Avatar of amberly
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  • Posts: 239 (0.13 / day)
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    1. amberly 5 yrs ago


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Hello Hello!!

I'm here on weekends to put aside adulting and get a little more story in my life.

Adventure, well developed characters, stories that can take years to write, with lots of back and forth between us, that is how I role-play. I fall into the casual category when it comes to post length.

No Smut.

I also exclude frequent foul language, horrific gore, and mature romantic content.

I firmly believe that stuff is unnecessary. Let's keep the fight scenes PG-13 at worst. I write no worse than I read, my favorite books being Lord of the Rings, Pride and Prejudice, and Sherlock Holmes.

I'm always in the mood for not modern. I love steampunk, medieval curses, fantasy adventures or a nice spaceship.

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Andrew moved away, picked up the plate from the floor and set it beside her on the bed. The apple rolled off the plate across the bedspread but Andrew caught it under his hand before it could roll onto the floor. He moved to put it back on the plate with the remaining cookies, but thought better of it. He held it out, offering the apple to Angel if she wanted it.
Andrew tucked his left cuff into his glove. He crouched down and looped one arm around Angels back, the other under her knees. He clenched his jaw to try and hide the strain as he stood up and quickly leaned to let her down on the bed. He was relieved he hadn't made any noises while strugling to lift the weight of a full grown human.
Andrew glanced at Angel out of the corner of his eye while he ate. She did not seem to trust him. Perhaps it was just that he was still here, being in the room was a waste of his time. So when he finished his cookie he stood up to leave.

Before he could go, he remembered she hadn't ever gotten into bed. She'd been in the floor. He didn't understand this woman at all, wouldn't the bed be more comfortable? Was she really that weak, that she couldn't get up?

"May I lift you onto the bed and walk away so you can get some sleep?"
Andrew came in and sat down on the floor, putting the plate between himself and Angel. He leaned back against the bed, his arms resting across his knees. He picked up one of the cookies for himself. Gingersnaps were his favorites after all. It was one of the only sweets he bothered to make now that he was struggling to live. But there was nothing better on a dark and stormy night than something sweet.

Hopefully Angel would agree, perhaps she'd...no, why would she tell him about her nightmare. It was none of his business. He wouldn't even ask. He just sat.
Andrew gave up trying to see if she was really crying, he stood up and walked out of the room, leaving her with nothing more than "excuse me."

Out oh her sight in the hall he leaned on the wall, tipping his head back to rest against the stones. He might as well assume she was crying. What do you do with a person crying that wants you dead? What was he supposed to do to comfort a woman he couldn't even touch? Is there really any way to make her happy in this situation?


The best he could do was keep them both alive. Pushing off the wall he hurried down to the kitchen. It wasn't more than a few minutes before he was back, knocking on her door.

"Angel? I brought some gingersnaps, and an apple, just in case you're hungry. May I come in?"
He frowned back at her. "I'm just another nightmare aren't I? You care to come up to the tower and watch the lightning? Or you can go back to sleep, whatever you prefer."
"Angel? Angel?" He called her as he crossed the room and crouched beside her. She hadn't even made it into the bed. "Angel, wake up." He didn't touch her just spoke, hoping to catch her in enough awareness to come out of the nightmares.
It was several hours later that the storm unleashed it's fury on the earth. A deep roar of thunder woke Andrew. He rolled out of bed and his bare feet flew across the floor to his window. The streaks of lightning in the distance were as brilliant as a firework display. He headed for the roof, but stopped short at his locked door.

That's right, Angel is here.
She should supervise his excursion he supposed. He dressed again, fully covered to the fingertips. Her quite unlocked her door, if she was sleeping through this storm, maybe he should just let her sleep, she'd never know he was outside unsupervised if she was sleeping that heavily.
The room was not recently used, but had been maintained by the staff, while there still had been staff. Andrew had never paid much attention to this matter, he just knew it was better than sleeping on the couch, in chains. He cleared his throat, "I expect you will find whatever you need for the night. I hope you're a little more... Much more comfortable tonight." And letting her go he moved to close the door, he thought he'd still lock her in, she was still a hunter after all. He'd lock his own door too, just to be safe.
Now he wasn't sure. He hung back by the opposite side of the stairwell. She didn't want his help, but she could certainly use it. And his patience was not sufficient to wait any longer. He wrapped an arm around her back and reached for her hand that didn't have the wall for support, he'd pull her up if he had to.
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