Here are some of the details we have so far:

Rumors of an impending attack upon the kingdom of Leincrad are spreading faster than wildfire. The King of Leincrad fears that these rumors are true, because he has long known that the militant kingdom of Renado is constantly seeking to expand its reaches and power.

Prince Aidan of Leincrad has finally been entrusted with an important and crucial task: to extend the hand of alliance to the neighboring kingdom of Lyonsvarg. He must complete his mission before Renado has the chance to sway Lyonsvarg’s allegiance to their favor. Those forces combined would mean the end of all that is Leincrad.

Such an undertaking requires finesse. Prince Aidan must go with only a single companion in the hopes that a small duo will be harder to detect by Renado’s spies and soldiers. This companion must be excellent in combat and be willing to lay down their life to protect the Prince and complete the mission.

Prince Aidan is given the chance to select his own protector. Instead of choosing someone from the Royal Guard who might be too recognizable, he holds a tournament to see who is the best and the bravest of the trustworthy young knights with lesser-known faces who have recently proven their worth in both training sessions and skirmishes in Leincrad’s service. The winner will be taken aside and offered a handsome amount of money to escort the Prince to Lyonsvarg.

Little does he know that the winner of the tournament is not what he expected at all… But by the time he meets his new long-term companion, it is too late to enlist someone else. They’re stuck with each other; for better or for worse.