Reward Review

Skill Points
Observation: 3
Musical (Flute): 2
Song Weaving: 2
Animal Husbandry: 2
Stealth: 1
Leadership: 1
Investigation: 1
Bodybuilding: 1
Herbalism: 1
Medicine: 1
Sewing: 1
Nodeology: 1

Music Can't Solve All Problems
Animal Husbandry: Puppies Enjoy Being Loved
Animal Husbandry: Soothing a Scared Puppy
The Helplessness of Being a Mute
Herbalism: Honey and Lavender Antiseptic (Recipe)
Sewing: Simple Interrupted Stitch
Nodeology: Doctor's Knot

Dire Wolf Pup - Unnamed
Dire Wolf Permit and Contract (Ebonfort)
Companion NPC - Lyle Spikebush
Title/Alias - Wolf Mother
Injury - Minor Lacerations to Chest and Upper Arms, minor scarring

CS Notes
Add the skills to your existing skills.
Create a separate section for Knowledge, and add those in.
Add the things in the Other Category to the appropriate CS sections.