Hello there! I, thesupergamer64, am the GM of this very RP! Feel free to join me, and other people, on our quest to survive this post-apocalyptic scenario!


For your character sheet I'd like the following to be in it.

Name, age and gender. (I.e. Lucian, 20 year-old Male.)

Personality and looks. (I.e. Arrogant, hot-headed. ; Tall, blue eyes.)

Likes and dislikes.* (I.e. Doesn't like beer.)

Weapons and/or skills. (I.e Bat. Ability to sneak around easily.)

Backstory. (I.e. The man that is now anything but alone is [...])

(*This is not necessary, although it can add a bit more detail to your character.)


Ah, yes! This wouldn't be a good post-apocalyptic scene without zombies, right? So, here's a few that we may encounter in our way!

Classic Zombies.




And Cyber versions of these, who are significantly stronger.

(Got suggestions for a type of zombie? PM Me and I can add it here!)


Now, here are the rules!

Be nice to each other! Being mean towards others can be harsh to deal with, and will only make things worse for everyone.

Don't be afraid to share your ideas before posting, after all, it's nice to know what we can expect in the next post without much surprise.

(IMPORTANT) Don't go full Rambo / OP. Sometimes, we like to be that character that saves the day! But keep in mind that sometimes having some drama is cool. If you want to be OP, at least have a big counterpart to it. I'll warn you if we go too ridiculous. (Also warn me, I'm new to this :3)
Have fun! That's what you're here for, right? :D