Avatar of 2plus2isnot5
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 156 (0.06 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. 2plus2isnot5 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current That uni feeling when homework doesn't feel like homework anymore because you actually *like* what you're studying =D
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Errm... there's not really much to say about me tbh, I'm preeeety boring.

I'm an 18 year old student from the UK (ergo, timezone is gmt) who can mostly be found crying about uni hanging around the casual section and terrorising the kind folks over there with my... let's say rusty writing skills. As it turns out, writing nothing but scientific essays for a year takes a toll on your creativity -_- who would've guessed?

(Not me. Hence my current predicament)

Anyway, guess that's all for now, see ya!

Most Recent Posts

Great =D I was thinking seeing as there's a lot of people in the shop at the moment, maybe my character could have already been working there a while and is just getting in for her shift? That way I don't disrupt things too much, if that's okay?
Hi there =) is it okay if I have a character apply to work at the shop?

@RedwardGreat! I'll do that now, thanks =)

I hope that's okay!
This seems pretty cool - I'm fairly new to rp though, if that's okay?
This seems really interesting - but I'm still pretty new to roleplaying, would that be okay? (it's completely fine with me if you say no btw - I just figured it'd be good to start in a smaller group, I've done some 1x1 before, but not really much group stuff)
@Altered Tundra Thanks =)
I'm... currently trying to think of some way to introduce myself.... errr....


I'm kinda new to this - I'm mostly used to writing and the like on my own, but recently I got the itch to do something more collaborative, which reminded me off my on-off experience with play-by-post rp in the past. Looking round, this site seems pretty cool, so yeah...

Here I am? (lol, I have no idea what I'm doing, send help)
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