“Honhonhonhon!” Grenaud laughed heartily, puffing his chest out confidently. He seemed more than happy and prepared to tell his story. “I am glad you asked! I go by many names, monsieurs et madams. In Montreal, they call me le Libérateur or Grenaud the Grenadier, and among the Enclave, I am the Scourge of the North, and to Caesar’s Legion, I am Grenaud of Gaul. You, however, may call me by my true name: Captain Grenaud Corbin, of the Canadian Liberation Front! I escaped my execution in Texas and fled here, trying and failing many times to recruit soldiers for a new campaign, but most adventurers will not risk their necks without payment upfront, so I have decided to do some mercenary work.” Grenaud took a swig of his water. “You will never meet a finer officer than myself, and I am very skilled in marksmanship and swordsmanship...”

Grenaud paused for dramatic effect. “And of course, I have earned my namesake by turning explosions into a form of art. Using a device I constructed in twenty minutes, I once blew a hole in a six-foot thick concrete wall the size of a minivan.”