Name's Autumnstorm96, also known as Riulus and Arbiter650. An extreme few of you MAY have seen a username like those on the web, and for the rest of you: don't sweat it.

A little about me, just so we can get started: I am an avid gamer, and an aspiring writer and scientist. My favorite dish is Mashed Potatoes with Chicken Alfredo (yum). I am a senior in high school (in his last semester, no less), who plans on attending college to major in astrophysics and computer programming. The reason why I joined this forum is simple really: the last place I went to was too... Lenient with literacy in role plays, so I came here for more structured RPs. I generally try to avoid any romantic development for any of my characters, unless it seems to fit into the overall character development of my own characters. I hope that I'm here for a LONG time, cuz this place looks promising!