Avatar of AccursedBiscuit
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    1. AccursedBiscuit 8 yrs ago


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Current Hit a bit of a rough patch. Back now, though!
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8 yrs ago
New here. What's up?


Hi, I'm new here and to role playing games in general. I've dabbled a bit in the past, but haven't for a long time. Lately I've been seeing a lot of interest in it which has made me want to try. I'm not really picky as far as game genre goes, I just look forward to some awesome rp and hopefully some new friends

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Yeah I'm down. Will have a cs in the next day or two.
Edward Hansen

Location: Grimbold's Cabin
Interacting with:Robert Taylor @Obscurus

Eddie was busy recalling the highlights of his day to Robert, including but not limited to: giving static charge to every tool his teacher was about to pick up, skipping a class to test the new treads on his bike (the trip out here tonight was a breeze), and getting closer to one of his classmates. She was a tomboy redhead, and Eddie was smitten. He kept using his power to zap her and himself whenever they passed tools ("Wow, I guess there's some sparks between us!")

Once Eddie realized most everyone had stopped talking besides him, he turned to see what they were looking at. "I can handle it, Mr Fox." Eddie blushed and immediately looked at Robert to see his reaction. Eddie hadn't even known Nina was here, but that wasn't surprising. There were people he didn't get along with in the group, but Eddie trusts Grimbold, and Grimbold trusts them, so they can't be that bad. Plus, he had people like Robert and Sky to hang out with.

Eddie's mind came back to Nina transforming in front of everyone. All of them could change, under the same restrictions, but still. Eddie had only had to take his animal form twice. Once when his bike broke halfway, and the only way to be on time was to hide the bike and his clothes and come back for them later. The second was... a little more embarrassing. But that's a story for another time. Both times, though, Eddie made sure was completely covered in shadow before reverting.

"So... I guess there's that" Eddie said, almost inaudibly, as he reached for a pastry that Daniel brought. He leaned back in his chair and gauged the room.
@Obscurus Right, I kinda figured we could take small liberties with other characters, but only with things that character would've done anyway. If Robert goes for a fistbump, Eddie won't leave him hanging!
Edward Hansen

Location: Grimbold's Cabin
Interacting with:Robert Taylor @Obscurus

Eddie smiled at Robert as he took the seat between him and Terry.

"Hey man, how was the library?" Eddie asked while Robert got his soup.

Eddie actually really liked coming to the cabin. Normally a large open fire would put him on edge, but here it made him comfortable. Far away from everything else, with his friends, with Grimbold. He could even tolerate the people who are usually really pushy.

Eddie picked his bowl back up and ate, while listening to the idle chatter of the room. Wonder what old Grimbold has in store for us tonight? News? A new mission? Eddie thought, excited at the prospect of getting a new mission, and discussing plans with Robert. Hopefully the rest didn't run into any trouble and would get here soon.

Eddie's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of knocking, and then the standard Grimbold greeting. He turns around to see who it is.

Frank nodded solemnly at Johnny's conclusion and began crushing heads with his bat. It was brutal work, but the group knew what was at stake. As he was clearing the booths, he heard James talking to his mystery friend. Frank hefted the bat on his shoulder and turned to the kid.

"Holy shit, there keeping people away from each other....I..I guess its becoming a every man for himself..." James told them.

"Well shit. It sounds like it's gonna get real hard to get out of the city real soon. They'll likely try to quarantine the area. Assuming the whole world isn't like this..." Frank trailed off, a sinking feeling in his gut.

Once the area was cleared, and their pockets filled with anything useful they could find, they departed.

Once they got outside, Frank was stunned for a moment. The carnage was incredible, like nothing he'd ever imagined. The sound of Johnny's bike quickly brought Frank back into focus, and he mounted his bike. Once James was on, he set off with Johnny, out of one nightmare and into another...
Cool, I like the symbols. Will post tomorrow.

Also, what is the etiquette for writing for other people in your post? I know it's probably a silly question, but I don't want to step on anyone's toes. Still relatively new here. Thanks in advance!

Frank caught the keys and looked at them. Bikes were a much better idea. Hopefully James would be able handle it, he seems like he scares easy.

"Nice look" Frank chuckled as he began looking for anything useful. What the hell do you think this is, anyways? People eating people?" Frank grimaced as he rolled over a particularly large biker. The throat had been ripped out. Looked like an animal attack, but Frank knew better.

Clutched in his hand, though, was a wooden baseball bat. It looked pretty worn, but solid. As he stood up, inspecting the bat, he turns to Johnny.

"So, we get to the farm, and then what? What if they don't let us in?"
Updated Eddie's CS with more character relationships, fluffed up backstory, etc. Lemme know what you guys think.
I like how with every character posted, Eddie becomes more and more of that "weird guy" lol
@Obscurus I like the Robert/Eddie dynamic!
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