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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Glass fought exhaustion as he fought to keep up with the purple horned alien, fighting against all odds to try and beat the thing. It was to no avail, however, as the Namekian was beaten down mercilessly. "I don't know why you keep getting back up, Namekian! You may have beaten two of my men, but you're no match for the great and powerful Captain Ginyu! Just give up!"

Ginyu laughed as Glass launched himself at the thing once again, only for the hideous alien to once again throw him to the ground, pain shooting through his body. 'Damnit! Maybe if I hadn't wasted so much energy fighting the other two before, I at least wouldn't be thrown around like a ragdoll!" Anger at his own inability fueled him to continue charging, and each time the alien would throw him to the ground, laughing.

"Oh, I think I'm about done with you, Namek. Any last words before I end your pitiful existence?" Ginyu smirked down at the battered Namekian. Just then, however, an energy source began to approach the pair. While not the on the same level as Ginyu, it was certainly enough to be felt from this distance. "Hmm? What's this, an approaching energy source? Clicking through his scanner, Ginyu turned to face the new threat.

A man landed a dozen yards away from the two aliens. It was a familiar face to Glass, as it filled history books and was a common sight during his Pendulum Room visits. To Ginyu, it was just another insect. "Ahahah! What's this? Another Saiyan who thinks they stand a chance against me? Well then, I suppose I have the time to deal with you. Stay still Namekian, you'll die soon enough."

Ginyu continued to smirk, mirth filling him as he felt the rage Goku held within him at the sight of the alien. That anger quickly turned to ki, the amount startling even Glass, a red aura gathering around the Saiyan as he powered up. "Kaioken!" The red aura began to blaze in a fiery fury, pure energy flying off him.

"What? What's this? Your power, it's greater than even my own!" Ginyu almost seemed to cower, before a greedy glint entered his eye. He had a plan.

Knowing his fight had ended, however, Glass allowed the Pendulum Room to fade, finding himself unharmed, if a little drained for energy. Climbing up on shaky limbs, the Namekian walked back to the room his students were training in, thinking over his last battle. 'That's the third time I've run that scenario, and each time I fight Ginyu I stand no chance. Goku though, with that technique of his he's able to dominate him, even though he starts at about the same level as me!'

Frustration again welled inside of him, a feeling he had to push down as he walked into the training room. Inside Rin was sparring with Popo, the genie always just a step ahead of the girl, forcing her to keep pushing herself. She'd already proven herself to be an excellent learner, and her ki was quickly rising to match his sons'. All she needed was the skill and experience to use it.

Speaking of his sons, the pair were also in the room, sparring with each other. They both kept an even pace, though the battles between them usually held the same undertone of Sodius trying to get close, while Silic worked to maintain distance. Glass knew he'd have to encourage the two to find other partners, as difficult as that could be at times.

Before he could speak, however, he felt a large amount of energy in the distance. Everyone stopped as the wave of ki rushed over them, and questions began to pop into everyone's heads. Rin was the first to put them to words. "What was that?"

Glass shook his head, turning to leave the room. "I'll go check it out. Silic, Sodius, with me. Rin, you and Popo continue to practice, you're not quite ready to begin fighting." The girl seemed to want to fight the words, but eventually sighed, returning to her spar.

Walking out of the Lookout, Glass and his sons almost immediately noticed Vera was standing there, waiting for them. "Why am I not surprised you're already here?" His sons fought the urge to smirk at Glass' words. "So, what did you do now?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Vera clenched her fist when she finally noticed the burst of energy, a smirk crossing her lips at the point that Glass and his sons came out onto the lookout, of course accusing her... Yeah they were right, but really, right away? "Me? Why would I have anything to do with that? Though since you are going to see it anyway I suppose I should tell you to be careful." She lifted a palm to stroke her hair to the side.

"You know, because of lab defenses that are likely up and running and have not been programmed right yet not to shoot all on sight." She was really bad at hiding this whole thing, after all she was directly involved as they suspected. Deciding it was a lost cause she floated into the air. "Fine, fine. Let's go there and see what may have gone wrong, or right depending on view."

Powering up she dragon dashed away, knowing that the three should have been able to keep up with her given that she had been practicing against them for the past month. "By the way, is the room going to be free soon? I mean I suspect you guys are going to be recovering for a good while after this" She suspected that they would not get through this unscathed given RR's robotic armies in their bases, but it was what she had awakened that she worried about.

It did not take long before they came to the arctic wasteland of one of the poles, the cold not effecting Vera in the least bit but it was about to heat up VERY FAST! Suddenly a huge jet of steam burst from the ground. "You know, some guy named Wheelo had one just like this on the other side of the world. The RR did not have much originality it seems." As spoke as she started to walk into the scolding hot steam, it parting and splitting at her form before she vanished into it. A moment pasted before the steam cleared, leaving the HUGE active Red Ribbon Army base and its entrance uncovered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


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Glass and his sons flew off with the cyborg, the younger two lagging behind some, but otherwise keeping pace. "You can use the room anytime. I think I'll be working on a project for awhile anyway, and my sons are between plateaus. Just ask Popo to assist you." The Namekian hid his nervousness well, smothering it in preparation for whatever Vera had done. Before long, they approached the arctic wastes.

The trio of Namekian watched as Vera parted the steam, and unveiled the massive base. While his sons were gaping, Glass walked forward to try getting a better view, and took a moment to examine the architecture. "The Red Ribbon Army, huh? Never thought I'd be walking through a historic military base. Not the prettiest building, but I imagine there's a lot of valuable material in here, weapons and the like. Though, it doesn't answer what the source of that energy is." Reaching out with his own ki, Glass felt the pulsating energy, unsure of the feeling it gave him.

Behind Glass, his sons also entered, unsure of what to make of the building. Although not as pleasing to the eye as their home, there was definitely a quality in the quantity of space, and the two looked around as best they could. A directory helped put names to different doors and hangars, from labs to armories. Though they hated to admit it, the brothers were impressed with the base and what it held.

Back at the Lookout, Popo continued to train with Rin. The girl pushed herself harder and harder, unhappy that she was left behind from a possible adventure. Determined to become stronger, strong enough to catch up with Silic and Sodius, Rin fought the genie, not sparring an once of her energy. Popo seemed worried over the girl. "Don't push yourself too hard now, you're still young and your energy is still developing. You could hurt yourself if you aren't careful."

"I don't care! I can't believe Master Glass would just leave me here!" She launched a flurry of textbook punches and kicks, landing the brutal blows on Popo, who merely took them without a scratch. "I've gotten so strong! I'm ten times stronger than I was when I first started, easy, and I'm still not strong enough! I do everything I can, go to bed exhausted and it's still not enough!" Preparing a number of energy blasts, Rin threw them at Popo's guard, before rushing through the cloud of smoke.

"You can only grow so fast, Rin. You've already exceeded the Guardian's expectations. You should be proud of yourself, not angry." Popo went on the counter offensive, gathering air in his lungs before letting loose with a mighty blow of wind. Fighting against the wind, Rin eventually succumbed to exhaustion and tumbled backwards through the air.

As she lay there, Rin considered Popo's words. "I'm going to lay down." Picking herself up, Rin left to her quarters, leaving Popo alone in the training room. The inexhaustible genie shook his head, a smirk on his face, before going to attend to his own duties.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Icy Tomb

The base was expansive to say the least, though when you could hide it within the ice and water below there was plenty of space to work with. However there was also a send of emptiness and sadness to something once so great and powerful left to rot within a icy tomb. Vera's footsteps echoed throughout the hallway, her hand brushing against the steel walls almost as if she was in a home she was just revisiting.

At the moment the other three passed the threshold into the high level security section of the base a small red beam of light bathed them in its light for a moment before switching off. In response the darkness of the hallway was lit ablaze by the emergency red lights that dotted the corners. The intercom also came to life, spitting out dust from its speaker as a robotic voice spoke.

"Intruders detected. Please stay where you are while we send security to kill you. Thank you for your time."

Three types of robots spawned from the doors and walls of the base; one basic bi-ped android shell with stun batons, orbs with blasters built into their sides and large four legged tank like things that thankfully could fit within the expansive hallway. Though they started to pour out and rushed towards the group, Vera simply continued, as she was completely ignored by the robots, even placing her hand onto one leg of a tank like robot that had slammed down next to her, a loud hiss escaping its joints as it took its own weight.

"I suggest you deal with these little ones first. We don't want them to bother us. Besides, it is good training, don't you think? I will get everything ready for your arrival."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Glass' eyes narrowed at the sight of the various androids and robots, a practical army of powerful machines. Their various builds and sizes presented something of a challenge, and with everyone inside the base a wide area attack was out of the question. Behind him, his sons prepared for a fight, Silic preparing a ki blast and Sodius entering a practiced stance. "You both take the flanks, I'll hold the center. We fight until they're all down." Sighing, the Namekian shot a look at Vera before focusing his ki and rushing forward.

Engaging with one of the androids, Glass blocked one of the machine's stun batons before punching it in the head. It gave a satisfying crack and broke. That wasn't enough to put the thing down, though, and it quickly responded with a series of baton swipes, electricity sparking off the weapon's head. A swiping kick to the torso tore the robot in half, energy finally seeming to leave the biped.

This woudl take some time, the androids had a lot of stay in them. Beginning to regret this whole ordeal, Glass blasted one of the floating orbs out of the air with a ki blast before racing to destroy one of the tank-like machines who had his son in its sights. Yeah, it'd take some time..
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Battle raged within the abandoned halls for a few solid moments, some attacks even rocking the hallway a little. However just as suddenly as they had started their attack, they suddenly halted in their tracks, slowly starting to back up towards their places within the walls and corners of the room. "Intruders delt with. Have a nice day" The crimson red that bathed the hallway turned into a more natural and pleasant glow of white just as another voice came over the intercom.

"Sorry it took so long to reprogram the system, #13 did not tell me you were coming until just now. Make your way to our location."

The voice was not Vera's that was for sure and yet familiar somehow to those that often used the Pendulum Room, either way they were directed to head towards 'them'. If they did in fact go straight to the main lab they would start to see the very bots they were just fighting now cleaning and repairing the base as they went, though the robots ignored them for the most part a few would come over to scan them just to make 100% sure that they were allowed here, which thankfully now they were...

As the duel doors of the lab opened it was almost blinding compared to the dim light outside. As they adjusted to the bright light they could see a large data screen showing three female figures, then three pods below it, but the thing that stuck out most was the huge figure starting to walk towards them, but as his bulky neon green armor and orange hair came into view it was very clear who it was...


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


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Glass and his sons remained weary as they walked through the base's halls, the recent battle still fresh in mind. "Father, are you sure we should continue with this meeting? I know the voice said it was a mistake, but it's still rather unsettling how we're surrounded by potential enemies." Looking around, Silic noted another android scanning him.

"How do you expect to meet new people with that attitude?" Glass smirked at his son's ire. "Besides, though I'd hate to destroy this monument, if push comes to shove we can always collapse the building and escape. We continue." Somewhat mollified, Glass and his two sons continued down their path.

They finally came to a room, whose door slid open in a seemingly brilliant artificial light. In reality, it was only as bright as a typical summer day, but after spending so long in the dim halls it was enough to nearly blind the trio.

Welcoming them, a somewhat familiar face greeted Glass. How could he forget the famous Android Sixteen, one who he'd met in a Pendulum Room he wasn't prepared for, and one who could be seen in a few of the surviving pictures of the Z Fighters? It was totally unexpected from the Namekians' position.

"Hello." Glass' eyes were wide as he reached out to shake the android's hand. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Glass, the current Guardian of the Earth."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Reaching out Sixteen took Glass's hand in his own to give him a gentle and yet firm hand shake. He was much less robotic than he use to be, though living with nature for hundreds of years would smooth anyone out. "I know. I have kept up with current events, including the rebirth of #13. Hence why I am here" Taking his hand back he turned to start walking back to the console.

"You seem shocked. Am I to guess right to say that no one knows of me?" Few would know that he had been revived through the dragon balls, let alone still living on earth. After he made it to the console he raised his hands over the buttons and with lightning speed started to type up commands. Before them the data would show three female cyborgs with differing data showing up; ranging from predicted power levels to what cybernetic enhancements they had.

"#13 should be right with you, she is helping the others wake up. If you have any questions you may ask them now." Turning his head towards Glass and the boys he smiled a little "It is good to have company again. After 17 stopped visiting me I did not know what to do"


Android #13: The system displays a much different wire frame model of what could be suspected as Vera, a shorter and frail looking form before a red outline scrubbed away all but the brain. Before long it produced a new model around it with all the technical data, such as the reactor inside of her. However the predicted power level was showing that she should have been on the same level as the legendary 17 or 18 and yet she battled until a stalemate with Glass.

Android #14: A small girl and yet only her brain had seen intense cybernetic enhancement while the rest of her body was simply reinforced and given a reactor. A sword of some kind was to go along with this unit, and though she seemed to have less overall power than #13 she was said to have been the deadliest out of the three.

Android #15: Reinforcement, reactor and also some strange devices installed into her limbs and neck, along with a tail like weapon on the back. However the strangest thing about this android was the fact that its power level seemed only to spell out 'variable' in regards to what it really was, almost as if it did not matter at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Glass returned the android's handshake, a sense of relief falling over him. It was nice seeing a friendly face he knew could be relied upon to be trustworthy, especially as the man seemed to be running the facility they were in. "It's nice to truly meet you, Sixteen." Turning to the monitors and displays nearby, Glass skimmed through some of the information quickly.

"It's amazing what Gero accomplished in his time. I hate to admit it, but the man really was a genius in his own right." He continued to look over the huge amounts of information, trying to take mental notes of everything he could while he waited. Behind him, his sons took the chance to shake the giant of a man's hand as well, introducing themselves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Sixteen returned their greeting happily after he had inputted the awakening sequence for the three, now having the free time to interact with the namekians. "Dr Gero did many things, but he made many mistakes as well. Unlike me, those of a cyborg nature are hard to control, so it ended up killing him in the end when 17 ended his life." Gesturing to the large room full of incomplete prototypes and machines, sixteen looked on a little mournfully.

"In my many years I have been allowed to think and develop... What he did was sad in a way, wasting his talents that so far outpaced those of his race that it could take on the universe." Suddenly the lights started to dim as the countdown reached its end, followed by a jet of steam that escaped each pod. "We are the last of his creations, as should it remain..."

The first pod door was kicked off by Vera, her hand grabbing the side with a sigh, clearly tired from the exspess of energy she had used but a calm happiness seeming to wash over her never the less. she started to walk to the center of the room, peering along to the other two pods. "Come oh out, my sisters~" As she flung both of her arms wide, both pods were suddenly destroyed!

The second pod was sliced apart within but a moment, its pieces scattered across the lab before the small form that exited from the steam, the sound of sheathing metal echoing out as she stopped before her pod with a expressionless look on her face, sliding the sword back into the heavily augmented sheath. She raised a hand to rub her eyes, as if a child awakening from a long drawn out sleep.

The other pod was torn apart like paper as the cyborgs hand simply threw the pod door and remains off to one side, aparrently they really hated those pods, though to be fair if you were locked in one for hundreds of years you would likely make sure it never happened again too. Stepping forward the tall crimson haired women had the face and smile of a lovely mother and yet the powerful aura that radiated off her was unlike energy or ki, almost as if it was pure intimidating strength.

All three stood there, but just as suddenly as they appeared Vera's otherwise confident and calm demeanor broke and she went into a frantic run at full speed towards the other two, wrapping her arms around them in a tight embrace, her face hidden from view by the pair. "H-Hey! Sis, none of that, come on no-, gah" Before #14 could object #16 wrapped her arms around the pair, almost lifting them up from the ground, her expression overpowering any words she could have spoken.

Sixteen spoke to glass as he looked over the three.
"They were all related before being brought into the project. Maybe now would be the best time to interject. Well, that is what #13 told me to ask you to do if it became like this."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


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Watching the three, Glass wasn't sure what to make of the scene. After a few moments, the Namekian decided to go with heart-warmed, chalking up the smug grin on his face to happiness for the trio. "Let them have their moment, I'm sure they'll have to get embarrassed of the scene they're causing eventually. Besides, it's nice to see a side of Thirteen that isn't sarcastic."

Sharing a glance, the two brothers nodded in agreement. Finding a soft side to the normally crass android definitely not on their agenda for the day, but it certainly wasn't unwelcome.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Parting from her sisters embrace she let the smaller girl raise a sleeve up to her eyes and give them a good wipe, though Vera could not really cry anymore due to the enhancements it was still a nice gesture for the pouting but clearly happy girl. Soon enough the other two noticed their guests that they seemed to have, and pointed them out to Vera who right away adjusted herself, having forgotten about them, before starting to walk forwards with a confident smile.

"Well? Now there are four of us! Clearly world domination will be easy now" Sixteen simply looked over to her with a blank stare "#13..." Rubbing the back of her head with a chuckle she gave a dismissive wave to the comment "Eh, I guess it would be too much work, besides I did promise that I would help" #14 did not seem to enjoy her choices being made for her "I didn't promise anything..." "But you love me so of course we are doing it!" #15 gave a happy nod to this, she seemed to be more than willing to do so. though she gestured and started to sign to her sister.

"Ah right, right. That being said, my sisters need a little warm up after being on ice for so long" #14 audibly groaned at that string of puns, though Vera just ignored her. "So, what do you say? Three on three battle? I promise we won't kill you heh, not that you could hardly handle me a month ago"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


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Glass raised his brow at the challenge. "A battle between the six of us, hmm? That seems a little dangerous, even if you promise to not kill. Besides, I'm not sure about the little girl's attitude." Eyeing the large sword the smaller android wielded, Glass continued. "Besides, we have no information on your fighting styles, while Vera could easily fill you in on ours. Care to even up the stakes?"

Sharing a nervous glance with his brother, Sodius leaned his head towards their possible combatants. 'What do you think father's doing? Vera is at least as strong as himself, and the other two could be stronger than even her! We don't stand a chance!' The thought instantly made its way to Silic's mind.

'I don't know. We'll just have to beat them either way, won't we Sodius?' The named brother narrowed his eyes at how haughty his brother sounded, turning back to face their challengers, trying to ignore the building dread in his stomach.

'I hope you're right and we can win this. Otherwise, we might have to resort to drastic measures.' The pair knew exactly what that meant, and neither was excited at the prospect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Vera had to think for a moment, really she suspected Glass to jump at the opportunity to test out his new moves, more so given she had let all three of them train to their hearts content, though what he said did interest her. "Well, what were you thinking off? I could let all three of you face my sisters here but I do warn you, they are mostly human. I don;t want you to hurt them" At that moment #15 moved up and put her arms around Vera's shoulders, leaning on her while she looked at the three with a smile and small wave.

#14 on the other hand was stretching out a little, still feeling the effects of the pod from before, until she noticed that she was getting some glances. She glared back at the ones looking her way almost as if to say 'What is it? Got something so say?' though she did not say it since Vera was busy talking to her 'friends'.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"We can go to the Pendulum Room to battle." Glass looked over at his sons, who he could sense were nervous. "You can't die in the Pendulum Room, and any life-threatening injuries heal afterwards as well. The only thing you have to worry about is exhaustion." Reaching out with his senses, he could tell Vera's words rang true, Fourteen and Fifteen feeling more human than their sister. It would be interesting to see what the girl with the sword could do, and the purpose the others tail served.

"I can have Popo prepare the Room for us telepathically, and we can begin our fight right away. Not even I will know what type of environment the Room will give us to fight in."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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"Well that makes sense. It also makes sure that our home won't get busted before we even had the chance to fix the place up" #14 looked dumbstruck that Vera did not even think about such a simple thing! She was going to say something but was cut off as the girl continued. "Well then, let's get back to the lookout! I want to see the results of your training" She looked towards the two brothers on that note, more interested in if they had mastered the move that she showed them before.

With that the three of them would start heading out of the base, sixteen following close behind "If you need me I will be home." Vera nodded and patted sixteen on the back "Thanks again by the way... You helped me a lot over this past month. I promise to bring something nice to feed to your freinds ok?" Sixteen smiled at this prospect, and if not stopped by anyone he would bid them all goodbye for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


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Glass and his sons left with the Androids, glad to be out of the old military base. While it was certainly grand, it felt much better to be outside and flying through the familiar skies, towards home. Behind him, Silic and Sodius kept an eye on the androids, while Glass led the way to the Lookout. Their journey was short, all three eager to see what the new comers had to bring. Landing on the Lookout, they were greeted by Popo.

"I've prepared the Pendulum Room for you and your.. Guests, Guardian." The genie seemed a little wary of the two unfamiliar androids, remembering the last time Vera and Glass had fought. "If you need anything, I'll be tending the gardens." Nodding, Glass motioned to the Pendulum Room, leading his guests to their sparring area. Nearby, the Namekian could sense Rin watching everyone, her power suppressed to almost nothing, but practically radiating to Glass' senses. At least the girl knew when she was outclassed.

Soon, the six of them were standing outside the impressive doors to the Pendulum Room. "This is it. If everyone's ready, we can enter."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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All three of the androids were rather talkative during the trip, well Vera and #14 were as #15 was silent as always but she clearly was still involved in the talk as she listened and gave some gestures when the topic came to her. By the time they reached the lookout the three looked about ready to test out their abilities in the room that none of them had entered yet, it sounded interesting.

While Glass was speaking to Popo #15 could not help but get interested in the genie, and as everyone started to move away towards the Pendulum Room, she lingered behind a little to check over what Popo was doing, enjoying the whole gardening thing. However it was not to last as #14 called her sister over, but she did give a goodbye wave to the genie before going over with the others.

"Well then, Shall we get started? I cannot wait to see where we will be training heh."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nodding in agreement, Glass led the way into the clock-filled room, a single pendulum swining high above in the middle of the room. Before anyone could say a word, however, the room began to melt away, reality seeming to distort around the six of them. Replacing the once plain room was coated in red, heat quickly filling the air. Below, red-hot liquid rock and metal flowed freely, sulfuric fumes spewing from the ocean-like body of lava, and the black atmosphere would be choking to a normal human.

"Interesting choice, Popo. The birth of Earth?" Glass and his sons looked around, taking in the brutal landscape around them, astounded at the contrast with this and the Earth they knew. Popping out of his amazement first, Glass floated into a more defensive position, in front of his sons. The other pair soon fell into position behind him.

Powering up, Glass smiled at his three challengers, knowing this would be a true test to all of their strengths. "Ready?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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All three of the androids could not help but panic a little as the room started to melt before their eyes, replaced by the heat of flame and the smell of smoke that could only be either hell itself or the birth of a planet in its primal stage. "Interesting, not to mention dramatic." Though Vera seemed to be fine but both of her sisters covered their mouths in order to stop themselves from breathing in too much, though that was more for the taste of the smoke than anything.

Floating into place the sisters started to talk to one another, picking out who was going to mainly fight who. Soon enough they readied themselves by lining up with their main targets, though surprisingly Vera had picked Silic to face off against while #15 went infront of Glass, giving him a small wave, and of course that left #14 against Sodius.

"Well then! Show me what you have learned!" With that Vera suddenly dashed forward, her palm coming out to fire a simple ki blast at Silic, only to try and use it as a distraction to get in a kick to his midsection! #14 on the other hand placed a hand onto her sword, smirking slightly as she draws it with lightning speed, sending out a thin energy slice towards him!

Meanwhile #15 looked pretty passive, almost as if she was waiting for Glass to make the first move, though she had not even powered up and only had a boxer like guard up, her tail swaying back and forth as she was giving a welcoming smile to Glass, and a small 'bring it' gesture.
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