Avatar of 4EverEntei
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 119 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. 4EverEntei 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
It's been a while and I'd kind of like to start fresh .


Entei Flare

Legendary Volcano Dog Pokemon

Sadistic Maniac

I have a very scattered mind, so I'm hardly active on the guild
I limit myself on the roleplays I join here
When I do join, I tend to take simple roles that aren't vital
We'll discuss how things will happen if I ask to join your roleplay

The requirements for my roleplays are very light
You are only required to be as active as I am

I've lost a lot of my capability to multitask and frequently lose interest on and off in certain hobbies, roleplaying being one of them. I'm starting this new thing where I try to limit myself in how far I put myself out in the guild. When I get reinvested in a hobby-- no matter how short the interest burst is-- I tend to just throw myself at everything I decide I like. Then maybe a week later, those roleplays that I joined are suffering because of the sudden disinterest-- and even dysphoria-- that comes with sitting down and trying to engage in said hobbies. Interest comes back soon, but not soon enough for stories to thrive.

My roleplays, however, are-- despite their intricate nature-- going to be very laid back and casual. You're only required to be active as often as I am, which isn't a lot. I know a lot of people can't stand being a part of roleplays like this that go on and off, so if you're not interested for that reason, no hard feelings.

»Unless specified, artwork is not mine«

Most Recent Posts

I'm glad you're interested, @Im a huge mess.
Feel free to submit a character to me in a PM.
I'm aware, @PaintLynn.
Currently, all he can do is run. It's all he really knows how to do. I also figured that someone might take notice of the fliers waving from the wind. Eventually, sooner rather than later, he'll figure out how to communicate a bit better.
Hello, @TheHunter.

I've submitted my character here for review before I post it in the CHAR tab.

Name: Adam Lance Raymond, he doesn't use his middle or last name, and rarely gives his first
Alias: "The Prince of Madness", "Maniacal Prince", although he prefers not to be addressed, he'd rather plain terms like "Mad" or "Maniac" than his full given title
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Male
Hero or Villain: Anti-Hero, acts like a rogueish vigilante and does things on his own accord, although he gladly assists the Heroes when it benefits him

History: Contrary to what his alias suggests, Adam Raymond was born to a normal, non-royal, rich mother, and a poor, unemployed, helplessly ill father. Tired of her husband's pathetic nature, Audrey Raymond took her daughter, Amanda, and left her son and husband. Adam and his father, Mason, were left to live on the street after being evicted from their house when the boy was seven. Not wanting to be a bad father, Mason tried to send Adam to a more supportive family, but to no avail. He ended up just handing his son away, no legal papers at all, to a "temporary guardian." Mason Raymond was later found dead in a parking lot after having committed suicide by gunshot over the guilt of giving up his son.
Chris Taylor, a drunken, drug-addicted man was now Adam's permanent illegal guardian. He was abusive towards the boy, and very demanding, since he was too lazy to do anything himself. Adam grew up resenting his parents, both of them, for leaving him with such a mess to live with. A week after his eleventh birthday, he started to talk back when Chris would yell at him. It took him until he was thirteen to start fighting back when a punch was thrown at him. By the time he was fourteen, he was stealing cigarettes from Chris' stash and sneaking out of his bedroom window to smoke them on the roof. A year later, he was stealing alcohol as well. Around the time he turned sixteen, he was being admitted to different mental hospitals for his destructive behavior, towards others and himself, and for talking about mysterious "powers" he kept accidentally activating. Once he felt he finally had the chance, he brutally stabbed Mr. Taylor, and himself. When he found that his blood was hardening to stop him from bleeding out, he dropped the knife and fled the scene, the house going up in flames behind him.

Powers or Abilities:

Open reply,

Lukas nervously backed away from the crowd again. Everything seemed amplified; the sights, the sounds, his feelings. He was completely overwhelmed.
Luke quickly stood back up, disappearing from sight. He pressed his hands over his ears, wincing. He perceived the noises as louder than they actually were, but he couldn't help it. He backed up even more, then finally turned and hurried down the empty hallway, the wind created from his movement blowing around some fliers on the school walls.
Thanks, @TheHunter.

I'll get my character up as soon as possible. I'm thinking about making a rogue-like vigilante, maybe sort of an anti-hero like Deadpool, but in the sense that he will work with the heroes when it benefits him. I will start working on his outline, but please, if the description I gave is an issue, contact me.
Reply to, @Im a huge mess,

It was then that Luke noticed another boy, with dark hair and blue eyes, looking over towards him and the red-suited girl. Now he was all the more anxious, and couldn't help but take several more steps backwards.
Reply to, @PaintLynn,

Lukas was nearly shoved to the ground by a tall girl in a red and black suit. He fell into the wall, then almost fell through it. He picked himself up, shaking anxiously. He was reminded of how difficult it would be to communicate with anyone here. Why would superhuman teenagers have a use for sign language? He had to try, at least.
Luke made a quick movement with his hands, making an "O" with his right, then bringing it down to his flattened left hand with a "K", to tell her that it was okay (although he didn't entirely think so, this was "proper manners.") He then shifted his eyes to the ground and stepped back. He didn't want to see the confusion on her face if she didn't understand, and he wasn't sure he wanted her to understand. The only thing he wanted was to get out of his current situation.
@PaintLynn Love the fourth wall breaks. Very true to her father.
Hello, @TheHunter.
May I reserve a spot for a character? I will make it after my nap, seeing as how it is nine thirty in the morning and I haven't had a second of sleep.
I'm sort of interested in having a villain character, but I would need your approval. If not, I'm more than glad to make a hero for the team.

Thank you,
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