(Before you ask questions,yes,this RP is inspired from the game ''Chrome'' and it's succession ''Chrome SpecForce'')The year is 3544,and about 1000 years ago the human race built their first space colonies on the Moon and on Mars.Right now,most of the planets colonized are under complete corporate control by huge corporations on Earth,while the rest of the planets are still occupied by Earth nation superpowers or have gained independence.The biggest 2 rival corporations fighting directly and indirectly over space resources are Zetrox and Coretech,with both hiring mercenaries/assassins to sabotage one-another.

The most important resource is Chrome,which is now more valuable than a ton of gold and one of diamonds combined.Zetrox resorts to the use of corruption within the Interspace Work Protectorate,being granted the ''legal'' right to take over independent chrome mine colonies by force,while Coretech preffers the hiring and use of freelance mercenaries to sabotage Zetrox's chrome mines and to assassinate their CEO's.Either way,freelancers have lots of job opportunities coming from both sides.

Application Form:

First Name:
Last Name:
Planet of Origin(can only be from the solar system):
Personal weapon(if any):
Employer(Zetrox,Coretech or a freelancer):
Rank(If hired by Zetrox or Coretech.Ex:soldier/CEO):
Shuttle(if any):
Short Biography:

And here you have my application:

First Name:Nethex
Last Name:Wedrol
Planet of Origin(can only be from the solar system):Pluto;Nephien District
Personal weapon(if any):Revolver 2900
Employer(Zetrox,Coretech or a freelancer):Freelancer
Rank(If hired by Zetrox or Coretech.Ex:soldier/CEO):
Shuttle(if any):DMER-500
Short Biography:Born in the Nephien District of Pluto to a freelance mercenary couple.His parents died when he reached the age of 11,after which he was transported to Earth;New York City where an uncle raised him until 18 years old.When he turned 18,he had the legal right to inherit all his parents' property,and so he did.He bought a space shuttle,his Revolver 2900,and went on his first sabotage mission against Coretech's illegal drug labs on Mercury,killing all 178 employees there,and recieving 1 million swiss francs for the completed mission,with which he bought his own chrome mine on Terbon,a planet that is covered completely by desert,but is extremely rich in chrome.He continues his career as a freelancer,working for both sides,so basically for who pays the most.