decorations for their so-called 'holiday,' S'tann made it a point to pop every balloon he came across. Sure, the guys putting them up looked at him like he was some kind of monster. But S'tann had accepted his role of asshole long ago. Now if only these homo-sapiens would accept their role as subservient members of society and allow extraterrestrials to rightfully rule over them, they would start to get somewhere. Legacy noticed that he was quickly approaching the side of one of the dorm buildings, shifting around his molecules and lowering his density to allow the Martian the intangibility necessary to continue on this course unimpeded. He stepped effortlessly inside the apartment-like living space of some poor college student, only giving the room a cursory glance before proceeding forward. A young blonde appeared out of a nearby side room dressed only in a towel, announcing her presence to S'tann with a horrified scream. "What the fuck do you think you're doing in my fucking room, you fucking creep?" She cried. S'tann's emerald green eyes flashed a bright red and the girl hit the floor, unconscious. It took a few minutes for the headache to go away but it had been necessary. He didn't need another breaking and entering on his record and he certainly didn't need sexual harassment on his papers either. "I was never here." He whispered, popping out of her room and back outside.

Well, that was a colossal waste of my time. He thought bitterly. I wouldn't have to do that all the time if people were less sensitive. Who cares if I saw you in a towel when I walked into your room uninvited?

Martian Boy soon reached the mess hall. The building was large, like many of the other buildings on campus. It house the majority of the food available for consumption. It also happened to house hordes of ravenous teenagers, who were most certainly being far too loud and obnoxious for S'tann to enjoy his meal. Ugh. Lunch always sucked. The only thing that could possibly make it even worse is if it started to-

S'tann felt a single drop of water land between his eyes, roll down his nose and pool at the tip. He watched as the droplet fell into the grass below, growing more and more depressed as he waited for it to splash against the blades beneath it. It wasn't long before a second droplet joined the first. And then a third. Soon enough, the campus was being covered in a light drizzle of rain that made S'tann's attitude even more sour. Rain. He hated rain. It made everything wet and slippery and blocked up his seventh sense. "Freddie." He mumbled. S'tann distinctly remembered the forecast for this morning had been cloudy skies, but no chance for rain. A quick psychic scan indeed confirmed the Martian's suspicions: Fredrick was sad today. "Oh boo fuckin' hoo." He muttered. S'tann crossed the lawn and grasped the door handle. He was about to pull it open, before he noticed the approaching jock. A devious smile crossed Legacy's face as his eyes glowed red. "Hey, thanks f-" The guy's thanks were interrupted by his face slamming into the glass. As far as that nobody was concerned, S'tann had opened the door for him. In reality, it t'was a simple trick of the brain. Illusions were quite useful for general dickery.

S'tann density shifted his way through the glass door and the student who was now clutching his bleeding nose. "Asshole." He growled, shoving the door open in anger. Martian Boy responded with a quiet snicker. Now, to find something to eat. S'tann hummed a simple tune, browsing the contents of the mess hall. It didn't take long for the Martian to find what he enjoyed and stack his tray high with various meats and vegetables. "A feast for a king!" S'tann announced. Next, he needed a table. One full-scan of the room later and S'tann found a group of people who would be the least annoying to sit with of all present. He hovered his way across the room, slamming his tray down on the table. A number of people jolted up, surprised at the sudden noise. "Hey ya bitches." S'tann greeted them. "Oh God, not you." One of the students immediately stood up and left. Unfaltered by her reaction, S'tann tore into his meal with a rare sort of fervor that he rarely shows. One of the things S'tann didn't hate was food. Earth food was delicious. Especially steak. Mmmmmm. It was as if heaven had descended upon this slab of dead cow flesh and blessed it with the flavor of a thousand worlds.

It wasn't long before S'tann was interrupted, however. A girl holing a flyer approached the table, looking at him specifically. Oh no. He thought. A social event. The bubbly brunette's mouth opened up and she formed a number of words in the English language that translated into blah blah blah, I'm a little blowjob princess with no friends please come to my lame party blah blah blah. "No. Fuck you. Kill yourself. Ect. Leave me alone." That made the plebs scatter to the winds. Well...And everyone else at the table...Whatever. They couldn't handle S'tann's greatness.

Hold on. Hold the phone. I have a brilliant idea.

S'tann glanced around, making sure that no one was looking. He quickly changed his appearance into that of a certain beloved hunk. Fenris Murray, specifically. The disguise was accurate down to the molecular level thanks to his Martian physiology. 'Fenris' stood up from the now-empty table and approached Mari Grayson and Fredrick Blackwell from behind. I'm such a prick. I love it. "Hey there." S'tann said slyly, taking a seat across from them. "You two wouldn't happen to be going to that party later, right? Because I'd love to see you there." He winked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Miss Grayson, I'm hurt."

S'tann put his hand over his heart. Her choice of words were quite bemusing to the devious Martian, who had earned the nickname "Satan" partially because of how he acted and partially because of how his name sounded in the English language. He didn't give two shits what anyone called him. It doesn't matter what anyone says about you.

They can call me whatever they want. All that matters is what I choose to be. S'tann thought. And today I chose to be a dick. Like most days. It's a proven fact that dicks get to have all the fun.

The half-breed stood up and looked as if she planned to leave. Heh, he'd managed to get her panties in a bunch with only a couple of words and a disguise. Riling people up was so simple these days. S'tann chuckled. "Honestly, you'd probably smell better covered in vomit. So really, I'm doing you a favor." Things were going according to plan. Fredrick looked to be as wet as a hooker in a thunderstorm. Mari was moments from keeling over in disgust. Yes, things were going nicely. That is, until Catboy McThiefson popped up out of literally no where and started rattling off more bullshit than you'd find on a cattle farm.

"It's one of my many talents." 'Fen' replied, slapping Jack's hand away with enough force to hurt. "If I were really S'tann, I would have-"

Legacy's threats were cut short by an all-too familiar arm wrapping itself around his shoulder. Fenris stroked S'tann's neck, nipping at his ear in a display that humans were suppose to find pleasurably. S'tann wanted to vomit. Actually, he wanted to snap his own neck and jump into the nearest pit of hell fire and burn for all eternity instead of maintaining contact with that insufferable bag of garbage currently touching him. S'tann stood as still as a statue, only freed from his hypnotic stance by Fen opening his mouth and whispering into Martian Boy's ear.

"I'm imagining the most efficient means of torturing you to death if you touch me again. I'm thinking of flaying off your skin and shoving your eyeballs up into your ass. Perhaps I'll cut off your testicles and feed them to you while I'm at it."

Legacy glanced around at the rest of the group for a brief moment, who seemed just as perplexed as S'tann at Fen's raunchy and shameless display. It was basically masturbation, if you gave it a thought. Which Mari did. Of course, the girl didn't even consider the possibility that no one wanted to hear her say it out loud. The mere notion of being a part of Fenris' self-pleasure was enough to make S'tann physically sick. "God, I hate that guy." He muttered. Fenris wasn't done. Ooooh no. He just had to push one last button. The incubus sauntered over to S'tann side and DARED to put his putrid lips on S'tann's utterly superior face, and leave his poison drool all over the Martian's cheek.


S'tann let loose a wordless cry of livid anger and stupefied frustration. He planted his hands around his own throat, whipping them backwards and snapping Fake Fenris' neck. S'tann's body hit the floor in what appeared to be a lifeless heap. He waited a few seconds, letting the image sink into Fenris' mind in an effort to disturb the bastard's sleep tonight. After a time, the Martian snapped his neck back into place and rose to his feet. He made the seamless transition between Fenris' body and his own human form, a scowl firmly on his visage.

"Fuck you, bitch. And fuck everything about you. Fucker."

With that little outburst out of the way, S'tann turned heel and walked towards the exit. That's when he noticed the arrival of Kieran and wizard with the stupid face. Richard something or another. He decided to reply to the Kryptonian's question. "Oh look, more beta males. You're late; party's over. Nothing to see here." S'tann's scowl deepened, giving the wizard a double take.

He couldn't read Richard's mind.

That was infuriating.

S'tann quickly made his escape, density shifting through a nearby wall and exiting the mess hall. He immediately noticed a group of people gathered around a convulsing girl. In his peripheral vision, he briefly noted a boy running away from the scene screaming bloody murder. The Martian shoved his way through the crowd. "Get out of the way. Move it, morons. Move!" Legacy bent down to one knee, examining the victim. "Don't touch her. She's having a seizure." A student wearing a dark blue shirt informed Martian Boy. The phrase EMT-In-Training stitched on the front of his clothing told S'tann that the stranger probably knew what he was talking about. But human medicine was less than nothing compared to the power of a Man from Mars. "Do not think to command me, fool. I have power beyond your imagination." That's the second time I've said that this week. Great, now I have a catchphrase. Only imbeciles have catchphrases.

Legacy gently placed a hand on the girl's forehead. His eyes glowed red, and his fingers density-shifted into her skull. Once inside, they grew longer, making contact with the brain. Direct mental contact made telepathy leagues easier than a simple wireless connection. S'tann face contorted in concentration. He fought to break through the intruding electricity that had done this to her. He needed to correct the electrical cause ways between the brain and the muscles before she accidentally injured herself. It wasn't long before the girl stopped moving entirely. It was better to shut down her motor controls than allow her to hurt herself or someone else. Roughly twenty seconds later, the girl's eyes shot open and she took a sharp intake of air into her lungs. S'tann removed his hand from her skull, helping her to her feet.

"Are you alright?" The EMT asked. The girl nodded. "Thank you for helping m-" She started to speak, but stopped when she noticed that S'tann had disappeared. "Where'd he go?" Someone asked. "Who was that, anyway?"

S'tann, now in his native Martian form, floated above the campus. His robes fluttered about in the wind as he turned and looked towards the Academic Quadrangle. That's where the alleged perpetrator ran. He was the most likely suspect for the attack; based on his telepathic scanning of the witnesses compared to his own readings of the girl's nervous system. S'tann closed his eyes, scanning the brains of everyone nearby. A killer migraine formed in the back of S'tann's skull as he searched.

Then he found him.

A mind, panicked, guilty and afraid, running towards the Quadrangle. Legacy took off through the sky, pursuing this 'Kyle Lancaster.' He needed to find out why this boy attacked the other student, and he needed to bring him to justice.

That's what Manhunters do, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

My head felt like it was on fire. Couldn't see anything. Couldn't feel anything. No noise or taste or smell. Just void. Nothingness. I toyed with the idea that I've finally found my healing factor's limit and was now paying for my sins in hell. 'Course I knew better than that; I'd been like this before. Last time somethin' similar occurred 'cuz I was chasing down Nuke in Vietnam and got caught inside a napalm bombing run. Napalm. Nasty stuff, burns people to nothin' but charcoal. That was the second worst pain I'd ever experienced. 'For a while it had been cemented as numero uno. Today was worse. Much worse. Somebody once told me that you don't feel nothin' after the first 500 degrees. Bullshit, I say. I felt at least 1000 there before my nerves were fried. Professor Dickbag had the place rigged with a frickin' nuke. A frickin' nuke! That freak was so paranoid that he managed to smuggle in a nuclear weapon just 'ta use as a self destruct device. Well, Thorton, your stupid bomb worked just fine. Everything's gone. Now there's a square mile of Canadian wilderness that'll be unlivable for the next hundred years or so. Not 'ta mention the hundreds of dead base personnel and my own current predicament. I can't believe I let Romulus get in my head. Shoulda seen the signs a long time ago. Been nothin' but a puppet ever since...well. As long as I can remember. 'Cuz that piece of crap whipped me scrubbed my brain clean of any memories that didn't feature his sorry ass.

And then there was light.

Really, really blinding light.

It took a second for Logan's vision to clear up. The first sight he was greeted with was a helicarrier descending from the clouds, Quinjets swarming around it. Ah, crap. On top of everything else, Wolverine was minutes from being captured by SHIELD's cronies and strapped to a table in some dark bunker to be experimented on for the rest of eternity. No way. Not if James Howlett had anything to say about that. Only, he couldn't move his arms. Or anything besides his eyes for that matter. Wolverine strained to examine the burnt out clearing for any means of escape. Or even just somewhere to hide. Nothin'. The entire facility had been turned to ash and the forest was splinters. If SHIELD saw his body, they'd take it in a second. Even if he was dead, an entire skeleton's worth of primary Adamantium was priceless. There wasn't enough money in the world to buy something so rare and so valuable. A quinjet touched down at the edge of the crater just in time for Logan's hearing to return. The roar of the plane's engine shook his new eardrums, threatening to burst them. Come on come on come on. Heal faster, damn it! The jet's ramp lowered itself into the snow, and a pair of agents dressed in hazmat suits made their way out. Based on how they were wielding their weapons, neither expected to find any danger here. A third agent exited the Quinjet, pointing a Rad detector towards the crater.

The threesome slowly made their way deeper into the crater. Wolverine's organs were healing as fast as they could; but until his muscle and sinew started to reform, there was nothing Logan could do but watch. One of the SHIELD agents pointed straight at Logan. "Hey, you see that?" He whispered. "Yeah," the other guy responded. "Is that a metal skeleton?" The agents picked up the pace of their little jog. Crap. Wolverine thought. "Is- Are his organs...regrowing?" The hazmat agent holding the rad detector asked, astonished. "Whoever that is, they're not dead. Look at the eyes. It can see us." The final agent pulled a radio from his belt and reported Wolverine's location to whoever was on that helicarrier in the sky. No no no no no NO!!

One of the agent's raised the butt of his rifle, slamming it against Wolverine's unprotected metal skull. Darkness enveloped his mind as his eyes went limp. "Yeah. Yeah. He's definitely alive. Of course, director Fury. We're taking him in now." Were the last words Wolverine heard before his mind was blanketed in unconsciousness once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

S'tann scoffed in disgust as he watched Kyle attempt to speak, but offer no excuse or explanation. He brought one of his oversized fists back, prepared to strike the pinned aggressor when Kieran intervened. Ugh. That moronic Kryptonian probably thought he was 'saving' some defenseless kid from the big, bad Martian bully. Or maybe he was just looking for an excuse to brawl. How utterly barbaric. S'tann was doing his job; that's why he was at Corrigan. To learn how to succeed his uncle as Manhunter of Earth. A Manhunter doesn't let criminal scum escape righteous punishment for their misdeeds. It didn't matter if Kyle was 'sorry.' It didn't matter if it was an 'accident.' He could have killed someone! He may not have meant to, but murder is murder. It was criminal negligence at best.

"He also clearly attacked that girl. If I hadn't been around, there's no telling what sort of damage he would have done. He's a danger to everyone around him. I'm taking him in!"

S'taan briefly considered taking up Kieran's challenge and fighting him; show everybody that this Martian meant business. But that wasn't an option, as much as he wanted to. J'onn would kill S'tann. He deplored his nephew's behavior enough as it was, but starting fights with the ward of Superman? I wonder how long the 'my uncle's a professor' excuse would last then? Legacy thought.

The Martian's thoughts were interrupted by the approaching Fishstick and his pleas for diplomacy. Sensible enough, S'tann supposed. Except for one small detail. "He should be scared!" S'tann growled. "Fear the law. Fear me." Okay, so that sounded really cheesy. Even for an alien.

Another voice, louder than all the rest, waded into the situation. Everyone went silent when they realized who was addressing them: Jason Todd. The school's most badass gym teacher. You'd be an idiot not to respect him; this is the guy who died and crawled back from the afterlife. Twice! S'tann could only wonder why he wasted his time teaching physical education and combat classes to a bunch of whinny children when he could be running around the streets of Gotham City, kicking the shit out of guys like the Joker and Mister Freeze. Ah, the life of a vigilante. How so very exciting. No rules. No regulations. No misguided moral compass. Just one guy, his guns and a whole lotta baddies in his way. An intriguing life style for sure. But that was S'tann's destiny. He was to be J'onn J'onzz's legacy. He was to be the Martian Manhunter.

Todd ordered the Martian to let Kyle go. S'tann hesitated for a moment, looking at the boy's terrified visage and at Jason's commanding gaze. He should probably let the kid go. But...They can't just let him walk away, after what he did. It wasn't right.

"S'tann." Martian Boy froze. He knew that deep, guttural accent from anywhere. The boy removed his foot from Kyle's chest at J'onn's request, taking a step towards his uncle. Kyle's hopeful expression made S'tann heart boil. He had to let it go, however. If Uncle J'onn wanted something, S'tann obliged. He was the only one S'tann would listen to without hesitation; because J'onn was in charge. A fact that had been drilled into S'tann's mind from an exceedingly young age. The two Martians looked at one another, their faces emotionless to any onlookers. they appeared to be having some sort of staring contest. In reality, they were telepathically probing one another. Reading the other's emotions, as Martians did back when they populated the red planet.

"You were too aggressive, S'tann." The Manhunter finally said. "Violence begets violence. How many times must I tell you, a Manhunter fights only when they must?" That always pissed S'tann off. "We are the protectors of the innocent, yes. But we are also the vengeance of the fallen." J'onn sighed. "S'tann." He began. "You know as well as I do that Kyle is not a threat to you. Simply read his surface thoughts; he never wished to hurt Miss Rita. You were right to detain him. But you were not right to assault him. We fight when we must, but our objective is to correct their course. Rehabilitation is key to the justice system. Without mercy, we are no better than the criminals. Do you understand?"

"Yes, uncle." Legacy replied. "Excellent. Now get to class. I do not wish to hear of you causing trouble again."

Legacy looked over at Kieran Kent, Kyle Lancaster and the blonde girl whom J'onn had referred to as Rita. His crimson gaze seemed to bore into their souls. Specifically Kyle's. Perhaps he'd been too heavy handed. If Kyle had wished, he could have used his powers on S'tann and defended himself. But he hadn't; it could have been out of fear. Or maybe out of mercy. The motive was unclear to the Martian Boy.

"Culpae poenae par esto." S'tann quoted, before jumping into the air and shooting off into the sky. He flew towards the science and math wing of the Academic Quadrangle. He was late to Nuclear Physics with Martin Stein, which wasn't unusual in and of itself. S'tann was always late to his classes. Except for criminal law with Renee Montoya. He didn't hate that class much at all. During the flight, S'tann contemplated all that had transpired. He wondered how his cousin would have handled things. She probably would've stopped to comfort the kid before taking him out to ice cream. He pondered. Then he would have promised to do better and never leave the dorm without his skin covered up. She might have even asked Ted Kord to make him some sort of non-conductive skin graph that still allowed him the convenience of touch. But not you, S'tann. No. You just had to prove how tough and strong you were! Show everybody how worthy you were of succeeding the great J'onn J'onzz! In the process, you managed to drag yourself even farther away from your destiny. You moron. It should've been simple. Anyone else could'a done it. Arrogant prick. Never do anything right. Why even try? You know you won't succeed. No point in beating around the bush about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

| NAME: |
Kade R. Wilson

| ALIAS: |
Ravager The Terminator

| AGE: |

Enhanced Strength: Kade possesses superhuman strength on-par with his mother and grandfather. Without his Nth metal armor, Kade maxes out at around one ton. With his armor, he is able to lift up into the multi-ton range, usually hanging around 2-3 tons. He has, under extreme duress, lifted a five ton cable car filled with passengers for upwards of two minutes. His arms were next to broken afterwards, however.

Enhanced Speed/Reflexes: Due to the metahuman serum passed down by Rose Wilson, the new Ravager is able to move at superhuman speeds. He can block a hail of bullets when concentrating and has even managed to tag Bart Allen in a sparing match. His speed has impressed the likes of Batman and Hawkman, as well as Donna Troy and Beast boy. He can sprint faster and longer than a cheetah. Kade's speed is arguably his greatest asset. Without the Nth metal armor, Kade is marginally slower.

Enhanced Endurance/Stamina: Ravager's endurance and pain tolerance are far above that of any normal human. He can operate for weeks without food or water. It takes a significant amount of time and effort for Kade to become tired or weary. Under the worst conditions, Kade has stayed conscious despite breaking the majority of his bones and losing most of his blood. He can endure excruciating torture due to his natural ability to dampen his pain receptors given to him by the serum in his mother's blood.

Enhanced Senses/Intelligence: Much like the previous Ravagers, Kade's mental faculties are accelerated by a factor of 9. This allows him to strategists on the fly and process stimuli more quickly than ordinary human beings. His sense of hearing have been boosted to the point of developing a sort of 'sonar,' that allows Kade to feel minuet changes in air flow and barometric pressure. This affords Ravager a rudimentary form of sight to replace his missing eyes. He has further enhanced this phenomena via a high-pitched electronic clicker hidden inside a ring placed on a necklace that constantly goes off at a pitch too high for the normal human ear to perceive.

Healing Factor: Kade Wilson has also been granted a modestly accelerated healing factor which enables him to recover from physical injuries much faster than most humans, which supplies him with great longevity. This ability has limitations, as he can not regenerate lost eyes or limbs, although he can heal from fatal injuries such as being shot multiple times, stabbed with a sword through his vital organs or great impacts such as falls from great heights and hits from super strong metahumans.

Expert Swordsman: Kade Wilson's first toy was a sword. He has spent every day of his life practicing the art of swordsmanship for hours on end. His mentors included Katana, Bushido, Batman, Ra's al Ghul, Deathstroke, Ravager, Lady Shiva and many others. His increased intelligence has allowed him to commit hundreds of thousands of moves to muscle memory. He has mastered the arts of Kendo and Iaido and dabbles in Tantōjutsu.

Martial Artist: Much like his grandfather before him, Kade traveled the world to train under the greatest martial artists known to man. Many of the same men and women who taught Kade the Way of the Sword also shared their knowledge of unarmed combat. He is skilled in American boxing and Taekwondo, as well as having training in Judo and Aikido.

Nth Metal Armor: A suit of armor made form the alien substance known as Nth Metal, one of the most durable metals in existence. The armor was a gift from Hawkman and Hawkgirl to Deathstroke many years ago, which he has passed down to the various Ravagers who have customized the battle suit to fit their specific needs and wants. The armor enhances the wearer's physical abilities to a much higher level and absorbs impacts to protect the wearer.

Promethium Katana: The Promethium Katana was a gift for Kade given to him by his grandfather, Slade, for his tenth birthday. He treasures the weapon above all else, going so far as to name it "Betty" and speak to it when he's alone. Promethium is one of the most durable materials in the universe, capable of withstanding blows from the most powerful beings on earth with nary a scratch. It cannot be melted by acid or burned by fire. Betty is sharpened to such an edge that it can, with strain, cut through other earthly metals in a single slash. The Katana features an electronically powered device that super heats the edge of the blade, further increasing the weapon's cutting power.

Other Equipment: Cybernetic Auditory Enhancement clicker, flares, small explosives, a small Tantō knife, and various throwing knives.

Blind: Kade lost both of his eyes a few years ago. Due to this, he has to rely on his enhanced hearing to 'see' using a form of sonar. The sonar is accurate up to 80 feet away. Past that, Kade has trouble discerning various non-human shapes.

PTSD: Ravager the Terminator suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He suffers from severe nightmares, extreme anxiety and, on occasion, auditory hallucinations. Kade is the most prone to anxiety attacks when in the presence of scarecrows and crocodiles. He refuses to talk about the incident with anyone, including the school's therapist. The little information he has shared about his PTSD is its connection to his missing eyes.

Sensitive Hearing: High-pitched sounds and sonic weapons cause Kade paralyzing pain. An Electromagnetic Pulse can disable his hearing assistance devices, such as his ear implants and sonar clicker.

"Kade, pay attention!"

A fist slammed into Kade's chest, knocking the air out of his lungs and sending the fifth Ravager flying. Kade landed with a hard thud against the wooden floor, a burst of echolocation revealing his grandfather charging forward. Kade barely managed to roll out of the way in time. Slade's knee snapped the boards of the gym's floor like twigs as he fell to one knee. Ravager swiftly kicked up, landing on his feet and ready to face Slade once more. Slade moved forward, continuing his previous aggression with two swift side-kicks in quick succession. Kade had to block the first with his forearm (which hurt like hell) but managed to side step out of the way of the second. The ex-mercenary took a step forward, throwing out a pair of jabs with his left hand and then immediately following it up with a 1-2 combination, a single jab and a right cross. Kade continued to back up, slapping away the first two jabs. The third jab breached his defenses and grazed Kade's cheeks, allowing the final right cross to land squarely on Kade's nose.

"Offense, Kade. Hit me!"

Baring his teeth, Kade unleashed a spinning hook kick on his much older opponent. The strike landed cleanly on Slade's chin, sending him reeling. Kade, capitalizing on the successful kick, gave chase. He hit the first jab on Slade's core and the second one closer to his neck. He quickly followed with a straight right to the head and a final left hook to the temple. Slade shot out a wild uppercut, forcing Kade to dip right and doge the strike. The two reset, a faint smile on the old merc's face. "Very nice." He said. "But can you keep it up?" Slade dashed forward suddenly, firing off a combo of jabs and crosses that forced Kade to back peddle, keeping his arms up to protect his head. Kade attempted a counterattack but was quickly shut down by a snap kick from Slade.
Pushed back about ten feet by the kick, Kade spat the blood out of his mouth onto the ground. Slade didn't give his grandson an inch, closing the distance in the blink of an eye and transferring that momentum into a flying bolley kick. Slade's foot rammed into the side of Kade's head, sending his grandson through a nearby wall an landing in the adjacent hallway.

"Urghhh. Crap." Kade muttered, pushing a chunk of shattered concrete off his chest. His head hurt like there was no tomorrow. Slade appeared from the kade-sized hole in the wall. He grabbed the younger boy by his black karate gi, pulling Kade to his feet. "Alright, alright. You win, old man. You win." Slade ruffled Kade's hair, pushing him down the hallway. "Come on; let's get you cleaned up. Your mom wants you looking respectable for your visit to Corrigan." Kade groaned. "Why are you sendin' me to some prissy boarding school for capes? There's nothing they can teach me that you can't." This caused Slade to sigh. "If I had my way, you and I would still be running around Gotham and Metropolis putting down super villains. But Rose wants more for you. That's why she talked to Gordon's girl into letting you in; she seems to think you can be better." Kade just shook his head. "Still can't believe you gave up mercenary work for this." He said, waving around at the dojo. "Well, it was this or spend the rest of my life in Belle Reve. Now move it. The interview is in an hour and a half."

| NOTES: |
6'1, 205 pounds
Son of Rose Wilson, the previous Ravager and current Deathstroke. His father's identity is unknown.
Only ever wears his armor when he has to.
Half-Japanese, half-European, full badass.
Fluent in English, French and Japanese.
He's turned himself into an alcoholic in an attempt to drown away his nightmares. He has a love-hate relationship with Barcadi Scotch.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Doctor Eric Saxer's Lab in Little Sicily, Lost Haven

Polemos' boot stomped down into a large puddle that covered the sidewalk, drenching his jeans in water. Luckily Chike's worn leather boots were adequately watertight and kept his socks relatively dry. The villain turned antihero spun around the corner, sprinting down an alleyway within his reach. He deftly hopped over a dumpster that dominated the center of the alley. He took a moment to knock the two ton trash bin over, spilling its contents in the way of any potential pursuers. Chike continued on his way, turning onto the next street and moving swiftly down the side of the street, vigilant of any patrolling police cruisers. The weight of the unconscious super soldier hefted over Chike's shoulders was barely worth calling an encumbrance. Chike bounced off the wall of an adjacent shop to avoid an unaware couple of teenagers exiting said shopping establishment. Polemos soared over the kids' heads, landing effortlessly and without losing momentum on the other side. The two pulled out their cellphones and started to record Chike immediately. His speed and agility was obviously superhuman, something Youtube couldn't get enough of.

Bystanders looked on as the strange meta ran at the speed of a cheetah, dodging around old ladies and single moms struggling to carry groceries, all the while hoisting an unconscious man in United States military fatigues over his shoulders. A number of individuals retrieved their cellphones; only one of them seemed at all concerned about calling the authorities. The man, perhaps in his mid twenties, spoke loudly into his phone, describing Chike in detail. "Damn." He cursed silently. His enhanced hearing allowed him to pick up both sides of the conversation perfectly. From what the dispatcher was saying, Polemos figured the police would arrive two and a half minutes before he reached his destination. What's worse, the serum he'd taken would be wearing off any minute now. If the police caught him out here in the open, without his powers, Chike was doomed. There had to be another way. Something Polemos could do to escape the attention of the cops. But what?!

Then the answer hit Chike like a train.

Or, more accurately, a giant hammer.

Chike felt his feet leave the ground. His vision blurred; but the distinct taste of blood and the spray of red that covered his face told him all he needed to know. Something really had hit him. Hard. He forced himself to sit up, leaning his head back. Once the pain subsided his vision soon returned. He was inside what appeared to be a pet store; only, there was a massive hole where the front wall had once been. "Urrrgh." Chike gurgled, spitting up blood. His ribs hurt like Tartarus. He wiped the blood from his face with the edge of his sleeve. What in the name of Zeus was that? Had Chike been hit by a car? Polemos stood, stumbling towards the front door, clutching his chest.

"You, mortal! You bare the mark of Olympus!"

W-Who? What?

"Dark-skinned man! In the stables! I address you!"

Chike pushed the door to the pet store open, the tiny bell attached to the frame ringing as he stepped outside. "Who are you supposed to be?" Stood in front of Chike was a man unlike any he'd ever met. The stranger stood at a towering nine feet tall. His thighs were twice as large as Chike's head and his arms were thicker than tree trunks. His most striking feature, however, was his hair. It was long; reaching down to his waist. And it was spikier than a porcupine. Honestly, Chike would have mistaken him for a Super Saiyan if it weren't for his hair being jet black. His appearance was made stranger still by his choice of attire. Golden armor and crimson robes, along with a golden two-handed warhammer strapped to his back.

"I am called Thune Xavior, of Aegis. I must have words with thy High Council of Magic." Chike gripped his broken ribs tighter, a bewildered look on his face. He had absolutely no idea what was going on. "High Council of Magic- Wait a second, why'd you hit me?!" Polemos yelled, shaking a fist at the giant. "Indeed. Your highest authority on all things arcane. I have information that is vital to their protection of this realm. Oh, and my sincerest apologies for striking you. Your energy is...similar...to that of an enemy of mine. T'was my mistake." Chike sighed. "Look. I don't know anything about magic or realms or whatever. But if you can take me home before the cops show, I'll help you out. I know a lady. Or goddess. Whatever." Thune's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Ah! You mean to take me to this universe's version of Olympus. Perfect! Surely the gods will know how to proceed. We are off to your abode, then, peasant." Without warning, Thune wrapped a massive arm around Chike and the unconscious super soldier, flying into the air.

"Whence are we heading, mortal?!" He screamed. "Take a left on Pine!" Chike yelled over the sound of rushing wind. "What is this 'pine' you speak of? I see no forest!"

"Just turn left!"


"Your ceilings are quite small on this world." Thune complained, ducking under the door frame as he and Chike entered the home of Eric Saxer. "Doc! Where you at?" Chike asked loudly. The motley pair of miscreants made their way up the two-story house's stairs, entering the crowded laboratory that made up the entire second floor. Chike expertly weaved his way between the various tables covered in expensive equipment and fragile glass vials. Thune, on the other hand, managed to knock down more than half the machines between himself and the doctor. Eric placed a palm against his face at the sight of it. "Who's this imbecile?" He whined. "Just..Don't." Chike answered sharply. But it was too late. "I am called Thune Xavior! I hail from the land of Aegis. Which god art you, might I inquire?" The big lug introduced himself twice as many decibels louder than what was necessary. "I'm the god of kiss my ass. Now, can we get to work? I haven't slept since yesterday and, frankly, I want to get you two out of my life as soon as possible." Eric and Chike worked together to strap the unconscious super soldier to the operating table in the center of the room. "Greetings, god of kiss my ass! It is my pleasure to meet you!"

Eric went to work poking various needles and devices into the test subject. He applied a breather to the man's face, pumping his lungs with a gaseous anesthetic to keep him unconscious. "Since when did you have a house? I thought you were homeless." Chike crossed to the other side of the table, handing Eric a syringe. The doctor began extracting a sample of blood. "Since I was twenty-three years old. I bugged out with the essentials when SuperIOR started hunting my colleagues. But, with it being so long, I figured SuperIOR wouldn't look for me here. The place is under a different name and I'm supposed to be dead." Eric took the blood sample and set it to the side, winding up a nearby machine. "What are you doing?" Chike asked. "Attempting to extract the serum from his blood. I'll need a deep marrow sample and some spinal fluid if I want a complete picture of what we're working with. But I don't have the equipment for that. So, I'll need to do some shopping on the black market for the required materials to build my own. Until then.." Eric wiped his hands clean with a sigh. "We wait."

"Who's the big guy?" Ceri appeared from the top of the stairs, sauntering over to Eric and Chike. "He calls himself Thune Xavior. He seems to think he's from a parallel universe. He keeps going on about dimensional rifts and magic high councils; probably just crazy. What do you think?" Ceri looked at him for a moment before turning back around. "He's kinda cute." Chike gave Ceri the dirtiest look he could muster. "On his story." He growled. "Well, it's certainly within the realm of possibility. But inter-dimensional travel isn't exactly my area of expertise. I'm more of a charms and hexes kind of girl. I'll see if I can pick up any tomes on the subject next time I'm out and about."

Ceri stopped speaking. She looked over at Eric, who's eyes were glued to a small television in the corner of the room. "Turn it up." He ordered. Chike grabbed the remote and did so.

“Well, there is one thing that we, as a human race, can do about this problem. There is a common saying in American colloquialism that goes like this: ‘If you can’t beat them, join them.’ Therefore, I offer you all a gift. A chance to equal the playing field. Our environment is changing and we as a species must adapt with it. Why should these powers be limited to only a select, lucky few?”

“Therefore, in 48 hours, a device in Lost Haven will emit an energy dome that will eventually grant superhuman powers upon all those who are within its borders. First Lost Haven will receive this gift, then the Eastern Seaboard, then North America, and finally the entire world! By the end of this week, the entire world shall know what it feels like to be special.”

“Welcome to the Pax Metahumana.”
Creepy TV Guy

The room was quiet. Eric and Ceri glanced at each other worryingly. "The giraffe man. He is a villain, yes?" Thune asked, breaking the silence. "Yes, Thune. Yes he is. And I'm going to stop him." Chike answered. "Perhaps we should discuss this. No need to do anything-" Chike grabbed his AK-47 from one of the shelves in the laboratory, placing it down on the counter. "-hasty. Such as that."
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NAME: Steven Rogers/Captain America


AFFILIATION: The United States of America, SHIELD, eventually Avengers



Sample Story Arcs:

Second Coming of the Red Skull: The Red Skull returns! He's back, and deadlier than ever. But how did he return? What does he want? The stakes are almost as high as they were in the final days of World War II as the Red Skull attempts to resurrect the Fourth Reich and bring America to its knees.

The Chitauri Invasion: Herr Kleiser and the Chitauri appear once more, now with an army of shape shifting aliens bent on revenge against Captain America and the entirety of earth. Connections between the Skrulls and the Chitauri become prevalent as Cap investigates the aliens' return, and tries to find a way to defeat them.

Man Out of Time: This is more of an ongoing story than a single arc. Steve Rogers finds himself in a world unlike the one he had left. He suffers from culture shock as he attempts to meld into modern society and reconnect with past friends and allies.

Death of Captain America: I want to do this one eventually. I'll keep it on the hush hush for now.

Sample Post: Do I have tooooo? I'll do one eventually. I just want to get the sheet up for now.
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| NAME: |
Sage Gordon

| ALIAS: |
Iron Bat

| AGE: |


Super Strength: The Iron Bat suit is designed to allow the pilot to go toe-to-toe with even the strongest villains of Gotham City. It can physically tangle with the likes of Killer Croc, Bane and occasionally even Solomon Grundy. It's maximum deadlift is somewhere around 9 tons.

Super Durability: When faced with incredibly well-armed gangs and increasing numbers of metahumans, the Gotham Police Department needs an edge. Something to tank the criminals' firepower without pause. The Iron Bat uses a combination of carbon nanotube technology and advanced titanium alloys for armor, coated in high electron radiation to increase the tensile strength. The suit can take direct hits from RPGs, armor piercing bullets and a fully-Venomed Bane.


Technician: While he's no Julian Luthor, Sage knows his way around technology. Especially the Iron Bat. He hasn't mastered controlling the suit but he knows more than most of the engineers who had a hand in designing and building it. His hacking and repair skills are acceptable; though they leave much to be desired when compared to the school's geniuses and prodigies.

Quick Learner: Gordon is know for his uncanny ability to learn something the first time he's read it or seen it.

Detective: Being the son of Batgirl and grandson of Gotham's Police Commissioner lent Sage to a life of detective work. He's good at spotting the small details, examining the most inconspicuous things for clues. There's always room for improvement, however.

Basic Police Training: Including marksmanship classes, hand to hand combat, working a crime scene, and knowledge of the law.

Hacking: The Iron Bat suit contains a formidable firewall, but nothing a master hacker couldn't find his way around. If the Iron Bat is compromised, Sage is forced to reboot the suit. The reboot process takes roughly five minutes; during that time the hacker has complete run of the Iron Bat's automated piloting system.

Electromagnetic Pulse: Again, the suit was designed with a basic defense against EMP assaults, but lacks the fortitude to stand up against the highest tech disabling weapons on the market. Sage has to manually restart the batteries when this occurs. To do this, Sage must leave his suit and tinker with the back of the Iron Bat, leaving him exposed to enemy attack for a number of crucial minutes as he rushes to repair the damage done.

Normal Human: Sage Gordon is no Superman. He's no Batman; he's not even comparable to Crosshairs. He's a completely normal person. His athletic ability is below the peak of human potential, his marksmanship is underwhelming next to Green Arrow or Deadshot and his detective skills are overshadowed by the likes of Tim Drake and Dick Grayson. He's so overwhelmingly average. The only thing that sets Sage apart is his suit; which frustrates him to no end. He's nothing but his father's costume. His legacy.

-At minimum, two paragraphs showing your character in action and displaying their personality. This can be a portion of their backstory or just a random scene of your choosing.

| NOTES: |
Sage doesn't like being overshadowed by his family name, so he rarely tells people his last name.
He focuses heavily on his studies, determined to become his "own man."
Stress has put a hamper on Sage's usually bright personality; he's recently decided that he needs to fin some way to relieve the stress of school
Inherited the now-retired Iron Bat suit from the GCPD
Sage enjoys reading manga
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Nuclear Physics was boring; like usual. It wasn't really the professor's fault. Martin Stein was always an animated teacher. He spoke with his hands, taught loudly when he became excited and knew the material backwards and forwards. He was the mind behind the firestorm matrix, after all. Sadly, no amount of excitement on the doctor's part made learning Nuclear Physics anymore bearable. But S'tann had to stomach the class if he wished to improve his chances of joining the Teen Titans. Legacy had never told anyone before, but his ultimate goal at Corrigan was to get recruited into one of the various Titan teams located across the states. The Teen Titans was just a stepping stone to the Justice League; without time on one of the junior teams, his chances of passing the Justice League's rigorous and relentless recruitment process dropped dramatically. While it was possible to make it onto one of the offshoot branches without prior experience, the main team (who's roster only changed when one of the big names died or retired) wanted only the best. Then S'tann would be one step closer to becoming a full-blown Manhunter.

The mere thought was enough to make the Martian momentarily stop hating Nuclear Physics. A Manhunter! Every Martian child dreamed of joining the Corps that so vigilantly protected Mars from invasion. It was not only a badge of honor but an exciting position that promised perilous adventure after perilous adventure to any who worked hard enough to achieve the esteemed rank. Except..there was no Mars. Well, there was; technically. But the population of the Red Planet had been all but wiped off the map. S'tann and M'gann were suspected to be the last White Martians that hadn't gone absolutely insane; the rest of them were imprisoned in the Phantom Zone. J'onn was the only Green left. He killed the last of his kind, a woman named D'kay, for attacking his adopted niece.

They were the last of the Martians.

That's why S'tann would rebuild Mars. With his own two hands, he would find a why to repopulate his homeworld before his uncle passed. J'onn had fought so diligently to save his fellow Martians. Yet, the one day he was not in the Sol System, he showed up. The one who shall not be named. The Dark Lord. The Master of Darkness. That Dark God who's armies of demons poured forth from their boom tubes and burned Mars to the ground. The Manhunters attempted to fight back. But there was no stopping him; nothing that could slow him down. Everyone perished, in time. If J'onn had been there he likely would have fallen as well. S'tann could still remember the fire...That unnatural, dark flame consuming his lush planet. Mars was so fertile. But all that life served only to fuel the inferno. Mars, once green with life, was stained red with the blood of billions.


The bell rang and S'tann was jolted from his thoughts. Doctor Stein gave the students their assignments and the horde of half-awake zombies shuffled out into the hall. S'tann density-shifted his way through the wall and joined those lifeless corpses in their walk to the next meaningless class. Speaking of class...He wondered to himself, retrieving a schedule from the backpack of a student in front of him. Ah, yes! A.R.C is this hour! A.R.C was easily Legacy's most interesting class. He got to learn while also reveling in his favorite activity: kicking the shit out of other supers. John Stewart was the instructor today, if S'tann remembered correctly. Green Lanterns fascinated him. Their rings were so powerful and guided by an energy source modern science couldn't explain. I wonder what a Martian with a power ring would look like.. Probably terrifying.

Once he was out of the Quadrangle, Legacy took to the sky. He soured over the heads of the other students, heading towards the circular dome that housed the Augmented Reality Center. He moved as quickly as his telekinetic-based flight would allow; he didn't want to be late to the session. Okay, so there were two classes S'tann didn't hate. (He changes his mind often. Want to fight him about it? No? I didn't think so.) Anyway; the Martian reached the dome after a little less than a minute, landing outside the building. He phased his way through the other students, pushing through the door into the building's foyer. The Martian floated a few inches above the ground, maintaining his original form as he scanned the room for threats. He noticed Mailsi, the Silver Banshee, talking to that fairy king. She'd be trouble; her wail could put down any of the heavy hitters. Casey wouldn't be a problem for S'tann. He didn't know the guy well, but from he'd heard all he knew were a few parlor tricks. Mari was supposed to be around here somewhere. Julian, too. There were a number of students Legacy didn't recognize.

Hopefully Kieran was signed up for today. He'd make this really interesting. What with their altercation earlier, and their relatively close power levels. There was only one student the Martian secretly hoped hadn't showed up today. She might be out sick. Or in a coma from a car accident. Maybe she upped and left the school for good; that'd be the best news S'tann had heard all year.

Then she walked through the doors to the A.R Center.

Nora Norwich.

Oh god in heaven. S'tann floated away from the front of the center, nuzzling himself into a corner behind a group of conversing students. He tried to play it off as cool; like he didn't really care what was going on. He crossed his arms, shape shifting into his human form to make himself appear smaller. S'tann thought of himself as pretty brave. He'd throw down with Sinestro any day of the week. He'd face Black Adam head on. Hell, Legacy wouldn't flinch if someone told him he'd be fighting Professor Zoom. He could handle them. But what he couldn't handle was fire; especially black fire. He'd rather take on Superman than that girl.

Maybe she'd trip and kill herself.

Yeah, let's hope for that.
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The Doyism Revolutionary Army

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S'tann S'tonn is an annoying prick. He knows it. Everyone else knows it. Most people don't like him because of that fact. But S'tann is of the firm belief that he's only the third most hated student on campus. Who can be more unlikable than that asshole? You, hypothetical person that exists within S'tann's subconscious, might ask. Well, they just arrived in the Augmented Reality Center, and they're up to their usual infuriatingly moronic antics. Mars and Jake didn't waste a beat, the two of them calling out S'tann and Kieran, the most powerful students present, immediately. They weren't even being clever, either. Just annoying. S'tann's scowl darkened and he sunk further into the crowd, hoping beyond hope he'd get the chance to bust their skulls open during the A.R.C session. He considered fighting them on their bullshit now, but the chances of John Stewart appearing and dishing out a loud of ass-kicking were far too high for S'tann's liking. So he stayed silent and waited for them to begin. A handful of other students arrived and mingled together in the lobby. The Martian recognized a few of them from earlier.

A few minutes passed. S'tann wondered if John would actually be late for once, something unheard of from the ex-marine turned Green Lantern. But alas, the familiar hiss of the center's automated doors announced Coach Stewart's appearance in the foyer. S'tann shuffled into positions along with the rest of the student body present, giving John his full and undivided attention. He briefly made note of the doors at the back of the center being shoved open multiple times by students arriving late. Hmph. He could understand being late to the normal classes. Those were rather boring. But an A.R.C session? That was fucking suicide. Especially if Todd was in charge. Luckily for them, Green Lantern didn't acknowledge their blatant tardiness. At least not yet. John spouted off the usual 'this is really important, so pay attention' speech. S'tann listened with a small smirk on his face as John forced Mars' boyfriend out of the A.R center before getting into the real meat of his talk: the mission and the teams. Now that was interesting. Silver Banshee and S'tann would be leading the All-Star Squadron against Aiden Roth and Kieran Kent's Suicide Squad. Not the teams most people would expect, given the personalities of the leaders. But S'tann was ecstatic. He'd finally get to show Kent what happened when you tried to stop a Martian Manhunter from doing their duty.

The teams made sense. The majority of magic users were assigned to the All-Star's, obviously meant to counter the Kryptonian on the Suicide Squad. The pyrokinetics were on the Suicide Squad as a counter to Legacy. That would be problematic. Very problematic. The addition of Mars, Jack and Fenris to team All-Star seemed very intentional. That pissed S'tann off. He hated the three of them with a burning passion. Which is most likely why Stewart stuck them together in the first place.

S'tann made his way into the left side entrance. He quickly grabbed one of the training suits and adapted it to his shape shifting physiology before getting into the ready room and awaiting further instruction. This would be a difficult fight to win; that's for sure. The odds seemed stacked in the Suicide Squad's favor. But that wouldn't deter S'tann. If his last few years here at Corrigan had proven anything, they proved that S'tann would do whatever it takes be the very best (like no one ever was.) He'd been in his fair share of bad A.R.C sessions. This one would be one for the record books, though, if it went anything like S'tann thought it would.

John Stewart gave All-Star their mission instructions over the intercom. Extracting hostages, capturing data drives and deactivating explosives. All in the Arctic. Great. Snow and Martians never really agreed with each other. At least they weren't anywhere excessively hot. S'tann held his breath, his eyes glued to the count down above the door. Once the doors opened, the cold air washed over his skin and goose bumps dotted his pink flesh. S'tann entered his Martian form, standing at least a head over everyone else in the room. He looked around at the rest of the team. Here we go. He thought to himself, stepping out into the snow. The first one to speak up was Mari, asking Molly and S'tann what the plan was. The Martian glanced over at Silver Banshee and back at Nightstar.

"Yeah. I have a few ideas." He started. "We'll split the team into multiple squads, to try and deal with as many objectives at once as we can. Alpha team will be composed of Amethyst, Richard, and Rita. Your job is to take down Kieran. The Kryptonian is their biggest gun; without him, they'll be demoralized and easier to defeat. Once we're closer I'll be able to telepathically scan the base and determine his location, and then relay that information to you."

He then turned to the more human members of the team. "Fenris, Raphael, Sugar. You're Beta team. Your job is to get to those hard drives and reactivate those explosive collars. If you can manage that, the game is basically ours." S'tann then looked specifically at Jack. "Catboy. Your job is to sneak inside and disable the bombs. Don't let them see you, alright?"

Finally, S'tann addressed the rest of the group. "The rest of us are on Delta team. That's Molly, Nightstar, Mars and myself. We're going after the hostages; and we're going in loud. Any questions? Or do have a better plan, Silver?" S'tann asked, looking around at the group and resting his eyes at last on Mailsi.
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Hyperion and a squadron of four Quinjets arrived outside Bishop Packaging in record time. Helicarrier Alpha, where Hyperion was stationed, happened to be the closest of the helicarriers to New York City when SHIELD got the call. Someone named Quire had reported that he and a fellow metahuman, the one Wilson referred to as Miss America, had taken down a clandestine operation within Bishop Packaging. Allegedly, Mr. Bishop himself had been selling Mutant Growth Hormone that he was buying from another dimension. It had sounded ridiculous at first. But a cursory search of SHIELD data files on Mr. Bishop brought him up on numerous watch lists. Cross referencing the location of Bishop Packaging's headquarters with recent tears in the space time continuum and this Quentin kid had a couple of legs to stand on. That's when Marie Hill decided to send in Zhib-Ran and a specialized team of agents who dealt with matters concerning the multiverse as well as the Mutant Growth Hormone drug. The flight took roughly ten minutes, with the first Quinjet setting down moments before the hour struck.

The monstrosity of metal and wires settled down on the roof of the skyscraper. A trio of SHIELD agents, decked out in full combat gear, stepped confidently down the jet's ramp. The officer took point, his standard issue assault rifle held in his armored hands as he kicked down the emergency access door. The now-opened door revealed a set of dark stairs leading into the service entrance of the penthouse below. The team maneuvered tactically down, breaching the service door with a loud shout. "Freeze! SHIELD!" The officer commanded. He waved his weapon towards the few individuals still standing; the agents on his flanks moved to clear the rest of the room. Hyperion floated through the entrance, his feet hovering a foot or so off the ground. "Lower your weapons, men. Everyone at ease. They're the good guys." Zhib-Ran said with a wave of his hand and a polite smile. Four more squads made their way into the penthouse from the roof, one by one. They lacked the armor and automatic rifles of the first team; rather, they carried handguns and various types of futuristic equipment. Commanders barked out orders to their subordinates. Agents rushed to and fro, checking on the fallen security guards.

Hyperion dodged gracefully past the SHIELD agents and stood next to the young hero and her mutant telepathic friend. He also made note of the girl in what appeared to be sporting gear. She seemed distraught. Silly humans, they were always crying. What weak and fragile creatures they were; in both body and mind. Well, most of them. Zhib-Ran tried to look as empathetic of her plight as he could. He was a decent enough actor. Anyone who saw through the charade could reasonably guess that his strange behavior was due to his being from a different planet, where the cultural customs and even physiological make-up of his species had to be vastly different from those on earth. Agent Milton waved over one of the unarmored officers. "This is Agent Baker." He introduced the woman. She was tall, athletic and muscular. But she looked more genuinely concerned than any of the other agents in the room. "She's our resident medical officer and psych examiner. She'll do whatever she can to help you, ma'am. I couldn't possibly understand what you're going through."

With that hopefully dealt with, Hyperion turned toward Miss America. "I'll be on the roof. Come speak to me whenever you are able." With that, Hyperion left America to wrap up with Kate. He waited on the roof for (an unspecified amount of time).

Once Miss Chavez finished her little heart to heart with Miss Bishop and came up to the roof, Hyperion didn't waste any time and got down to business.

"Hello, Miss America. Let's not beat around the bush. I'm not just here to take in Mr. Bishop and.." He paused, sighing. "Pusher Man...I'm also here as a representative of Captain America and the Avengers Initiative. The Captain seems to think you would make a valuable member of the team. He wants your help protecting the world from threats too powerful for any single hero to take down. That is, if you're planning to stick around in our dimension." Hyperion paused, crossing his arms. "We could really use your help. There are threats on the horizon that're making Fury nervous. I can take you to Helicarrier Alpha to meet Captain America now. But if you want to take some time to think it over, I understand completely. Joining a team is a big commitment." Zhib-Ran said with a smile and an awkward cough. "Uh, by the way..Is there a me where you come from? What's he like?"
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Harvey's muscles burned like magma. His bones ached as if they were aging a thousand years a second. Sweat fell from his pores, akin to a waterfall. Thunderbolt quickly calculated the amount of time it would take him to cross the world and arrive back in Lost Haven at full speed without slowing down. At a dead sprint, Thunderbolt could cross North America in 22 seconds. The earth's width was roughly 4 North Americas long; so, some simple math later, Harvey estimated his run time to be about one minute and twenty seconds, rounding the size of North America an subsequently the earth down. That was a minute and twenty seconds his sister spent with that monstrosity. A minute and twenty seconds of Umbraxis the Destroyer still drawing breath.

A minute twenty seconds too long.

Lightning spiraled around the speedster as he ran across the Atlantic ocean, spraying salt water a hundred feet into the air behind him. He was moving fast enough that he couldn't see his own sonic boom carpet trailing a thousand miles behind him, the height of a small mountain. The amount of air he was displacing had reached dangerous levels; he was more than likely creating tsunamis and hurricanes everywhere he ran. But he had to press on, and hope beyond hope that there were no stray ships between himself and his destination. He visualized a map of the globe within his mind. Thunderbolt guessed his current position and changed his trajectory to avoid running right through the middle of the heavily urbanized continent of Europe. Instead, Harvey hoped to cross through the desolate oceans of sand and dunes that made up large chunks of Africa. The jungles would've been an issue if not for the fact that his sheer speed would cut through any obstacle that stood in his way. So Thunderbolt continued to run.

He thought of all the people that animal had slaughtered. The poor, innocent and defenseless citizens whom he had so callously absorbed into his own sick, black flesh. He vividly remembered Demolition's gargantuan, headless corpse drop against the remains of the police station, flooding the survivors left inside in his own blood. Harvey considered how effortlessly Umbraxis had snapped the Herald's neck; a hero who could arguably hold his own against Thunderbolt. The forces which Thunderbolt and Boom battled so passionately, with such fervent vengeance and righteous furry, were more powerful than either speedster could really comprehend. But Umbraxis did not know who he was messing with. He didn't understand the complex nature of the creatures he dared to challenge.

I am no stranger to fear. No stranger to terror or horror. I have experienced the worst humanity has to offer; perhaps even the worst the universe could dish out, now that I've met the Destroyer. Sometimes fear can cripple me. Can bring me to my knees. Fear runs through my blood; and the blood of every human being on the planet, I'd guess. Some days I want to give up the mask and the costume and pretend that I'm normal...

But when you come against my country...
When you come against my family...
You try to destroy my people...

The fear is overcome by rage.

Pure, livid and utterly consuming. There is no power in hell or scheme of man that can overcome a man burdened by fury. Anger has no equal. It can drive even the most timid of people to stand in the path of giants. Rage transforms the kindest humanitarian into a violent and terrible killer. It is what makes me...me. What makes me frustrated. What pisses me off. It is uniquely my own. My identity. Not my fear, but my anger. So I will stand. I will fight. And I will win.

Tears streamed down Harvey's face, pooling together with the blood leaking from his eyes and ears before flinging behind him at mach 300. His mind was of one task now; there was nothing that could distract him. So when a pair of voices began to speak within his mind, Thunderbolt didn't even notice a word they were saying.


"How so very interesting." One voice said. It was deep and gravelly, containing power and authority few others could speak with.

"An engaging little story, isn't it?" Another voice, more feminine, responded. "He has managed to surpass all of our expectations. Through raw emotions, this...Harvey Smith...Has nearly broken the Lightning Effect Barrier. He might even enter relativistic speeds, if we helped him along."

"Hmmm." The original voice hummed. It seemed to be in deep thought. "His efforts will not be enough. Not on his own."

"Yes. He needs our assistance."

"We will give him access to his second form."

"Oh!" The feminine voice gasped in surprise. "So soon? Is he ready? Can he even survive the transformation?"

The voice took a moment to respond. But when it did, it seemed certain. "He will survive. He is stronger than the last avatar. Although his sister seems more capable, Harvey is more worthy."

"We shall unlock his second form, so that he may defeat this great evil and continue to grow and mature in his understanding of the Lightning Effect."

Thunderbolt's costume tore and ripped. Pieces of friction-proof fabric were shredded to pieces by the impossible speeds Harvey had reached. Yet he was going ever faster. The intensity of the lightning streaking behind him could be seen from orbit. Harvey could feel himself..growing. An extra three inches in height caused his costume to strain further, sending larger chunks soaring behind him. Fifty pounds of muscle appeared from thin air, filling out Harvey's usually slender build with a much bulkier look. A streak of bright blue hair faded into existence, temporarily staining Thunderbolt's head. Harvey's shirt was basically gone by the time he reached mach 600, twice as fast as his previous max speed.

The eastern seaboard rushed into view.

Thunderbolt's feet slammed into the water underneath him even harder, propelling him forward further and further.

The moment his foot touched solid earth, Thunderbolt felt a massive rush of energy absorb into his body. He could see Lost Haven now. He raced through the financial district in less than half a second. There. Umbraxis had the rest of the heroes tied down, except for Supercell. He was shoving some sort of energy attack into Icon's face. Gotta move. Faster, Harvey, FASTER!

All of the energy Thunderbolt had built up during his little jog around the world, and the extra power provided by the mysterious figures from before, added on top of the energy he had absorbed when he set foot on solid earth, flowed into the small surface area contained in Harvey's fist. That energy transferred from said fist into the center of Umbraxis' mass, immediately causing a chain reaction of events that would go down in history for millennium. Atoms were split. A mushroom cloud unlike anything seen since World War Two's end lit up the sky but was quickly subdued by the impossible weather conditions created by Supercell. The shockwaves created by the attack leveled everything. Entire buildings were atomized by the force of the attack. Heat and radiation attempted to escape throughout Lost Haven and render the city lifeless for a century. Yet, Supercell's perfect storm shielded the city from the threat and tossed the negative side-effects of the explosion into space.

A microsecond before her brother slammed into Umbraxis, Boom used the brief lapse in Umbraxis' attention to vibrate her molecules fast enough to slip out of the tendrils rather easiler. She immediately did the same for Skull-Thrasher, dragging him out of the explosion's radiance. She doubted his regeneration powers would allow him to survive such a devastating blast.

When the smoke cleared, the only thing standing was Thunderbolt. His body was surrounded by lightning, blood flowing down his now-exposed chest. In his closed he held a pile of ash he hoped was Umbraxis' corpse. (Although it definitely wasn't)

"I am not afraid of you. Or anyone else who threatens my world. If you have any breathe left in you, I want you to fly off to the next big bad eyeing earth and tell it this:

"We will endure."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

An expansive cloud of unnatural fog rolled in from seemingly nowhere and blocked the far-off laboratory from view. "Ugh." S'tann grumbled. Freddie was already up to his mischief, even before they'd begun to move out. Typical. That must mean the Suicide Squad entered the arena near or inside the research center. Well, S'tann thought, At least we know where they are. Unsurprisingly, the first words out of most of the team's lips were complaints. It's too cold! They whined. Why couldn't we be on a beach in California? They thought. Ya know, some days, S'tann wished he couldn't read mind. Telepathy was such a hassle. It seemed as if everyone wore their hearts on their sleeves; he knew their darkest secrets. Their deepest desires. Their dirtiest fantasies (those were the worst; and the most common. Disgusting human fucks). It'd be just magnificent if they'd all just SHUT UP FOR ONE BLEEDING SECOND. The Martian took in a deep breath of the freezing Arctic air. He'd never get used to it; knowing what he shouldn't no. Sometimes, S'tann wished he could close off their thoughts. Or stop reading their minds altogether. But no. That only worked when people thought quietly. It's hard to explain. But some thoughts are more easily heard than others; certain brainwave patterns can be picked up by telepaths without even trying. Those were usually the most passionate thoughts, containing the strongest emotions. The ones S'tann specifically didn't want to know.





Thankfully, Molly had something constructive to say. Legacy knew what she was going to say before the words left her mouth, but he waited until she voiced her concerns before responding. She wanted to swap places with Amethyst. He mulled it over for a second and a half. Molly's sonic attacks would be devastating for the Kryptonian's ultra-sensitive ears. And Amethyst's powers would make her invaluable in the facility; while Molly's uncontrollable scream in what was most likely very tight corridors spelled disaster. A very logical concern. One apparently shared by Amethyst. "Alright." S'tann agreed. "Good idea. Anything else?" Molly's next question was an odd one. Although, after a moment, S'tann realized what she meant. He could fly. Very, very fast. Most of these guys and gals had peak human or less in the way of speed; which was a major disadvantage for the team. A small smirk crossed the Martian's green lips. His eyes glowed a bright red and his body began to grow, shift and change. He absorbed the electricity of the Augmented Reality Center into his body, converting it into mass and using said mass to shape shift. The shape he was going for was very clear after a moment. His torso extended to forty feet long, and each arm stretched further than that. His smooth skin transformed into hardened scales, and his arms sprouted leathery wings.

The great, black dragon let loose a terrible roar that shook the very foundation of the entire center.

"Climb on." S'tann ordered, his voice deep, powerful and guttural. The kind of voice you'd expect from a forty foot long monster with a one hundred and twenty foot wingspan. Once the team was on, S'tann beat his wings against the air and shoved himself skyward. (Well, okay. So that's a bit of a lie. The wings were just for show; he used his Martian telekinesis to fly. Now if only he could use that telekinesis for anything else. Maybe when he was a little older.) He flew forward, cutting through the sky at breakneck speeds. He had to travel at roughly half his top speed to keep from injuring any of the passengers. S'tann pushed himself upwards, up up and away! Not too far away. Just high enough to get a bird's eye view of the laboratory despite the fog. They were no doubt visible to Freddie now, if they weren't before. Good. They were supposed to be going in loud anyhow. "Listen up!" S'tann roared over the deafening wind. "I'm dropping you off, Jack, outside the fog. Keep you out of view from any prying eyes. Hold on tight!" Without anymore warning, S'tann dived. He fell near vertically towards the cloud, leveling out as they disappeared into the fog bank. Hopefully before Freddie managed to do anything crazy. Legacy glided to a stop, his four massive claws digging into the snow in an effort to slow himself down.

"Your time to shine, Catboy. The bombs are scattered in the southwestern wing of the laboratory." He remarked. Once the thief was let off, the Martian addressed the rest of the crew. "I can sense their positions now." He said. Telepathy wasn't all bad. It helped in situations such as this one. "Once we're inside, Alpha team, you'll need to split off and follow the northwest tunnel to a...a helipad. The Kryptonian should be there. Beta team, you'll need to go the opposite direction: southeast, to find the hard drives and the bomb collar controls. The rest of us will head northeast towards the hostages. Mars. Once we exit the fog we won't have much time to get to the door before Freddie hits us with everything he's got. So I'll need you to take out that door from off my back. Ready? Here we go.."

S'tann burst forth from the fog, flying head-first towards the laboratory's massive door. "Mars! Jump off and hit it! NOW!" Without a doubt, there was a whole load of pain heading their way from skyward...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

| Identity |
Blue Marvel
Adam Brashear

| Origin & Backstory |
Include proper historical background that doesn't contradict setting or pre-approved CSs. Given the nature of the game, if you are playing a really established hero (such as Wonder Woman) who has been around for sometime please detail it consistently. Bolding or coloring these points such as years detailed are a good start.

| Attributes |
This one is comprised of your powers, skills, and equipment. So this means everything from your gear, skills, and superpowers (if you have any). You can describe them as briefly or detailed as you wish.

| Character Notes |
Is there anything you want to elaborate on? Extra lore for the city you call home? Notable NPCs? Basically this is for people who want their application to be more of a compendium for their NPCs, Locations, and Rogues specific to this new continuity. Optional.

| Character Goals |
This, next to the history of your character, is the most important field of the application. I’m looking for motive and drive to the point that I am safely assured that know you have a story to tell, as opposed to merely 'running into the wind'. In essence, you will be outlining your prospective arcs. For example: “The Killing Joke” could go well in an application for Barbara Gordon as a character. If you passionately explain your goal then I can have confidence in you being active in this role-play.

| References |
This is to make sure you can write at a level that the game needs. Link 1-3 posts of your writing level in other RPs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Everything went to hell in a hand basket rather quickly. Freddie caused his fog bank to dissipate, leaving the Squadron exposed as S'tann unloaded Jack and explained the extent of the plan to the rest of the team. Probably a poor choice of hiding places, but hindsight is 20/20. Luckily, it seemed that the rest of the Suicide Squad was preoccupied; which left All-Star enough time to take off. But they weren't off the hook just yet. The wind began to pick up; its speed increasing as snow was flung about by the growing vortex. The Martian Boy's flight pattern was thrown off almost immediately by Freddie's storm. "Hold on!" S'tann warned. The dragon's massive body was tossed about by the violent, freezing air currents, threatening to tear the passengers off before they reached their objective. Legacy strained with all of his might to fight the power of the blizzard. It took everything he had to keep from going into a corkscrew and crashing into the side of the laboratory; leaving little room for fine motor control. S'tann loosed another roar, shoving his wings down with all of his might. The dragon's flight path was momentarily corrected, leaving Mars just barely enough time to take out the door. Mari saw S'tann's struggle and thankfully intervened, firing off starbolts into the door to weaken the metal and concrete construct.

To the meathead's credit, he can do one thing right: hit things. Really fucking hard.

The massive steel door shattered under the force of the superhuman's punch. S'tann ceased his struggle against the force of nature outside, tumbling inside the castle with all the finesse of a bull in a china shop. The shapeshifting alien crashed into the stone floor and cracked it with the force of his fall. S'tann absorbed as much of the impact as he could and kept his passengers relatively safe. The beast's gigantic body shrunk rapidly. Scales, skin and bone cracked and melted as the Martian returned to his normal state. His body ejected all of the extra energy he'd absorbed, shooting it off into the air in the form of background microwave radiation. S'tann bent over, his hands firmly planted on his knees as he struggled to take in the necessary oxygen required to stay conscious. Shapeshifting burned a hell of a lot of calories in a very short span of time; without his enhanced alien physiology, S'tann would have gone in to shock from the pain and exhaustion. But S'tann S'tonn was no mere human.

Legacy glanced around at the rest of the team. They were all in different states of readiness; some were more prepared for this than others. He mentally weighed his options, wondering what adjustments should be made to the plan. He'd seen Rita and Mailsi take off for the roof; obviously going after the Kryptonian. Mars and Mari looked pumped and ready to brawl. Amethyst appeared as flustered as ever; not a change from her normal demeanor. Fenris, Richard, Sugar and Raphael were-

Luthor's voice blared over the intercom, halting the Martian's line of thought. His generic villain monologue brought a smirk to S'tann's face. Julian had a way with satire that Martian Boy couldn't deny. "If he thinks-" S'tann started, but found himself interrupted once more. But this time by explosives and a collapsing roof.

Move, S'tann. Move!

Legacy's body shifted and transformed at a rate faster than what he'd consider safe. He formed what appeared to be a giant green tarp, flying over top the most human members of All-Star Squadron. The ones he thought would be injured by the falling debris. S'tann wrapped his body around Fenris, Raphael, Richard, Amethyst, and Mars. He would have grabbed Sugar too, but her ghost (or whatever the hell it is) seemed to have that under control. Chunks of stone and enormous pillars slammed into the Martian's exposed form. The Martian waited until the torrent of sound and pain ceased before letting himself breathe. He took on a more malleable form, pushing against the pile of rock that threatened to crush him. S'tann cleared as much of the debris as he could before returning to normal form and falling to his knees. His pain was beyond simulated now; he knew there were a few bruises in his rib cage now. But there wasn't time to rest. He needed to keep moving; keep his team moving.

"Mari?" S'tann called, shoving himself to his feet. "You still breathing?" His ear buzzed and Silver Banshee's voice echoed through his bleeding brain. "Yeah. Yeah. He's..." Legacy took a deep breathe, scanning for Kieran's psychic location. A short migraine later, S'tann responded. "He's moving towards the center of the facility at super speeds. But you and Rita might be able to intercept him if you hurry. Sending you a telepathic picture of his location; I'll try to update it whenever I can." S'tann turned towards the rest of the team, helping them dig out Sugar and Mari as best he could. To be honest, the Martian didn't know how much he had left. He was battered and exhausted; in no condition to fight a 100% Keiran, that much was certain. But he needed to keep moving. Just...keep moving. "Sugar. Take your team and get to the hard drives. Maybe there's still time to complete those side objectives. The rest of us will make a go for the hostages; you too, Richard. I don't think you'll be able to catch up with the girls and Kent. We'll need the help anyway." S'tann mentioned, placing a tender hand on his visibly bruised side.

It was a silent message, but a clear one. Martian Boy wasn't doing too hot.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The destruction of the Weapon X facility and the death of Professor Thorton changed everything. The revelation that Team X had been under the mental control of Romulus shook the team to their core. With this information in hand, the team split up and went their separate ways. Wolverine was captured by SHIELD and imprisoned for six months for his crimes against the United States and abroad. During his imprisonment, Logan learns that a team of heroes called the Avengers have formed and taken the Incredible Hulk into their ranks, pardoning him for his past crimes. This news distresses the mutant assassin; that monster had been responsible for his capture. It had caused more damage than Wolverine did in his entire life time; every time Banner let it loose, the Hulk cost the nations of the world billions of dollars in collateral. But who was sitting in a jail cell, surrounded by fifty men armed with the most advanced firearms on the market? Not the Hulk. Just the confused, mind controlled mutant who only wanted to be left alone. He let that frustration and anger that boiled in his gut transform into hatred for the green giant. He'd kill Bruce Banner if it was the last thing he did. That was a promise. A covenant. One he planned to keep.

Eventually word reached Nick Fury that Logan Howlett had been under the mental influence of a far more sinister threat; nothing he'd done was done under his own free will. Therefore, SHIELD's judicial advisers found the mutant to be innocent. But Nick Fury wouldn't let an invincible, immortal assassin go; such an asset had to be exploited. So Fury made a deal with Wolverine. The mutant killer would be allowed to go free. But whenever SHIELD needed some under the table assistance, Logan would work for them; if he refused, they'd hunt him to the ends of the earth. Nick, of course, simply forgot to tell James that he had been found innocent. He spun the proposal as the only way Logan would see the light of day once more. So Wolverine, of course, accepted. The mutant bought a flat in Hell's Kitchen and tried to start up a normal life. He got a job at a local restaurant working in the kitchen, joined a local MMA gym, and even started dating.

By the end of 2013, things were looking up for Wolverine. The few times he was called to work for Nick Fury's "X-Force" were the only times Logan had to pop his claws. He worked closely with SHIELD's mutant team to take down Bolivar Trask and his Sentinel Order. The X-Force fought against the Hulk when the beast went on one of its rampages; Wolverine tried his best to kill Banner, but the Avengers intervened and the X-Force had to retreat to prevent public exposure of their operations.

In February of 2014, Wolverine met Charles Xavier while on assignment for SHIELD. He brought a number of orphaned mutants he'd freed from Trask's forces to the X-mansion, handing them over to the professor. Logan, intrigued by the X-Men's operations, chose to stick around the school and lend a helping hand. Professor Xavier helped Wolverine remember his past. Logan offered his extensive martial arts knowledge to the X-men, training them extensively in the art of personal combat. Wolverine preforms a number of black ops for SHIELD within Latverian Union territory.

By mid-2015, Wolverine was an official member of the X-Men and Fury released Logan from his X-Force obligations. He chose to help SHIELD whenever they needed it; he'd grown attached to the other members of the X-Force, and it offered a way for Wolverine to reconnect with some of his old teammates. It was actually through the machinations of Fury that Wolverine and X-23 reunited, leading to Laura becoming a student at Xavier's school. Kang the Conqueror appeared during that year, and Wolverine (alongside some of the X-Men) assisted the Avengers in bringing the time traveling tyrant down. Another feud between the runt and the giant ensued before the latter was sucked into a time portal by Kang and vanished for the year.

With the return of the Hulk, now calling itself Maestro and possessing an extraordinary intelligence, Wolverine's distrust of the creature grows. The two continue their battles, Xavier and Captain America's attempts to stop them from fighting proving to be less than useless. The X-Force becomes more active in Eastern Europe and Latveria, sabotaging the east as best they can. When war breaks out in 2017, the X-Force embeds itself in enemy territory. The team takes on the guise of a traveling circus, Wolverine now being known as Revolto the Clown. Certain members of the X-Men join the X-Force to help with the war effort. Wolverine duels Doctor Doom personally; he fails to kill the dictator.

The X-Force and the Maestro-led Avengers have a falling out, leading to a small skirmish. The X-Force decide to abandon the fight in France and the UK, leaving the Avengers to that as they attempt to demolish Latveria's infrastructure from the inside out.

By winter of 2019, the X-Force, X-Men and Avengers unite and assault Victor Von Doom's castle with the help of helicarrier Hermes. Wolverine personally leads the mutant attack on Christmas Day, following Maestro and Loki inside. The extinction level event occurs and most of the world is completely wiped out. The annual Avengers New Years party is cancelled.

Maestro's rise to supreme leader of the survivors of the apocalypse is bloody and violent. Anyone who resisted was unceremoniously executed, proving to Wolverine what he'd thought of the Hulk all along: he was a bloodthirsty monster that needed to be put down. Logan rallied what support he could and went into hiding, fighting Maestro at every turn. The Avengers were killed off one by one. Wolverine's rag-tag resistance wasn't able to stop the increasingly insane Hulk's conquest of Latveria, and eventually they ceased fighting all together and ventured into the badlands to avoid the Maestro's wraith. With the destruction of hundreds of mutant communities in 2023, Wolverine disappears off the radar completely. He sets himself up somewhere in the Turkish wilderness, creating a tiny safe haven for wandering mutants from the rabid packs of Maestro's followers. The nameless little town, nicknamed Utopia by its two dozen or so residents, would grow under the vigilante eye of the Wolverine. Fifty some years would pass before Wolverine heard from anyone he knew back in the golden days. He received an ominous message from an old frenemy, claiming that the resistance was on the rise once more.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

| Identity |
Solomon Grundy
Cyprus Gold

| Origin & Backstory |

| Attributes |
Super Strength: Solomon Grundy is one of the strongest villains on earth. He can go toe-to-toe with any member of the Justice League, and they most certainly feel his punches. He can lift enormous weights with little strain.

Invincibility: The zombified body of Cyprus Gold is extremely durable. He can tank extreme damage without injury. When injury does occur, Solomon Grundy's supernatural healing factor allows him to absorb life force to restore his body to its fullest power.

Life absorption: The Gray gifted Solomon Grundy with the ability to suck the life energies out of anything that lives and breathes. This includes humans, animals, aliens and plants. Certain objects are harder to drain, such as living creatures, and require more time and effort to absorb into himself. Solomon tends to avoid 'eating' sapient beings, especially other people. He isn't fond of murder.

Reanimation: Whenever Solomon Grundy is killed, he is brought back to life in Slaughter Swamp. This is due to the curse of the Gray making him effectively immortal. His previous body turns to nothing but wood and swamp pulp when his new body reforms back in Gotham.

| Character Notes |
N/A for now

| Character Goals |
I was introduced to Solomon Grundy during the Justice League cartoon, and fell in love with the character since then. He's such an odd character. His origins are extremely dark, and he's surrounded by pure evil, yet he manages to be fun and light hearted at the same time (at least sometimes.) I've never really liked it when Grundy was little more than a mindless zombie. So I want to write Solomon with a bit more emotion and humanity; I want to show his good side. I want to look into the psyche of a giant, memory-less zombie and explore what he thinks of this world that he finds himself in. Things are cut and dry for him. Black and white. Good guys fight bad guys, the good guys win, and the bad guys get away to plan their next big job. But things have become different. Become...gray. Villains aren't supposed to win; they aren't supposed to kill their heroes. That's the line of thought that I want to chase down with Grundy.

| Sample Post |
Grundy's heart hurt.

His arm hurt too. And his ribs. In fact, Solomon Grundy's entire body racked with the most intense pain he'd felt in his entire life. He shifted his weight a little, trying to get his barrings. Rock and rubble tumbled over his chest as he moved. Grundy blinked, blinded by the light. He reached a hand up to rub the dirt and dust off his face. Hmm. That was odd. Solomon could only move his left arm. He couldn't feel his right. The zombie glanced to the right and was surprised to find his arm was missing. There wasn't any blood; but swamp water dripped from the hole in his torso. Solomon used his one hand to free his trapped legs and stood to his feet. Grundy knocked down a brick wall, smashing it out of his way as he stepped into the street. He was in Metropolis. The golden city of the future, home to the iconic Superman. But Metropolis was different today.

Metropolis' heart hurt too.

So did its body. Grundy could see all the vast destruction that Doomsday person had caused when he attacked the city. There wasn't a building in sight that hadn't bee scarred in some capacity by the violence. The big, gray...thing...had knocked down multiple skyscrapers and turned entire blocks into piles of brick and mortar. Fire engulfed structure after structure and smoke blocked out the sun. Solomon made his way down the street, littered with bodies and the wounded. Cars sat bumper to bumper, most of the doors open being evidence that people had tried to escape the fighting on foot. The few vehicles with unopened doors were either flattened or filled with corpses. Grundy glanced inside a nearby van, his eyes catching sight of a pair of tiny skeletons in the back. They were burned black by something incredibly hot. Another pair of skeletons sat in the front, clutching each other in their bony hands. They had died holding each other. How romantic, Grundy thought.

The big, ugly zombie marched further down the street. He headed towards the center of the violent storm of complete destruction. That's where Superman and Doomsday had been seen last. Grundy pushed his way past the apocalyptic-like ruination, knocking over a fallen apartment building. Solomon had to lift up an overpass on his way downtown. He tossed the annihilated bridge of his way, careful not to cause much more damage than had already been done. Grundy's march was interrupted by the cries of a terrified voice. The voice of a small child. Solomon picked up the pace, running towards the sound. He found a little girl, clutching her unconscious father closer. They were wedged between a concrete pillar and a massive school bus, the latter of which threatened to crunch and collapse on top of them. Grundy shoved his powerful fingers into the metal of the bus, tossing it behind him without much effort. He picked up the man and the girl, placing her on his shoulder. "Don't worry. Grundy will take you to doctor men." He informed her. The girl appeared nearly as scared of Solomon as she had been of being crushed to death; but his words offered her a small bit of comfort.

After Grundy dropped the girl off at the nearest aid station, he continued on his trek towards the center of town. He'd try not to stop much this time. Of course, the injured and in-danger couldn't help it that they were in need of his assistance. Grundy couldn't hold it against them. Solomon responded to everything cry for help he heard. He saved a trio of teenagers from a burning building. Grundy rescued a dozen people from a falling bridge. He even helped a dog dig out his owner, who was trapped underneath his car. Solomon didn't like seeing people hurt. He remembered killing people, sure. But he never much liked it. It was usually an accident. Besides, today was...different. There was something in the air. Something wrong. He heard it all the time. People were wailing in the streets. Others gathered into circles, listening to reverends, priests and pastors offer words of condolence and peace. Leaders tried to rally the able to help with searches. But there was so much crying. Everyone seemed to be crying.

Metropolis' heart hurt like Grundy's.

It didn't take much longer for Solomon Grundy to reach the crater in the very center of Metropolis. It was surrounded by super heroes. People in capes and tights. Heroes. Nobody was talking, though. The few that were whispered very quietly. Some stood in silence. Others sobbed. Grundy didn't know what to do, so he decided to get closer. Nobody stopped him. Grundy got a few hateful looks, but they didn't fight him. Today was not a day for fighting. The fighting had stopped earlier. Grundy touched the area where his missing arm had been. He had tried to help Superman; Superman was Grundy's friend. Well. Not really friend. But Superman was nice to Grundy. So Solomon wanted to be nice to Superman. But Doomsday was strong; stronger than Grundy. It tore off Grundy's arm and tossed him across the city.

Grundy looked to the center of the crater, where a pair of familiar figures stood. One, clad in all black, and the other, dressed in colorful armor. Grundy knew them. Everyone knew them. They were Superman's friends. And Superman was gone now. He couldn't come back like Grundy could. He wouldn't come back. Superman's friends knew that. Grundy looked on, and he knew what was going on.

Their hearts hurt.

Just like Grundy's.
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