-Property of Solomon.

This guidebook details the experiences and travels throughout my lifetime, an accumulation of my successes and how my successors can follow in such footsteps.

Indecipherable. Really just a waste of paper.

This journal details my journey towards power, and reminders so that the important things in life are not forgotten.


My name is Pratt.

It has been twenty years since I've begun traveling.

For current reference: I am a male Kitsune - Two ears and no tail. I stand shorter than the average human - skinnier than most as well. Of course because of this I won't be picking any head on fights, I'm more of a planner than a fighter really.
But that's besides the point I have midnight black hair with a matching set of ears poking through a mop of a hairstlye. How long has it been since I've really had time to clean it?. My eyes appear to be a sickly greyish color. My skin...MY SKIN is an olive shade similar to many of the residence in Newport. There are no remarkable features or notable features about my face, I'm a simple clean shaven young man who appears no more fit to run a nation than to drink at a pub.

My clothing remains the tattered russet colored hooded robe that I left in. I'm bored. Bored and tired and frankly exasperated by how dull the sea becomes when the ocean provides no more sense of entertainment than the cardboard sailors.

I need a change of fate, or a drink.
Preferably strong.
