Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StarfrostedFox
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StarfrostedFox Craving Creativity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Despite the rumbling of the thunder outside and the splash of rain against the windows, the inner hallways of the headquarters of the Order of Lorelei glowed soft and warm with the light of lanterns hung strategically along the walls, chasing away the shadows the storm had brought. After a moment in which a peal of thunder shook the windows lightly, a small figure of no more than eleven rounded a distant corner at full tilt, hurrying down one of the carpeted passages, heedless of the lashing rain or the soft glow of flames, grinning widely. For her own inner happiness and excitement far outshone any artificial light at that moment. Honestly, for Anise Tatlin, what could be better then having been made a Fon Master Guardian at last.

Skidding to a halt outside of a dark wood office door A little over halfway down the hallway, Anise quickly brushed the palms of her hands down the front of her silky light blue tunic that she had worn especially for the occasion, smoothing out any wrinkles in the fabric. Matching pale blue ribbons had been tied into her Long brown hair in a pair of pigtails that fell to The middle of her back, falling to either side of a grinning doll with mismatched button eyes. Squinting into the metallic surface of the doorknob as she carefully controlled her wild smile and rapid breathing, she momentarily attempted to assess the statelyness of her own appearance, not wanting to give a horrible first impression, but quickly gave up with a snort as her own image was distorted almost to the point of an recognition. Taking a deep breath and producing a much more socially acceptable winning smile for practice, she lifted one of her gloved hands and knocked loudly on the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

In the white office sat a feminine boy of thirteen years old. Two ponytails of green hair framed his somewhat pale face. The figure's face looked feminine but the pope-like dress strengthened that look even more. He calmly sat on the desk, writing his letters. Truth be told Ion didn't quite feel at home in his office because it technically wasn't his office. There was a reason Ion's predecessors spirit loomed largely in this office, especially for not the successor but the replacement of the late Fon Master.

''Oh, That must be her'' Ion had been briefly startled by the loud knock's but quickly recovered ''Vern would you please let her in?''

''Enter'' the Oracle knight currently on guard duty opened the door for Anise but didn't waste much words on the girl.

''So You are Anise Tatlin? Please come sit down'' Ion gave a meek smile while pointing at the chair in front of his desk. The two had some interaction before. The candidates for the position of Fon guardian all had been interviewed briefly by the leader and he observed their training from time to time. His bodyguard was less Ion's choice then people would imagine, it mainly came down to deputy leader Mohz but Ion had some influence in this matter. From what the boy saw Anise was high on his list.
''It its a pleasure to meet you Anise, I'm Ion and as you know we have selected you to be my Fon Master guardian. Congratulations Anise''
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StarfrostedFox
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StarfrostedFox Craving Creativity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Allowed the briefest of glimpses into the brilliant white office as the door was opened, Anise had to fight back the sudden temptation to step away from the towering Oracle Knight that blocked her view a moment later and gave her a nod, gesturing with one gauntleted hand for her to enter. Skirting around him with a murmured word of gratitude, her dark brown gaze immediately fell on the young boy sitting behind the desk. His resemblance to the former Fon Master was striking, even if The similarities were not surprising, and she found herself studying his pale and delicate features for a moment longer then might have been polite. Cheeks going slightly pink, Anise hurried forward and settled into the offered chair, folding her hands into her lap to resist the urge of smacking herself in the forehead.

"That's right!" She chirped happily. "Anise Tatlin at your service Fon Master Ion!"

Surreptitiously, she glanced around at the office, the obvious signs of luxury and comfort making her itch with envy. Her insides squirmed with excitement and anticipation add all the opportunities this job was opening up to her, her thoughts momentarily flooded with the imaginings of all of the important, and possibly Rich, people she was going to have the chance to meet.

Ion then extended his own congratulations to her, making Anise practically glow with pleasure, a brilliant smile breaking out across her face. "Aw, thank you Ion!" She beamed. "I'm honored to get the chance to be a Fon Master Guardian, of course. I'll do my best to keep you safe!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

''Ion...'' The fon master smiled pleased when Anise addressed him by name rather then title ''You are free to merely call me Ion. It is my hope that we shall become good friends''

''I have the greatest trust in your abilities to keep me safe, I place myself in your hands Anise'' the boy continued, standing from his chair and made a polite bow ''I feel like I most apologize in advance for you must take care of me quite a bit. I'm afraid I am rather helpless'' Ion told his new guard meekly. The fon master really was incapable of taking care of himself. Many basic exercises caused him to drop from exhaustion, he often collapsed or fainted due to one illness or another and then there were the kidnappings...and that just were the few that came to Ions mind ''Your duties will also include some cooking and nursing...I do hope I am not asking to much of you''

''Its her job, she's lucky you are even asking things of her'' A cold but equally high pitched said. Sync, one of the orders six generals had entered. His face was hidden by a mask but the small stature and high voice implied a young age.

''Anise, I trust you know Sync'' Ion said ''I have the fullest trust that you can handle this but this being your first time the elders have asked Sync to accompany us on our first journey to evaluate your performance''
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StarfrostedFox
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StarfrostedFox Craving Creativity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Although she had just opened her mouth to agree in the affirmative, Anise found herself closing her mouth so quickly that it made her teeth click together as she was interrupted by a new voice. Instinctively, she twisted out of her seat and hurried forward to put herself between the newcomer and the Fon Master, hand hovering inches from the doll tied to her back. She stood there for a long minute, running her dark brown eyes over the slight figure, taking in his dark green hair and the mask that concealed half of his face.

"Sync?..." She breathed in barely a whisper. Yes, she had heard of him. She had heard quite a few interesting stories about this particular God General, that was for sure. Slowly, Anise lowered her hand from where it had been hovering over Takunaga, though her muscles didn't quite relax their readiness for action, and brought out one of her brilliant smiles. "oh, of course I've heard of you! It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She chirped cheerfully, though her insides were curling with irritation at the insult he had implied a moment before. "i'm looking forward to the chance of getting to work alongside you for this mission."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

''Do you now?'' the smirk looked even meaner as they boy walked closer to Anise ''I'm going to advice you not to lie to your superiors. My rank allows me to have you flogged you know''

''Um...it doesn't'' Ion was quick to point out. Despite having an army the church was a religion of peace. Daath knew no capital punishment and the dungeon was pretty comfortable ''I fear you may scare her so please do not say such things''

''Oh I was only speaking in just fon master'' The boy's voice did in no way give that impression.

''You shouldn't worry Anise'' Ion stood up and walked next to his new bodyguard, patting her shoulder to assure her ''Sync can sound a bit harsh at times but he is very loyal'' Anise would quickly find out that Ion's opinion on one's trustworthiness counted for nothing. Ion trusted everyone and rarely spoke an ill comment even when one thoroughly deserved it. Sync was not to be trusted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StarfrostedFox
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StarfrostedFox Craving Creativity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Though she wouldn't admit it out loud, Anise was thoroughly unsettled by Sync, Even if she didn't fully believe his threatening words. Her insides were wriggling uncomfortably, her every instinct telling her to take a step back, but she forced a calm expression on her face, lifted her chin slightly in A brave sort of way, and again reached for her back as if to pluck The doll from her back at a moments notice. She almost jumped at the touch on her shoulder, but just managed to suppress the instinct before glancing up at the Fon Master and giving him a smile. "Oh, I wasn't worried." She lied carefully, making her voice sound cheerful and sincere. "Thank you Fon Master. When do we leave?" She hoped it was soon, mentally crossing her fingers that she would be able to get some distance between her and the God General and herself. She would fight him, if it came to that.
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