Avatar of AgentFallenSoul
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    1. AgentFallenSoul 10 yrs ago


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Katsu Hyūga

Seeing Akio give him a look as the big reveal happened, he sighed "You damned if you did something, your doomed if you don't, if she killed the hokage, then I'm sure that she would have had no problem killing you either, that is all I am going to say about it, you can hate me if you want, but like I said, we cant afford to lose more people, more than we already have in fact" he was however shocked himself, it had struck him weird that Fuji and Ayama were missing, but for them to be the ones that caused all of this? No to Katsu it wasn't even a thought, it wasn't even close to what he expected to be the case. Quickly he approached Fujitora, he held his hands up in a way that meant he only wanted to talk "Have a moment to speak with me Fuji? I'm not gunna sit here and pretend your sister didn't just kill the hokage, but...with what you're talking about, this whole persona you've seemed to have stirred up, I cannot say that it does not exist, that Konoha is at a point in time, that peace has been a bigger picture. I can agree with your sister, Konoha is but a shell of what it was, but my I ask why this has become such a problem, that you decided to take it into your own hands in this way?"

He looked at Ayama and then back to him "I will forever respect what you do Fuji, because I know you and your sister are smart people, and we've been good friends for a time. But, looking around now, does making a show out of killing the Hokage, send the right message? That this will be for the better, for the change of Hidden Leaf? Does showing that by killing people who stand for another purpose show to the younger generation? I know, they aren't dumb and they will make their own choices, but showing that you can kill someone to change something drastically like this, shows to the younger children that killing is something without meaning. Strike me down where I stand if you disagree with me, but that is my question, I want to know what you think, because I know you do things that you see fit in your own way, point in case here..." he slowly grabbed a cigarette from his pocket and then lit it, before putting his hands in his pockets, ready for an attack if were to come.

Chihiro Hyūga

Chihiro watched as Gin and N.C.4 started to attack the two men and then suddenly one of them being lunched up into the air. Hearing a drop into the water of the sewer, she looked and saw that N.C.4 was quickly approaching her, making her tense less. "Good to see you too Jun, figured you got tired of watching them attack me eh?" she made a light hearted joke before turning and trying to figure out what they could possibly do in the situation at hand. Hearing splashing, she turned and used her byakugan to see that the boy was again chasing him "Fuck Fuck Fuck, alright, so I hope you planned something to hold him up, but the white haired guy with the sword, he's coming and I know what im at a level that i can fight, but not purely a face to face battle-" looking around she looked from left to right "We need to get out of here, immediately, we're like sitting ducks down here, and I don't suppose you have any ideas either right now..."

Looking around the man got closer to them by the sounds of it, putting a hand through her hair, she sighed "alright I think I have a plan, but be ready to move alright?" she moved forward "Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm!" she pushed out forwards towards the ceiling of the sewer, making it crack and then she used it again, until it cracked even more. She used it once more and quickly grabbed Jun's hand "Alright lets go!" she said before pulling them along and quickly moving out of the way as the sewer ceiling caved several meters in and keeping the two chasing her from catching up, for now. Jumping up, she let go of Jun's hand, putting her hand on her headset she quickly started talk to both of them, though jun was behind her, running away from the now sunk in road "Alright Jun, think you can find a way out of this mess? Car, anything to at least give us an edge, or we can wait it out and let those two get caught by the ninja here, but that's risky. Gin, im heading back towards you, get your ass into overdrive, I gave us a small window, maybe, but it's something" she lowered her hand and quickly started running faster towards the direction of Gin through alleyways, trying to avoid the ninja looking for them.

Katsu Hyūga

Watching Aoi and Akio work together, Katsu smiled, despite all the things going on, he was amazed that the two had grown up so fast. He jumped after them, using his Byakugan he watched ahead and quickly focused on things around the area, he saw many fights break out and was still completely confused with what was going on. "Alright so let me get this straight, something happened, Hokage was having speech while I was teaching. Something happened, now he's running from a girl, who i cant...I actually don't know, I cant even see her face either...but this has something to do with the 11th Corps, who were known to be slightly...shady but something like this? Even for them, this is crazy, this type of large scale attack, on us no less, they're making and enemy out of Konoha ninja is not the smartest play...at all...." Running, he landed and watched everything stop at once as everyone seemed to be gathered or off on their own.

As the three arrived, he watched Tsukiko fight the other man, before watching her not even be able to come close to hurting him "Oh fuck, if the guy could shake off Tsukiko like that, then this is much bigger then any of us, maybe even Fuji...wait where the actual fuck is Fuji, I haven't seen him recently, and i'm not even picking him up...anywhere, like there is seriously something being planned that none of us saw or there was some serious coincidence going on right now..." running he saw Aoi and Akio stop behind Tatsuya.

Watching Aoi scare Tatsuya, he followed after and patted his shoulder "Don't pay her any attention Tatsuya, she's just being...herself again...but it's always refreshing isn't it?" he reassured the boy before listening to Aoi and Akio and quickly knocking their heads together "Hoi! Think that through before you say things like acting reckless, this guy is on a whole nother level and im sure he knows all about every single one of us. Anything you throw at him, he'll probably know how to get around, or be ready for it, something likes this isn't planned without much preparation."
Yup no stalker look
No she is in the back with Ikkime

Chihiro Hyūga

Chihiro quickly made her way into the manhole and crouched for a second, using her Byakugan she began watching everything around her "Gi-" looking to her side she thought she heard something "Gin can you hear me? How you holden up?" she looked own the darkened sewer and then crouched again to take a break. She looked around in the dark of the tunnel and saw plenty of tunnels to go into, this was a good area to be for the time being, even a manhole to get out of if needed. Not hearing from Gin she looked around but had yet to see him, to many bodies in the area, she wasn't able to differentiate, her focus was split with trying to manage her wound, it hurt with all the motions that had been going on "Hey Jun, do you have an eye on Gi-" she looked up and saw that the enemies were around her, she lowered her voice "They're above me, do you have my location? I'm gunna need a little help."

She grabbed her blade out from it's holster and she got ready to attack. However what happened instead, she saw the stronger ninja shoot rocks towards her. Moving out of the way from the initial attack, she quickly stood up "Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven" quickly forming the rotation, she used this to block and repel any rocks coming towards her. She stopped and quickly started running, holding her side, sure she was ripping stitches, hearing the sound of an explosion the other ninja was also there, as she looked back and saw them "Uh hey! Not to like alarm you fuckers, but I could use some help, that would be amazing" she stopped "Tenketsu Needle: Chiryou Sutairu No Ashi" she hit her leg and braced herself, before propelling twenty meters down the tunnel. Stopping she breathed for a second, looking down, her wound had reopened and it was hurting like a mother fucker. Quickly she pulled out a bandaged roll, then a she pulled out a cotton cloth and put it up against her wound, making her wince in pain, not wanting to stay in one spot, she started running again.

With one hand, she held the cloth against her body and then started rolling around her stomach until it was covered and she made sure it was secure. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath "I swear to fuck Gin and Jun, you two better be dead..." she used her byakugan again and looked, seeing that they seemed to have stop, however she wasn't sure why.

Katsu Hyūga

"And this guys is what hand si-?"

A boy ran into the classroom out of breath "Uncle Hyūga Sensei! You're needed outside, something has happened with the Hokage!"

Kids in the class room and started to get loud, before Katsu clapped "ALRIGHT! enough! let's go! We're evacuating the class now!" students got up and started out the door, Katsu helped a child shaking "Listen it'll be alright, I'm sure it will be fine, now come on" they left the room and started off through the halls towards where all the other students were being told what to do.

"Katsu-Kun! We have it here, they're gonna need you out there, don't worry, get a move on!" one of the teachers told him and Katsu nodded, before running through the hall and out from the school doors, using his Byakugan, he looked to see what was going on, jumping up onto the buildings, he saw Aoi and jumped down and stopped "Oi, what the hell is going on right now, there's so much panic in the cit-" He stopped as Aoi seemed to be with Akio and they both seemed to be looking up, reusing his byakugan, he looked up and he was confused, putting his back towards Aoi and Aiko "What...what is this?" he thought for a moment "That is the 11th Corps outfit, what the fuck is going on? When I was teaching, I wasn't even informed of the meeting, so what the hell is the meaning of this, why is there so many of them and why are they staring at us?"
Charlie Walker

Charlie turned it's head and looked at the maid who was disciplining the student who had apparently left bullet holes in the table. Looking at the table it began analyzing the holes "Those were shot from an FN Five Seven...standard gun it seems with a lot of people in this field, not my choice of pistol but it is a solid choice. Why would they shoot at the table however?" it looked under the table and saw nothing "There was no person there...so...what was the purpose of shooting it like this? It almost seems like they were going for the bear making their territory approach...this could be a problem if they were making their territory, how shall I approach this? Making make a bigger mark? no that could cause scolding...I will apologize and act accordi-" turning it was going to start moving but it seemed the maid approached it.

Charlie nodded and bowed slightly "Thank you for your kindness..."

Then it hit it like a wave, looking up the maid had left but what remained was a girl who was extremely...adorable? "a·dor·a·ble, it's an adjective...means to be inspiring great affection; delightful; charming...how is it possible I just have experienced thinking this word...about someone else none the less..." it stood and shook it's head "No, I do not mind if they sit here, actually truth be told...I had wrongfully taken the seat, I do not like conflict so I shall move, my apologies" it bowed in apology before standing and turning, thinking for a second "What was that? Why did I just...what? I could have easily just remarked the table but my head made me say something else, what on earth is happening right now? I have killed countless people, witnessed horrible things, and I am experiencing attractions? What is happening..."

Hey im sorry for never speaking up and this is my fault, as for the power, your density power the fact that it can do so much is kinda...eh~, but regardless my focus was more on it's fighting ability, density powers as a whole are broken, no matter how you square it down to it, as such either two things, at least in my eyes, balance it, a bigger draw back other then, they need to focus and that it affects them isn't big enough for what you can do with the, or change it to something else (Though it seems to look like you want to change it, which i don't have a problem with) The reason I say bigger draw back and/or change it, is because, in terms of fighting, since I know you are making it more of a utility type thing, however there are a lot of others, say like ashfils char that you have focused on projectiles, if your two chars were to fight, you could just boom completely change their power and make their power more then useless, vice versa if you can change the density of a person, even with "Strain" which is kinda open and can be abused (Not saying you will, but still) you could simply just change the density of the person and fuck them up, ALOT. Aside from this, if you also keep the power you should add a size limit, I.E the biggest things she can use it on is a car, since you know a building is HUGE, that's all I felt on the chars power, everything else is solid however

Chihiro Hyūga

Chihiro drank from the container that Gin gave her and looked at them as they began to take action. Using her Byakugan again to check on the position of the men, her eyes grew wide "Ju-!" instantly, she closed her eyes and she was deafened from the sudden explosion and her vision was extremely blurry. Watching Gin and Jun take action against the now sudden threat of the white hair boy. Trying to sit up, Jun already picked her up and started moving, making Gin stay behind "Wai-" yet again they were running and Chihiro held on tight. Going through the window of the kitchen, mist was already apparent and her Byakugan picked up Gin, the white haired boy and then suddenly...a much much stronger man appeared and she gripped Jun "Alright...let me catch my breath and thoughts for a moment but dont stick here to long alright? That plan sounds good, but right now that wont work, the third guy, he's making a dome around us about-" she looked around through the mist and focused on the wall "Thirty meters high and thirty meters, and about a yard thick" wincing from the amount of movement she was going through. "Run to the left and then you'll hit the wall, alright?" there was no response but Jun quickly ran towards the wall as it was set up.

Manipulating its wires as it always did, a rapid succession of slashes with every step it took rendered the portion of the wall blocking the robot essentially a fragile pile of sedimented rocks. all N.C.4 had to do now was to not stop running and tackle through the sliced structure, piercing through easily as they landed down into the dark alleyways. They now had an advantage, and they both could notice the dark sphere surrounding the building they were in. As Jun worked at the wall, Chihiro turned half her body and watched their behind, seeing Kunai being sent towards them Chihiro pushed her arm out "Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm" and sent the explosive tagged kunai back towards a building. Once making contact, they exploded and caused not only the building Gin and the White Hairs man was in to cave, but also cause debris to get in the way of anyone chasing after them. As they breached through, Jun didn't stop running, not until they were away from the enormus dome over top of it. Stopping in an alley way, Chihiro tapped them, to let her off, before sitting for a second and catching her breath.

"Hiro. Can you use your Byakugan? We must lose these individuals. However the perimeter around this village and their level of skill will make this impossible without some kind of strategy. I suppose you know where I am going with this."

It said with a weak voice, hoping the girl had not lost consciousness at this point. It had halted in an alley's corner, since it was deserted barring a stray cat eating from a trash bin. It was picking up its strength while letting Chihiro a chance to talk without the bot's footsteps plaguing any form of fluid communication. Not too far, the tall clock tower of the village shined, leaving ideas for both individuals to possibly utilize and finally break free from this situation.

Thinking, she had her headset in, and from Gin's end she heard the mans demands and smiled "I got an idea, so they want me right? How about cat and mouse, I'm not at a hundred percent, but I have had enough sitting still, Get me somewhere high likeeee-" looking she searched until it hit her practically in the face "that clock tower exactly, I'm in no shape to fight, but why not use what the want against them, I'm practically a walking sensory machine, get what I'm trying to say?" she looked up at Jun "Good? good, now im gunna ask you to help me out here, cause im kinda hurting..."
Super duper awesome amazing name for the not so ordinary people

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