Avatar of 37 Cockatiels
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 151 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. 37 Cockatiels 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Does anybody on this website like the witcher franchise
8 yrs ago
anybody want to rp space pirates with me
8 yrs ago
anyone interested in an mcu based rp?
8 yrs ago
Ok I need a yellow parakeet named Blaster asap
1 like
8 yrs ago
Plan to get swol: Step 1: bake a lot of bread. Step 2: profit.


Hi, I'm Kit, and I'm always open to more rps, so feel free to shoot me a message if you're looking for someone to rp with or just really like birds.
I have a ton of RWBY ocs and Steven Universe ocs but other than that everything I make is 100% my own. I'm most loudly into Fullmetal Alchemist, RWBY, all things Marvel, Steven Universe, and Hamilton, but I like a lot of other stuff so feel free to ask if you want to know.
I don't tend to do rps with a lot of people, partners or groups of 3 seem to work best for me.
I'm good with PG13 or R ratings as long as there's no explicit sexual content or cannibalism. Excessive use of f--- makes me uncomfortable, but I can put up with it if it's for a character.

Most Recent Posts

ok np.
@manapool1 do you still want to join?
@Illusion @Xeron you guys still want to do this?
Ok, @manapool1 would you like to join? So you know, it's a supernatural type thing, and my and shi12's characters hunt down supernatural creatures in small towns.
Well I'm sorry I'm new and didn't know there was a 1X1 section.

@manapool1, you're welcome to join if you want.
@Illusion, @Xeron, let me know when you guys are ready to start
Depends, @manapool1, how many characters do you have? If we bring in someone else, I'll probably only gonna use one character
I like your character @Xeron, and you sure put a lot of detail in there, any feedback on mine? It's not as detailed as yours but I can add more if you want.

Ok! I'll post mine probably tomorrow
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