Avatar of Aka
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 77 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Aka 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Time to set this site onto my norm tabs and freaken beat myself to rp again. My mind for sure needs it. XD
6 yrs ago
Upupupu, well i guess i have a history set. I'll have to write it out later. Now to work on his other aspects.~
6 yrs ago
Time to prowl the boards. after that like one year of vanish (Works)~
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7 yrs ago
Well, this will be the next wave of works. Hopefully i'm not too dead after it. Would such if i can't get some posts in..or other things done.
7 yrs ago
Surprise morning shift I will get through you. I will return xP
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Hello and i guess welcome to my bio. My name is Aka, and i tend to be a rather dark and twisted style of rper. Though i have been rping for several years, i am willing to jump into most style of rp's so long as i have some sort of feel to them. I generally enjoy making my own ideas and seeing who will tag along with them. I have probably the skills to reach up to advanced RP in most cases.

When it comes to Characters, i play multiple characters, ranging from Male and Female. They fall into pre-determined character designs i have in my mind. My version of character arcs.

I also tend to write stories, concepts, do random videos and more.

The Genre's i tend to enjoy will fall into, Horror, School Life, Murder, Fantasy, Psychological, Modern, Historical, Mecha.

When it comes to age groups i'm willing to do things all the way up to and past 18+ but i tend to follow the rules of the board i am present in.

Pleasure meeting your acquaintance.

Most Recent Posts

Ok , well i hope everyone has a good new year. I think mine will be spent re-writing my character...since magical writing software decided to give me the holiday cheer and eat my character >,,> anyways. Have a great one, and be safe everyone~
Well i am working on my character again. Generally the holidays screwed with my schedule. But i will post it up soon.
I'm fine with the meeting as it is. More so to finish. I feel my characters interactions at the moment would just be her staring at things so i'm all go for the next move~
Well i caughed up a group. Should i bother people? :P

Character i threw together with a Faction/Nation that was Approved by DR. I will expand on it if people want more information on it.
I actually gave my skype to Turbo. Should we see if we push for a skype group? i mean it seems people all want it.
oho~ who will post next i wonder~
<Snipped quote by Aka>

I imagined it being like being stuffed inside a living iron maiden torture device, which is where Mercuria's title came from. :P

hehe, sounds like a fun moment indeed for those against her.~
Carnivorous slime-girl LF party. Promise not to bite too much. :3

XD not bite too much? But would it be more like suck too much? Or maybe engulf? :P I mean it's like being squished into a body made of liquid like metal right? so :P who knows~ :P
Silence, That was her general answer to this entire meeting. She was here merely because her lord decided she could come. Which, she felt wasn't needed to much. She could have just as easily stayed in his shadow. She stood beside him, rather then behind him. Keeping a blank face as her golden eyes moved to each speaking person. Listening, trying to understand what was being said, and of course what would need to be reacted to. She didn't understand most of these feelings they were showing. Why did they have the need to do this? She didn't know. Even when the Silva spoke. She watched the angel carefully. Hearing the change and fluctuations in her voice.

If her lord willed it, she would have easily helped in the task with the other supreme one. However, she would much rather travel with him as was normal for her to do. It was interesting to hear the exchange at times, and others she felt too distant from them to care. But, it was best she took note of their reactions. If she could go into town using her human disguise it would be more then enough to get information for the situation. And if like her lord said, they were possibly dangerous. She could give the information to him...he did tell her to do as she willed did he not? But was it really good to act?

It seemed as though it was an all to common thought by the few that spoke out. To accompany their lords, the supreme beings where indeed loved by all their servants. Was that what she should be feeling? I mean sure she felt a duty to follow her lord and help him. But to say she loved? What would that have meant. She glanced over to her lord for a moment. Looking him over in his own pose since awaiting the answer to his statement. Looking away back to the others, pausing on the supreme beings before her. Each one, looking them over carefully once more. But no sign of true emotion present on her face. Merely a neutral watch to each as they spoke, to all...who spoke.
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