Avatar of 13sparx13
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: 13sparx13
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 182 (0.05 / day)
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    1. 13sparx13 10 yrs ago


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I like me some sci-fi/fantasy, and am unfortunately not the wordiest when it comes to IC.

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14 years old. Daniel looks a little old for his age, which- along with some decent clothes- keeps anyone from questioning whether he has a home. He has brown hair, about down to his earlobes, and green eyes. Daniel's power is sound manipulation. This can manifest itself in every way from amplification to pitch alteration, but he tends to make use of it in other ways in combat. He uses instruments, primarily an electric guitar, to use these powers in battle. He theoretically could do it using any noise, but the instrument acts as a focus, as (similar to most supernatural abilities in fiction) he can't use them without a clear mind, and a battle is a hell of a place to achieve concentration. Chord types correspond to their effects; a minor chord, for example, is a malevolent effect, while something like a D7 would have a more neutral effect, and an F chord would be benevolent. As for his life, he's an orphan. No one really ever figures it out, since he gets a decent amount of cash from playing on street corners, and occasionally getting a legitimate gig in a bar or something. Still, you can't live on the street for your entire teenage life without the government eventually finding out, so he's taken the Academy as his home.
"Jey, get me some sort of backup and I will personally escort you to the nicest bar in town and buy whatever you want," Re muttered through the comms. "No need to get like that just yet, friend," came the crackly response. "Sorry about the quality. BESC might be stupid enough to overlook a radio channel. Might. You're getting my very own scrambled system just in case. Well, one of them. Now another. Let's see them try to crack a code that isn't what it was a second ago." The transmission paused, then was followed up by, "A beer, for sure. Something old." Re sighed. "Of course you want something old. What other way could you make it expensive?" "I can think of-" "That was sarcastic." "I know, it's just too easy to mess with you. Anyway, I'm gonna get you a couple wiped drones." "Long as they have guns, I guess."
100 IC posts!
Frankly, I don't want this to die. Anybody but Xander still ready to post?
... Console loaded [[Silico Electronics]] Ready for command > register "Kain Flindar" Error: Command not available > sudo register "Kain Flindar" Enter password for sudo user Adam swiped the console program aside and opened another program. He waited a minute for it to finish its task, then returned the console to the screen. > hunter2 ... Password accepted Create user "Kain Flindar" [Y/N] > y Choose password for user > 1234 Use password "1234"? [Y/N] > y Enter user information Adam flicked over to another program and selected a file, then copied it. > kainflindaruserpackage.zip Reading file... File accepted. Login as "Kain Flindar"? [Y/N] > y ... Enter username > Kain Flindar Enter password > 1234 Welcome, Kain Flindar! > help commandlist.txt He opened the file, and scanned through the commands for something he could use. > join \U\private\unit31415926 Joining shared session... Join complete Good. Now he was in. He didn't get a look at anything, though; the screen was suddenly filled with holos of him and Re. He reached to his waist, finding his gun. A Belgo, it was certainly not state of the art. The silvery pistol could definitely put a hole in you even if it wasn't, so what did it matter to him? "Re," he sighed. "Somebody knew we were coming. Don't know who, but they definitely know who we are." Re groaned, summing up both their feelings. «**I told you we should've just gone in there and shot him.**» Re didn't respond this time, already fiddling with the worn switches and dials on his rifle, readying it for some closer combat. "This house is suspected, right?" "Yeah. Again, more executive decisions that didn't involve much thinking. A bit justified, as this is the best line of sight to shoot him, but still." "How long do you think we've got?" "Don't know. Just be ready to shoot."
Re positioned himself in the window across from where Hyde was supposed to be. "So, who thought it would be a good idea to try to snipe someone in a building *publicly purchased* by BESC?" "The superiors are a bit... inexperienced. They hear there's somewhere where we can kill someone and they get all *hasp*-minded about it. Oh," Adam paused, "Third floor, the two windows just off the centre." Re shifted his aim, receiving a low chuckle from Adam. The ground floor door opened across the street, letting a group of uniformed officers out of the apartment. «**I think it would be easier if you just walked up and shot him**» "Just shut up, Felik."
I have an IC post up, if anybody wants to do anything with that.
Re felt a tap on his shoulder: "Mission, taking out some SC bigshot." An overlay appeared in his vision. Hyde Neiman Field Op Commander, BESC Kill Priority: [Gamma] Hyde was a smug looking man, not wearing any visible weapons, but he was a soldier. That smirk probably contained everything from lasers to obscenely strong explosives. Knowing BESC, he wouldn't be surprised in the least- he'd seen much weirder. "Sniper gig?" "Yeah, he's meeting up with someone." "Well that's just suicide. They know people like us are out there; they'll have security all over the place." "Would it be insane to think this isn't anything anyone'd know about?" "Hell yeah it would be." "Fair enough. We think it's a drug deal or something, so it's not like he'd want even BESC to know about it." Re stood up, and took his rifle off the rack, slotting a new battery into the gun. "Right, then," he said, "let's go be rebels."
I'm still here, ready to post.
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