The Cause

Cocoon, the nest of vipers, and Gran Pulse, the plains of hell... Or so it is said, only the gods Pulse and Lindzei can really tell the denizens of each what the other trully is, they, and their Fal'cie, the beings who govern the laws of both realms, however, can not commune with those under their care, only their direct servants, the L'cie.

Pulse, Lindzei and the Fal'cie, however, are not the only ones that know the truth, the being that created all of life and existence, the Maker, also knows of the truth, sadly, the Maker has left this plane, and now resides on one of his own choosing, watching, waiting, dreaming of the day that his creations can find inner peace amongst themselves once more... Waiting, for the one war that will ensure his return, making his dreams, a reality... The war between Gran Pulse, and Cocoon, fought by the Fal'cie, using their own human pawns, the L'cie.

After thousands of years of peace, this war has finally come, The War of Trangression, the war that has no cause, no meaning, and no hope for the inhabbitants of the two worlds below.

The Trigger

Not even the maker knows why our fateful heroes and heroines are pitted against one another, all he knows, is that it must come to pass, peace, can only last so long, and only the Oracle of the third Goddess, Etro, can divine a true trigger event, but, without the ability to access Valhalla, none may ask, and as such, historians have decided on a single event that birthed the beginning of this war... The commands given to the Fal'cie by their own gods, and, the birth... Of Orphan.

The Goal

Both factions bore the same goal, believing that their targets Orphan, was the creation of the opposition, for the forces of Gran Pulse, Orphan rested upon Cocoon, and for those of Cocoon, he was to be found on Gran Pulse, with Gran Pulse's numbers ranging much higher than their own, however, the majority of Cocoon's inhabitants were resigned to defending their home from the invaders from Gran Pulse, with only the Fal'cie's L'cie slaves earning the privilege to take the fight to the enemy. And, ultimately, seek out, and destroy Orphan, as bid by their Fal'cie Masters.

Anderus' eyes flickered open slowly, the sun burning his eyes as it warmed his flesh, carefully, he pushed himself into a sitting position, casting around himself for any indication to his location. He only relaxed as an Adamantortoise took it's slow, ponderous steps past him, signifying that he was currently sprawled out on the Central Expanse of the Archyitte Steppe.

Stiffly, the miner pushed himself to his feet, slowly turning on the spot until his eyes came to rest on the slopes of the Yaschas Massif. "Okay... Now I have my bearings" he said softly, his Oerban accent thick as he spoke, closing his eyes slowly, trying to remember what had happened for him to end up here, and how long he'd been out, he knew the area well, but even he'd admit that some things had changed, small things, mostly, but there seemed to be more of the powerful Adamantortoises lumbering around, last he checked, they were pretty rare.

Turning a full one hundred and eighty degrees, he set off back towards the Ma'habara mines, he was going home, he remembered that had been his goal, and surely they'd be waiting for him to come back. Suddenly, he stopped, lifting his gaze and growling deeply, a single point of light streaked away from the floating shell of Cocoon. He'd seen the phenomenon before hand, and knew exactly what it was, Cocoon had been sending their L'cie down to Gran Pulse for years now, and there was talk of a war.

Rolling his eyes, he watched the L'cie fall, coming to rest not too far from his current position. Against all sense and reasoning, he decided to investigate, hopping down the ledges between himself and the small crater containing his quarry.