Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firetiger3
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Firetiger3 You Can't See Meeee

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lyra glared at the other Angel as he turned around, off to have another drink most likely. Ugh, he just couldn't control his temper, could he? She rolled her eyes and turned away from him, looking up at Greg, who had called back his fire which had flared up during the confrontation. "I can't really apologize for him," she sighed, shaking her head slightly, "But I can say he's one of the not so bright ones. Most of us really are better than that, I swear!"

She looked back at the others, both Angels and Demons, who glanced at them suspiciously. Of course they would, mingling between the species was rare, and for it to be relatively friendly was even rarer. And it didn't help the fact she had stood up for him. "Yeah, we'll have to leave separately, for obvious reasons. I'll be out in a few minutes." she whispered inconspicuously before sitting over at the bar. After ordering a glass, which she downed quickly, she slapped a few bills on the table and walked out of the tavern again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greg was leaning against a wall, waiting for Lyra to come out of the tavern. Once she did he pushed off of the wall, "I know most angels are not all that bright, try dealing with demons that are from he'll well we better get moving." He put his hands in his pockets, and started walking toward the entrance toward hell.

It would be at least 2 days before they got there, it would be hard for him to sleep, but it wasn't impossible to sleep. Greg knew that of course, he kept walking keeping his eyes forward he looked around a bit. His hand kept going to the old necklace he kept around his neck, making sure it was there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firetiger3
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Firetiger3 You Can't See Meeee

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"I mean, again, we're not all that bad." Lyra replied, quickly catching up to him as he started walking to the Gate to Hell. "But then again, not all of us are exactly what humans think Angeks should be." She shrugged, different people were different, and she couldn't control that. Much as she disliked some of them, it didn't mean she could snap her fingers and they would automatically change.

As they neared the gates, Lyra flipped her hood up, and double-checked that her wings were retracted all the way. Funny thing about Angel wings, most people found them bothersome, and could make their wings disappear completely. Ugh she was nervous, crossing the border was a huge no, and if she was caught... Well, she didn't want to think of the consequences.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greg looked up at the gate he let out a breath, then changed into his demon form. The gates slowly opened a wave of heat hit them both, some demon tried to stop him till he realized who he was dealing with. The demon quickly backed off and let them pass it was awhile till the got to the gates of punishment. "I need to get in to grab a prisoner that my master wants," the demon nodded and let them through.

He didn't know the angel that this person wanted, so he let the angel lead. He kept seeing other demons pass them, he kept close to her just in case any demons got too close, if they did they could smell the angel part of her. He would try to mask her scent as best he could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firetiger3
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Firetiger3 You Can't See Meeee

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lyra'a eyes flickered up, especially on the Demons that passed by them. It was certainly... A new experience, to say the least. Never before had she been surrounded by so many Demons at once. And practically alone too, not another Angel in sight. Head down, avoid all eye contact, don't speak at all. She felt small, especially surrounded by Demons many times her size. Shit. Getting nervous again.

As they progressed through the gates, and security got tighter, Lyra clung closer to Greg in fear they would be separated. "Does the traffic ever... End? Are the roads always this crowded?" she asked in a voice just above a whisper. It was a new experience, and she had many more questions to ask. But for now, she would keep the questions to a minimum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greg looked forward, "traffic doesn't end here it's always chaos down here. Just find your friend, then we leave this place." He wanted to leave already, he didn't like hell that's why he lived on middle-ground. He looked at the other demons, as they got further in the field of punishment.

He followed orders when he was down here, or he would have got punished. That was before he got enough money, to go and live up on middle-ground. Greg liked it up there not always chaos, up there but there would still be chaos because of the angels up there. Most angels left him alone though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firetiger3
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Firetiger3 You Can't See Meeee

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"That's... Unfortunate." Lyra let out with a sigh, slightly shaking her head. It would have been so much easier to carry out this... Mission, was it? Whatever, it would be so much easier if there wasn't so many others bustling around them at all times. Maybe night was better? Or perhaps not, she heard Demons were night creatures. If that was even true. Maybe she would ask later.

She glanced up, looking around at the new world around her. Definitely not like the Angel World that she was so accustomed to. "So, how long will it take to get to the city. Or, wherever my friend is being kept?" she asked, drawing her cloak tighter around her when one of the Demons had roughly brushed passed her. He had turned back and let a sort of snarl at her, which she had ignored, she would have done the same. A Demon in Angel Territory was as weird as an Angel in Demon Territory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greg looked at her, then back up they got to the part of town where the prisoners were being kept. "We'll looks like we're here," he saw another angel getting roughly pushed into the prison. It would be really hard for them to get inside, but unless he said he needed to talk to his father they would let them inside . He walked up to the guard "I need to talk with my father," the guard nodded Greg grabbed lyra's hand and brought her in with him.

"You go find your friend I have to go talk with my dad," he then started to walk toward the cell that held his father. He had the information he needed, so he went off to find the angel he was already in deep trouble he didn't need to be in more trouble than he already was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firetiger3
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Firetiger3 You Can't See Meeee

Member Seen 3 mos ago

That certainly didn't take that long, maybe this place wasn't as huge and unorganized as she had expected. But, oh well, it was better this way, perhaps. An easier time to find her friend. They soon entered, her avoiding the guard completely. She didn't want any trouble, or, more trouble than she would already be in after this all. Lyra looked to her right, then to her left. Rows of cells accompanied them, and they seemed to be closing in with every passing second.

"Um, yeah, alright," she nodded looking the other direction at the cells, "And... Thanks, again. Seriously." She began to look into the cells, one by one. Nope, not that one, or that one... It took a while to find him, but it was lucky that she didn't have to search every single last cell and have his be the last one. Looking first left, then right, she sliped a hand into her sleeve and began to work the lock. Come one! She had practiced this!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greg had waited, now the smell of an angel overpowered the scent of demons in this part. The guards in this part had noticed it, and spotted lyra immediately. Greg shot fire at them and blew them to ashes "any day now would be nice," as he wrestled a demon off of him and threw him over the railing. He kept the demons off of her, but soon they would overpower him he knew that and he accepted that fate. He kept blasting the demons as the locks clicked and the door opened, but it was already to late for Greg to escape them they piled on top of him as the two angels got to safety.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firetiger3
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Firetiger3 You Can't See Meeee

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Sorry sorry!" Lyra muttered, the lock clicking as the file finally managed to pick the lock. Her friend gave her a bewildered look, but she shook her head, hoping he would understand the desperation of the situation at hand. "Just run! Get out of here!" she yelled, motioning towards the exit. He nodded, and took off, wings unraveling as he ran out. Lyra glanced towards Greg, who was now just a pile of bodies, really. With a heave, she grabbed the Demon on top of the pile and flung him off, making sure he hit his head and was knocked out. "I'm... I'm so not going to leave you behind!" she huffed, a blast of air shooting out of her palms and striking a few off the pile. There were more filing in, they would definitely have to escape soon, there was no way they would be able to take on all of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greg had to concentrate, and a big blast of fire came out of his body. Making all the demons fly off of him, and making the rest hesitate he grabbed lyra's hand and ran. He knew the demons were following. He took a deep breath and a wall of fire blocked the demons path, it would buy them a little time before they got through. His whole body hurt, but he wasn't going to stop even if his body wanted him to it wouldn't happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firetiger3
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Firetiger3 You Can't See Meeee

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lyra glanced back at the hoard behind them, momentarily stopped by the wall of fire that flashed up before them. Not good, it probably would hold them off for a while, but not enough to deter them completely. "Not good," she muttered, "Definitely not good." As a few broke through, she sent them flying back with a strong blast of air, also sending a steady stream to the flames to keep them alive longer. Her mouth twitched into a sort of frown before facing forward again. "Hold on tight," she warned, grabbing his arm, and lifting them both into the sky with a powerful flap of her wings, "We'll have to go into hiding, probably, or at least cross the Border. Nowhere's safe."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greg nodded, he knew they couldn't get rid of the demons behind them. they were almost to the border slowly they got there, they crossed it the gates of hell closing. Greg rolled onto his back tired, he always hated going into hell and back it always wore him out. his whole body was screaming for rest. He changed back into his human form, he always felt more comfortable in this form than he did in his demon one. He rolled onto his back breathing hard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firetiger3
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Firetiger3 You Can't See Meeee

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Where was there to hide? Lyra glanced around them, open space everywhere. If it escalated to even this point, maybe Neutral Territory wasn't enough to hide them... "We may have to go into the Human World." she noted, looking behind them for the Demons who had been following them. Maybe for now they escaped, but certainly they would be found soon, and they had to act fast. "In fact, that may be our only choice. They probably won't find us in there, it's a pretty big place." Shouting. They were catching up, and it wasn't hard to spot them either, they were all too noticable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greg got to his feet, he punched the demon closest to him making him fly back onto the others. He looked at her, he couldn't go back to the human world not till someone reincarnated him into the human world. Sure he was killed but humans plenty of times, but that was because he was ordered to. He looked back at the demons "your can to go to the human world, but I can't I have to be summoned by another human on there world. You will have to go there without me."

Greg knew it was simple logic, he blasted a few more demons away. That's why there weren't many demons on the human surface, they had to be summoned in order to be on the humans world. Most humans didn't even know how to summon demons any more. That's why there were so many of them down here, because they thought summoning a demon was impossible because of there stupid science. Of course there science was stupid because you could summon a demon, they didn't believe that of course so he was stuck down here most of the time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firetiger3
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Firetiger3 You Can't See Meeee

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lyra frowned as she kept a few of their attackers at bay, not letting them get anywhere close to them. "Shit, I guess that idea's down the drain. But..." she paused, biting her bottom lip in thought. Her mind raced for another solution to get them out of there as quickly as possible, at this point she would take anything that she could get. "I know we have sort of portals to the Human World," she explained once she though of something, "And I'm assuming Demons don't. Have you ever tried using one? I know Angels wouldn't just hand a Portal over to a Demon, so it most likely hasn't been tried before. Do you think that it could work?"

It was a rash idea sure, but it was a desperate time, and that was honestly the best thing she could think of that could get them both out of there. And she was not about to leave the person who saved her behind. Sense of Justice, or perhaps just her own Morals, or whatever. Yeah, yeah, damn them all. The Portal she was talking about was really just the ability all Angels had to open Gates to Earth, in theory, it would work.... right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greg looked at her for a second, "it could work, but going through a portal would mean I would be really weak it could work still. Have an old friend of mine watching over a place I called home before I got killed by yet another human." He kept the demons at bay, he threw one of them into the fire of hell it would incinerate any demon that would be thrown in. The portal would put him at his weakest point, but he could deal with it no matter how much he hated it when he was at his weakest point.

Greg's shirt was ripped up, the knee part of his pants were too. A demon got behind him, and sunk its claws into his back he grunted in pain the demon leaving behind three big gases on his back. Greg kicked the demon back and blasted him blood was already running down his back, but he didn't stop fighting blasting the demons back with his fire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firetiger3
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Firetiger3 You Can't See Meeee

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lyra winced, "Sorry about making you weaker and all, but it's ah... It's really the best thing we've got going for us. I doubt there will be much trouble there, anyways! It's not like there will be a army waiting for us!" She looked over to their attackers, still persisting in attacking them. Yeah, going into the Human World was probably a better idea than fighting off all of them. After all, she wasn't sure how long they could keep up with it all, it only took so much for them to slowly become too tired to fight back. They had hundreds, if not even more, and it was simply the two of them.

She placed her right hand over the other, and both began to glow before she pried her hands apart, opening the Portal. Quickly, before anyone else could force their way through, she pushed him through before diving in herself, immediately sealing it after her. "Sorry... Sorry..." she panted, making her way over to him. "How hurt are you? We'll need to get those tended right away. I'm sorry... This is all... This is all my fault"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greg let out a groan of pain, "it really isn't all your fault Lyra you got to remember I made the deal to help you. There's three big slashes on my back, but that's the worst of it." He tried to get back to his feet, but fell to one knee...damn it he couldn't even stand up, he hated being weak like he was now but he had to deal with it. His eyes flashed red, then settled back to blue. That's how he knew his body was trying to heal itself.

Greg knew where the place was for them to get some rest, but how he was now he doubted he could make it there anyway. He looked around, good there weren't any human around to look at him. He tried to move, but the slashes burned he grunted in pain and closed his eyes hoping it would go away soon.
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