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    1. AddyBunny 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
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Alezae walked, barefoot, across the grass, moist with morning dew. Her slender fingers, traced the gentle softness of the petals of the flowers in the gardens, hesitating on the deepness of the blue roses. There was something precious about the rare roses, and their deep meaningful blue pigment. Her fingers traced down the stem, carefully avoiding a prick from the thorns, snapping the stem, and bringing it to her nose. Fragrant and sweet. She smiled carefully, resting on the bench as she heard soft steps behind her. "Morning, mother." She said sweetly, almost in a sing song voice.

Her mother, without speaking, sat beside her on the concrete bench, vines and moss growing up and entangling around the legs. "Beautiful day," she finally said, taking the rose from her daughter's hands, "Good day to be training a young mercenary." She put the flower in her daughter's smooth ruby hair.

"A student." She clarified. "I don't think much of it."

"You father and I were talking." Her mother started, now sternly. "We were thinking it's time we stepped in... We had originally wanted for you to have the freewill to choose who you start your own family with... But you've shown no interest. You'll have a child of your own one day to train in the arts of becoming a valued member of this great society."

"Why do I need one of my own, when I'm provided a child to keep after as they come of age?" She asked carelessly, standing as if to turn away.

Her mother took her hand gently. "You'll understand. We'll talk more on it later." And she too rose to her feet and departed.

Alezae simply sighed, looking to the rising sun as if for deeper understanding she was somehow missing.
Kyona stared out the window, into the courtyards. Vast was the land owned by the Decus Latro; miles of land stretching far as the naked eye could see, all confined behind barriers to keep out invaders. This had been the only land she'd ever known, never having stepped beyond the walls surrounding the area.

The sun was freshly risen, as the skies were painted in shades of orange, pink, and yellow that only ended upon meeting with the horizon. Her attention was broke the the sound of tapping at the door. "Kyona?" a voice called softly, "Are you awake yet?"

"Uhm, yes father!" she called from inside the room, turning around quickly. The doorknob turned, and with a click, the barrier between her room and the hall was broken.

"Early bird as usual, I see," he smiled at her.

"Yep!" she chirped. "Can I help you with anything?"

He smiled warmly, "Not a thing, just wanted to be the first to wish my daughter a happy birthday." He answered, "And," he continued, "Give you this." He handed her a gift wrapped box.

"What is it?" she questioned curiously.

"Just your birthday present." He replied, "Remember to be in the dining hall for breakfast on time, alright? I'll see you then; I have some arrangements to go through for tonight's ceremony."

Kyona smiled, "Alright, daddy! I'll be there!" He walked out as she sat on the bed, and unwrapped the box. Inside was a little pink ribbon, attached to a small bell, resting on a piece of paper that read "Look outside your door." She cocked her head curiously, and when she got up to open the door, she spotted a small grey kitten sleeping on a pillow inside a basket.

She grinned, kneeling down to pet it, waking the kitten. The small creature eyed her curiously, before letting out a small mew. Lifting the ribbon, to which enticed the kitten to swat at it playfully, she secured the ribbon around his neck, in a little bow, lifting him from the basket, and kicking the basket into her room. She cradled the little kitten as she proceeded towards the dining hall.
Accepted Characters:

Kyona Kunie (Mercenary Student)
Alezae Damaris (Mercenary Trainer)
Character skeleton available.


Sexual Preference:

-Eye Color:
-Hair Color:

Social Standing:










Weapon of Choice:

Roleplay: Decus Latro
Name: Alezae Damaris
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference: Straight
Race: Human

-Eye Color: Green
-Hair Color: Red
-Height: 5'4"
-Weight: 125lb

Social Standing: Mercenary Trainer

Occupation: Mercenary

Hobbies: Drawing, poetry, wandering freely

Likes: Waterfalls, flowers, light breeze

Dislikes: Storms, cloudy days, arrogance

Strengths: She's agile, and proficient with both bow and arrow, as well as sword combat

Weaknesses: She's not as strong as others, and has to use agility and intelligence to compensate

Personality: She's upbeat but somber. Gentle and even tempered.

History/Background: Alezae was born into Decus Latro. Her family wasn't of any outstanding position in the society, but they were well regarded mercenaries and she herself is well regarded. She learned the arts of fighting faster than some, and if quite proficient in her abilities. She was specifically requested to train mercenaries, as she is very intelligent and a good teacher. Her even temper made her ideal for training new mercenaries.


Weapon of Choice:

Roleplay: Decus Latro
Name: Kyona Kunie
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference: Straight
Race: Human

-Eye Color: Brown
-Hair Color: Brown
-Height: Average
-Weight: Slim
-Other: :3 Teehee

Social Standing: Student

Likes: optimism, Decus Lartro, family, friends, her kitteh cat Very Happy

Dislikes: pessimism, darkness, dishonesty

Strengths: Quick and agile, determined, lithe

Weaknesses: Physically and arguably emotionally weak

Personality: Kyona is a peppy individual, but often falls victim to her shy nature. She is an encouraging happy individual with high hopes for the future. She is submissive and respectful of the wishes of those above her.

History/Background: Haruto Kunie, a current counsel member, was given a mission in his earlier years to murder a the head of the Kisuke family, a well known noble family of the time, and all the members within the household. He'd arrived just in time to witness the birth of Kyona. He'd killed each member of the household, with the exception of the newborn infant, to whom he'd returned home with. After being granted right to keep her as his adoptive daughter, he'd raised her on his own from infancy, without ever letting her know the truth about her slain family.

Having undergone the regular schooling of a child born into Decus Latro, she recently turned sixteen, the age in which she is allowed to be assigned to a qualified mercenary to begin her apprenticeship.

*Misc: She has a pet kitty :]

Weapon of Choice: To be decided

Sexual Preference:

-Eye Color:
-Hair Color:

Social Standing:










Weapon of Choice:
Decus Latro (Latin for Honored Mercenaries) is an organization of highly trained mercenaries and assassins, famous for their ability for fulfilling missions and being a completely neutral territory. Outsiders know very little about the organization, and acceptance in comes at a high stake. Once part of it, they are never allowed to leave.

They govern themselves under strict rules; the mercenaries are never to speak of missions with outsiders, aside from those they are hired by, and they are never to speak of the organization beyond what the public already knows of it, which is very minimal. They are to treat those of the organization as if they were family; with respect. To steal, harm with negative intent, or murder would be to disrespect an individual and is dealt with harshly.

Most mercenaries are born into the organization and raised from youth on the laws and ways of their organization. Once of age, the child becomes the student to a mercenary, and is further taught until given the social status as a qualified mercenary.

Marriages are determined by the parents of the child; it can either be arranged or freely given to the child when he/she is of age.

Meals and housing is free, money is given for fulfilling missions only and not needed for most things within the organization.

Housing, training grounds, dining, and entertainment is all provided for members withing a highly guarded confined area; only members are allowed beyond those walls. Any outsiders are considered invaders an are to be killed on the spot.

This entire organization is run by a council, chosen by elder resigned council members, that makes decisions for the better interest of the group as a whole.

The RP takes place in a past tense fantasy world, however everyone is human, animals are mostly the same, although I will allow for some fantasy-related creativity. Most technology doesn't exist (i.e. cars, computers, ect.). Travel is most often by foot or steed, and most long distance contact is delivered by messengers.

Notes: Anyone is free to join, just create a bio. Everyone will have a character that is part of the organization. If the RP is kept active for the first mission, there will be more missions to come. The length of the RP is pending upon activity.
Can I ask what the protocol is for joining roleplays and creating roleplays? Don't want to just jump into anything and interrupt the flow of a story already in the making :) But I do want to get involved~~! It seems different with every forum.
I do like Ozzy....
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