Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac chuckled and shook his head, finding some humor in the Litharian's woes. "Look at it this way. All the filth is actually improving your immune system so you will have less to worry about from filth from now on. People from this planet are infamous for having an iron clad constitution. Think some Wolkar scientists came here and found a vaccine for some esoteric disease by taking white blood cell samples from the populace. Yes, this place actually contributed to STOPPING disease, as hard to believe as that is." Speaking of, the datapad was slipped through the door and landed with a thump on the floor, Rennac smiling and picking it up. "Good news, we got our info. Lets see what dear little Ketra managed to get from the triad and mafia's databases."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Virathus threw his hands up in the air, "That's bullshit, you made that up. Nothing good can come from a shit hole like this and on that note, fuck this place, fuck this planet, and fuck you." He said rather nonchalantly. Though he would never admit it, this place was kind of growing on him, and thankfully not in the physical sense. It's a rare place that you can just shoot an asshole and get paid for it. When the datapad fell through he didn't move, letting the Wolkar work his contacts. "Just tell me who I need to kill." He finished with a sort of grim tone on his voice. All this grime, drugs, and thugs wasn't is style, but having a target's name and location was. It felt good to start getting back onto familiar ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac's grimace was palpable, reading through the reports. "Nothing directly to Klith, though you should read up on lucky number 7. Dromun-Keran: gun runner, wanted on several planets for arming rebel groups and even instigating a few wars himself. Got a hefty bounty on his head AND he seems to have lost a shipment of weapons though his bank account paints a very different picture. What say we go do a little 'shopping?'" With that look on Rennac's face it was clear he had a plan, donning his helmet and getting ready to head out. Before he opened the door he looked back at Reaper. "Though do tell me, do Litharians ever use the 'good cop, bad cop' routine for interrogation?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Virathus stood up slinging his gun back over his shoudler and walking towards the door. "Of course we do, I'll be good cop." He then unslung his MAGNUM pistol and checked the BURST Unit to see if it was hooked in properly, "And my good friend here makes a damn fine bad cop." Together he followed Rennac out of the dwelling and let the Wolkar take over since he knew where this Dromun-Keran was positioned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac smirked and nodded. "Good enough, least you'll have enough of an idea to follow my lead." The Wolkar led Reaper to the docks, soon finding the crook in question. He raised a hand as he got ready to bolt. "Take it easy, looking to get a nice upgrade for my blasters. I'm willing to pay top cred for the best." Placing the large bag of money in the window made the thug's eyes light up at the opportunity, smirking all the while. "Oh yes, please, please come on in! I am sure I can find something you will like. What is the problem you have with your current set? I may be able to find some nice mods to give them what you need." Rennac smiled happily and nodded. "How about like the blasters you were paid to 'lose' in your recent shipment. From the reports I get those were some VERy high quality weapons." The gun runner looked nervously and shook his head. "Oh come on now, like I could possibly get profit from dump- AAAH!" The gun runner stumbled back into a bunch of his own crates, the Wolkar's blaster smoking as well as a fresh hole in Dromun's leg. "See? No real punch to it. Just needs a bit more punch." The Wolkar straddled over the man intimidatingly, a sadistic look on his face. "Ok, so, tell us what we wanna know and you leave with just the one gunshot wound! Or was it two? Well, no more than six. But you walk out of here alive! Probably. Well, maybe. Actually, you know what, I probably shouldn't say for sure at this point 'cause he'll wanna break your fingers and who KNOWS what I'm gonna do to ya! So, anyway, you're gonna die, we get our info, and everybody's happy! Except you, the dead guy. And don't worry, unless we find them your family will be completely safe. But, full disclosure, we are actually REALLY good at finding people so just be thankful you wont live to see what happens to them!" Rennac had said that all with almost a tone of levity and joy. To the thug it would seem like the Wolkar was completely insane but Reaper would hopefully know this was just how Rennac ran an interrogation, quick, painful, and direct to the point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Virathus walked and watched in silence as the Wolkar went to work. Saying all of his strange banter and threats. Generally that wouldn't work on a Litharian, but this thug wasn't a Litharian, so maybe it would? "We simply want to know where the weapons went. You didn't lose them, and I want to make some money. I hadn't planned on killing you, but apparently my friend here is out of his damn mind." Virathus said, actually sounding sincere when he said Rennac was out of his damn mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dromun was most certainly NOT a Litharian by any meaning of the word, having visibly wet himself in fear as the wolkar had gone on and on like it was another day at the office. "I- I was just told to give them to some shadowy dude on the planet Felician! He seemed to be some reptilian looking dude! Shady as fuck but he paid me a ton of money. Just PLEASE don't kill me!" The Wolkar simply smiled and nodded. "Wish granted." A sudden pop was heard as a tranq dart shot from Rennac's gauntlet and sunk into the gun runner's neck, securing his hands to the crate with the foam before placing a blinking blue device next to the unconscious thug. "The local authorities will pick him up. Now we have our heading! By the way, good acting back there. Thought you sounded really sincere back when you called me insane." He was intentionally laying this one over the plate, seeing if the seemingly stuck up Litharian had enough humor to take the open jab at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Virathus watched as Rennac wrapped up his whole routine. Noddign when he made the comment about his good acting, "Yeah acting, I was acting. I took some acting classes back in training." With that remark he turned around and started walking away, leaving the stand and starting his way back to the ship. "I'll make sure the ship's engines are warm, feel free to go say bye to your girlfriend and collect whatever this guy is worth."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac was a tad disappointed he couldn't get a jab from the Litharian, shaking his head. "Jeez, I laid that one right over the plate and you still couldn't hit it! Guessing humor is one of the things they left out of your training." They quickly made his way back to the ship with Reaper following, letting out a hoarse laughter at the girlfriend comment. "And here I thought I wouldn't be able to get a joke out of you! There may be hope for you yet." He went to Ketra's and gave her the money owed. She didn't earn her bonus since she got nothing on their true target besides some people looking to join him. Once he got back he strapped in and prepared to take off, looking back at Reaper with a wry grin. "Oh, by the way, I'm not interested in that girl. I swing the other way." He sat there and let that tidbit sink in for a moment, wondering if his species were in any way homophobic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Virathus made sure to keep his word once he got to the ship, firing up the engines and making sure the ship was in correct order as Rennac left to make a house call. With the engines running he began to hang up his weapons back in the secure containers in the bunks, also making sure nothing was missing. While he had faith in the hull of the ship holding, this planet didn't have a single good soul on it's entire surface, so better safe than sorry. By the time Rennac came back Virathus was still in his armor, but his helmet was off for the first time since they got to this shit hole and he was seated in the pilot's chair, preparing the final take off sequence. Seeing the Wolkar he strapped in and waited for him to take the copilot's chair. At the remark he did get a crooked glance aimed at Rennac, not really sure how to make his confession, but he shook it off as another weird thing to come from his mouth. With nothing left to stop them he engaged the primary thrusters and into the void they went. Wasn't a few more moments before he charted a course to Felician and they broke into warp space.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac smirked as it seemed Reaper was at least somewhat comfortable with the whole gay thing, half expecting his mind to just shut down and reboot after a minute or two. Once they were out of the atmosphere and on their way he brought up a map of the planet in question, looking it over. "Well, this planet we're heading too... No major cities or town on the maps. At most there may be a few small villages but none that are recorded or well known. The place is a complete jungle, far too cluttered with trees to land in all but a few scarce spots. We'll check the man made landing areas first before we check the areas that are naturally occuring where someone can land with enough skill. Whats your experience with jungle combat and tracking? Anything firsthand?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Virathus was looking out the cockpit's window intently looking over the dense jungle while Rennac talked. When he got to the part about jungle combat he almost wanted to break out laughing, "I am Litharian, I was born in the jungle. And just for the historical record, a Litharian in the jungle is the most frightful force in the galaxy." He was about to correct the ship's course so they'd be on course for a landing zone when Rennac's datapad lit up with warnings, each one saying that the firewall is being breached, but before anyone could react a new message came, this one saying it was already down. Next the INTCOM terminal began ringing, signaling that a call was incoming. Virathus looked to Rennac with a confused and curious look. This whole thing was beyond his general knowledge and since Rennac wasn't very forthcoming about his system securities, this came as all the stranger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac chuckled at Reaper's joke just as his datapad was going off with warnings, the Wolkar cursing and trying to stop the breach before it was utterly compromised a second later. Muttering another curse he scowled at Reaper. "I TOLD you we should have removed that damn dataspike! Now our comms terminal is compromised! Next time we have an issue like this I'M making the call!" The Wolkar began to remove all of the comm terminal's connections to the ship, even switching it over from the ship's power to it's own independent source just in case. Still, with everything he had to keep a somewhat calm demeanor so not to give himself away as he answered. "Listen, for the last time I told you holomarketers to stop calling! I'm happy with my insurance, I don't want a new cooling draft for my ship, and for the LAST time I am not interested in hearing the word of the lord and savior Tanaka." His voice was legitimately annoyed though he managed to make it seem like it was for a different reason, hopefully making the one on the other end believe he was just upset about another holo to holo salesman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Who ever was on the other end of the call remained quiet as Rennac rambled about sales and Gods, but when he finished talking. "Very cute Rennac, but I can see you." The voice said, clearly distorted by an assortment of manipulations. "And while I found your attempts to keep me out entertaining, I'm going to ask you to stop. It's starting to bother me." Virathus was idly listening while he was flying the ship, making sure to note the stranger's words. "Now be a dear and fetch my agent for me." The voice finished, staying silent uptil he had the man he wanted to talk to. Virathus listened to the words and assuming Rennac glanced over at him when he was mentioned, gestured for the Wolkar to come back to the cockpit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac was feeling less and less keen about this figure as he spoke, finally snapping when he said his agent. In Rennac's eyes that only meant one person. However, there was still the question of who was talking on the other end. "Very well, before I do that let me ask you a question." Quick as ever he whipped out his pistol and pointed it at Reaper's head with one hand and had the other point his other pistol at the terminal. He was ready to destroy both if needed. "When you saw me in my quarters at the palace, what did I underline in the documents and what was your response. If you're who I think you are your agent will be free of suspicion. Answer wrong, and your little plant will be feeling rather light headed followed by a severe case of death. If you are who I believe you to be, you will understand this to be a necessary check to be certain you're who I think you to be."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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The voice over the INTCOM ramained quiet for a time. Virathus on the other hand wasn't ready to deal with a cocky ass wolf-boy thinking he could just execute him due to a call. He was already strapped in and flying the ship. So he sent it into a sharp nose dive while ducking his head to avoid any possible shot. The force caused anything in the chassis that wasn't properly secured to the floor to shoot up to the ceiling causing a series of thumps and whumps to come from behind him, one of those should have been Rennac. Straightening out the ship just as violently as he had sent it down, he quickly activated the auto-pilot and unstrapped himself, swiftly getting out of his seat he grabbed the bars at on the walls that were on both sides of the cockpit's entryway and using his weight we flung his body forward feet first looking to double kick the Wolkar and hopefully cause enough shock to disarm him in one move.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac's answer of loyalty came as soon as Reaper took the nose dive, about to send a spray of blaster bolts before he was launched into the top of the ship by the Litharian spy. Thankfully his armor helped him absorb the blow, taking a moment to lock his helmet on place before he saw the flying double kick coming his way. He grunted and fell back with the blow, knocking the wind out of him for a moment before he got up and took a fighting stance and began to throw punches at the Litharian traitor toput him on the defensive. "Ha! I should have known you were a traitor the moment you insisted we keep that damnable data spike! No matter. When I bring you head to Xilanthis alongside Klith's, it will just solidify me as being more trustworthy than the Council's own representative! May even cast doubt upon the Masters of eyes and war, leading to investigations into them as well." One of his gauntlet blades extended to become a far more deadly attack, aiming to either cripple Reaper or severely wound him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Virathus did in fact go on the defensive blocking the Wolkar's wild attacks. Without a real target they were child's play to defend against, but they blade coming at him was targeted and had a reason behind it. Though it took effort to block, he slammed his body against the wall to dodge the blow and using his forearm he tried to slam the blade down towards the ground, for a rebuttal his other arm came to try and backhand the Wolkar to get some distance again. Fighting an armed man without any weapons wouldn't be the fairest of fights. He need to arm himself somehow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac thought about using his flamethrower to consume all the oxygen in the craft but decided against it, knowing the heat may damage some of the critical systems. For now he we stuck with his less volatile darts and his blades, knowing he would prefer to bleed out the traitor rather than simply let him suffocate peacefully. No. He would batter the traitor down and then drop him from the still moving ship to watch him splatter on the land below. He had his blade retract as it threatened to get stuck in the grated floor, his other arm swinging forward to block the backhand with a loud tang reverberating through the ship. He then lunged forward, his left arm's blade out to pierce Reaper's shoulder while his knee was launched right into the center of the Litharian's chest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Virathus was having none of the Wolkar's tricks. He withdrew attack and used it to divert the Wolkar's blade over his shoulder into the bulkhead. The knee he took by bringing his own knee up, it hurt, but was severyly reduced from the original damage. Now the Wolf-boy was right on top of him with his back to a wall, using said wall to bashed into Rennac with his shoulder and body in an attempt to get some distance and put his to the ground.
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