Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Sora Hasani
Codename: Shell
Age: 25
Personality: Michelle is easily agitated and blunt. She takes great pride in her hair, since that is the only real part of her you can see anymore. She likes to keep it grey, which isn't difficult since her hair is naturally a white-ish blonde to begin with. She has no modesty and often goes without clothes, since she does not have flesh anymore. Sora does not find herself attractive and no longer has any interest in interacting with others. However she does enjoy the missions, giving her a purpose in life. Sora still loves to write, but is much more interested in horror rather than children's books.
Sora gets increasingly agitated and brutal when it rains, it reminds her of things she won't be able to feel again, and it pisses her off. She does not celebrate holidays of any sort and prefers to use that time for training. The sight of large fires makes her lose control and become dangerously violent. She enjoys horror movies, video games, and comic books. Sora also enjoys black coffee and loud music.

Service Record: Joined SSF in 2036. She spent the first year in basic training and getting used to her new body. It took her awhile to get into the fighter mentality. Fairly soon in the program she discovered a natural talent for hand to hand combat she never would have discovered otherwise.
June 2037 Shell and a small team eliminated Gang members Hotaka Kudo, Shigeo Yamada, and Tadeo Kimura.
September 2037 infiltrated a Gangster hideout and obtained a list of assassination targets and blackmail clientele.
January 2038 Shell and a small team rescued a group of prisoners of war.

Backstory: Growing up everyone had high hopes for Sora. She had always done well in school and avoided conflict with her peers. She lived with her grandparents on her mother's side, her own parents being irresponsible, traveling Europe until eventually they had just stopped contact all together. Her activities were pretty normal in her teenage years. Sora was on the volleyball team, student council, but she was particularly fond of writing for the school news paper. Michelle developed a talent for writing, winning awards and soon obtained a scholarship.
In her college years she decided she wanted to write children's books. Sora took out a loan and moved out into her own apartment near the school and got a job as a waitress. Around midterm, when she was 22, she got the news that her grandparents had died in a car accident. Sora was devastated. She had no idea of how to deal with her grief and she had failed midterm. Sora was so distracted at work that she had accidentally injured a customer with a coffee pot and was fired. With no way to pay her bills and nothing left for her, Michelle turned to the only place she had left.
So she left for her grandparents abandoned house. Sora knew the house had been slowly falling apart over the years, but this last one had not been kind. The notices on the door said everything was still working...for awhile. So she hunkered down in the house for the night. Meanwhile unbeknownst to her, a bad storm was on it's way. When the storm was at it's worst the walls, ceiling, and well rusted gas pipes simply gave way. The house collapsed on top of her and caught fire, leaving Sora's broken and burning body to fate.
Next thing she knew she woke up in a hospital unable to move. The doctors explained what had happened and that she was lucky to be alive. Sora had the majority of the flash on her body burned away, a broken spine, and the heated toxic smoke had damaged her lungs and eyes. They told her not to worry and everything was going to be fine. They had taken it upon themselves to replace those things, and that she had been signed up for a military program. Sora didn't care much, it's not like she had anything to go back to.
She now has a rather thin layer of mechanical "armor" or shell encasing her body ( does not actually act as an armor), Mech-eyes (no enhancements, just so she can see), and mechanical lungs.

Weapon: Sora is a hand to hand combat type of person, she can take hit since she couldn't feel it anyways.

Cybernetic upgrade: The plates of "skin" you see in the picture can change to appear like whatever is behind her. Camouflage chameleon sytle.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KRAZY J
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name:Erik (A.K.A. Krazy-E) Enigma

Codename: Code breaker

Age: 23

Appearance: Height:6'4"
Weight:375lbs (metal is heavier then flesh and muscle after all)
Hair: Carrot top
Eyes: Blue=normal/Red=bionic
Erik's right arm,left arm,right leg,right eye,lungs,ribs,half of his heart,and part of his brain are bionic,all but his left arm,right part of his skull,and lung ports (and of course his right eye) are covered in artificial flesh.

Personality: He stays to himself and likes to be left alone while he works most of the time.He works well under pressure for the fact the part of his brain that reacts to fear was damaged (like it stopped him anyway) .He always has a cig in his mouth and his mind on computers and he is almost emotionless but still has his heart (one of the few organs that didn't need to be completely replaced) .He grew to be partially insane a.i. he talks to himself allot and he has 'bursts' (he'll laugh at random things said or done normally sadistic or masochistic).

Service Record: Erik was drafted at the age of 19 after hitting his head in a parkour accident. (explained in the back story).His record (on the books) shows he was merely a marine on missions by the name of 'Bomb Shell','Extremist Clean-up',and 'Bone Yard' but in reality (only known by the higher ups) he was on these missions as a hacker.He joined SSF 3036

'Bomb Shell' was an operation started to gather intel on bombs.The Extremist's were hiding bombs away to try to take out key operations at some of japan's science labs.The marines were ordered to locate the depots that were holding the bombs before they were to be transported and when they did they soon found that there were too many depots to attack at once and they were heavily guarded so they brought Erik in for the job.Erik hacked there systems to cause the bombs to go off while they were being loaded on transport trucks for they might have been armored on the outside but on the inside they were vulnerable.The bombs went off taking out the trucks,depots,and all Extremists around them.Unfortunately some Extremists escaped.

Cover up:The marines found them and eradicated all Extremists and set the bombs to take out the depots.

'Extremists Clean-up' was a search and destroy operation to take out the remaining Extremists that managed to get away from the explosions from the previous operation.They were hiding amongst Japanese civilians.Erik hacked the cameras and with in a weeks time had the locations of all remaining Extremists in hiding amongst the civilians and had marine spec-ops dispatched to eliminate them silently to keep the public out of panic.

Cover up: None needed.

'Bone Yard' was a major threat mission.Extremists had a missile facility hidden in the Taklamakan Desert set to fire upon Japan's most militia populated cities.They put Erik in the operation to find and disable the missiles before they fired and he did indeed trace there position and find the facility but he couldn't stop the launch without hacking into the launch computer directly so they sent him in with a team of marines to disarm the missiles and clear the facility of all extremists.they managed to clear the facility of all extremists unfortunately he didn't get to the computer in time to stop the launch and the missiles were heading straight for the targeted cities.He told the marines to leave the facility and he would reroute there target to the facility and destroy all trace of extremists activity.He managed to hack into the missiles system and change there course back to the facility but he didn't have enough time to get far enough away from the blast and he was blown apart and that was the end of the great hacker 'Code Breaker'...or was it?

Back story: Erik Enigma was not your average person he lived for the thrill and was one spunky self raised rebel.The extremists killed his parents when he was 12 on one of there attempts to fight back against Japan.He then was forced to live a life of stealing and hiding.

By the age of 14 he started smoking (because who was there to tell him he couldn't) and he had a pretty good setup for he was always good with computers they just came naturally to him and he became quite the little hacker.He jail-broke his three laptops which he had wired together and was doing online college for computer techs and programing until he surpassed the lessons of the college at age 16 when he learned binary code as a language.He then created himself a new identity (Erik downing) and life,he kept expanding his knowledge on computers but started feeling bad at the shape he was in he wired himself a membership at a gym and got into parkour.

At age 17 he wanted to take it farther and got into MMA he learned several different styles including moi thai,jui jitsu,kick boxing,and even the art of the blade (mainly for swords peeked his interest).

By the age of 19 he was known as "FEAR" his record was 36-0 with 4 champion ship fights (2 per year) under his belt.Though this is where it gets tragic.His next champion ship fight was getting close so he went in for his medical check-up as was required for matches and as normal he had to mess with the machines that scanned the DNA to change the name but by now he could do that from his phone.Unfortunately the doctor came back with some bad news...he had cancer and his lungs were almost shot.He was told he couldn't compete in the MMA anymore so he lost his champion ship,he got to keep his belt but it only reminded him of more of his past accomplishments and loss so he turned to his other form of being out there and free,his parkour which he was pretty well known for given the fact he was a bit of a daredevil.Again Unfortunately his want to always be better got the best of him and he tried a new stunt.He was going to do a twist flip from one building top to another and on top of that he upped the distance as well,his current flip distance was 6' so he searched and searched until he found two buildings that were 8' apart.He set his camera up on the opposite building top and prepared for the stunt.He did his normal slogan with his hands in the rock-on position crossed over his chest and his head pointed down.As he looked back up at the camera he said "this is Krazy-E and another crazy stunt" He explained the stunt to the camera and then got in position ready to flip.His flip was perfect but his landing not so much,he slipped backwards falling onto the metal stairs on the side of the building and hitting his head.

When he came too he was in the hospital and around him was a doctor and what looked like a high ranking general.The general greeted him "Hello Erik Enigma we've been tracking you for a very long time and now thanks to your little mishap we have found you but you need not fear for I'm not here to take you to prison In fact I would like to offer you a job we could use someone with your skills on a computer and the pay would be substantial plus we'll bring in your customized computer set-up.Of course you can always spend the rest of your life in prison if you choose to decline my offer."Erik always jumping at new opportunities and he gets to do what he loves most...without being hunted down and having to cover his tracks plus what did he have to lose even though he was well known he had no friends or family to go home too "I'll take the job"he said without hesitation.He spent 2 years working as an under cover hacker known as "Code Breaker" until his latest mission, operation 'Bone Yard' after he rerouted the missiles he escaped the facility but he wasn't far enough away from the blast radius and pieces of the facility came flying at him cutting off both his arms and his right leg and damaging other parts of his body.They sent a team to try to find him and when they did he was under a piece of metal wall that crushed his body.

When he woke up he was in a medical bed and around him was a doctor and what looked like a government official.The government official walked up to him and said "your body is severely damaged your missing your left and right arms,right leg,right eye,and several ribs.On top of that your heart,skull,lungs,and part of your brain was damaged.You may be bed ridden for the rest of your life." As soon as Erik heard that he began to yell (though it was painful) "you've got to fix me I'll do anything I can't be like this you might as well shoot me now and get it over with..." the government official interrupted him "calm down I have an offer for you I know someone who can fix you up brand new no better then brand new.We can give you mechanical parts that will keep you alive and even enhance your 'skills'. All you have to do is join my new program, the SSF Saibo Strike Force.You will be better then you've ever been before.Decline my offer and you will stay like this for the rest of your life"Erik without hesitation said "I'll do it count me in" For he never turned down new opportunities and he's always trying to better himself plus he wouldn't be able to stand being bed ridden the rest of his life. "but I have one request" The government official raised an eyebrow as Erik finished his sentence."I want my computer set-up and to be stocked on marlboro blacks shorts (his favorite type of cigarettes)." The government official smiled and replied "I'll think about the cigarettes but I don't think you'll be in need of your old computer system"Erik tried to respond but then his vision started blurring and he started dosing off."the procedure is about to start good to have you aboard Code Breaker".

Weapon: retractable finger blades (for his hands are his greatest weapons)

Cybernetic upgrade: His brain can connect to any system he links it to (wireless of course but he has to be able to see it to link to it after that he can connect and use it as you would any device)

Other: Tattoos: FEAR across the top of his back do to that was his MMA name,the marines insignia on his right shoulder to portray his position in the military before he joined SSF,and a computer chip with a CB in the middle of it on the lower back of his head (recent) To portray his enhancement.
Always on him: He always wears jeans and never wears a shirt,and he always carries a pack of cigs,lighter,multi-tool,and a variable zoom scope ( so he can link to devices from a distance) on him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheMusketMan
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TheMusketMan The Trooper

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Akio Abe
Codename: Reaper
Age: 37
Personality: Akio is strict but fair. He leads the team with efficiency and purpose. He is a patriot and loves to fight, a far cry from his personality before his attempted murder. He cares about the people under his command and would die for any one of them. He isn't terribly great at relationships and making friends, but that's alright with him.

Service Record: The True Imperials incident, 2022-2023
Operation Rising Sun, 2023
Operation Black Heart, 2023
Operation Okinawa Freedom, 2024
Operation Snowy Peaks, 2024
Operation Guardian Angel, 2025
Saibo Training Instructor, 2025
The Dover Nuclear Plant Incident, 2026
Operation British Payback, 2026
Operation International Freedom, 2026-2031
Saibo Strike Force Training Seminar, 2034-2035
Operation Honest Work, 2037
Operation Savior, 2038

Backstory: [WIP]
Weapon: Sniper Rifle and MP9.
Cybernetic upgrade: Dead-Eye- Allows him to react to events with super human speed and precision for a short amount of time.
Other: Honk.
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