Avatar of Alarielle
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  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 71 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Alarielle 3 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
This is why I feel bad about checking for replies from my phone when I can't reply back. Makes me appear online and gives partners false hope lol.
3 yrs ago
Ladies and gentlemen: the weekend.



Longtime roleplayer wandering to a new site. Fantasy is far and away my favorite genre to roleplay in, dark, high, low, whatever, as long as it has action and adventure and danger and thrills. I usually play female roles for a main character, paired with whatever you like! I'm not typically a romance writer, I'm not against it if it happens naturally, but I don't usually enjoy it being the main focus in a RP.

My writing level for this site I suppose I'd consider advanced, but really I tend to match what I'm given and adapt my writing to fit the group or partner I have at the time, so I'm happy to write any length, really. I write for a living, and take it quite seriously, but here I'm just looking to relax and have fun with exciting stories.

Feel free to send a PM to me anytime if you wanna say hi, or have a roleplay idea, or whatever really. I tend to be kinda picky in jumping into new RPs or taking on new writing partners, but I'm always happy to hear ideas or say hello.

Most Recent Posts

happy to progress to the chwinga hunt, not sure if a whole post is needed from me. Kendra nods and says "yes" haha
Kendra Serrana

Kendra grimaced. "It doesn't sound good, no. If they've been gone that long out here their odds aren't excellent. To the right buyer a magic bag and a scroll like that might be worth more than the chwinga job, but that's assuming I could convince Imdra to give us both." She was always interested in magic items, so that bag had some allure to her, and a Fireball was certainly more powerful magic than she could cast on her own right now. But if the group wasn't interested, she wasn't fool enough to take on the job alone.

"Chwinga hunting it is then."
She thinks following the guard captain in stealth is a good way to get on the guard captain's bad side if anything goes wrong. Her first impression of him in that bar was also that he's shifty, gave a false name, and that his story about the kobolds didn't add up with wanting to go hunt giants. She has strong opinions.

(my personal worry is that if any of these rolls you're doing go catastrophically wrong at a bad time and you get thrown in prison or something, none of our characters are going to want to help you.)
Kendra Serrana

Kendra was relieved that when they found the halfling in the town hall, the captain wasn't arresting him. She wondered how long that would last. She waited while the captain showed Jitter their collection of books on the third floor. Missing fishermen... going missing from a place like this sounds like death.

She remained in the town hall until Imdra returned from the upper floor. "Anything else you can tell us? Where they were last seen, if they have families in town we could talk to, what you suspect might've happened to them? Any relation to this business with the wizard and the adventurers?" Find those missing fishermen wasn't exactly enough to go on. "Also... what would be the payment you're offering for finding them?"
informs the party that there are for missing fishermen and she'd like for them to go find them.

I'm assuming this is supposed to be "four" missing fishermen?
I'm fine with the group being narrated towards The Search for More Money if everyone else is.
That would be a 6, so I'm guessing no more than that.
Would Kendra know anything about this "Arcane Brotherhood" coming from a background of (brief) magical study?
Kendra Serrana

The half-elf watched Imdra leave, their halfling companion slinking off to trail her. Kendra shook her head. He was going to get them into trouble before long. If her often reckless curiosity didn't do it first.

"Avarice. Lovely name." She turned to her tiefling and human companions. "I know we've already got work, but I can't help but be more interested in this. Maybe we should go see what work she's offering? Might be something we can do alongside looking for this chwinga thing." It wasn't like they knew exactly where to go to search for the little forest spirits anyway. And this situation here reeked of secrets and hints of magic. Kendra had to stick her toes in and at least test the water.
Kendra Serrana

Kendra's relief at having safely arrived at the next town was quickly washed away by the sight that she recognized swiftly enough. A crowd, a pyre, flames... an execution, and a sadistic one at that. She wasn't eager to dive into the crowd like Jitter was, and since Theodorick took the initiative to inquire as to the man's crimes, Kendra lingered at a distance close enough to overhear the conversation, and listened.

Murdered adventurers, murdered villagers, some sort of discovery... Kendra grimaced, feeling the curiosity's pull. She'd never believed in fate before, but as someone who now had forces beyond her understanding guiding her in ways she couldn't predict, it was hard not to see everything she came across as orchestrated. Pulling her hood back, she approached the militia woman. The lack of screaming from the wizard was as unnerving as the execution itself, but she kept a mostly straight face.

"What's been done with the wizard's book? Or any other writings he may have kept?" She paused, briefly considering how much to share of herself. "I'm no wizard but I know a thing or two about magic. Perhaps I could help unravel this."
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