Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Yennefer
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Yennefer All for Slaanesh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time and Date 42nd Jadeyan, 301 DM
Location Ruins Outside of Scream Watch

The ruins were perfect, the absolute most strategic place that Ketta could imagine for herself and Ardon at their current power predicament, meaning it was only the two of them with no sway whatsoever over any others. The female figure as she would look from where she stood atop a column against the sun was motionless as Ketta scanned the horizon just to be sure that no one was close to their current encampment. Her mind wandered for a moment curious as to what Ardon’s plans were for them, but she quickly shook it away knowing that it was not her place to question such things, she was simply to do as needed and ordered for her master.

Her ocular senses continued to scan seeking out anything out of the ordinary. Yet there wasn't anything, no smoke no colorful flags, only the occasional bird taking flight or a squirrel rushing from branch to branch. So Ketta changed her focus to listening, trying to pick anything out distinct, finding it strange that there were not any signs of humans near the ruins, since her awakening it seemed fairly common for criminals to use easily defensible ruins as bases. All that could be heard though we're the chirping of birds, a canine tipping or howling, and on rare occasion some type of large feline.

Ketta stood there for hours just listening and watching, as the sun slowly drifted high above the world soaking in the heat and energy it provided. Time was nothing to her minutes and years were all the same to her as her ageless mithril body stood stoic atop the column.

It seemed that day would turn to night without any issues arising as she stood on watch over the area, while the sun turned the horizon purple. Just as Ketta was preparing to return to Ardon something caught her attention, voices in the distance that called for a camp to be made. This could very well not happen, these people were far too close to the ruins, and would be a danger to the pair of animata. With a easy gait she stepped off the column to land with a heavy thud on the ground below leaving two rather large impression of her slightly slanted narrow feet in the dirt. Starting off at a slow pace Ketta began to pick up speed, sprinting towards where she had heard the noise.

The closer she got the more noises she could hear signaling that of intelligent species making camp near the ruins, considering herself lucky they hadn't chose to camp in the ruins. As she reached the edge of the clearing where the camp was being made she slowed down creeping towards a tree just as the sun completely disappeared leaving darkness to reign supreme. She almost switched to her darkvision until she saw that the group had lit a fire that would render it useless. Taking up a position out of sight she scanned over the three beings taking in what each one was.

A human male was the first she saw young and swarthy with a thick accent she didn't recognize and wearing what could only be ebon mail, then a young female human with bright blue eyes, blonde hair, and moving a bit awkwardly with the sword on her hip as she gathered firewood signaling to Ketta that the female was not the most experienced with a weapon. The finally her vision settled on a professional looking white elf as he exited a tent wearing a dark breastplate, and carrying a shining silver spear. Ketta made note that this elf was likely the leader.

Ketta having seen the group felt confident that she could take on this group of Ebon Knights. She had only heard rumors of the order in her travel and to be honest had been looking forward to testing her abilities against theirs, and there happened to be no time like the present. With a few easy steps Ketta moved into sight of the trio across the clearing from them. Not bothering to hide her presence at all.

The three knights were on their feet immediately, weapons were drawn, the young male human bringing a longbow around with broadhead arrow notched, while the other two held their blade, and spear ready. The white elf took several steps forward standing between the two humans pointed the elegant silver weapon pointed at ketta. “What is your business? This is a Ebon knight patrol camp, and we do not allow outsiders into the camp.” They all seemed to be on edge as they stared at the strange silent being before them. Ketta didn’t move at all as if she had turned into a statue, the lack of breathing from her was all the more disturbing.

Ketta finally spoke, her voice strange and otherworldly like a ghost whispering for all to hear. “Your camp encroaches upon the safety of one I serve. You cannot be allowed to stay, and by that I mean you cannot be allowed to live as you will only return with more of your kind if I allow you to leave. So I must destroy you.” One of Ketta’s arms dropped to the ground with a thud held on by a long thick chain. The sudden whistle of a arrow broken the silence as the swarthy young man in mail let loose his bow. The arrow slammed into Ketta’s forehead, it made a loud metal on metal clang before the shaft snapped in half from the force and went spinning away.

“You have made the first move.” Ketta said simply and then slung her arm forward that had already release the blade on a chain, letting it fly towards the archer the blade jamming into his thigh. A look of shock crossed all of their faces, but none was more shocked than the archer. Suddenly the reel holding the chain began to whir and the chain began to retract pulling the archer to the ground, the other two jumped to grab him but their finger barely grazed his as he moved across the rough ground at high speed only to end up at Ketta’s feet. She wasted no time using her other blade arm and stabbing down at the man his hand raising to block the attack in futility as the blade cut his hand in half and plunged into his his chest shattering ribed and cutting his heart in half.

Yanking her arms back and locking the recently released chain arm was all the time Ketta had before the other two knights were upon her. Sword and speared struck at Ketta, causing her to go on the defensive as her bladed arms blocked when she could and she twisted her mithril body when she had to small scratches appearing across her metal frame as the weapons grazed across her. The novice swordswoman though showed a single opened and Ketta took advantage letting one of her blades drag across the knight’s left bicep and causing her to stumble away in pain as blood bubbled up and poured down her arm. So for the moment it was just the white elf and Ketta. She focused all her attention on the spear wielding knight.

The spearman was fast and it took a lot for Ketta to keep up with every attack, but she did something rather unexpected and slid past the spear batting it aside with her blade, and bringing down a heavy mithril foot at his ankle. As her foot struck his ankle a extremely loud crack echoed through the clearing causing the Knight to stumble and fall grasping to get back to his feet. Ketta had no time to act upon this moment of weakness the white elf had just been forced into, because the female was suddenly attacking her again. She was weaker now and attacking without thinking of her training. The haphazard attacks came repeatedly and Ketta blocked and dodged with ease. Ketta came forward at and angle shoving down the woman’s sword with her left arm and moving around her side letting her right arm blade drag across the back of the woman’s knee cutting her through tendons and muscle and causing her to drop face first into the ground, completely incapacitated from the battle.

Ketta turned to go and fininsh off the White elf only to meet a fireball flying at her that smashed straight into her chest and caused her to stumble back as the heat washed over her form leaving a black scorch mark across her torso. “I will need to buff that out.” She said as she sprinted forward towards the white elf her blades coming down at the same time causing him to bring his spear up in defense as her blade slammed into the shaft. Ketta spoke softly to the knight as if to console him. “You have fought valiantly, but I cannot allow you to live.” Her foot came up in another kick, her foot crashing into the white elf’s chest plate causing him to fall over backwards and his spear to go spinning across the ground. Without missing a beat Ketta moved forward over the prone knight and brought her blade across his throat in a slash that caused blood to splash over her in a crimson shower.

Standing to her full height Ketta turned to face the fallen swordswoman once more and watched her as the knight stared at the animata with supreme fear in her eyes. “As I said before. You all fought valiantly, but you must be eliminated.” She moved towards the female knight and leaned down raising her blade up and bringing it down in a curving angle shoving it under her arm and into her chest cavity from the side of her torso tearing apart major arteries, and piercing her heart. Blood bubbled up in the woman’s mouth as she slowly died from the severe injury. Ketta watched the fear wash over the knight’s face her head tilting slightly as she grasped at Ketta’s arm. “It is only death. You will not feel anything anymore after you pass. Why do you fear the end so much? It comes to all.” She gently slid her blade out of the knight’s side as she finally passed fear and horror frozen on her face. “The beasts of the wild will remove most of the evidence.”

Turning towards the campfire, Ketta moved over to it kicking apart the flaming sticks and dousing them all in dirt as she kicked it up in clumps over the embers. “No need to burn down the forest.” She said before turning and walking towards the ruins, and brief Ardon on what had happened, and likely be berated for her getting marked by the magical fire during the battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Twhirtley
Avatar of Twhirtley

Twhirtley The Appalachian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Reward Review


Observation: 5
Tactics: 3
Running: 1
Stealth: 1
Weapon (Sword Arms): 5
Intimidation: 2
Unarmed Combat: 2
Philosophy: 1
Wilderness Survival: 1


Lyellan watched the battle through his tiny spyglass. He was still in his squire training to Captain Kalim, and had been sent with this group to act as a scout. He'd been instructed to never fight, only observe and report. And it was a good thing that the fairy had listened. Those Knights had been sorely outmatched, and from the brief words he'd heard carried on the wind, that... thing was not alone. Lyellan flew back toward Scream Watch as fast as he could, to send word to Kalim in Silent Rise. Just as Lyellan's sister had been collected as a mage, Kalim would want a chance to meet these two as well, especially since Warden Drisceya was still gone. Those low knights might not be able to beat the creature, but Lyellan had seen Kalim do so much more. If anyone could stop it, he could.
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