Seeking one role player.
Married woman/man x College student This role play is rated M (+18), comedy, romance, lust, heartache, pain. But don't be fooled, it wont be just about their sexual relationship but all the nitty gritty stuff that makes them the way they are and why they keep going back for more. This will be long term, I hope and we will both contribute ideas and there needs to be a lot of character development as well. Casual/high casual, good grammar & spelling. Post at least once a day but if more then I will love you! But will understand if your away for a few days but don't keep me hanging :> OOC Chat also is a love thing for me, I love chatting to my partners also! I guess, I'd love to see an idea or even a suggestion towards this. Please don't PM me with "Hi, I'm interested in playing such and such and only such and such, I do not mind who I play and if it comes to it I may take an extra one where I'm a different character or gender :> Anyway, guess if you'd like to hear more then PM me right now !!